i '. THE HAILEYBURIAN 7 > THURS., OCTOBER _ 31st, 1929 Social and Personal } eee Mr. Wm. Easson, of Stratford, was a business visitor in Hailey- bury on Wednesday. Tonight, last showing of Col- leen Moore in "Why Be Good" at Broadway Theatre. BORN--On Tuesday, October 29th, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Walker, Ethel Street, a daughter. David Rollins and Sue Carol in "Win That Girl" a college story, at Broadway Theatre, Monday and Tuesday. Mr. Colin Maguire, of Coch- rane, is visiting at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. J. Brew- er, Browning Street. Watch and wait for the Peppy Pierrots, who will entertain you in the Oddfellows' Temple, on or about November 20th. OBITUARY eccoce a) Harry Lew Tong Harry Lew Tong, a familiar figure in Haileybury for many years, proprietor of two restau- rants, died at 2 a.m. on Sunday in the Red Cross Hospital here. He had been in failing health for some time but it was only last Wednesday that he became so ill that he could not move around and he was taken to the hospital. He had been unconscious since Saturday morning and passed away in that state. Born in China some 45 years ago, the deceased had spent the past thirty years in Canada._ Part of this time he lived in Vancou- ver, later coming east to Fort William and for more than 20 years he has been in the restau- rant business in this district, first in New Liskeard and later in Haileybury. He was well known to practically everyone in town, was one of the f& three to com- ONE HUNDRED GUESTS ATTEND RECEPTION FOR MRS. RUSSELL MURPHY About one hundred guests were present at a reception held on Murphy, Lake Shore Road, in honor of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Russell Murphy, who has; recently returned from her hon-| to Haileybury. quet of chrysanthemums, of blue and silver metallic. with Mrs. Murphy, wore brown| georgette. In the tea room Mrs. Dr. Haen- tschael poured coffee, Mrs. O. M.' Hennessy poured tea and Mrs. J. C. Houston cut the ices. Assist- ing in the tea room were Mrs. W. Saturday afternoon 'the formal proceedings, was ad- bury, has charge of the No Further Light on Tragedy at Cobalt Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. A. J.| Victims of Shooting Buried and dA Inquest Will be R this Afternoon No further light has been shed eymoon and taken up residence'oy the tragedy which shocked in Haileybury. The house was Cobalt and the surrounding dis- beautifully decorated with roses trict last Friday night, when two and chrysanthemums and a very well known young people were pleasant afternoon was spent and found fatally wounded, lying in the bride very heartily welcomed the open near the south end of {the town. The guest of honor wore her'rude Viola Sopha, daughter of wedding gown and carried a bou-! Mr. and Mrs. Burt The dead are Gert- Sopha, old : n Mrs.' and respected residents of the A. J. Murphy received in a gown;town, and Ralph Walker, 22- m >. Mrs.iyear-old bank clerk, son of Mr. E. C .Symon, of New Liskeard, /and Mrs. Robert Walker, of Ot- the bride's mother, who Teceived' tawa. An inquest was opened on and, after journed until. this afternoon. Coroner Dr. Arnold, of Haile) inquify Sunday evening for burial. His aged father, on hearing that his son was injured,;came up from the Capital. The boy was dead was grief-stricken as he returned with the body. Another son, Cecil Walker, and his wife and child, after hearing the news late Friday night, mo- tored down from Timmins, but they, too, arrived after the boy had died. Want Ads. Bring Results Try one when you have anything to rent or sell. before his arrivel and the father| \To all those who worked on my 'behalf and voted for me I tender 'my sincere thanks. | It is not possible for me to see lyou personally, but through the | press I desire to express my keen lappreciation of the confidence |that you have reposed in me by ielecting me as your representa- 'tive in the Legislature. | The wonderful majority rollled 'up for me strengthens my deter- ;mination to render faithful ser- vice to Temiskaming and its peo- iPle, quite irrespective of their political affiliations. Yours ver ytruly, A. J. KENNEDY THESE WANT AD'S BRING RESULTS and a jury of twelve men was empanelled. This week one of |Wanted--House to House Sales-|Bright Boy Wanted -- 8 to 14 the jurymen, A. D. Kerr, asked} man; can make $8.00 per day! years of age to work after ae 2 be relieved of re caby, oe he| up. Apply Box 1, Haileybur-| School and on rs Will é : ' : : had received the offer of a job in| j : 30-1-*| not interfere with school duties He was a naturalized Can-|the reception, returning Wednes- the Red Lake district sou the |S ie Good pay and bonuses. Young : day night. Mrs. H. S. Hennessy | consent of the Crown Attotney,|For Sale--Used Electric Range,; Canada Boosters' Club, apply | Alice Terry in "The Three Pas-} Surviving are his widow-and aljand Mrs. H. Hollands-Hurst lent}; 7. Smiley, K.C., was allowed| in good condition; price tea-! by letter or post card to 153 sions" at Broadway Theatre on|family of four. There are two|their assistance to the hostesses 4 sonable. Apply to Mrs, J. B. i ¥ Wed., Thurs. next. A Rex Ing-|boys, Harry and Wesley, and two in looking after the comfort of Stirrup, Latchford St. 29-2¢ ram production at regular prices. small girls, Nellie and Annie. The | the guests. - elder boy is grown to manhood ' Mrs. J. C. Byrne and her sis- and._will continue the business in} TWO APPEALS MADE TO mence rebuilding his place of|Holland, Mrs. W. E. Bagshaw, Mr. G. F. Summers is in town|business after the big fire in/Mrs. Dr. Lyon, Miss Laura Mc- for a few days this week from|}1922, later acquiring the Empire Kay and Miss Kathleen Murphy, ' Toronto, where the family has|Cafe, which was run by his eldest|who came up from Toronto fo gone to spend the winter. son. adian. to go and the other eleven will University Ave., Toronto. form the jury. 30-2-c Information secured by the police, acting under Inspector|For Sale--Davenport, upholster- Lost-- White Collie Dog, female, 3 M is he eff that on| ed in brown leather; opens out; On West Road. Information ter, Mrs. Dack, leave this even-|Ome at least of the two restau- COURT OF REVISION DORE HS ho) Vite, OHS Mache ) the night of the tragedy the| to full-size bed; perfect condi- leading to recovery of this dog ing for Perth, Ont., where they|tants, plans for the future not AGAINST ASSESSMENT Svinte sckonle ake eoaeioueror a| tion. Apply to Mrs. Geo. Bai-j will be rewarded. Robert Rid- will make their home for the|having been definitely settled -- Z yet Only two appeals were enter yer a6 uses ae ages Say ley, 110 Rorke Ave. 28-t.i.! ley, New Liskeard. 30-1-* resent. oe f ABs L / = me of t isses Creigh- . i i i 2 The funeral of the late Mr.|ed for the annual Court of Revi- eg se ehenictcantls, ae Beas e Baie, Spe Roome e ler wimp chiar See Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sutherland|Lew Tong was held on Tuesday |sion, which was held in the coun-|on to the scene of the tragedy. It ae d 2B, ASG or Phone 311| Apply to Mrs. DR WaGimerenl Sr.. old residents of Haileybury,|@fternoon from the family home cil chambers on Friday evening|was thought that a couple of Haile hie = 98-441 Phone 345. Haileybury. 28-tf are in town from Bestel for a/0n Ferguson Avenue. Service last, October 25th. Both were|hours had elapsed between the = = visit with their sons, D. E. and|was conducted by Rev. D.A. Mac-|against the assessment of unoc-|time of the shooting and the|Rooms and Meals--Single room|To Rent--8 Roomed House on G. A. Sutherland. Keracher, Pastor of the United|cupied lands in the municipality, discovery of the dying couple by| with meals, $9 per week at the} Latchford St. Apply to M. J. 2 Church, and interment was in|and in neither case was any re-|R. FE. Roberts, who was passing| Club House Hotel. W. Burns. Conkey. Phone 138, Hailey- ---- Mount Pleasant Cemetery. eee staves by ie eae by and heard groans. Miss Sopha 28-t.f.| bury. ' tare he appellants in the first case] qj she was bein ied in-| = were the Hudson's Bay Company|to the hecpital and Watkes died|For Rent--One Furnshed Bed-/T> Rent--In New Liskeard, Of- which owns two vacant lots, one|some ten hours later. Both had| 10m, hot water heating, use of! fice, ground floor, on Whte- on Main Street adjoining the|pbeen shot in the head and a bank Apply at) wood Avenue; good business Stanley Whorley and Richard Whorley Jr., arrived home on Saturday after spending three months with Mr. R. Whorley Sr. at Lambton, Ont. Charles Brooks garage if required. The sincere sympathy of a|Norfolk & Rochester Hardware 1 63 Blackwall Street, or phone! sectj alse. vail i 5 yolve yas found near the ion, rent moderate. Apply Mrs. RB) McBush) formerly, of large circle of friends and ac-|Company, and the other near the Boyne the young an me 27-tf] Box 722, New Liskeard. 26-tf Haileybury and now of Sault Ste ge See a putsto Ms: Al-|upper end of Broadway Street.) The funeral of Miss Sopha,|To Rent--Seven-roomed House, ; For Sale at a Sacrifice--8 roomed ybury an Anderson, Latchford Street,|The former property is assessed Marie, Mich., renewed acquaint- ances here this week. She is visiting her son in New Liskeard. who was twenty-three years of age, was held on Monday after-| ences, with garage if required. noon. The funeral service was) Phone 41. 24-t.f.| iences. Apply Jerry Abrams. frees conducted in St. James' Church, For Sal <R aH Sr; 25-t£. is , : 4qe ault|Cobalt, by Rev. H. F. Cocks, and|For Sale--Six Roomed House on ear! of the old residents of that town|Ste Marie, Mich., against the. ass lwas siteniled by a great number| Blackwall Street; all conveni-| F or Sale --on Latchford _ '= ,. and well known in -the district] sessment of $3,000 on thé)fozs CH? Gdaarie al acquaintances of| ettes; very easy terms. Apply, Street, a five roomed bungalow i Fer nna Feng ae is ed Attorney Hotel property # each the family. Interment was made|__2t Haileyburian Office. x: with all modern conveniences. by two daughters, Mrs. Anderson ists ¢ 2 || x a ¥ L livi = andiNire TRACE Piamersoll and poets of three lots on Fergus|in Mount Pleasant Cemetery| Foy Sale an Well:built) Modern arge living room and_ sun : , gersol™ ancyson Avenue. Both appeals were/here. There was a great profu-| f 3 Tene leneviene Gal eee Apply to J. M. Philip, 'Jone son, George, of New Lis-|made by letter and the court had OUSe pce enue Ocauon 283 Snowden Ave.. Toronto. house, corner Amwell Street Broadway Street, all conveni-y and Rorke Avenue; all conven- in the death of her father, Mr.|/at $2750 and the latter at $200. Charles B. Brooks, which took} The other appeal was lodged place at his home in New Lis-|by the Fennessy Estate, through keard this week. He was one}|Attorney John Shine, Mrs. C. W. Tully arrived in Haileybury from Vancouver on Friday last and will spend the winter here. Mr. Tully is now in the Northern Manitoba mining fields for a few months. | keard. Anotl soul, an J sae sion of floral tributes which tes-} room and 10-ft. enclosed ver- Dr. J. C. Crawford left_yester- tae KO ae eee a short session. tified to the esteem in which the} andah. Housing Commission!To Rent--Eight-roomed Bunga- day evening for North Bay toltrip to England, from illness re- Ganiietcieae deceased was held and the sincere! and terms. Mrs. D. W. Cam-| low on Latchford Street. Ap- join Dr. W. E. George and party of sportsmen for a five-day hunt near the mouth of the French River. sympathy which went out to the sorrowing family. Mrs: Lew Tong and family} Mr. and Mrs. Sopha came to wish to sincerely thank their]Cobalt many years ago from friends for the kindness extend-| Hastings County, Ont. Mr, Sopha ed during their recent bereave-jhas been town foreman for a long ment. period and the family is well known and highly respected. sulting from wounds eron, Browning St. during the great war. Mrs. Anderson was the first public health nurse in the town of Haileybury a few years ago and has many friends. Tel. 345. ply to Mrs. A. L. Herbert, or 14-t£.| phone 149. 12-t.f. receiyed Mrs. Fred. Maguire and_ son, Donald, left on Tuesday for their home in Cochrane after spending BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL CARDS f 7s with Mrs. Maguire's|e . Miss i ay i i Bes ee a en _feontirmed in St James" Churen| --,htederick Elliot sit, asian Oh ther, Mrs. er, « - ; ani St. James' Ch R Life, Health, Accident, Fire, Automobil casion of the latter's birthday. CHURCHES i The Catholic Girls' Club Tea}on Sunday next when the Bishop DAN orEe end SOLE OR eee INSURANCE, ; - : 4 |has been postponed from October|of Algoma visits this part of the INVESTMENTS, LOANS, ETC. The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada Miss M. Brookings, Superin- . *|26th to November 2nd, and_ will} diocese. ES cic cald sean a eauraneey Cong uGamsda : a ; GIBSON BLCCK, HAILEYBURY tendent of the Alexandria Girls School, Toronto, will give an ad- The United Church dress at the annual meeting of ---- the Children's Aid Society of Rev. D. A. MacKeracher, B.A., Pastor fe Temiskaming on November 15th. Mr. R. H. Unwin, Organist and Choirmaster. | 4 § Several First Class Fire Companies Probyn Street HAILEYBURY Phone 322 JACK CARTER Life, Health Accident Automobile INSURANCE da Life Assurance Company Corner Probyn & Brewster - Phone 435 Dr. J. Dunn VETERINARIAN AND SURGEON Contracts Arranged Office--Symon Office Phone 183 Residence--J. -Lever's Phone 113 NEW LISKEARD, ONT. Dr. Gordon F. Jackson PHYSICIAN and SURGEON 131 Bloor St., West TORONTO Telephones: Office--Kingsdale 5748 Residence--Hillcrest 2333 Dr. R. H. O'Neill be held at the home of Mrs. Jas. McKay, Brewster St. The body of Ralph Walker was 29-1¢c shipped to his home in Ottawa on W. A. Gordon, K.C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC MYLES BLOCK, MAIN STREET JAP. GIBBONS HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO a: Edwin W. K Phone 8 MEN's WEAR Busy Corner ner Saenee AGENTS FOR i Remember the dance and bridge tonight at Hotel Haileybury for the benefit of the Children's Aid Society. A jolly Hallowe'en par- ty will be held and special attrac- tions will provide merriment. dur- ing the evening. 11 a.m., 7 p.m.--Public Worship. 2.30 p.m.--Church School Thurs., 3 p.m.--Ladies' Aid So- ciety. Thurs., 7.30 p.m.--Young Peo- ple's Society. : Fri.. 8 p.m.--Choir Practice. Salvation Army if 4 Sunday Morning Service at 11. Sunday Evening Service at. 7.30. Sunday School--2.30 p.m. Tuesday, 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Friday, 7.15 p.m--Junior Meeting. 8.00 p.m.--Y. P. Legion Meeting. Saturday Service at 8 p.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Public Meeting. NOTARY PUBLIC GIBSON BLOCK HAILEYBURY Telephone No. 10 FE. L. Smuley, KC. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC CROWN ATTORNEY Conrt House Main Street (CS, dey Pee BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Bank of Nova Scotia Building HAILEYBURY, ONT. PHONE 360 ° Eric E. Smith Francis X. Bushman in "Charge of the Gauchos", 10,000 in cast; also Tarzan, Serial and Comedy, with Stan Laurel and Iliver Har- dy, greatest comedy team--don't miss it. A real big treat at reg- ular prices, at Broadway Theatre Friday and Saturday. Haileybury Fuitaee eine W.R. JOHNSTON & CO. Gnited TORONTO | PIANO TUNING DENTIST i ) a Practical Instruction in Violin Playing Liggett Block Main and Ferguson 4 I Ve W I 3« »< ks The Baptist Church given at your home HAILEYBURY _ A. PRICE, Pastor Sunday Services at 11 a.m. and VIOLINS SOLD AT REASONABLE PRICES Phone--Office 11, BOX 556 NEW LISKEARD R. H. Unwin (Organist United Church, Haileybury) MUSIC INSTRUCTOR ORGAN, PIANO, VOICE, THEORY Residence 132 Dr. W. R. Somerville DENTIST Bank of Nova Scotia Building MAIN & FERGUSON HAILEYBURY Annual Hallowe'en DANCE and BRIDGE POETICAL WORKS, CHILDREN'S BOOKS LATEST FICTION Reading for Young p-m. Sunday School at 2 p.m. B.Y.P.U. Monday at 7 p.m. Prayer Service, Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. and Old ~Mr.:Price will preach at both} For the benefit of the Children's Shelter MacLEAN'S 110 MAIN. STREET|~ Barrow Sign Service morning and "eveni ices. i i a BBE ae HOTEL HAILEYBURY Canadian 'Legion SIGNS, | POSTE: BUY A BOOK AND : HATLEVEORE DNS ee COBALT TIMMINS HAILEYBURY Meets in Club Room on Browning Street First Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m. ALL RETURNED MEN WELCOME Belleville Assay Office 257 Bleecker Ave., BELLEVILLE, Ont. Assays and Analyses of Ores, Minerals and EXCHANGE IT FOR 10c. A, W. Sanderson Thursday, October S3Iist Good Music Albert Gospel Hall G. W.. PERRAM ALBERT STREET ACCOUNTING and AUDITING MACDONALD BLOCK, HAILEYBURY Telephones 63 and 313 Novelty Dances Refreshments Sunday School ...... Ze pita Gospel Meeting ~.:7.00 p.m:. Bible Class, Thursday, 8 p.m. | Saxton Electric TICKETS. ca ; Jewstenvaud.StaGone $1.50 per couple, Extra lady 75c. Metals. Mining Properties Examined Blackwall Street Phone 243 ; F : £ and Reported on. Samples sent by Mail | ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS W ant A ds. Br in 9g Result. 5 8 oe) or Express will receive prompt attention CONTRACTS ESTIMATES. ' >