if i + 'LARDER LAKE, FashionTFancies a Hiding a Sorne Fashion Secret 7, AS 7 4 LD Y y Vaan | YY V Gj Y =Y G ¢ ff p , 4 Y = q RG ey? s 2-3 There is more under this collar than one might at first think, for it is hiding the fact that capes are one of Fashions spring. secrets. In fact in the model above, the wide collar is not a collar at all. but a separate cape in soft, dusty pink flannel. The fan-shaped set- in pleats on the opening of the cape in front find emphasis in repetition on the skirt of the same fabric. And still the cape is covering up something! It is that the "baby" colors are taking on so- phisticated airs. Here it is the long-sleeved blouse of powder blue that verifies the rumor that blue and pinks, either separately or in combination are looking for early popularity. The New Spring Suit 7 CITE ) GS The cape is cutting delightful capers on our new clothes. ,It is present in so many varieties, all of them attractive. The capelet is an important feature of this suit of green broadcloth with its three-quarter coat. The shape is quite inter- esting with its V-shaped yoke cut in one end and slightly bloused bodice. It has a narrow rolled collar and straight cuffs of lapin. The skirt of the suit is box-pleat- ed. The blouse is of egg-shell satin with odd groupings of tiny green buttons. Temiskaming ®% Northern Ontario Railway TRAIN SERVICE The CONTINENTAL LIMITED, Trains Nos. 1 and 2, between Montreal and Vancou- ver, daily, operating through Sleeper between Cochrane and Toronto. These trains use Canadian National Railways station at North Bay. TRAINS Nos. 46 and 47--Through ser- vice daily, between Toronto and Timmins, al- so to Rouyn and Noranda, Que., operating Par- lor Cafe Car Seryice between North Bay and Timmins. Through Sleepers operated be- tween Toronto and Timmins, also betwéen Toronto, Rouyn and Noranda, Que. Trains use Canadian National Railways sta- tion at North Bay. TRAINS Nos. 17 and 18--Daily except Sunday service between North Bay and Coch- rane, operating through Sleeper between Tim mins and Montreal. These trains use Cana- dian Pacific Railway station at North Bay. LOCAL SERVICE between Cobalt, Foun- tain Falls and Silver Centre, Monday, Wed- nesday and Saturday. a Connections at Earlton Jct. for ELK LAKE daily except Sunday. Connections at Englehart for CHARLTON daily except Sunday ; Connections at Swastika daily with Nipis- sing Central Railway for KIRKLAND LAKE, CHEMINIS, ROUYN, a th These || The Spring Have you, sometime, walked a- long and aimlessly In the serene, dim. fastness of a wood Where the slant rays of sunlight light dim fires And peace and beauty matched your musing mood? Have you, thus wandering, come upon a spring That gushed, translucent, from a rocky hill, It's waters falling with a little song And _inexpressibly chill? refreshing There flowed the spring and any man athirst, Had but to cup his hands be- neath its tide And draw them back, brimmed up with sparkling drops; Had but to drink and then go, satisfied. . Have you, in life's dim woodland wandered long? Are you athirst? a spring is there Whose falling waters make im- mortal song, Whose draughts make heaven more sure and earth more fair. Then seek; -_-- Adventure Iam Adventure ,the restless, the bold, Never content or at peace; Questing I go, after coral or gold Caring for naught but release. Caring for naught but the lure just ahead And the promise of lands far away ; Never a question and never a dread, Finding fresh rapture each day I am Adventure, the master of ships, Bound for the ultimate isles, Sweet is the spray of the sea on my lips, Sweet are the wind and its wiles. Little I heed of the ports where I touch, Brown skins or yellow or white All the years bring that I prize overmuch Is change and its endless de- light. Iam Adventure, the lifter of wings, Soaring aloft in the sky, Bound by no ancient vows, ruled by no kings, Glamour of living am I! of the Canadian Medical -- Association a SAVE THE BABY TEETH Because the first teeth or baby dary or permanent teeth, it should not be thought that they can be neglected and that they are of little or no importance. A clean mouth does much to make a healthy, comfortable, happy baby. A clean mouth means sound healthy teeth, which are needed to chew the food that will make the baby grow. If the first teeth are allowed :to decay, they cannot be used for chewing; the child does not se- cure the nourishment he needs, and, as a result, he suffers. The tooth with an unfilled cavity will likely develop a gum boil, or an abscess may form at the root. This, in turn, may infect the sec- ond teeth, or the infection may pass into the body and damage the heart. The baby tooth serves as a guide, as a place-keeper for the permanent tooth which comes later. The early loss of baby teeth is a common cause of ir- regular and crookéd permanent teeth. Healthy teeth are the result of proper food. The diet of the ex- pectant mother determines the kind of teeth her baby will have for his first set. The diet of the infant and young child makes the permanent teeth and protects the first teeth. Most important of all foods is breast milk. At three months, strained orange juice or tomato juice is added to the diet and, a little later, cod liver oil. Cooked strained cereal is added at six months, and cooked strain- ed green vegetables at seven months. 4 The fi,rst permanent tooth to appear is a back tooth or molar. It comes in behind the last baby molar and is the sixth from the centre. We mention this tooth particularly because of its im- portance. It appears during the fifth, sixth, or seventh year and is often called the six-year mo- lar. It is frequently regarded as one of the first set and neglected. It is most important, however, that these four teeth be preser- ved, because upon their position depends much of .the arrange- ment of all the permanent teeth. Thumb-sucking, the use of a comfort, or the presence of ade- noids, which cause the -child to breathe through the mouth,--will spoil the shape of the mouth, throw the teeth out of alignment and so interfere with their pro- per use in masticating food. Questions concerning Health, addressed to the Canadian Medical Association, 184 College Street, Toronto, will be answered personally by letter. and NORANDA, Quebec, Points. Connections at Porquis Jct. for IROQUOIS FALLS, daily. TRI-WEEKLY SERVICE between Coch- rane and Island Falls Jct., leaving Cochrane at 8.30 a.m., arriving Island Falls Jct. 11.20 a. m., Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday; leaving Island Falls Jct., 12.20 p.m., arriving Coch- rane 3.10 p.m:, Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday- See current Time Table or apply to any T @N. O. Rly. Agent for full particulars. A. J. PARR, Gen. Frt. and Pass. Agt., North Bay, Ont. and Intermediate INFANT WELFARE CLINIC COLUMBUS HALL EACH THURSDAY "Ice Box Cookies" », ee N 1 cup butter; 2 cups ee sugar; 314 cups Purity \S> Flour; 2 eggs; 2 tea- spoons baking powder; lavoring; 1 cup nuts and faisins chopped (optional) Make the doughi, a roll Ar keeg ie overnight in the ice box or a cool place. Slice thinly and bake in a Ee quick oven. Best for all Baking Send 30¢ for 700 Recipe Cook Book. Western Canada Flour Mills Co. 3 to 4 p.m. imited, Toronto. 92 H.A. CARLSON WATAT 1 Patterns and Styles LADIES' GENTLEMAN'S TAILOR We always have the most up-to-date and seasonable goods to choose from Fit and Workmanship of the Best ~ CLEANING AND PRESSING FERGUSON AVE. Liggetts' old stand AND DAWAWAUA\UAN to Suit Every Taste AWAVAVAY teeth are replaced by the secon-|; EYBURIAN Notes Two rinks of curlers from Kir- kKland Lake visited Timmins on Englehart cup, but they were not Successful, and so the Englehart cup remains here still--until such time as some other curling club in the district can successfully contest Timmins' claim to this val ued trophy.--Porcupine Advance. Members of the Public Affairs committee, of the Kiwanis Club, which Kiwanian A. G. Macdonald is chairman, had charge of the program at the weekly luncheon on Thursday, and had as special speaker for the occasion, George [. Smith, of Haileybury, who gave an interesting resume of the purpose of a Board of Trade, and urged that if Kirkland Lake had not already got such an organiz- ation it should get busy and form one.--Kirkland Lake Northern News. The poultry on the farm of Mr. J. A. McNabb, Thornloe, are ap- parently trying to excel all other poultry. One day an egg is laid, the largest yet noticed this win- ter, and another day, the smallest on record; eight and three-quart- ers inches by ten and seven- eighths and four inches by four and one-half--New Liskeard Speaker. Hedley Tripp, manager of the Gamble Robinson Co., in Cobalt, has been appointed their general purchasing agent with head-quar- ters at North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Tripp have been eleven years in Cobalt,. and have made many friends who, though glad for Mr. Tripp's promotion, will be very sorry to see them go away. Mr. Tripp goes away to North Bay in March to take over his new dut- ies. Mrs. Tripp and family do not expect to go till later in the year.--Cobalt Northern News. For the first time in several years the names of some of Cob- alt's mines appear on the list of -- t Saturday in an effort to lift the, 'MR. AND MRS. LAROCQUE of the North | SURPRISED BY FRIENDS ON CRYSTAL WEDDING On Sunday last a number of friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Henri Larocque, Ferguson Avenue, gathered to honor them on their "Crystal Wedding." The gathering was a surprise to Mr. and Mrs. Larocque and a very pleasant evening was spent. Mr. Joseph A. Legris, acting as toastmaster, presented Mr. and Mrs. Larogque with a_ beautiful French crystal lemonade set, in amber color, as a token of esteem on the part of their many friends. Mrs. Joyal entertained the gath- ering with splendid music during the evening and all wished the host and hostess many happy re- turns of the anniversary. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Seguin, parents of Mrs. Larocque, Mr. and Mrs. L. Beau- dry,, Mr. and Mrs. J. Larocque Mr. and Mrs. E. Simard, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Legris, Mr. and Mrs. W. McCurdy, Mr. and Mrs. N. Morissette, Mr. and Mrs. Char- bonneau, Dr. and Mrs. Joyal Mrs. J. A. Clermont, Cochrane, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Gagnon, Mr. and Mrs. L. Dupuis, Mr. and Mrs. J. Per- rier, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lorrain, Mr. and Mrs. A. Daigle, Mr. and Mrs. S. Allard, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Proulx, Mr. P. Vachon, shippers of ore. The 1929 table compiled by A. A. Cole, mining engineer of the T. & N. O. Rail- way, includes, with the regular producers of the camp, Agaunico, Badger, Beaver, Coniagas, Cobalt Comet, Crown Reserve, Foster, Hudson Bay, Kerr Lake, Silver Queen, Trethewey and Temisk- aming. The reason for the sud- den revival of all these old mines is that they are under lease by local syndicates. Keora, Pioneer Prospectors and Paramount are new names, first appearing as shippers in 1929, and individual profits of several times the ordin- ary miner's pay are heard of. One case of profits aggregating about $50,000 is believed to be true. --Northern Miner the best milk for the best cooking. Twice as rich in cream as fresh milk. RECIPE BOOK FREE Use Coupon! Tue Borven Co. Limiten, 140St. Paul Street West, Montreal Dept. A 73, Please send me free St. Charles Recipe Book. Name Address 78 HAILEYBURY LODGE No. 364 1: OrOar: Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month in the I. 0. O. KF, TEMPLE at 8 p.m. N.G.--F. L. Fleming Rec. Sec.--W. J. McCagherty Pd PERSONAL SERVICE May We Help You! phir This Wee" F- CROCERILY ee oes Your Full Grocery 4 Bayside Peaches 'x. 8-92, 1G: ° Domestic Shortening 3-LB. PAIL ADe "TUB SP -99 Chipso - COOK'S FRIEND LGE. " PKG. 19¢ Ba"si..3 Powder 22c 16-OZ. TIN PLAIN OR QUICK Large Pkg. 25° Quaker Oats D. 8. L. Corm Kiakes 3% Pikes. 2c C.& B branston Pickle »« 23> FRESH Jelly Rolls. Each 15c ROYAL Fruit Cake. Ib. 19c CHOCOLATE ICED GINGER CAKES EACH 5 | &§ e Toilet Soap 4 CAKES 25¢ A MALT TONIC DRINK 7 Ovai<ine NEW LOW PRICES Olives swrm 47 2% GREEN LABEL AYLMER Catsup CANADA OR DURHAM Corn Starch 4%4-0Z. |] 4x" 5 Oc porte Jj 9c ret. Oc QUALITY CLARK'S ' SEALED TO SAVE PRovucts || SPashetti #8 156 er ig 4a £9 TODHUNTER'S Richmello BAKERY ee Nibs lb. 3§¢ COFFEE FRESH ROASTED 31: 57 ALSO Special Blend. Ib. 480 Select Blend... tb. 49¢ Y%4-LB. TIN Bovril HI-GRADE Chili fLauce Horseradish »"™ 14c Pure Extracts %.23° 2-02. NORWEGIAN BOTTLE 40c AYLMER HANDY OR STAR BOTTLE 29¢ Sardines y 25e NO. 1 TIN Apple Sauce 2 «= 19¢ Ammonia 3 «25 Roman Meal -™=.32¢