Page 4 THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, MAY Ist, 1930 THE HAILEYBURIAN {esued every Thursday from the Haileyburian Office, Broadway Street, Haileybury Published in the Interests of the Town of Haileybury and District of Temiskaming SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In Canada--$2.00 per year in advance In United States--$2.50 per year in advance LEISHMAN & SUTHERLAND, PUBLISHERS Daylight Saving While there is considerable op- position to any proposal to change the clocks to summer time in Haileybury, we believe that the benefits to be derived from such a measure far outweigh any dis- advantage that may follow. The additional hour between the end of the work-day and darkness for the outdoor months of the year, to be spent in the garden or in motoring, golf, tennis, or any of the other health-giving exer- cises is of great value to those who spend their days indoors. Our climate prevents outdor life for a considerable part of the year, and any measure that will ensure a greater amount of time to be spent in the open should be welcomed. On the other hand, one hears various arguments against the proposal, chief of which is the difficulty of getting the children to bed at the proper time and vhile it is still daylight. There is something to be said for this argument, but the one that the change of time disorganizes busi- ness we do not believe in. The adjustment can be quickly made and if the three local communt- ties could get together there should be no difficulty. It should be tried out this year at any rate. The Spring Clean-Up There is a lot of unemployment about now around Cobalt and Haileybury, and there is also a lot of work to be done. Why not set ebout it? Gardens need digging up, fences repairing, a little painting is always good business at this time, and a general clean-up around the place and burying of old cans brings an air of spring with it. Plenty of men can be got by ringing up The Government Free Employment Office, Phone 152, Cobalt. If you can only offer a few hours' work, you will be doing good service, and remember that in a few weeks' time the men will be almost unobtainable, while now a dollar or two in their poc- kets helps to pay debts and re- news hope. They Like the Story Readers of The Haileyburian are enjoying the serial story, "Hunted" by Leslie McFarlane, which is running in instalments. The first part of the story was set in small type, which has been the cause of complaints from several readers. This has been remedied, and the balance of the instalments are being set in our regular news type, making it much easier reading. The story grows more interesting as it goes on and the adventures of the young reporter in evading the police are very thrilling. Notice of Dissolu- tion of Partnership Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between JOHN BEAL McLEAN and LYMAN CHADSEY FANCY both of the Town of Cobalt, in the District of Temiskaming, car- rying on business as Garage Own- ers, under the firm name of The Northern Auto Company, in the Town of Cobalt and at Kirkland Lake, in the said District, was, by reason of the death of the said Lyman Chadsey Fancy on the 10th day of August, 1929, dissolv- ed as of the 2nd day of December 1929. The said business has been since the last-mentioned date, and will hereafter be, carried on under the name of The Northern Auto Company by John Beal McLean, aforesaid, and all debts owing to the said partnership should be paid to John Beal McLean at Cobalt or Kirkland Lake afore- said, and all claims against the said partnership should be pre- sented to the said John Beal Mc- Lean, by whom the same will be settled. Dated at Cobalt this 25th day of April, 1930. MONA M. FANCY, Witness: Administratrix S. BREWER J. B. McLEAN 4-3-c ie [Here oan There (512) "As a political creed communism is practically discredited in China to-day," said Colonel G. W. Birks, in charge of Y. M. C. A. work in the Far East, interviewed as he passed through Winnipeg recently en route to Montreal after a six- months stay in the Orient. Colonel Birks thought that China would shortly split into independent parts, North and South China. Seeding has become general in some Saskatchewan points and in many farming centres of Alberta, and is expected to be general shortly if favorable weather condi- tions continue, according to re- ports coming in to the Winnipeg offices of the agricultural depart- ment of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way. Seventy head of finest thorough- bred stock arrived at Saint John recently to go forward by Cana- dian Pacific Railway to the Prince of Wales ranch at High River, Alberta, It is the first shipment of the kind to the ranch in the past four years. The majority are pedigree shorthorn cattle. "There is at present in Great Britain a decided awakening of interest in the Canadian universi- ties," said Dr. Cyril Norwood, head- master of Harrow, one of the most famous of English public schools and Alma Mater of Lord Byron. Dr. Norwood is chairman of the delegation of British headmasters here on a tour of inspection of ten Canadian universities. He arrived at Saint John recently aboard S.S. Duchess of Bedford. Canada's first ranking tennis star, Dr. Jack Wright, figures lion shooting, elephant baiting and an- telope hunting is just the kind of sport to keep a tennis player in trim. Arriving at Vancouver re- cently aboard S.S. Empress of Can- ada, Dr. Wright says he feels in great shape for the forthcoming Davis Cup matches. Retirement of C. E. McPherson, assistant passenger traffic manager Western Lines, Canadian Pacific Railway, after more than 50 years of railway service, and promotion of six other officials of the depart- ment from coast to coast of Can- ada, has been announced, effective May 1. Promotions are: H. W. Brodie to be overseas passenger manager; R. G. McNeillie to be assistant passenger traffic man- ager, eastern lines, Montreal; H. R. DesBrisay to be assistant passenger traffic manager, western lines, Winnipeg; E. F. L. Sturdee, gen- eral passenger agent, Vancouver; H. R. Mathewson, general passen- ger agent, Winnipeg; and George R. Carter, assistant general passen- ger agent, Montreal. The annual production of honey in Canada is about thirty million pounds. While a great deal of horney is used in the home, the principal commercial users are con- fectioners, bakers and bottlers. ---- At the World's Poultry Congress to be held at the Crystal Palace near London in July, a feature of the Canadian 'exhibit will be a model of the Prince of Wales' ranch at High River, Alberta. It will occupy 100 square feet of space and will be fitted with electric ap- pliances and lighting that will show the ranch in a novel and at~- tractive way. RECOUNT VOTES CAST IN COBALT ELECTION A recount of the votes polled in the recent municipal bye-election in Cobalt is to be made on Tues- day of next week in the Court House here by Judge Hayward. It will be recalled that only five votes separated. the totals of Ovila Chenette, the defeated can- didate, and Fred Marr, the victor, in the contest made necessary by the unseating of the former on the ground of non-payment of last November. Mr. Chenette asked for a recount, at which he Sheriff's Sale of Lands District of Temiskaming To Wit: By virtue of a writ of execution issued out of the Fourth Division Court of the District of Temiska- ming to me directed and deliver- ed against the lands and tene- ments of K. Yawney, defendant at the suit of I. Kideckel and L. Kideckel and Kideckel and Sons, Plaintiff, I have seized and taken in execution and will offer for sale by public auction at my office in the Court House, Town of Haileybury on Saturday, the 17th day of May, A.D. 1930, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, all the right, title, interest and equi- ty of redemption of the said De- fendant in, to, or out of the fol- lowing lands and _ tenements, namely : Lot 40, Plan M.68 Temiska- ming, Third Street, Township of Teck, District of Temiskaming. GEORGE CALDBICK, Sheriff of Temiskaming District Sheriff's office, Haileybury, February 3rd, 1930 3-4e taxes at the time of nomination]. will be represented by George Mitchell, K.C., and F. L. Smiley, K.C., has been secured in the in- terests of Councillor Marr. this morning, was adjourned for five days. In 826 votes were polled, of which five were spoiled. ANGLERS OF DISTRICT TO MEET HERE TONIGHT A meeting of the Temiskaming, Fish and Game Protective Asso-| ciation, the recently formed or-; ganization of sportsmen, chiefly anglers, will hold a meeting here tonight in Hotel Haileybury. jlakes of the district. - Owing to Mr. Smiley's absence! from town today, the recount,! present from Englehart, where| through the various beautiful which should have been--started (the headquarters of the Associa-|lakes adjacent to that stream and the bye-election, | ling a supply of fry or fingerlings | will conduct the Lady Evelyn 'from the government hatcheries! Hotel, catering to the tourist 'for restocking the streams and/trade. Captain Burns will also operate a line of pleasure boats There will be a number of menjon the Montreal River and tion is located, and it is hopedjhas purchased the boat livery that all the members in Cobalt,|formerly conducted by J. Haileybury and New Liskeard!King. The hotel and boat lines will attend. Those who are not. will be run in conjunction, under members and wish to join up will|the name of the Montreal River also be welcomed. The meeting Navigation Company. There is plenty of good country surrounding Latchford for the purpose, some of the best fishing to be found in the whole North and the beautiful lakes of Anima- Nipissing, Lady Evelyn, Red Squirrel, etc., with their connect- ing links into Lake Temagami, H.} will furnish tourists with plenty of enjoyable side trips. Captain and Mrs. Burns have the good wishes of their friends here for success in their new business. will be at 8 o'clock. | OPEN TOURIST HOTEL AND BOAT LIVERY AT TOWN OF LATCHFORD New Water With Captain and Mrs. McCarthy This meeting is for the purpose of appointing a local executive} and discussing what steps should be taken in the matter of secur- Jof Haileybury, Burns and family, old residents will move this spring to Latchford, where they For Ice Without Slush We take the pleasure-of announcing that we now have extended our Ice Service to Haileybury Supplied with Pure, Clean Ice (from Clear Lake) we sure will please you Giving a year-round service, satisfaction is guaranteed underwater exhaust. New Johnson Seahorses For the Prospector or Fisherman the Light Single 1% h.p. For the Camper or Tourist __ For a General Purpose Motor____ the new Johnson 4 h.p. For Family Runabouts and Racing Craft we recommend - 20<-8e "SEA HORSES" "10" "12". "16" "24" "32" equipped with Models "16" "24" "32" with Electric Starting 7 20+ ee Your old Johnson accepted as trade in on any one of the New Models Enjoyment The Te ae the Light Twin 3 h.p. Phone 431 OBLIN & SON ICE AND WOOD SUPPLY COBALT alli UA alias aOR Aaa AAR Ril AAR al ile ais A ats ade Ga Aa Lae Ga GR adn Ans Gee eene aa adne aaa cae ce P. O. Box 126 Lake Temiskaming Boat Co. LIMITED Phone 66. Exclusive Agents for Johnson Outboard Matched Units A quarter in a Haileyburian Want Ad. They rent or sell Houses, find lost articles, hire men or maids and assist generally in solving many problems. Follow Me, Girls! 2a going to invest: Our new stock of Wallpapers is now on display. All © the latest patterns and the finest qualities are included in the showing and the prices are made to suit every purse. You can't fail to find something to your liking in this large assortment a) FS ob. BROADWAY STREET THE HAILEYBURIAN PHONE 24 House Furnishers Thorpe & Branchaud Directors of Funeral Services FERGUSON AVENUE a HAILEYBURY Don't delay meals, This Canada y ot easy reach. Choose the model suited to your needs and purse and make the small down payment. Balance is spread comfort- ably over two years. Rid yourself forever of the inconvenience, spoilage, waste and the disappointment of unsatisfactory eo |} Ro re, Ps YOU, too, can have ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION another day. This priceless benefit is now within. f or is your opportunity, . Northern Power Corporation, Limited Controlling and Operating Northern Ontario Power Com; Limit Northern Quebec Power Cassaee Linseed Cold Cold - Cold Find a new delight in refresh- _ ments, afternoon teas, late suppers, regular meals... with the proper degree of cold always available to keep foods and liquids fresh, wholesome, untainted, $4 Q-00 - always only down, Great Northern Power Corporation, Limited