EHE HAILE YBURIAN THURSDAY, MAY Ist, 1930 Social and Personal Mr. John A. McKinnon, Am- well Street, is spending the week in Toronto. Mrs. Jas. Dodd and son, Allan, were visitors in Toronto over the week-end. Mr. Frank Leslie and daughter, Miss Helen, left on Monday by motor for Toronto, Mr. Nels Lindburg, formerly of Haileybury, is in town for a few days from North Bay. Mr. J. B. Gibbons, formerly of Haileybury, is in town for a day or two this week from Ottawa. Mrs. S. Atkinson was in Rouyn over the week-end for a_ visit with her daughter, Mrs. H. Fancy Mrs. Hincks Sr. is very ill at her home in St. Paul's Rectory suffering from an attack of pneu- monia. Grant Gibson arrived home last week-end from the University of Toronto to spend the summer holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Grant and daughter, Jean, returned to town on Friday last, after spending the past two months in Florida. Jack Best, who has been for some time employed in the Dom- inion Store here, has been trans- ferred to the North Bay store of the Company. Peter Groulx, the winter in New Liskeard, for Elk Lake, make his home. who has spent Haileybury and leaves this week where he_ will Mr. F. R. Gibson left yesterday on a business trip to Calgary, Al- berta. He will stop off at Winni- peg and Regina and_visit his brother at Medicine Hat. Mr. C. W. Tully, who has spent the winter in the Flin Flon min- ing district, Manitoba, was a Haileybury visitor Saturday and Sunday on his way to Toronto. Mrs. Tillson, of Bracebridge, and Miss Alice Hincks, of Toron- to, are in Haileybury this week having come up on account of the illness of their mother, Mrs. Hincks Sr. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Home and For- eign Mission Circle of the Baptist Church will be held on Thursday, May 8th, at 3 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Farmer, Meridian Avenue. Miss Frances Campbell, of Co- balt, who has been touring Eng- land, France, Italy and other Eu- ropean countries 'during the past two years, is spending some months with Mrs. Frank Clem- ens. At the regular meeting of Haileybury Lodge, AF. & AM, tonight, the W orshipful Master and officers of Temiskaming Lodge, New Liskeard, will be present and will confer the First Degree. Mr. Hugh Balkwill, formerly with the Royal Bank here as ac- countant, is in town for a few days this week for a visit with friends. Hugh motored up from Toronto, and states that outside of a few bad spots, the road is not too bad, Steel on the T. & N. O. exten- sion to James Bay reached the Onakawana-Abitibi area at the week-end, where the lignite field is being explored. This is said to be some four days ahead of the schedule planned. It will reach Moose River this fall. Notice ALL ACCOUNTS OWING MUST BE PAID AT ONCE AS I AM DISCON- TINUING BUSI- NESS THIS MONTH Jap. Gibbons . AR AIS ARIA ER A PR 'fire, was overcome '| McGregor, KITCHEN STOVE SETS FIRE TO HOME WHILE FAMILY OUT FOR WALK Two fires occurred here over the week-end, one of which caus- ed somé loss to the contents ofa home, while the other, a grass with 'little difficulty. The first of the alarms came in on Sunday evening at 6.50 from the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter, Probyn Street, where a fire had been left in the kitchen stove while the family went out for a walk and ignited some clothing and wood that was apparently too close for safety. They saw smoke issuing from the Z a he brigade. The house and called the b with| events that are looked forward to firemen were able to cope blaze and confine it*to one room, but there was damage to the con- + tents estimated at about $125, ac- joyed cording to Chief Marcella. On Monday at 8.50 a.m. the brigade was called to Latchford Street, where a grass fire, start- ed from the burning of rubbish, threatened the home of Mr. Mrs. F. W. Thompson. age. ENGLISH RECITER TO BE HERE ON MAY 14th Professor John Duxbury, bury United Church, comes very highly recammended as an enter- He has given recitals in several Ontario cities and towns 1 is only one of many testimonials which have tairer. and the following from Rev. Maxwell, of Oshawa, been given to his ability. "Prof. John Duxbury has just recitals with us in Oshawa, and I know of no one who has cheered and thrill- ed his audiences more thoroughly He is a master of his Art and a peer among Reciters. increased! @ If any word of mine could persuade the good peo- ple of Haileybury, I would say by all means hear this eminent Re- citer, and hear him on every op- completed a_ series of than he. His audiences steadily from day to day. portunity." LAST TRIBUTE PAID TO LATE F. McGREGOR ON SATURDAY LAST The funeral of the late Fred. who died very and| A line of, *|hose was laid but water was not required, and there was no dam- emi- nent English reciter, who will be heard on May 14th in the Hailey- sud- CONCERT ON MONDAY STARTS FUND FOR NEW CHILDREN'S SHELTER A splendid entertainment is promised for next Monday even- ing, when the pupils of Eric E. Smith will give their annual or- chestta recital, in conjunction with the oratory contest of the Haileybury High School in the Assembly hall of the school at 8 p-m. The concert is being given to start the fund for the provi- sion of a new Children's Shelter and it is expected that there will be a large attendance. Both Mr. Smith's recital and the oratory contest are annual with keen anticipation and both have always been thoroughly en- The entertainment on Monday will be no exception and there will be the added satisfac- In Memoriam In loving memory. of George Hamilton Rochester, who passed away at his home in Haileybury May Ist, 1925. EUCHRE and DANCE Under the Auspices of L.O.L. No. 1162 ORANGE HALL, HAILEYBURY Tuesday, May 6th at 8 p.m. GOOD: PRIZES REFRESHMENTS tion in assisting with a worthy cause. ADMISSION : FIFTY CENTS Has just been re good A Good Assortment of Books STREETS OF SHADOW By LESLIE McFARLANE 207ee H. G. WELLS' "Outline of History" and many other ceived, including titles JEWELER AND A. W. SANDERSON Headquarters for Victrolas and Victor Records STATIONER THESE WANT AD'S denly on Wednesday evening last Wanted--Girl for general Me: was held on Saturday from his late residence on Street. held in Church, long member. the Roman here. There were many and neighbors present to pay the Roman Catholic Cemetery their last respects to one who had been for so many years a resident here and who was highly respect- The and extend sincere sympathy to Mrs. McGregor and her little daughter in their be- him. many ed by all who knew floral tributes were beautiful and all reavement. morning Main The funeral service was Catholic | Wanted to Purchase--Light fum-/ of which he was a life- Interment was in ASEH. érk. Apply to Mrs. H jee 4-1e Hull, 68 Blackwall Street. ed oak dining table and 6 chairs | or chairs without table. Tele-| phone 280, Haileybury. 4- 1-c old friends|For Sale or Rent--Eight roomed! brick house, Georgina and} eases easy terms. Apply to J.| Truelove, Greenway, Man., or at Haileyburian Office. 4- ge For Sale or Rent--Comfortable house, central on Rorke Ave.,; all conveniences, good garden.! Apply to Geo. Brown, Probyn Street. a CHURCHES | The United Church Rev. D. A. MacKeracher, B.A., Pastor Mr. R. H. Unwin, Organist and Choirmaster. lla.m., 2.30 p.m.--Church School. Thurs., 7.30 p.m.--Y. P.-S. Fri.,.8 p.m.--Choir Practice Coming on May 11th and 14th, Professor John Duxbury, of Eng- land, in a special dramatic recital, assisted by Arthur Duxbury, ten- or soloist. Salvation Army Sunday Morning Service at 11. Sunday Evening Service at 7.30. Sunday School--2.30 p.m. Tvesday, 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Friday, 7.15 p.m.--Junior Meeting. 8.00 p.m.--Y. P. Legion Meeting. Saturday Service at 8 p.m. 7 p.m.--Public Worship For Sale--The temporary Rouen Catholic Church, Haileybury ; building 40x80; to bé sold to} highest bidder. Tenders to bel sent to Bishop's Palace. stered in brown leather, opens ed. Apply Geo. Bailey, .110: Rorke Ave. 3t.f. Z-roomed house to rent on. Rorke Ave. Apply to S. Sg folk, Haileybury. and handy men for short we Latchford Street. J. Conkey, Phone 138, Hailey-; bury. 52-t£.| stomach troubles, appendicitis, etc. Use Hepatola, the great system cleanser. This is not, an experiment but a proven suc-! cess, having been used through-| The Baptist Church A. PRICE, Pastor Sunday Services at II a.m. and N p-m. Sunday School at 2 p.m. Prayer Service, Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. Albert Gospel Hall ALBERT STREET Sunday School ...... 2 p.m. Gospel Meeting ...7.00 p.m. Bible Class, Thursday, 8 p.m. out Canada for the past twenty years with excellent results.' Price $6.75. Write for circu- lar. Mrs. Geo. S. Almas, Box 1073-37, Saskatoon, Sask. Jul.24 For Sale or Rent--Six Roomed: house on Ferguson Ave., op- posite Convent. Apply to E. Simard. 34-t.f.| For Sale--Six Roomed House on' Blackwall Street; all conveni-| ences; very easy terms. Apply; at Haileyburian Office. *| WANT AD'S Blackwall, all modern conveni- | |For Sale -- Well built, modern! and terms. 3-t.f.| For Sale--One Davenport, uphol- | | up into full sized bed, in perfect! con/ition and reasonably pric-! For Sale--Two Good Teams; One For Rent--8-roomed House on; Apply to M. | :| low on Amwell Street. Why Operate? for gall-stones,' BRING RESULTS For Sale Very Cheap--Butcher's |-. delivery cart, horse and har- ness. Apply to P. Lafrange, ; _ Haileybury. 4-1-* !For Sale--Two Lots, southwest corner Florence and Latchford | Streets, a small house on said lots. One wood range, two ; trunks, some pots and pans, a quantity of men's clothing. This must be sold to close up the John Lundy Estate. Apply to J. W. Myles, Executor of es- tate. 4-2-c CLASSIC THEATRE COBALT - ONTARLO FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MAY 2nd and 3rd f a Father's great de- Love and loyalty stronger than prison bars hallow the story o} votion to his stricken child and adorable little pal, to whom Jolson Sings. WITH SONGS' Davey lee Marian Nixon | Dred Tiicon Holmes Herbert! Fred Kohler Dieieae by LLOYD BACON Comedy "DANCING GOB" Comedy MONDAY and Ernie: MAY 5th and ees RONALD, ge: 7 PRESENTED SAMUEL oe Approved U TRAPPED! Surprised in his torture chamber by a_ bold intruder an insane surgeon turns tables on his pur- suer-and then . .~ .; A mystery romance to thrill and charm you for weeks! \ "BULLDOG 'DRUMMOND " Comedy "HIRED AND FIRED Comedy house in excellent location; six rooms and 10-foot enclosed ver- andah. Housing Commission Mrs. D.W. Camer- on, Browning St., phoné 345. 2-tf. ,Employment Wanted -- Laborers jobs are available at the Gov- ernment Employment Office, Wallace Block, Cobalt, phone 152. 4-1-* 'To Let--Seven Roomed House, all conveniences; garage if de- sired, 98 Broadway. Phone 66 for particulars. 4-t.f. To Rent--One Bungalow on Latchford Street; light and water. Apply to Mrs. A. L. Herbert, phone 149. 4-t.f. For Sale or Rent--Six-roomed | house, corner Brewster and Probyn Streets. Phone 176. 3-2c For Rent--Four-roomed bunga- Apply to Mrs. A. L. Herbert, Phone 149. 2-t.f. 'For Sale -- Hatching Eggs from Barron's strain White Leghorn and )O.A.C. Barred Rocks. $1.00 per 15. August Johnson, phone 619, Haileybury. 4-4-¢ House for Sale or Rent--Apply to Mrs. F. C. Bidgood. Brewster Street. 1-4-c Wanted -- Experienced Woman for housework, one who can take full charge. Apply to Mrs. A. J. Murphy, Lake Shore Rd. 1-t.f. ae Roomed House to Rent on Browning Street with lights and water. Apply Mrs. J. Brewer, Browning St. 48-t.f. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, MAY 7th and 8th I don't cheat, frame or double- cross and nobody is going to do it to me. But he does cheat and lie--in love, his wife knows. Thrill is what he wants, the big kick of taking thousands on the turn of a card; luxury is what his wife gets, but she wants love. He cheats her; see how the love- Wi L LIAM cheater pays; see the screen's most polished actor in his first POWwE LL starring role. » Street of Chance" G Paramount Gicture. Comedy "RED HEAD HUSSY" Comedy PRICES--Evening _ Adults 50c plus tax; Children 25c Saturday Matinee Adults 40c plus tax; Children 10c Monday Matinee, 4.15 p.m. _____-__- Adults 25c; Children 10c Two Shows Nightly, 7 & 9 p.m. Saturday Continuous, 2.30-11