The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 8 May 1930, p. 8

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rHE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, MAY 8th, 1930 { ° ° 1911, and sincé*that time she had'balt; Mrs. E. W. Tillson, Brace- Mrs. Hincks vr. Dies made her home with her son. jbridge; Mrs. B. Q. Dench, Lake- CL R SSIO THEATRE - She was the daughter of the field, Ont., and Miss Alice =| \late Rt. Rev. Francis Evans, who'Hincks, of Toronto. With the From Pneumonia | =C ODALT. « ONTARIO | i | 4 came to Canada-in 1823 and was,exception of Mrs. Spencer, all ordained by Rt. Rey. Jacob Moun-}were in Haileybury before their Her Life Was Link with History| tain, the first Anglican Bishop of| mother's death, Mr. Dan. Hughes was home for a few days this week _from FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MAY 9th and 10th First National Pictures Inc. ' Present ' : at Gowganda., of Church Work; Well Loved |Quebec. Her mother was Miss) On Sunday evening a memorial ae BES By Many Friends Maria Lewis, who was born in|service was held in St. Paul's Mr. Walter Penley, formerly of} oe é _|Ireland and came with her hus-| Church here, when a large num-| Haileybury, was in town this| A link with the early history of band to the "new world. Mrs.|ber of friends gathered. The ser- week from Toronto. the Church of England in Ontario Hincks was born and spent her|yice was conducted by Rev. Chas. ener eS was severed by the death on Fri-|early life in her father's rectory|Glover, of New. Liskeard, just Jap. Gibbons left on Monday |day evening last of Mrs. Frances|at Woodhouse, in Norfolk County} previous to the departure of the evening on a business trip to|Hincks, mother of Rev. Canon] During the past winter, Mrs.|evening train. Interment was in Montreal and Toronto. Hincks, which took place in~her| Hincks had written for her grand-| Ingersoll on Tuesday, and Canon home in St. Paul's Rectory here} children a sketch of the life and|Hincks and his sisters were pre- Mr. L. D. Bryan, who has been after a short illness from pneu-|antecedents of her parents, ajsent. ill for the past week, is able to be|monia. Although almost eighty-|work which gave her great plea- at his place of business again. seven years of age, Mrs, Hincks|sure and which will be long trea- 3 2 had been in good health up to ajsured by those for whom it was In Memoriam Mrs JGshoy.d; of Toronto, is|couple of weeks before her death. | done. That she was able to com- in Haileybury for a few days' vis- She has lived in Haileybury for|plete this before her last illness| DEVENNY--In loving memory it with her sister, Mrs. N. J. Mc-|the past 11 years, coming here/was one of her compensations,| of George Devenny, who pass- Aulay. : with Canon and Mrs. Hincks on| frequently expressed, during the] - ed away, May 10th, 1921. - ae their first taking charge of St.|final days of a "life well spent on], , ae poe Mrs. Margaret McAulay, of] Paul's and has been sincerely lov-| earth." We miss you ata thousand turns Bere } North Cobalt, has gone to Kirk- ed by the members of the congre- Surviving are her son, Canon Along life Ss weary way, Pash Marder 7 land Lake for a short visit with] gation. |Hincks, and four daughters, Mrs. For life is not the same to us Otto Harbach, friends. Mrs. Hincks was the widow of|E.P/S. Spencer, of Mystic, Conn., Since you were called away. ae ie = the late Rev. John Perritt Hincks whose husband was at one time Father, Mother, Brother and Nyy ; Mr. John Hughes, of the Mor- who at times had been rector of|;ector of St. James' Church, Co- Serene rison Mine, Gowganda, is a pa-|Ingersoll, Galt and Windsor and tient at the local hospital this)was an Honorary Canon of the week. Diocese of Huron. He died in|/% be rae Mr. D. A. Campbell arrived ? DON'T FORGET TO GREET home on Monday after spending In Memoriam the past two months in Toronto YOUR MOTHER and Lindsay. In loving memory of our dear -- nephew and cousin, Arthur Har- ON MOTHER'S DAY, MAY llth Mrs. J. Ryder, Blackwall Street] old Nelson, who departed this life left on Sunday for a couple of] May 11th, 1926, two years. and ¢ :s ' weeks' visit with friends and re-|two months. 7 latives in Midland. Sweet is your memory, dear Ar- A Greeting Card or Gift © thur, chosen from our large assortment will be sure to Many friends were glad to| Dear to our heart is your name; please Her greet Mr. J.C. Houston this week} You will always be remembered 2Oc8e GREATEST OF ALL LAUGH PROVOKERS Six Stars to keep you in laughter. A singing love team to keep you in ectasy Songs you'll be humming for weeks. And Directed by Clarence Bad on his first appearance after] Now and-through life just the seco ; , eae three hundred ok the rma Resestnl girls several weeks' illness. same. A FEW SUGGESTIONS--Piece of China or Silver- Aeehnicclor ie et : f There is a tie death cannot sever, ware, Bar Pins, Necklet, Wrist Watch and many Process ALEXANDER GRAY f ues Se! Sane a on owe and remembrance go on for- others for your selection BERNICE CLAIRE tngland, is in Haileybury on 2 ever i i visit-to her aunt, Mrs. H. A. Sey-| --Lovingly remembered by - Louise Ree an ee mour, Latchford Street. Uncle Swan, Aunt Matilda and Lucien Littlefield, Bert Roac' é ee - Cousins A W SANDERSON A First National and Vitaphone ae ar alee ues In lovi f 1 ° ' A, Color and Comedy Sensation! nesday, May 7th, 1930, to Mr. n loving memory of our dear J and Mrs. Henry Watson, of Al-}son and brother, Arthur Harold JEWELER AND STATIONER Comedy "GLORIOUS VAMP" and "STAGEDOOR PEST" imam RH aOR Ne a oiler a Headquarters for Victrolas and Victor Records MONDAY and TUESDAY, MAY 12th and 13th Mrs. H. Poppleton, Georgina|two months. : bf is First 100% Avenue, spent the week-end ona|It is lonesome here without you, Natural Color visit to her brother, Mr. J. Pat-| There is a vacant place Picture erson, and Mrs. Paterson at En-| Where we never hear your foot- glehart. steps, THESE BRING Or see your smiling face. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Thorpe re-|As we loved you, so we miss you, WANT AD'S RESULTS turned on Saturday last after| In our memories you are near, spending a couple of weeks in/Loved, remembered, longed for Grimsby, Ont., -where Mr. Thorpe always, operates a fruit farm during the] Bringing many a silent tear. summer months. What would we give his hand to -- clasp, Mrs. C. C. Farr and her grand- His dear, kind face to see, | daughter, Miss Georgina Black-|To hear his voice and see his smile wall, left on Thursday forathree} That meant so much to us. House For Sale--In Good Loca-, For Sale--Crescent Combination j months' visit with friends and|]May God, who taketh count ofall) tion on Browning Street, ae a Woodworker in first class or- Betty Compson relatives in England and Ireland.|| Whose eyes doth never sleep, site English Church, as Tm! der, 12" jointer, 26" band saw, Arthur Lake They sailed on the S.S. Duchess} Beneath His own Almight wing Teanciner town. I will sell very} tip saw with tilting table, re- Sally O'Neil of Richmond from Montreal on Our loved one safely keep. Seana ble. P. Lafrange. | versible shaper and boring ma- Joe E. Brown May 2nd. ae es yy ee 5-l-cl cae Asean Dae at Louise Fazenda ee a addy and Brothers, Verner 5 7 | ply to Geo. Poppleton, Hailey- Ethel Wat z : ent--Eight roomed! : A, ec exe NO NEGOTIATIONS FOR and Arnold. For Sale or R g bury. eet 5-4-c The Fairbanks brick house, Georgina and Blackwall, all modern conveni-|For Sale--Two Lots, southwest ences; easy terms. Apply to J.|. corner Florence and Latchford 4 ¢ e TAKING OVER POWER BY: &$ V**?TYoqDTOO= Twins Sam Hardy HYDRO COMMISSION B. V. Harrison, general man- : CHURCHES e L. Truelove, Greenway, Man.,, Streets, a small house on said or at Haileyburian Office. 4-8* lots. One wood range, two ager of Canada Northern Power Corporation Limited, states that trunks, some pots and pans, a For Sale or Rent--Comfortable quantity of men's clothing. house, central on Rorke Ave.,| there is no truth in a report pub- . : : | This must be sold to close up lished last week to the effect that The United Church all SON ee good ote the John Lundy Estate. Apply tentative negotiations had been Poe Apply to Geo. Brown, Probyn| 4, 7° w, Myles, E t f es- = ; > R D. A. MxK B 3 tf.i MY , &xecutor Of es commenced by the. Ontario Goy- ev, D-) Ay jMacKeracher, B-Ayy Pastor Street. setae: 4-2-c Mr. R. H. Unwin, Organist and Choirmaster ' = For Sale--The temporary Roman | Fo, Sale -- Well built, modern SUNDAY, MAY 11th Catholic Church, Haileyburys!" house in excellent location; six 11 a.m.--Mother's Day Service| building 40x80; to be sold 01 ,ooms and 10-foot enclosed ver- and Infant Baptism. highest bidder. Tenders to be} angah.' Mrs. D. W. Camer- ernment with a view -to taking over by the Hydro Electric Com- mission of the Corporation's power plants and transmission Comedy--'SOUL MATE Comedy WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, Ma 14th and 15th lines in Northern Ontario. He aA is 's le 3-t.f.1 7 © states that the Corporation has] _. Pa eee eee Spe-| __ Sent to Bishop's Palace. = on, Browning St., phone 345. never been approached, either by |"'S j, OrreT § Slay Servic. For Sale--One Davenport, uphol- 2-t.f. 7.20 p.m.--Professor Duxbury] ctered in brown leather, opens| Employment Wented aeborert the Government or the Commis-|. ir romani GD) jerihl ; in dramatic recita r. Jeky up into full sized bed, in perfect | sion, with any proposal of this a Baptismal and Evening Service.|For Sale or Rent--Six Roomed| for housework, one who can house on Ferguson Ave., op- take full charge. Apply to Mrs. TINUING BUSI- Approved U z : Foe : 5 to ect| "and handy for short time nature and that there was no ee sae pis aN concition and reasonably pric-j fahe an aera ee mae foundation for the report. Ripe Conta oe : ed. Apply Geo. Bailey, 110 coment Employment Office Sees. a hues, 7.30 pm--yY. P. Ss. Rorke Ave. 3tf.| Wallace Block, Cobalt, phone Card of Thanks Fri., 8 p.m.--Choir Practice For Spee tye Good Teams; One! __152. : Aallae Tee , -roomec house Oo ren on To Let--Seven Roomed House. 4. Pa , J = . ° % Nirs*oHo *MEGreeaesacknon. Salvation Army Bee ae SEP ly to S. nee all conveniences; garage if de- ledges with grateful appreciation} <4.) Moming Servi Ar - oes --}; sired. 98 Broadway. Phone - E the many expressions of sympa-| Sundsy Evening Sea ene For Rent--8-roomed House on; 66 for particulars. 4-t.f. carrying on bis cock- thy and great kindness shown] Sunday School--2.30 p.m. Latchford Street. Apply to Mit) ReatOneiBaagalow- on eyed adventures with A mae Tvesday, 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. 7 ailey- eae during her recent bereavement. ae ic ae adios Mace t - Conkey, Phone 138, Hee, Latchford Street; light and FIFI DORSA * 800 pm--Y. P. Legion Meeting pie "| §water. Apply to Mrs. A. L. and EL BRENDEL aturday Service at 8 p.m. Why Operate? for gall-stones,| Herbert, phone 149. 4-t.f. Wri i f " Haar tt eae itten and directed by 3 stomach troubles, appendicitis, i RAOUL WALS Qs 4 "The Baptist Church etc. Use Hepatola, the great For Rent--Four-roomed bunga- ; \ IH, who made Cc 4 A. PRICE, Pastor system cleanser. This is not een Apel Street: Apply ' "The Cock Eyed World" oO ] e j||_ Sunday Services at 11 a.m. and] an experiment but a proven suc- 149 rs. A. L. Herbert,. Phone Original songs by d 7 p.m. cess, having been used through-} - 2-t.f. Walter Donaldson - -- : Sunday School at 10 a.m. out Canada for the past twenty For Sale -- Hatching Eggs from and Edgar Leslie Prayer Service, Wednesday at} years with excellent results.! Barron's strain White Leghorn . ALL ACCOUNTS 4)|7.30 p.m. : Price $6.75. Write for circu-; and O.A.C. Barred Rocks. $1.00 Presented by OWING MUST BE {|| There will be no evening ser-] lar. Mrs. Geo. S. Almas, Box per 15. Augtst Johnson, phone TEE OES PAID AT ONCE 4}| vice on Sunday next, when the} 1073-37, Saskatoon, Sask. ' 619, Haileybury. 4-4-c Dialog hy {|| congregation will go in a body to Jul.24; - WILLIAM AS I AM DISCON- } New Liskeard on the 6.15 car for Wanted -- Experienced Woman K. WELLS q q 4 4 q 4 NESS THIS : : E.| A. J. Murphy, Lake '||| Comedy "THE CONSTABLE" & "MERRY DWARES" Comedy MONTH Albert Gospel Hall eee a ed agree Seas Tanean ee : | -- |||] PRICES--Evening ----__--___ Adults 50c plus tax; Children 25c E eS For Sale--Six Roomed House on|Five Roomed House to Rent on|||| Saturday Matinee -=--------- Adults 40c plus tax; Children 10c Jap. Gibbons Sunday School ...... 2 p.m. Blackwall Street; all conveni-| Browning Street with lights|||} Monday Matinee, 4.15 p.m. --_----_- Adults 25¢; Children 10c Gospel Meeting ...7.00 p.m. ences; very easy terms. Apply| and water. Apply Mrs. J. Two Shows Nightly, 7 & 9 p.m. Saturday Continuous, 2.30-11 Bible Class, Thursday, 8 p.m. at Haileyburian Office. x] Brewer, Browning St. 48-t.f. STEUER B / /

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