THE HAILLEYBURIAN THURSDAY, MAY 15th, -1930 ; \ ® there is no doubt that the expos- sun as a gou. We should appre- H ] 5 S 5 ! ure of the body to the air -- the ciate and use the sunshine as a ealt ervice } air bath--is of benefit to the child giver of health. a the anadian Medical | of. Questions concerning Health, Association Conservative Women THE RHYMING| 3 Prepare For Contest 0 | pes? Fashion Fancies Two-Toned Jacket En- sembles Are Chic addressed to Taking the sun bath out ; 1 ' ie Canadian Medical Association, 184 College doors or in front of the open!sStreet, Toronto, will be answered personally 'window gives the baby the bene-' by letter. te reccccoocs -- oh eee mean A ship, a railroad train, And then a pleasant change of scene To Yucatan or Spain. But ah! how different to me Who needs must stay at home! What magic rings in Yangtze, What music sounds in Rome! My view, just down the village street, Is much the same always, Still, I can follow hasting feet That tread the bund's far ways. Though I have never crossed the sea For even a little while, they hold, Though I shall never see Sahara's wastes of tawny gold, The Alps' white majesty! On May 6th a meeting was held in Hotel Haileybury for the pur- pose of organizing the Conserva- tive women of South Temiska- ming. Mrs. H. S. Hennessy took the chair, and very ably directed the organization of the Associa- tion, calling upon Mrs. George Mitchell, of Cobalt, to outline the purposes of the Association. Mrs. A. J. Kennedy commented on the effective work that the ladies performed in the last elec- tion. Mrs. R. D. Cumming acted as secretary for the meeting. The following Officers elected: Honorary Presidents ---- Miss were Kennedy, New Liskeard; Mrs. C. W. Wright, Englehart; Mrs. E. F. Armstrong, Cobalt; Mrs. H. S. The baby should spend a large part of his life out of doors in the fresh air and sunshine. The baby neds fresh air and sunshine in or- der to build up a strong and re- sistant body. Not only are sunshine baths pleasant, but they bring to the baby something he needs. One definite good resulting from the sunshine is that the action of its rays upon the body of the baby prevents rickets. : Sun baths should be taken reg- ularly each day, and, as the wea- ther grows warmer, these should be taken out of doors rather than are exposed for five minutes. Next day, the time is ten minutes and so five minutes a day are add- Association is Organized Here Names With Representatives of Ne lfits of both the sun and the air at} = ea Whole District 3 ® the same time. i : i To travelers, perhaps, names Sunshine for Babies | The ancients worshipped the| Want Ads. Bring Results 'As pure as childhood* PRepar I know the spell of Tripoli, Mildred Bennett, Mrs. Howard|in front of the open window. ky, iy CANADA ik The wonder of the Nile. Ferguson, Mrs. A. J. Kennedy. There is a right way to take APO TED Ml President--Mrs. Geo. Mitchell,|sun baths, and this way must be E mee hy Names, names! What joy for me| Cobalt. g | | |followed or harm will result. On Sten Vice-Presidents -- Mrs. Lorne|the first day, the hands and feet SS = Children Love It.... sa3 Hennessy, Haileybury; Mrs. N.jed until the bath lasts for an , Mel teninine Redtecscomartaibe Peace Evoy, Kirkland Lake. hour. You can always depend on it Secretary-Treasurer -- Mrs. H.| As the time is increased, so with us to stay, and to prove this fact even the newest and smart- est jacket ensembles feature the slim and flattering lines of the new silhouette. This type of costume is one that should be included in the wardrobe of every fashion-con- scious woman. It serves many purposes and one can wear it to almost any daytime activity with the sure feel of being well dress- ed. Today's sketch shows one of the most interesting ensembles of the season. Gray wool crepe fashions the darling jacket with soft jabot and interesting detail. The skirt of wool crepe in a soft shade of rust features rows of skilful seamings in an upward The day, sometimes, is torn by angry gales That wage fierce battles high above the earth, And lift dark banners till sunlight fails, While countless demons shriek their cruel mirth; just at twilight some en- enchanter wields His staff invisible, and by his power : Unveils once more the blue of heaven's fields, Whereon the pale moon drifts, the white stars flower. the But So softly, sometimes, on the rest- less heart, There steals a breath of calm, D. Bradley, New Liskeard. Organizing Committees -- Mrs. McCracken, Englehart; Mrs. J. W. Rodie, Elk Lake; Mrs. W. J. Adair, Haileybury; Mrs. Kenne- dy, New Liskeard; Mrs. Arm- strong, Cobalt; Mrs. Evoy, Kirk- land Lake; Mrs. Grey, Englehart and Mrs. Hough, Charlton. Report of Milk Tests From Local Dairies The following report of a test of the milk furnished by the var- ious dairies supplying Haileybury was received from the Depart- ment of Health Laboratories at North Bay and handed to The Haileyburian for publication: Bacteria % Butter movement following the lines of a sense of rest; Dai | the jacket. ihe gift God only can im-|yzuarq) Be BD Foumping Pajares Grae] WEL ie Yr ey tae sues BL bled breast. the Home From every care its touch grants wok PG a ss Ore tae 34 sure release, McRae ------- 10,000 4.0 | 4 ; 4 4 mar Tea \ Prints and pleats, boleros and peplums, even capes and scarf collars--all the clever details of the current mode--influence the new lounging pajamas. Realiz- ing that it would be a pity to re- legate these charming costumes to the seclusion of the boudoir, the smartest women have brought them out to grace the drawing room at the tea hour and even the dining room during informal dinners. And all manner of fab- rics are used--cotton and silks, plain and monotone fabrics. A printed black and pink (by the way one of the favored color combinations of the season) flat crepe develops the lounging paja- mas illustrated today. The short bolero jacket has a three-quarter split sleeve and the same treat- ment is used on the pajamas, which are split to the knee, re- is FALLS, daily. in co: iti iti CHOICE vealing pleated pink % georgette Improved service on the Porcupine Branch, ge eh tee aecedhce dik Bayside or QUALITY Ti insets. The blouse is entirely making close connections at Porquis Jct. with A Sebagecs be Aylmer NO. 2 ns e pleated, as are the sleeves, which] Trains Nos. 1, 2, 17 and 18 for points east, artificial foods and always P) TIN are exposed from the elbows. west, north and south. This service will be in ready for instant use when : HEINZ - addition to Trains Nos. 46 and 47 and will diluted with plain boiled Chewing Gum, Asst. .3 Pkgs. 10c Cooked Spaghetti Med. 17% EOrO: B Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month ir the I. O. O. F. TEMPLE ~ at 8 p.m. N.G.--F. L. Fieming It is the gift supreme, the gift of peace. One of the suspects killed The Red-Headed Man! WHICH Temiskaming ® Northern Ontario Railway TRAIN SERVICE The CONTINENTAL LIMITED, Trains Nos. 1 and 2, between Montreal and Vancou- ver, daily, operating through Sleeper between Cochrane and Toronto. These trains use Canadian National Railways station at North Bay. TRAINS Nos. 46 and 47--Through ser- vice daily, between Toronto and Timmins, al- so to Rouyn and Noranda, Que., operating Par- lor Cafe Car Service between North Bay and Timmins. . Through Sleepers operated be- tween Toronto and Timmins, also between Toronto, Rouyn and Noranda, Que. These Trains use Canadian National Railways sta- tion at North Bay. TRAINS Nos. 17 ana 18--Daily except Sunday service between North Bay and Coch- rane, operating througheSleeper between Tim mins and Montreal. These trains use Cana- dian Pacific Railway station at North Bay. tain Falls and Silver Centre, Monday, Wed- aesday and Saturday. Connections at Earlton Jet. for ELK LAKE daily except Sunday. Connections at Englehart for CHARLTON daily except Sunday. Connections at Swastika daily with Nipis- sing Central Railway for KIRKLAND LAKE, LARDER LAKE, CHEMINIS, ROUYN, land NORANDA, Quebec, and Intermediate Points. Connections at Porquis Jct. for IROQUOIS provide three trains each way on Sundays. TRI-WEEKLY SERVICE between Coch- rane, Island Falls Jct., and Coral Rapids, leay- ing Cochrane 8.30 a.m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday, arriving Coral Rapids 2.55 p.m. same day, returning leaving Coral Rapids 8.30 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, arriv- ing Cochrane 2.30 p.m. same day. See current Time Table or apply to any T LOCAL SERVICE between Cobalt, Foun- | jis the ideal food for thebottle-fed baby because it is clean, uniform water. Itisused moreoften THE BORDEN CO., LIMITED 140 St. Paul W., Montreal Send Free Baby Book to: &@N. O. Rly. Agent for full _A. J. PARR, Gen. Frt. and Pass. Agt., -- Rec. Sec--W. J. McCagherty North Bay, Ont. should there be an extension of the area of the body which is ex- posed to the sun. On the second day, expose the legs below the knees, then the whole leg; after that, the abdomen, and, lastly, the chest, front and back. On _ the day each area is first exposed, the time of exposure is five minutes, and this period is increased by five minutes each day for each part until the whole body is given an hour's sun bath daily. The baby should not have his sun bath just before or after a meal. In the really hot weather, his sun bath should be before 11 or after 3, so that he may not be exposed to the mid-day sun. In addition to the good that comes directly in the sun's rays, MPTY a "Dorothy" Can into a milk jug, add as much water and stir thoroughly with a spoon. The result is fresh, rich, creamy milk, ready for drinking. Children love it. It is good for cereals, puddings, rice, custard, berries or other fruits. Use it for anything--just like ordinary fresh milk. It is so easy for children to digest--easier even than fresh milk--because "homogenized". The fat globules of the cream - are broken down under 2000 pounds pressure. The Canadian CMilk, 18A ( Purity is guaranteed. Try it. Look for Baby Dorothy on the label -- "Our Emblem of Purity". remax BRAND soe STERILIZED PERSONAL SERVICE Our method of merchandising by salesmen and sales- women is the means of providing a gainful occupa- tion to hundreds of men and women. Dominion Stores does its part in helping to solve the ever-present problem of unemployment. In this way Domino Tapioca Olive Oil TRAN UX ERAEEENRUXKKEUNEXKEK XXX EXXXX YX) Evaporated Apricots PINEAPPLE Lifebuoy Soap.... P RUNES Choice Sweet Aylmer Raspberries MARMALADE Texas Skinless Figs. . POST'S BRAN 1-1b, Pkg. BABBITT'S cassie Select Blend Coffee... .lb. 45c 4-0z. Bottle 25c LUX TOILET SOAP Jelly Powders SHIRRIFF's 4 PKGS. 23¢ R AISINS Croice Seedless 3 Ibs. 32¢ B3enson's Corn Starch.2 for 25c Delmonte or Libby's Sliced or Crushed 3 cakes 21c Kkovah Health Salts... Tin 18c 19c Lyle's Golden Syrup "Yi; 27c No.1 Tin 3-0z. Bot. .. Tin 25¢ Maraschino Cherries 12c 2 for 25c Gold Soap 10 bars 59c C. & B. Catsup. .14-0z. Bot. 27c i HAILEYBURY LODGE N 364 The: establishment of this service will enable ehan llc sek ; { oO. 4 | those desiring, to conveniently make round trip other artificial BROWN LABEL i from Timmins to Cochrane on Sundays. foods combined. SALADA \%-LB. PKG. ce oe PEGo" e Tea--Richmello .... 1 lb. 68c Salted Peanuts ....... lb. 29c 2 tins AQe 2 ws. BHe 4o-or. Jar BBe I rx. Ide 2 tins 13 ; 3 Cakes 19¢ TX EUREKA EKER ENAXKKKXA XX) . " ae