PYF naan YBURIAN THURSDAY, MAY 15th, -1930 THE HAILE Social and Personal 3 Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Strong mo- tored from Montreal to Hailey- bury on Sunday. Dominion } home Jack Best, of the Stores at North Bay, was for the week-end. Mr. Jas. Dodd, Main Street, is home this week after spending the winter in Toronto. M. M. Bennett has returned to Haileybury after spending the past couple of months in Toron- to. Mrs. C. E. Taylor, of Timmins, is in town for a visit with her parents, Sheriff and Mrs. Cald- bick. Paddy Barry arrived in Hailey- bury on Tuesday of this week after spending the winter in the South. Chas. Elliott was home from Kirkland Lake to spend the week end with Mrs. Elliott and the family. The Women's Conservative As- sociation will hold a meeting on Thursday, May 22nd, at 3 p.m. in Hotel Haileybury. Mrs. L. G. Mayhew, of Pem- broke, spent a day in town this week on her way to visit her daughter at Noranda, Que. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Cawley, who have spent the winter in Nassau, Bahamas, arrived home in Haileybury last week-end. Miss Jessie Poppleton, nurse- in-training at the Royal Victoria Hospital at North Bay, is spend- ing her holidays at her home here Hamilton H. Howell, Hailey- bury, and John Short, of Toron- to, left on Tuesday for a pros- pecting trip into Northern Que- bec. Mr. and Mrs. M. Austin re- turned on Sunday after a visit with friends and relatives in Pakenham, Que., and other east- ern points. Mr. Percy Hitchen, profession- al at the Haileybury Golf Club, returned to town late last week, after spending the winter in Sou- thern Ontario. Hugh Boyle, of the E. J. Long- year Manufacturing Company, left on Manday on a business trip to Calgary, Alberta, and other western points. A tea will be held on Saturday, May 24th, from. 3 to 6 p.m., at the home of Mrs. L. Erenhous, Lake Shore Road, in aid of the new hospital fund. BORN--At New Liskeard on Thursday, May 8th, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. F. Simpson, of Burk's Falls and formerly of Haileybury, Twins, a boy and a girl. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Myles went to Toronto last week-end, where Mrs. Myles, who has not been well for several months, is visit- ing the Lockwood Clinic. Mrs. R. F. Richardson left on Thursday evening last for Mey- ronne, Sask., after receiving word that her father, Mr. John Mc- Cleary, was seriously ill at his home there. Jim Poppleton a local student at the University of Toronto, is being congratulated this week on having passed this third year ex- aminations with honors in elect- rical engineering. Notice ALL ACCOUNTS OWING MUST BE PAID AT ONCE AS I AM DISCON- TINUING BUSI- . NESS THIS | MONTH - | Jap. Gibbons --------| 'Fine Entertainment By Prof. Duxbury Eminent English Reciter and His Singing Son Please Large Audience Before an audience that filled the United Church here to the doors, Professor John Duxbury, eminent English reciter, and his son, Mr. Arthur Duxbury, tenor soloist, last night gave one of the finest entertainments that has been heard in Haileybury in many years. Not only local people, but many from Cobalt and New Lis- keard as well, were present, in spite of the fact that the artists had visited each of the other towns before giving their con- cert here. They were also pre- sent at the Rotary Club luncheon yesterday noon and entertained the members and a large number of visitors. The subject of Professor Dux- bury's recital last night was "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde" and _ his masterful portrayal of the famous story by Robert Louis Stevenson held the audience enthralled from its opening until the end. He de- scribed the charitable, homely and lovable doctor, his gradual realization that the evil side. of mankind was distinct from the good and his final determination to attempt to separate the two. The disastrous result of his ex- periments, when he found him- self transformed into the vicious Mr. Hyde after his temptation towards discovery had overcome all his scruples, his experiences in that character and his final and gradual change until the evil pre- dominated, were wonderful to listen to and the revelation at the end made a scene that will linger long in the minds of the Profes- sor's audience. At the opening and closing of the main feature of the entertain- ment Mr. Arthur Duxbury enter- tained the audience with a reper- toire that included an aria, sever- al old favorite songs and a few humorous love ditties that great- ly pleased his hearers, and he was heartily applauded and responded to encores. Mr. R. H. Unwin played the accompaniments. At the end of the program, Professor Duxbury, 1n what he termed "a little piece" mixed humor and pathos to such an ex- tent that the audience both laughed and cried as he acted the part of the old farmer having his picture taken for the first time. Perhaps the greatest tribute that could be paid to the reciter was the absolute stillness which prevailed among the audience during his main recital. There was not a move or a sound a- mong the four hundred people who thronged the church. NOTICE! During the summer months the Haileybury Drug Stores will be closed at 1 p.m. each Wednesday, and will re-open at 7 p.m. and remain open until 8.30. Bryan-Knechtel Pharmacy L. K. Liggett Co. Limited Late Miss Rankin Once Lived in Haileybury | Haileybury friends learned with| deep regret last on Sunday, May 4th. well known in Haileybury. Her father, the late Newell Rankine was the Hudson Bay factor Mattawa for many years to Haileybury. had! since the family left 1 and residents. During the war Pembroke. ony she and tlers in this section of the North after retiring brought his family ,and there are many old friends Miss Rankin vis-;here who remember them itéd here on different occasions : kindly feelings of regard. | Early Resident Here Passes in Toronto Word came from Toronto this week of the week of the death of a former death of Miss Ella Rankin, which citizen of Hailéybury in the per- occurred suddenly at Montreal son of Mrs. Hector McQuarrie, |which took place at her residence Miss Rankin was at one time jn the city on Spturday last. With the late Mr. McQuarrie, was among the earliest set- with Mr. McQuarrie died a good many friends among the older;many years ago, and Mrs. Mc- she|Quarrie went to Toronto to re- went to Montreal to live and re-'side. mained there until her death. The! Monday afternoon, interment be- funeral was held on May 6th at ing at Dundalk, Ont., her former jhome. The funeral was held on Kid Finish Kid Finish 200 and nicely boxed, Special SPECIAL! While They Last BLUEBIRD WRITING PADS and Envelopes 2O2ee EMERALD WRITING PADS and Envelopes OLD ENGLISH VELLUM, in Assorted colors, 65 Cc 25 25c A. W. SANDERSON JEWELER AND STATIONER Headquarters for Victrolas and Victor Records THESE WANT AD'S ing for lunch business. Apps' at Lakeview Confectionery Ferguson Avenue. 6.t-£ , House to Rent--Latchford St. 5 rooms, sun room and_ bath, delightful view ; $40 per month. Apply Box 193, Ruane -4°¢ Wanted--Person to do home oy For Sale--Westinghouse 4-Tube Battery Radio Set; Victor Vic- trola, console model with re- cords. $50 takes the lot. Ap-} ply Wm. Short, Meridian A =t. Ts For Rent-Three furnished rooms, with use of electric range if de- sired. Apply phone 164. 6-1-c For Sale or Rent--Eight roomed brick house, Georgina and Blackwall, all modern conveni- ences; easy terms. Apply to J. L. Truelove, Greenway, Man., or at Haileyburian Office, 4-8* CHURCHES | For Sale or Rent--Comfortable house, central on Rorke Ave., all conveniences, good garden. Apply to Geo. Brown, Probyn Street. The United Church Rev. D. A. MacKeracher, B.A., Pastor Mr. R. H. Unwin, Organist and Choirmaster. 11 a.m., 7 p.m.--Public Worship 2.30 p.m.--Church School. Fri., 8 p.m.--Choir Practice Mon., 8 p.m.--Thank Offering méeting of Carrie Gray Auxiliary at the home of Mrs. J. E. Der- raugh, Amwell Street. Salvation Army Sunday Morning Service at 11. Sunday Evening Service at 7.30. Sunday School--2.30 p.m. Tresday, 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Friday, 7.15 p.m.--Junior Meeting. 8.00 p.m.--Y. P. Legion Meeting. Saturday Service at 8 p.m. The Baptist Church A. PRICE, Pastor Sunday Services at II a.m. and p.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Prayer Service, Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. Mr. Lors Carlson will conduct the evening service next Sunday. Albert Gospel Hall ALBERT STREET Sunday School 2 p.m. TRY OUR WANT ADS Gospel Meeting ...7.00 p.m. Bible Class, Thursday, 8 p.m. For Sale--One Davenport, hale} stered in brown leather, opens up into full sized bed, in perfect condition and reasonably pric- ed. Apply Geo. Bailey, 110 Rorke Ave. 3t.f. For Sale--Two Good Teams; One' 7-roomed house to rent on Rorke Ave. Apply to S. Nor-; folk, Haileybury. 4-v.f.: For Rent--8-roomed House on, J. Conkey, Phone 138, Hailey-! bury. 52-¢.f.| 1 Why Operate? for gall-stones,! stomach troubles, appendicitis, | etc. Use Hepatola, the great' system cleanser. This is not! an experiment but a proven suc-| cess, having been used through-} years with excellent results.{ Price $6.75. Write for circu-) lar, Mrs. Geo. S. Almas, Box, 1073-37, Saskatoon, Sask. i 'gasmall ¥alary when you Latchford Street. Apply to M. To BRING RESULTS AD'S Agents Wanted--Why work for a can make $50 and more each week by selling Watkins Products in your county, even without ex- perience. Here is your oppor- tunity to establish a paying business of your own if you are ambitious. Try it this spring if you wish to convince your- self. The J. R. Watkins Com- pany, Dept. R-149, 74- Craig St. West, Montreal. 6-4-c For Rent--Seven-roomed House on Rorke Avenue North; also two good teams for sale. Ap- ply to S. Norfolk. 4-t.f. For Sale--Crescent Combination Woodworker in first class or- der, 12" jointer, 26" band saw, rip saw with tilting table, re- versible shaper and boring ma- chine. Reasonable price. Ap- ply to Geo. Poppleton, Hailey- bury. 5-4-c House For Sale--In Good Loca- tion on Browning Street, oppo- site English Church, as I'm leaving town. I will sell very reasonable, P. Lafrange. 5-1-c For Sale -- Well built, modern house in excellent location; six rooms and 10-foot enclosed ver- andah. Mrs. D. W. Camer- on, Browning St., phone 345, 2-t.f. To Let--Seven Roomed House, all conveniences; garage if de- sired. 98 Broadway. Phone 66 for particulars. 4-t.f. Rent--One Bungalow on Latchford Street; light and water. Apply to Mrs.°A: L. Herbert, phone 149. 4-tf. For Rent--Four-roomed bunga- low on Amwell Street. Apply to Mrs. A. L. Herbert, Phone 49. 2-t.£. out Canada fer the past twenty For Sale -- Hatching Eggs from Barron's strain White Leghorn and O.A.C. Barred Rocks. $1.00 per 15. August Johnson, phone 619, Haileybury. 4-4-¢ CLASSIC THEATRE COBALT: - ON: TARIG FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MAY 16th and 17th stanrninec NANCY CARROLL ARRY. GREEN SKEETS GALLAGHER ILLIAN ROTH STANLEY SMITH G Garamount Gicture A fistful of laughs! ful®6f romance! An earful of lilting love lyrics! All mixed merrily together. Comedy "HE LOVES THE LADIES" MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, MAY 19th, 20th 21st Radiant Beauty Be- : ae RIVALS she wf ne' RAINBOW Ff irikim Sef in COLOR WARNER BROS. pretent (GOLD DIGGERS o- BROADWAY' 'PENNINGTON 'WENAUE WELFORD LILYAN TASHMAN, NICK LUCAS, CONWAY FEARLE APLAY wim MUSIC, SINGING GIRLS ano DANCING GIRLS Eatirely in Color An eye- Comedy Melange of Gorgeous Entertainment in 100% Natural Color Comedy "TRISH FANTASY" Comedy THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MAY 22nd, 23rd, 24th From Florenz Zeigfeld's musi- cal comedy by Guy Bolton, author and Jerome Kern, composer You'd love it for Jul.24 For Sale or Rent--Six Roomed house on Ferguson Ave., op- posite Convent. Apply to E.| Simard. : 34-t.f. ! ; Wanted -- Experienced Woman for housework, one who can take full charge. Apply to Mrs. A. J. Murphy, Lake Shore Rd. 1-t.f. Blackwall Street; all conveni- ences; very easy terms. Apply at Haileyburian Office. x 'For Sale--Six Roomed House onj Five Roomed House to Rent on Browning Street with lights and water. Apply Mrs. J. 48-t.f. Bfewer, Browning St. its r alone but there are a thousand other big x thrills! (GN A New Talking Serial "King of the Kongo" PRICES--Evening --2_-_--- Adults 50c plus tax; Children 25c Saturday Matinee -___--_--_- Adults 40c plus tax; Children 10c Monday Matinee, 4.15 p.m. Adults 25c; Children 10c Two Shows Nightly, 7 & 9 pm. Saturday Continuous, 2.30-11