Page 2 THE HAILEWYBURIAN THURSDAY, MAY 29th, 1930 Haileybury Girl Is Honored by Friends In Northern Town American Editors to Visit North in June Agricultural Writers From the United States Will Be Entertained Haileybury people will be inter- ested in the following clipping from the Cochrane Northland Post. Mrs. Rogers was for many years a resident here and her many friends will join in wishing her every happiness in her new home: "Mrs. Wilfrid E. Rogers (nee Miss Marjorie Gregg) is leaving shortly for Bruce Mines, where she will in future reside. Her many friends have taken the op- portunity of holding showers dur- The party of the American Ag- ricultural Editors' Association, which is to make a tour of the North Country next month, will be in this district on Friday, June 13th, and will visit the towns of Cobalt, Haileybury and New Lis- keard, where they will be enter- tained by the Kiwanis Clubs of| Cobalt and Liskeard and the) ing the past week or so, at which Rotary Club of Haileybury. The}.ye was the happy recipient of party, which will number about| any beautiful and most useful 70, some being ladies, will arrive| wedding presents. Last week a in Cobalt at 10 a.m. and will visit | arty was held at the home of the Nipissing refinery, the old/\yj,5 Ruth Burton, where a de- Drummond House at Kerr Lake, lightful evening was spent by and the O'Brien mine. They will be divided into two groups, in order that all mav have an oppor- tunity of seeing the points of in- terest The party will be entertained at lunch by the Rotary Club here in the I.0.0.F. Temple and later will be taken by motor to New Liskeard There they will visit the Demonstration Farm and re- turn to the Beach where they will be luncheon guests of the Kiwan- is Club at 5.30 p.m. Following the lunch there will be a few the principal one being on "Temiska- ming or Clay Belt Agriculture." They will then be driven to nglehart, where they will join their train and proceed North. brief addresses, special Offer Big Attraction at Opening of Service Station McKinlay's Service Station, on the Main Street Corner, will be opened for business on June Ist, with a big attraction. For every tenth gallon of gas sold, one gal- lon will be given free on opening day lc Want Ads. Bring Results For Baby's Bath More than that of any other member of the family, baby's tender, delicate skin needs the greatest care and attention, The soft soothing oils in Baby's Own Soap make it specially suitable for babies, and its clinging fra- grauce reminds oneof the roses of France which help to inspire it, "Its best for you and Baby 100"' 27-99 TAKE NOTICE that the Muni- cipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bucke will take into consideration the pass- ing, and if approved, will pass, at its meeting to be held on the 10th day of June, 1930, at the hour of 7.30 o'clock in the evening, at the Township Hall, North Cobalt, Ontario, a by-law for stopping up and selling those parts of the al- lowances for roads or streets in the Township as shown on Plans M-48, M-77 and M-128, and par- ticularly. described as follows: (a) Lawlor Street, from Rorke Avenue on the East to the right- of-way of the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway on the West. (b) First Street, from Rorke Avenue on the East to the right- of way of the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway on the West. (c) Second Street, from Rorke Avenue on the East to the right- of way of the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway on the West. (d) Third Street, from Rorke Avenue on the East to the right- of-way of the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway on the West. (e) Fourth Street, from Rorke Avenue on the East to the right- of-way of the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway on the West. (f) Fifth Street, from Rorke Avenue on the East to the right- of-way of the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway on the West, And the Council will at that time and place hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the by-law, and who applies to be heard. DATED the 5th day of May, 1930. 5-4-¢ F. MOUNTFORD, Clerk. |quite a large gathering. On | Tuesday morning, Mr. J. A. Cler- |mont, on behalf of the staff of |the Land Titles Office, presented her with a handsome silver cas- |serole with pie plate to match. Mrs. Ed. Caswell held a party |this week, at which further pre- |sents were received by Mrs. |Rogers. These many gatherings testify to the popularity which the bride enjoys. Had Pleasant Time At Euchre Party A very pleasant evening was spent at the Orange Hall here on Monday when aleuchre was held under the auspices of L.O.L. No. 1162. There was a good attend- ance and all had a jolly time. Prizes for both ladies and gent- lemen were awarded for the card games as follows: Ladies--First, Mrs. A. Speicher second, Mrs. H. Burton. Gentlemen -- First, Mr. John Warner; Second, Mr. H. Burton. DISTRICT OF TEMISKAMING Sheriff's Sale of Lands Under and by virtue of an Ex- ecution against lands issued out of the 3rd Division Court of the District of Temiskaming to me directed and delivered against the lands and tenements of G.P. Rod- gers, dele at the suit of A. P. Grant, Plaintiff, I have seized and taken in execution and will offer for sale by public auction at my office in the Court House, Town of Haileybury on Thursday the 19th day of June, 1930, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the fore- noon all the right, title, interest }and equity of redemption of the said defendant in, to, or out of |the following lands and tenements |namely :-- S¥Y% lot 8, Concession 3, Pa- caud Township, District of Temiskaming. GEORGE CALDBICK, Sheriff of Temiskaming District. Dated at Haileybury this 25th day of February, 1930. 7-4-c Temiskaming % Northern Ontario Ratlway TRAIN SERVICE The CONTINENTAL LIMITED, Trains Nos. 1 and 2, between Montreal and Vancou- ver, daily, operating through Sleeper between Cochrane and Toronto: These trains use Canadian National Railways station at North Bay TRAINS Nos. 46 and 47--Through ser- vice daily, between Toronto and Timmins, al- so to Rouyn and Noranda, Que., operating Par- lor Cafe Car Service between North Bay and Timmins Through Sleepers operated be- tween Toronto and 'Timmins, also between Toronto, Rouyn and Noranda, Que. These Trains use Canadian National Railways sta- tion at North Bay. TRAINS Nos. 17 and 18--Daily except Sunday service between North Bay and Coch- rane, operating through Sleeper between Tim mins and Montreal. These trains use Cana- dian Pacific Railway station at North Bay. LOCAL SERVICE between Cobalt, Foun- tain Falls and Silver Centre, Monday, Wed- nesday and Saturday. Connections at Earlton Jet. for ELK LAKE daily except Sunday. Connections at Englehart for CHARLTON daily except Sunday Connections at Swastika daily with Nipis- sing Central Railway for KIRKLAND LAKE, LARDER LAKE, CHEMINIS, ROUYN, and NORANDA, Quebec, and Intermediate Points. Connections at Porquis Jct. for IROQUOIS FALLS, daily. Improved service on the Porcupine Branch, making close connections at Porquis Jct. with Trains Nos. 1, 2, 17 and 18 for points east, west, north and south. This service will be in addition to Trains Nos. 46 and 47 and will provide three trains each way on Sundays. The: establishment of this service will enable those desiring, to conveniently make round trip from Timmins to Cochrane on Sundays. TRI-WEEKLY SERVICE between Coch- rane, Island Falls Jct., and Coral Rapids, leav- ing Cochrane 8.30 a.m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday, arriving Coral Rapids 2.55 p.m. same day, returning leaving Coral Rapids 8.30 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, arriv- ing Cochrane 2.30 p.m. same day. See current Time Table or apply to any T &N. O. Rly. Agent for full particulars. A. J. P. Gen. Fret. and Pass. Agt., North Bay, Ont. T erly lof Haileybury, but a snow- storm on Saturday morning had a tendency to spoil the holiday to some extent. The excitement came, it is re- ported, when a member of the party mistook the snores of a -|fellow angler, who was taking a nap in the afternoon, for growls of a bear and raised an alarm. It went out for the holiday had some!!5 caine that he ba tebe excitement, in addition toa nice the party, futsal pice eee the catch of "pickerel, according to Griginator of the weird sounds reports freely spread around town which caused the alarm was the on Monday. This bunch, which most frightened one of the lot. consisted of about 12 men, went From the reports it is difficult to up the Montreal River from,know just whether there were Latchford to the Mattawapika any wild animals in the vicinity, Falls, one of the favorite spots, but all had a good time anyway among local anglers, and camped and they brought home some fish. there over the holiday. They had; -- a good trip up in a launch piloted! : by Capt. McCarthy Burns, form-' Want Ads. Bring Results 'Snores of Angler Mistaken For Bear Fishing Party on Holiday is Alarmed; Snorer Has the Worst Scare At least one fishing party which EMBARRASSING MOMENTS TARTER HAVING GIVING Your PADENT 4 STIFF Dose | OF BITTER "VRDICINE For' Spors BEFORE THE BYES" -- HE SUDDENLY SoMEMBERS Ke'D HANDLED AN UnjUSUALLY GRAPE PRUIT "WAT MoRNING See COON For Quality COALS Carefully Weighed and Handled ONE Ton--(2000)--Pounds Teleph eee ae --Agent For---- BRITISH Coals of Quality-- Low in ash High in heat Genuine Scotch Anthracite Welsh Anthracite Russian Anthracite, Furnace and Heater use in stock AMERICAN HARD COAL (Pennsylvania) The Old Reliable D.L.&W. Brand (acknowledged the best) COKE OF QUALITY Made by Ford, per ton 266b, House PINE, TAMARAC and BIRCH WOOD IN STOCK Get my prices for Coal and Service on Car Lots COON stands for clean coal of Quality, combined with a careful, courteous delivery service YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR L. W. COON Telephone 266A--Yard Office 266B--House JASPER. NATIONAL PARK~ Zc PACIFIC COAST and ALASKA ee See the Pacific Coast this Summer. Enjoy the hospitality of Jasper Park Lodge in the heart of the Canadian Rockies. Tennis, swim- ming, climbing, riding, motoring. Enthralling scenery experi- ences. Then see Van- couver, Victoria andthe glorious Pacific Coast. Only a few days extra required to take the cruise to Prince Rupert and Alaska--pleasant com- panions--wonderful sights -- totem pole villages--glaciers. Enquire about Low Tourist Fares, in_ effect from May 15th, to September 30th. Beautifully illustrated folders available throughany Agentof Canadian National Railways. That is the record of the hundreds of thousands of General Electric owners ONLY the General Electric Refrigerator can boast of such a record, for only the General Electric has the Sealed-in-Steel mechanism... oiled once and for all time at the factory. There are no fans, belts or stuffing boxes to cause expensive service. These are the principal rea- sons why not one owner of a General Electric Refrigerator has ever spent a cent for ser- vice! Here is the explanation of the fact that the General Electric leads all other refrig- erators in sales! Great Northern Power Guaranteed by CANADIAN GENERAL _ BLECTRIC CO., Not one cent... -- for service Come in and we will gladly demonstrate the accessible freezing regulator... the "on- top" unit... the roomy cab- inets with a sanitary chilling chamber porcelain coated ... and other features which are winning public preference. ER-100D Easy Terms Arranged GENERAL@QELECTRIC ALL-STEEL REFRIGERATOR Canada Northern Power Corporation, Limited Controlling and Operating Northern Ontario Power Company, Limited Northern Quebec Power Company, Limited Corporation, Limited Limited DNEENG NO)NONO)| H.A. CARLSON NO NON NON NY NON NNOING WIM I We always Patterns and Styles DDI WWW LADIES' AND GENTLEMA have the most up-to-date and seasonable goods to choose from Fit and Workmanship of the Best CLEANING AND PRESSING FERGUSON AVE. Liggetts' old stand N'S TAILOR to Suit Every Taste DWN AWW NIA' BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL CARDS Frederick Elliot BARRISTER and SOLICITOR Ontario and British Columbia INVESTMENTS, LOANS, ETC. GIBSON BLOCK, HAILEYBURY W. A. Gordon, K.C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC MYLES BLOCK, MAIN STREET HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO Edwin W. Kearney BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC GIBSON BLOCK HAILEYBURY Telephone No. 10 F. L. Smiley, K.C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC CROWN ATTORNEY Conrt House Main Street Haileybury Cue ute BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Bank of Nova Scotia Building HAILEYBURY, ONT. PHONE 360 Eric E. Smith PIANO TUNING Practical Instruction in Violin Playing given at your home VIOLINS SOLD AT REASONABLE PRICES BOX 556 NEW LISKEARD R. H. Unwin (Organist United Church, Haileybury) MUSIC INSTRUCTOR - ORGAN, PIANO, VOICE, THEORY MacLEAN'S 110 MAIN STREET Chnadiaa Légion HAILEYBURY BRANCH No. 54 Meets in Club Room on Browning Street | First Sunday each month, 3 p.m. "ALL RETURNED MEN WELCOME K. M. Stephen Life, Health, Accident, Fire, Automobile INSURANCE The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada The General Accident Assurance Co. of Canada Several First Class Fire Companies Probyn Street HAILEYBURY Phone 322 JACK CARTER Life, Health Accident Automobile INSURANCE Canada Life Assurance Company Corner Probyn & Brewster Phone 435 Dr. J. Dunn VETERINARIAN AND SURGEON Contracts Arranged Office--Symon Office Phone 183 Residence--J. Lever's Phone 113 NEW LISKEARD, ONT. Dr. Gordon F. Jackson PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. 131 Bloor St., West ~ TORONTO Telephones: Office--Kingsdale 5748 Residence--Hillcrest 2333 Dr. R. H. O'Neill DENTIST Main and Ferguson HAILEYBURY Phone--Office 11, Residence 132 Dr. W. R. Somerville DENTIST Bank of Nova Scotia Building Liggett Block MAIN & FERGUSON HAILEYBURY Barrow Sign Service SHOW CARDS , SIGNS, COBALT TIMMINS HAILEYBURY _ Saxton Electric | Blackwall Street Phone 243 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS ESTIMATES CONTRACTS =