The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 5 Jun 1930, p. 2

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Eage 2 THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1930 Hospital Bazaar Was a Splendid Success ed Cc ity Di Was Popular Feature; Prizes Were Well Distributed The big bazaar for the benefit of the new hospital opened on Friday afternoon last with a good attendance and plenty of amuse- ment for all present. The stalls, booths, games and entertainment generally were all well patroniz- ed and there was a constant stream of people going and com- ing in and out of the arena during the course of the proceedings. On Saturday evening the big community dinner proved a spe- cial attraction, the tables were well filled during the hours set apart and it appeared as though very few, if any, of the people downtown at least went home for supper. The ladies in charge gave areally enjoyable home-cooked meal and everyone was_ happy. Family parties, groups of friends and in some cases individuals, were to be found at all the tables and there was a general commun- ity spirit in evidence throughout. On Tuesday evening, the final session of the big event, there was a large crowd present and there was plenty of amusement, the interest centreing towards the close on the drawings that were made for the various prizes offered. Among these were some very valuable gifts donated by business men and other residents here and the winners are to be congratulated on their good luck. The whole event was very thor- oughly planned and _ successfully carried out and the committee in charge could not have done bet- ter. From casual observation during the course of the bazaar, it was really a community affair and one that will long be re- membered. When the drawings were made, the Hope Chest went to Miss Germaine Boileau, of Haileybury, and the other prizes were won as follows : 1. $150.00--F. Farrow, Liskeard. 2. $100.00--A. Bailey, Earlton. New 3. Mantel Clock--Rose Laur- ier, Montreal. 4. Silver Tea Service -- Gil- berte Desrocher, Ville Mraie. 5. Bridge Lamp--Alfred Per- ron, Nedelec. 6. Ladies' Tourobe -- Lew Hong, North Cobalt. 7. Ladies' Hat Case--Harry E. Sparks, Haileybury. 8. Electric Whipper -- Joseph Brouillard, Haileybury. 9. Electric Coffee Percolator --Rev. Jos. Crailler, Coniston. 10. Desk Set--Eugine Simard, Ville Marie. 11. $5.00 in Stone, Timmins. 12. Old English Teapot--Mde. Alf. Valiquette, Fabre. 13. Box of Confectionery--M. Gold -- Lornie Temiskaming % Northern Ontario Railway TRAIN SERVICE The CONTINENTAL LIMITED, Trains Nos. 1 and 2,+between Montreal and Vancou- yer, daily, operating through Sleeper between Cochrane and Toronto. These trains use Canadian National Railways station at North Bay. TRAINS Nos. 46 and 47--Through ser- vice daily, between Toronto and Timmins, al- so to Rouyn and Noranda, Que., operating Par- lor Cafe Car Service between North Bay and Timmins. Through Sleepers operated be- tween Toronto and Timmins, also between Toronto, Rouyn and Noranda, Que. These Trains use Canadian National Railways sta- tion at North Bay. TRAINS Nos. 17 and 18--Daily except Sunday service between North Bay and Coch- rane, operating through Sleeper between Tim mins and Montreal. These trains use Cana- dian Pacific Railway station at North Bay. LOCAL SERVICE between Cobalt, Foun- tain Falls and Silver Centre, Monday, Wed- nesday and Saturday. Connections at Earlton Jct. for ELK LAKE daily except Sunday. Connections at Englehart for CHARLTON daily except Sunday Connections at Swastika daily with Nipis- sing Central Railway for KIRKLAND LAKE, LARDER LAKE, CHEMINIS, ROUYN, and NORANDA, Quebec, and Intermediate Points. Connections at Porquis Jct. for IROQUOIS FALLS, daily. Improved service on the Porcupine Branch, making close connections at Porquis Jct. with Trains Nos. 1, 2, 17 and 18 for points east, west, north and south. This service will be in addition to Trains Nos. 46 and 47 and will provide three trains each way on Sundays. The: establishment \of this service will enable those desiring, to conveniently make round trip from Timmins to Cochrane on Sundays. TRI-WEEKLY SERVICE between Coch- rane, Island Falls Jet., and Coral Rapids, leav- ing Cochrane 8.30 a.m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday, arriving Coral Rapids 2.55 p.m. same day, returning leaving Coral Rapids 8.30 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, arriv- ing Cochrane 2.30 p.m. same day. See current Time Table or apply to any T. @ N. O. Rly. Agent for full particulars. A. J.P. Gen. Frt. and Pass. Agt., North Bay, Ont. (Oddfellows Observe Order's Anniversary Attend Service at St. Paul's in Commemoration of the Founding of Society Haileybury Oddfellows to the number of about 25, with several visitors from the Lodges of New Liskeard and Cobalt, attended divine service in St. Paul's here on Sunday evening last in cele- bration of the anniversary of the founding of the Order in 1811. The brethren met at the lodge room and marched to the Church, where a number of the members of the Rebekah Order assembled to also take part in the service. Rey. Canon Hincks, Rector of St. Paul's, preached on the sub- ject of friendship, dwelling par- ticularly on the fact that the bond of friendship, to be complete, must be reciprocal and mutual. The various degrees of friendship were outlined by the speaker in leading up to the bond that ex- ists between the members of a society or order in which the ex- ample of Jonathan and David plays a prominent part. "Even our Lord," the speaker said, "had His chosen ones with whom the bond was closer and more inti- mate." "Man is a social animal," Canon Hincks said, "and it is necessary that he have friends for he needs companionship, help and sympa- thy. The friendly attitude be- tween the members of your Or- der is one of the reasons that it has made such great strides in the world. But you must remem- ber that it cannot be all seeking, and be ready to give as well as receive in order that the bond of friendship may be fulfilled." Two great tests of friendship consisted of loyalty and self-sac- rifice, the speaker said. Disloy- alty was one of the most trying things to bear and the traitor was despicable. True friendship required self-sacrifice, not only giving of what was left over af- ter our own wants were supplied, but making a real sacrifice. In conclusion, the speaker re- minded his hearers that there was always the friendship of One on whom they might depend and he urged that He be considered asa God and a Friend and that our part of the bond of friendship be fulfilled. Grand Maitre, Nedelec. 14. Esmond Blanket--A. Bra- dette, Cochrane. The Permanent Wave prize donated by S. R. Rouse, was won by Gary Foster, of Haileybury, who is still looking for help to collect the prize. Want Ads. Bring Results e LUXURIES OF HOME ON TH UMMM Fast Daily Service via NorthBay andCochrane to Winnipeg, all points onthePrairieProvinces, Vancouver, Victoria and the Pacific Coast. EQUIPMENT Compartment-- Obser- vation--Library--Buffet Car (Radio)--Standard Sleeping Cars--Tourist Sleeping Cars--Dining Car--Coaches. Tickets, reservations and full details from anyAgent of Canadian National Railways. 61 ian ational TO EVERYWHERE IN_ CANADA Physical Training Appeals to Many Popular During Winter; Will Be Continued In a letter to The Haileyburian, Mr. B. W. Hartley, who for some months past has been conducting physical culture classes for the boys and girls nere, gives a re- port on the attendance and the progress made. He states that the classes will be conducted in the open air during the summer and that they will include basket- ball, softball] and the mass exer- cises. Mr. Hartley asks us to extend his thanks to Rev. D. A. MacKer- acher and the Session of the Un- ited Church for permitting the use of the church basement for the classes, to W. A. Gordon, K. C., and Messrs. D. L. Jemmett and Hugh Park for providing money for the equipment neces- sary and to all others who assist- ed in any way. He states that the work has been a great joy to him person- ally and it has given him great pleasure to see how the boys and DISTRICT OF TEMISKAMING Sheriff's Sale of Lands Under and by virtue of an Ex- ecution against lands issued out of the 3rd Division Court of the District of Temiskaming to me directed and delivered against the lands and tenements of G.P. Rod- gers, defendant, at the suit of A. P. Grant, Plaintiff, I have seized and taken in execution and will offer for sale by public auction at my office in the Court House, Town of Haileybury on Thursday the 19th day of June, 1930, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the fore- noon all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the said defendant in, to, or out of the following lands and tenements namely :-- SY lot 8, Concession 3, Pa- caud Township,' District of Temiskaming. GEORGE CALDBICK, Sheriff of Temiskaming District. Dated at Haileybury this 25th day of February, 1930. ~7-4-c B. W. Hartley's Classes Were, girls have enjoyed the work. There have been children present 'from all denominations and no 'one has been refused admission, | Mr. Hartley states, and he is es- pecially grateful to Donald Mac- Keracher for his invaluable as- sistance and to all who have con- tributed to the success of the movement. The classes will be opened again in the Fall. Mr. Hartley's report follows: Junior Girls' Classes Held_12 Senior Girls' Classes held_ 12 Junior Boys' Classes held_ 10 Senior Boys' Classes held_ 10 Ladies' Classes held Total Classes__--_- 53 Av. Attendance--29 per class ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the 'Estate of Eloi Clermont, Deceased Notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the Estate of Eloi Clermont, late of the town- ship of Teck, and who died at the town of Timmins, on or about the 11th day of March, 1930, are required to send by post prepaid or deliver to Clarinda Demers, Administratrix to the said Estate, Or tOmemhiowdnidie rs ipnied solicitor their Christian names and surnames, addresses and de- scriptions, with full particulars of their claim and a statement of their account, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. And take notice that after such above mentioned date, the Ad- ministratrix will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said Es- tate amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice. And the said Administratrix shall not be liable for the said as- sets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been receiv- ed by her, at the time of said dis- tribution. Dated this 28th day 1930: = of May, CLARINDA DEMERS, Administratrix, per: Joseph A. Legris, Haileybury, Ont., 9-3-¢ Her Solicitor Want Ads. Bring Results A quarter in a Haileyburian Want Ad. They rent or sell Houses, find lost articles, hire men or maids and assist generally in solving many problems. Follow Me, Girls! I'm going to invest BROADWAY STREET THE HAILEYBURIAN PHONE 24 (a > << : ACROSS >> Seventh Leaves MONTREAL Banff, Lake Louise . +. east by another... SONY Illustrated booklet Dean Sinclair Laird, >< | | (CANADA | 7BACK - Dean Sinclair Laird's Over Canada's Scenic Route >< Annual All Expense Tour - JULY 20--22 Days Leaves TORONTO i - JULY 21--21 Days All Expense Rate From MONTREAL - - - $371.00 From TORONTO - - - $340.00 ___ Other points quoted on application You will travel by rail, steamer and motor ... through Canada's industrial and agricultural regions. . . through the Rockies with their, crowning jewels, and Emerald Lake ... to Vancouver and Victoria ... west by one highway SS SMA on application to College P.O., Que., or >< C. H. WHITE, District Passenger Agent, 87 Main Sr. West, Nort# Bay, Ont. >< Give them the protection of a Refrigerator OOD health is the most precious asset of your children . . . and you can safeguard it by keeping their food always fresh and whole- some in a General Electric Refrigerator. For a few cents a day aGeneral Electric Refrigerator preserves milk and other perishable foods safely below the 50- degree danger point and re- moves the health menace of slightly-spoiled eatables. The General Electric Refrig- erator is so trouble-free in operation that it never even re- quires oiling . . . so simplified General Electric Safeguard Your Children's Health that there are no fans, belts or stuffing boxes to get out of order. All the mechanism is Sealed in Steel . . . proof forever against the destruc- tive effects of air, dirt and moisture. Come in and let us demon- strate the superiorities of the General Electric Refrigerator. ER-110-D Easy Terms Arranged GENERAL @QELECTRIC ALL-STEEL REFRIGERATOR Canada Northern Power Corporation, Limited Controlling and Operating Northern Ontario Power Company, Limited Northern Quebec Power Company, Limited Great Northern Power Corporation, Limited Guaranteed by CANADIAN GENERAL _ BLECTRIC CO., Limited =< ONO NNNINONINAO NONRONNTNTNOIN H.A. CARLSON NOTIN Patterns and Styles | VDDD AANA WN NW WWW: LADIES' AND GENTLEMAN'S TAILOR We always have the most up-to-date and seasonable goods to choose from to Suit Every Taste Fit and Workmanship of the Best CLEANING AND PRESSING FERGUSON AVE. Liggetts' old stand WATATATATAW: BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL CARDS Frederick Elliot BARRISTER and SOLICITOR Ontario and British Columbia INVESTMENTS, LOANS, ETC. GIBSON BLOCK, HAILEYBURY W. A. Gordon, K.C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC MYLES BLOCK, MAIN STREET HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO K. M. Stephen Life, Health, Accident, Fire, Automobile INSURANCE The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada The General Accident Assurance Co. of Canada Several First Class Fire Companies Probyn Street HAILEYBURY Phone 322 JACK CARTER Life, Health Accident Automobile INSURANCE da Life Assurance Company Cc Edwin W. Kearney BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC GIBSON BLOCK HAILEYBURY Telephone No. 10 F. L. Smiley, K.C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC CROWN ATTORNEY Main Street Conrt House Haileybury (GIF Wise BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Bank of Nova Scotia Building HAILEYBURY, ONT. PHONE 360 Eric E. Smith PIANO TUNING Practical Instruction in Violin Playing given at your home VIOLINS SOLD AT REASONABLE PRICES BOX 556 NEW LISKEARD R. H. Unwin (Organist United Church, Haileybury) Corner Probyn & Brewster Phone 435 Dr. J. Dunn VETERINARIAN AND SURGEON Contracts Arranged Office--Symon Office Phone 183 Residence--J. Lever's Phone 113 NEW LISKEARD, ONT. Dr. Gordon F. Jackson PHYSICIAN and SURGEON 131 Bloor St., West TORONTO Telephones: Office--Kingsdale 5748 Residence--Hillcrest 2333 Dr. R. H. O'Neill DENTIST Main and Ferguson HAILEYBURY Phone--Office 11, Residence 132 Dr. W. R. Somerville DENTIST Bank of Nova Scotia Building MAIN & FERGUSON HAILEYBURY Liggett Block MUSIC INSTRUCTOR ORGAN, PIANO, VOICE, THEORY MacLEAN'S 110 MAIN STREET Canadian Legion HAILEYBURY BRANCH No, 54 Meets in Club Room on Browning Street First Sunday each month, 3 p.m. ALL RETURNED MEN WELCOME Barrow Sign Service SHOW CARDS SIGNS, COBALT TIMMINS HAILEYBURY Saxton Electric _ Blackwall Street Phone 243 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS CONTRACTS ESTIMATES v

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