Ise eM bs YBURIAN THURSDAY, JULY 3rd, 1930 Dr. and Mrs. Crann, of Bestel, were Haileybury visitors this week. Mrs. P. J. Moriarity, Cecil St., is a patient in the Sisters of Mer- cy Hospital this week. Miss Playfair, of the public school staff, left an Monday by motor for her home in Carleton Place. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ruttan and family left on Monday for a motor trip to Southern Ontario points. Mrs. C. H. Burton, of Coch- rane, and formerly of Haileybury is in town for a visit with Mrs, B. W. Hartley. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sutherland and little son, of Bestel, were Haileybury visitors for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs, L. D. Bryan and family left on Wednesday morn- ing on a motor trip to Aurora for a visit with relatives. Mr. John A. Bradley left 'on Monday for his former home near Ottawa to visit his mother, who was reported seriously ill. Mr. A. H. Cockeram, formerly of Haileybury, is in town this week from Toronto and wi) spend the summer in the North Douglas Day was home from Upper Notch to spend the holi- day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Day, Russell Street. Walter Penley, and H. E. McCool came down from Elk Lake on Monday to spend the holiday in Haileybury. Mrs. Gordon Ferguson left on Monday afternoon with her bro- ther, Mr. H. Hudson, for a visit to her former home at Kinmount, Ont. Jim Thompson Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Thorpe and family left yesterady morning for Beamsville, where they will spend the next few months on their fruit farm. The regular monthly meeting of the Home and Foreign Mis- sion Circle of the Baptist Church will be held on Thursday, July 10 at 3 p.m., in the Church. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Suther- land, and Mrs. Sutherland's two sisters, the Misses Reid, visited friends in Haileybury this week, motoring from Windsor. Mrs. Ed. Simpson, of Toronto, NOTICE The list of lands for sale in Benoit School Section No. 1 for arrears of taxes has been pre- pared, copies of which may be had at my office, Court House, Town of Haileybury. Said list is being published in the Ontario Gazette on June 28th, July 5th, 12th, 19th. In default of pay- ment of such arrears and costs the lands therein mentioned wil] be sold at the time and place mentioned in the said advertise- ment. GEORGE CALDBICK, Haileybury, June 23rd, 1930. Sheriff of Temiskaming CAMPAIGN HERE TO BE OPENED ON MONDAY BY MiNISTES OF FINANCE Hon. Ghavlen A. Dunning, Min- ister of Finance and author of the Dunning Budget, will open the Liberal campaign in Hailey- bury on Monday evening next, when a great rally will be held in the Arena building. Posters announcing the meet- ing have been distributed and it seems probable that this will be the big event of the campaign by the Liberal forces. Besides Hon. Mr. Dunning there will be a speaker from Ot- tawa in the person of Wilfrid Gauvreau, a barrister of the Cap- ital City, and Colonel Mac. Lang, the Liberal candidate, will also give an address. The meeting has been called for 8 o'clock. HAD DOUBTFUL HONOR OF DRIVING FIRST CAR INTO ROAD WASHOUT To Wm. MacArthur goes_ the somewhat doubtful honor of dri- ving the first car into the wash- out which occurred on the Fer- guson Highway at Moore's Cove, where a 'small bridge was hoist- ed out of its place by the floods which came down the hill, caus- ing a tie-up of traffic for some hours on Friday. Mr. MacArthur it is stated, was actually driving across through the flood when the bridge went out and the rear wheels of his car dropped into the hole. The vehicle was dam- aged to some extent and had to be pulled in by a wrecking car. accompanied by her son, Teddy, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Boyce, Russell Street, for a few weeks. Hon. Lucien Cannon, Solicitor- General, will address a meeting in the interests of Col. Mac. Lang, Liberal candidate, in the town Hall, Earlton, tomorrow, at 1.30 p.m. Mrs. J. A. Hunter, formerly of Haileybury, with her two little daughters, were in town last week for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MacArthur on_ their way from their home in Kapus- kasing to Montreal. | CHURCHES | The United Church Rev. D. A. MacKeracher, B.A., Pastor Mr. R. H. Unwin, Organist and Choirmaster. 10.30 a.m.--Church School. 11 a.m., 7 p.m.--The Pastor. Salvation Army Sunday Morning Service at 11. Sunday Evening Service at 7.30. Sunday School--2.30 p.m. Tvesday, 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Friday, 7.15 p.m.--Junior Meeting. 8.00 p.m.--yY. P. Legion Meeting. Saturday Service at 8 p.m. The Baptist Church A. PRICE, Pastor Sunday Services at II a.m. and p.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Prayer Service, Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. Albert Gospel Hall ALBERT STREET Sunday School at 9.30 a.m. Gospel Meeting ...7.00 p.m. Mid-Week Service, Wednes- 12-13-c CAPTAIN T. MAGLADERY SPEAKS TO WOMEN AT GATHERING IN HOTEL Captain Tom Magladery, cam- K.C., Conservative candidate, was the speaker at a gathering of about sixty ladies in Hotel Hail- eybury on Friday afternoon last. He gave a very interesting ad- dress, handing on to the ladies something of his long experience as a campaigner and enlightening them as to the important part they can play in the coming elec- tion. Mrs. W.J. Adair, vice-president of the Ladies' Liberal-Conserva- tive Association, presided at the meeting. Mrs. Geo. Mitchell and Mrs. Dr. Armstrong, of Cobalt, were present and gave short speeches. At the close of the meeting tea was served and a social time spent. The officers of the Haileybury Association are: Honorary Presidents--Mrs. W. A. Gordon, Mrs. H. S. Hennessy, Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. President--Mrs. C. C. Farr. Vice-Pres.--Mrs. W. J. Adair. Sec.-Treas.--Mrs. R. D. Cum- paign manager for W. A. Gordon |- SECOND BODY FOUND OF TWO MEN DROWNED IN MONTREAL RIVER The body of the second of two men drowned in the Montreal River on May 30th, when they were thrown from a boat in a ra- pid about eight miles from the mouth of the stream, was recov- ered last week. It was that of Godfrey . Vaillancourt who, with his half-brother, Emile Laurin, were the victims of the fatality. The second body was found in the eddy from which the first was taken the previous week, a- bout 300 yards from the scene of the drowning. It was brought to Haileybury and sent from here to Masham's Mills, Que., the home of the brothers. They were employed in river driving for Gillies Brothers. On Friday, July 4th, at 1.30 p. m., a meeting will be held in Earlton in the interests of Mac. Lang, at which the Hon. Lucien Cannon, Solicitor-General, will be the chief speaker. ming. Want Ads. Bring Results STATIONERY SPECIAL! Kid Finish Kid Finish OLD ENGLISH VELLUM, 7e By LESLIE The New Mystery BLUEBIRD WRITING PADS and Envelopes EMERALD WRITING PADS and Envelopes and nicely boxed, Special "STREETS OF SHADOW" in Assorted Colors 65c 200 McFARLANE Story on Sale Here A. W. SANDERSON JEWE8LER AND STATIONER Headquarters for Victrolas and Victor Records ("THESE 'WANT AD'S three phonographs ; the music business. Studio, Haileybury. For Sale or Rent -- One Piano, closing out MacLean's 13-3-c For Sale or Rent--The Branchaud , Wanted--Position as clerk or other similar job, by Middle School girl, during summer holidays. Write Box 1, Hailey- burian. 13-1* Residence, Probyn Street, with House for Rent--Six rooms, on garage in connection. Apply Browning Street. Apply to P. to Jos. A. Legris. g-t..; Browning Street. Apply to Macdonald & Smith. 11-t.f. all conveniences, Street. For Sale or Rent--Comfortable house, central on Rorke Ave., good garden. Apply to Geo. Brown, Probyn For Sale--Lot on Browning St. with building on rear; electric light, water and sewer, cement floor; could be turned into 3 garages; price $200. Macdon- Latchford Street. For Rent--8-roomed House on Apply to M. J. Conkey, Phone 138, Hailey- bury. 52-t.f. ald & Smith. 12-t.f. Why Operate? for gall-stones, stomach troubles, appendicitis, etc. Use Hepatola, the great For Rent--Seven-roomed House system cleanser. This is not ences; very easy terms. day at 8 p.m. at Haileyburian Office. Apply x on Rorke Avenue North; also; 4n experiment but a proven suc- two good teams for sale. Ap-}j C€SS, having been used through- ply to S. Norfolk. 4-t.f.| out Canada for the past twenty years with excellent results. For Sale--Six Roomed House on! Price $6.75. Write for circu- Blackwall Street; all conveni-| lar. Mrs. Geo. S. Almas, Box 1073-37, Saskatoon, Sask. Jul.24 NO) NONE NONONOIN WIVIGITIA VOD. OV. ON ON ONO OO AW) il AAT AT ATATAIATAUAIANUA) EVERYBODY SHOULD HEAR Hon. Chas. A. Dunning Minister of Finance Haileybury Arena, Mon., July 7, 8 p.m. Timiskaming South Liberal Association WAC @ (A\I/ANVAVI/AWVGVI/A\i WW A\W/A\'/B\I/B AVIAN (A\VA\WA\WA\I/\" ey CLASSIC THEATRE So aan On SARTO Swift! Soaring! Spectacular! FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JULY 4th and 5th 4 A woman matches wits witha dare-devil air fighter -- and wins love! William (Wings) Wellman's new air thriller, like an all-talking "Wings" Buddy will thrill you with his daring, his loving! CHARLES (Buddy) \' ROGERS 'Young Fa gles" WITH JEAN ARTHUR, PAUL LUKAS~ 'G Garamount Gicture, COMEDY "The New Halfback" "Carnival Kid" ~ MONDAY and TUESDAY, JULY 7th and 8th DEATH FAILS TO QUENCH HI FIERY HATE. HE'S ALIVE ! "THE RETURN DR.FU MANCHU" G Garamount Picture You thought he died in "The My- sterious Dr. Fu Manchu." He didn't! He's thrilingly alive in a brand new adventure. Again you see Warner Oland as a devilish doctor, O. P. Heggie, the detec- tive, Neil Hamilton, Jean Arthur, as the menaced lovers. A' new thrill treat! COMEDY--CARTOON--COMEDY WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, JULY 9th and 10th All DIALOG RO MANCE~7 of the GREAT OUTDOORS BOW 'True to the e Navy Thriller * with Romantic Appeal PRICES--Evening Adults 50c plus tax; Children 25c Saturday Matinee --_________ Adults 40c plus tax; Children 10c Monday Matinee, 2.30 p.m. _--______ Adults, 25c; Children 10c Two Shows Nightly, 7 & 9 p.m. Saturday Continuous, 2.30-11