TH Ee HAE YBURIAN At HURSDAY, JULY 17th, 1930 Social and Personal Miss Winnifred ,McCracken has gone to Kirkland Lake, where she has accepted a position. Mrs. Jas. Dodd and son, Allan, left on Sunday for a visit with friends and relatives in the Ot- tawa Valley. Misses Marjorie Briden and Do- ris Bailey left on Sunday evening for a holiday trip to the Thou- sand Islands. George and Edward Caldbick have gone to Kirkland Lake, where they will work during the summer holidays. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Taylor, formerly of Haileybury, are in town this week from Toronto re- newing acquaintances. John McCracken Jr. is home from Iroquois Falls to spend a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McCracken. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Whorley |" and family, of Kirkland Lake, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Whorley last Sunday. Mrs. J. B. Harris and daughter, Miss Margaret, are in Kirkland Lake this week on a visit with Mrs. Harris' daughter, Mrs. Per- ry. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McGuire, of Cochrane, visited the home of Mrs. McGuire's mother, Mrs. J. Brewer, Browning Street, last Sunday. Miss Helen Green and Miss Jean McInnis, of Toronto, are in town to spend the holidays with} their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McKinnon. Don't forget the lawn social to be held this evening, July 17th, by Northern Light Rebekah Lodge, at the home of Mrs. F. .L Fleming, Main Street. Spend a pleasant evening to- night at the lawn social of the Rebekah Lodge at the home of Mrs. F. L. Fleming, Main Street, commencing at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Purdy, of North Bay, motored up and spent the week-end with Mrs. Purdy's brother, Mr. A. Best, and Mrs Best, Blackwall Street. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morrison and little daughter, Dorothy, have gone to Maxville, Ont., for a visit with Mrs. Morrison's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Munroe. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Truelove and family, Greenway, Man., and formerly of Haileybury, were in town for a few days over the week-end on their way to Perth, Ont. The Ladies' Branch of the Hail- eybury Horticutlural Society will hold a dance in the new commun- ity hall on Tuesday, August 5th. Good music, refreshments and novelty dances. Misses Sybil McCracken and Annie Hughes have successfully passed their final examination at the North Bay Normal School and have received First Class Teach- ers' Certificates. Congratula- tions. G. J. Gibbons and H. A. Day are representing Haileybury Lodge, A.F. & A.M. at the annual sessions of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, which opened in Toron- to at the Royal York Hotel yes- terday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Edwards and family arrived from Toronto on Saturday to spend a couple of weeks holidays in Haileybury with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Edwards and Mrs. and Mrs. A. 'Dickson. NOTICE The list of lands for sale in Benoit School Section No. 1 for arrears of taxes has been pre- pared, copies of which may be had at my office, Court House, Town of Haileybury. Said list is being published in the Qntario Gazette on June 28th, July 5th, 12th, 19th. In default of pay- ment of such arrears and costs the lands therein mentioned will be sold at the time and _ place mentioned in the said advertise- ment. GEORGE CALDBICK, Haileybury, June 23rd, 1930. 12-13-c Sheriff of Temiskaming "\lier in the year, \Brigade Fights Fire in Fire Hall Saves Building Boys With Matches Start Blaze in Feed Loft; Damage is Very Slight Two small boys playing with matches were responsible for a blaze in the local fire hall on Monday afternoon, when a small quantity of hay and oats stored in a loft over the horse stable was damaged by fire and water and the roof of that part of the build- ing also burned slightly. Smoke was seen issuing from the building by Mrs. S. D. Briden, who lives close by on Main Street She immediately called the tele- phone office and then notified Ken. Watson, the truck driver, who was in the front part of the hall at the time. The ringing of the bell brought the firemen quickly to the scene and withina half hour the blaze was under control. Two boys were seen in the loft just about the time the fire start- ed and Fire Chief Marcella learn- ed their names and that they were seen with matches. The Chief gave them a lecture and let them go, but he says that they are now well warned and there is little danger of their playing the same tricks again. Had it not been for the fact that Mrs. Briden was so close by and happened to see the smoke shortly after the blaze started, the damage would no doubt have been serious. The stable at the rear of the hall has a lower roof than the main building and the men at the front of the hall would probably not have been aware of \the fire until it had got a serious start. WEST ROAD FARMER DIED LAST WEEK IN HOSPITAL AT WESTON John C. Fernholm, who for many years has been a resident of the West Road, died on Friday last, July 11th, in the Weston Hospital, Toronto, where he had been for about six weeks suffer- ing from tuberculosis. -He was 54 years of age and during his long residence in this district had \become well known to many, both in Haileybury and the farming settlements. | He was a widower, Mrs. Fernholm having died ear- and leaves a fa- mily of six, only one of wohm, a daughter, Miss Anna, is grown The remains of the late Fernholm were brought to Hail- eybury to the undertaking par- of Thorpe & Branchaud, where the funeral was held on Sunday afternoon. The service was conducted by Rev. A. Price, Pastor of the Haileybury Bap- tist Church, and interment was in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Many friends and acquaintances were present and all extend their sincere sympathy to the bereay- ed family. PASSENGER COACH IS DERAILED ON TRESTLE AND DELAYS TRAFFIC lors Train No. 47, northbound, was delayed for around three hours on Tuesday, when some trouble was experienced in getting a- cross the new trestle over the washout at Dickson's Creek. A truck of one of the passenger coaches left the rails and, on account of the position of the tracks, some 60 feet above the bottom of the ravine, great care was necessary in getting it on. This was accomplished about 2 o'clock and traffic was resumed The trains run very slowly across the trestle, but in spite of this the accident happened. A special train carrying Hon. G. Howard Ferguson on_his speaking tour of the district, ar- rived in Haileybury at 1 p.m. and was held here until the trouble with the other train was over- come. The Prime Minister was driven to New Liskeard for a conference with the party heads there. A possible serious derailment was averted by the express mes- senger on the train, Wilfred Dic- key, of North Bay, who noticed the coach swaying and jumped for the emergency bell cord. The engineer got the signal and the train was stopped after the de- railed wheels had passed over about six ties. Albert Gospel Hall ALBERT STREET Sunday School at 9.30 a.m. Gospel Meeting ...7.00 p.m. Mid-Week Service, Wednes- day at 8 p.m. Mr.| SOR KX kee oe eae Georgetown Firm Gets Mining School Contract The Secretary of the High School Board in- forms us this morning that the contract for the addition to the Mining School has been awarded to Warwick & Sons, of Georgetown, for the sum of $40,878. This was, it is understood, the lowest tender received for the building and the contract was let by the Advisory Committee of the Board yesterday. Work is to commence at once and the contrac- tors have been requested to employ local labor to the greatest possible ex- tent, we are informed. pialslaisisisisialainisisistalatalalalala aidelaiglal REN IK XK KG Nea NG MINISTER OF JUSTICE TO SPEND TOMORROW IN LISKEARD AND COBALT Hon. Ernest Lapointe, Minister of Justice, will be the chief speak-|® er at two meetings tomorrow, Friday, evening in 'this district in thee interests of Col. Mac. Lang, Liberal candidate. The meetings will be held in the Classic Thea- tre, Cobalt, and the Empire, New Liskeard, both being called for 8.15. In addition to Mr. Lapointe Hon. Nelson Parliament will al- so address both meetings and there will be several local speak- ers present, including the candi- date. Arrangements have been made for Hon. Mr. Lapointe to give his address at one meeting and then drive to the other town in time to speak there. It has not been an- nounced at which place he will appear first, but there will be plenty of artillery to keep both meetings going throughout the evening. Hon. G. Howard Ferguson is Speaker at Big Gathering our own conditions, regulate the tariff from our own standpoint and keep the control in Canada. There was no one who was more sympathetic or had done more to uphold British connec- tions than he had, but he believ- ed that Canada should have ad- vantageous treatment in an SP agreement for inter-Empire trade and that by each unit of the Em- pire building up and extending its Own position greater strides would be made. towards the up- building of the whole. "It should be Canada for Canadians, Austra- lia for Australians, New Zealand for New Zealanders, and no trade treaties that would allow unfair competition with the native peo- ple of any of the Dominions." Premier Ferguson ridiculed the Dunning Budget, which had been heralded as the panacea for all ills, and which had been referred to as the "May Day" budget and the "Pay Day" budget. He term- ed it the "Moving Day" budget and stated that he objected very strongly to any movement which "divested the gov ernment of con- trol of our fiscal policy." Lead-| ers of finance itt Britain, he said, | had studied the situation after the | budget had been passed and had} come to the conclusion that the | only real Empire policy was a} reciprocal one. In concluding his address, Mr. Ferguson contrasted the policy outlined by the Conservative lead- er, Hon. R. B. Bennett, with that of Hon. Mr. Dunning, and stated that there could be no doubt in the mind of any reasonable person as to. which was the better. "We want more and better Canadian homes," he stated. "We do not want our products sent to foreign lands for manufacture and our workmen driven out of the coun- try to seek employment. We have in this province spent huge sums in development and in building up the country and we most strongly object to having this wasted by the unwise, un- patriotic legislation passed by the government at Ottawa." CARD OF THANKS The members of Haileybury Chapter, I.0.D.E. wish to thank most cordially all those who in any way assisted in making their recent Street Fair a success. Choose Silver ReISMIEGAL LEY = <dre= signed, gleaming Sil- verware is her idea of a lovely gift. Practical .... beautiful .... a gift to be proud of. A large selection to choose from eo A W. Sanderson Jeweler and Stationer House For Sale--Browning St.; $3,600, $1,000 cash, balance $22 per month. Apply to P. La- frange, 42 Main St. North Bay, or to Macdonald & Smith, Hail- eybury 14-t.f. For Sale or Rent -- One Piano, three phonographs, closing out the music business. MacLean's Studio, Haileybury. 13-3-c \ For Sale or Rent--The Branchaud | Residence, Probyn Street, with garage in connection. Apply to Jos. A. Legris. 8-t.f. For Sale or Rent--Comfortable house, central on Rorke Ave., all conveniences, good garden. Apply to Geo. Brown, Probyn Street. 3.48. For Rent--8-roomed House on Latchford Street. Apply to M. J. Conkey, Phone 138, Hailey- bury. 52-t.f. Why Operate? for gall-stones, stomach troubles, appendicitis, etc. Use Hepatola, the great system cleanser. This is not an experiment but a proven suc- cess, having been used through- out Canada for the past twenty years with excellent results.' Price $6.75. Write for circu- lar. Mrs. Geo. S. Almas, Box 1073-37, Saskatoon, Sask. Jul.24 | Wanted -- Furnished apartment, flat, rooms for light house- keeping or small furnished house; for two adults. Perm- anent; best references. Send fullest particulars to Box 2, The Haileyburian. 15-1* To Rent or Lease -- Furnished house, nine rooms, in fine loca- tion at 63 Brewster St. Apply to F. C. Bidgood. 14-t.f. For Sale--One-ton capacity dray, suitable for heavy horse or light team. Apply to W. J. Dagenais, North Cobalt. 14-2c For Sale--Wayne Gasoline Pump and tank.. Apply to W. J. Dag- enais, North Cobalt. 14-2c For Rent--Seven roomed House on Latchford Street, all con- veniences. Apply to Mrs. A.L. Herbert, or phone 149. 14-t.f For Sale or Rent, all Furnished-- Club Hotel, centrally located. Apply to W. Burns, Hailey- bury. 14-t.f. For Rent--Seven-roomed House on Rorke Avenue North; also two good teams for sale. Ap- ply to S. Norfolk. 4-tf. For Sale--Six Roomed House on Blackwall Street; all conveni- ences; very easy terms. Apply at Haileyburian Office. x CLASSIC Crowe Aaa Soo N Te Ae FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JULY 18th and 19th THEATRE | | laughing, lwise - crack- ing in a lav- : De Technicolor \production--with : gorgeous gi siD- gers, dancers, come- dans. Hold Everything for "HOLD EVERYTHING e "HOLD EVERYTHING " Has Everything Comedy "Bitter Friends" and "Micky's Follies" Cartoon MONDAY and TUESDAY, JULY 21st and 22nd " A DARING BUT With Chester Mor- ae Conia ONL TRUTHFUL PIC- Réhert Mantgainets TURE OF MOD- Based on a story by ERNUMARRIAGE Ursula Parrott ' MORALS. 8 e 5 ° Don't Miss It! Comedy "Romance De Luxe" and "Alpine Love Call" WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, JULY 23rd and 24th pee, S <-- NER BONN "S present CWINNIE LIGHTNER CHESTER MORRIS The glitter and tinsel of night life --the secret love of a girl of the chorus--a crook who tried to go straight --and Dynamic Winnie Lightner the sensation of "'Gold-diggers of Broadway" in a happy role VIRGINIA VALLI built to her measure. A 100% and | Entertainment Combination. JOHN HOLLAND PRICES--Evening _________ Adults 50c plus tax; Children 25c Saturday Matinee ___________ Adults 40c plus tax; Children 10c ' Matinee, Mon. & Wed., 2.30 p.m._____ Adults 25c, "Children 10c. | Two Shows Nightly, 7 & 9 p.m. Saturday Continuous, 2.30-11