rHE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, JULY 24th, 1930 Mrs. A. Mosher spent a few days visiting friends in Sudbury last week. Mrs. A> R. Farrell and children} \at the home of her sister, Mrs. J.| of Sudbury, are visiting friends in Haileybury. Miss Jordan, R.N. of North Bay is in Haileybury for a visit with Miss Jessie Poppleton. BORN--On Thursday, July 17, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Har- rison, Rorke Avenue, a son. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Seymour and family are spending a holi- day in the Muskoka Lakes dist- rict. Mrs. R. Whorley and son, Allan left on Thursday last on a motor trip to Toronto and other south- ern points. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mino and family left on Sunday for a cou- ple of weeks motoring through Eastern Canada and the United States. Millinery! Millinery! Big re- duction in Coombe Quality Hats, in up-to-date shades and models at Mrs. A. J. Coombe's, New Lis- keard. Ladies' Hats at reduced prices; splendid quality and up-to-date in shape and shade; reduced for the next ten: days. Mrs. A. J. Coombe New Liskeard. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Manley and Mr. Arthur Tough, of Nia- gara Falls, spent last week with their aunt, Mrs. J. Jackson, Rorke Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and family, of Sudbury, are in town for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Cook, Little Street. Mrs. C. C. Farr and her grand- daughter, Miss Georgina Black- wall, returned on Sunday after spending a couple of months in England. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Carson, of Timmins, are in town for a visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Carson and Mrs, and Mrs. John Berry. MTS, Walter Young and daugh- ter. Miss Margaret, formerly of Haileybury, arrived in town last week from Toronto and will spend the summer here. NOTICE The list of lands for sale in Benoit School Section No. 1 for arrears of taxes has been pre- pared, copies of which may be had at my office, Court House, Town of Haileybury. Said list is being published in the Ontario Gazette on June 28th, July 5th, 12th, 19th. In default of pay- ment of such arrears and costs the lands therein mentioned wil) be sold at the time and place mentioned in the said advertise- ment. GEORGE CALDBICK, Haileybury, June 23rd, 1930. 12-13-c Sheriff of Temiskaming by his brother, John. Many of the buildings which existed here before the fire of 1922 were erec- ted by the Berry Brothers. In 1920 Mr. Berry left the North Country and went to Woodstock. He continued active in the building trades until a few years ago and was well known there. He is survived by his wi- dow and one daughter, Mrs. R. T. Irwin of Woodstock, and by three brothers and one sister. The third brother is R. J. Berry, of Toronto, and the sister is Mrs. F. Warren, Red Deer, Alta. OBITUARY Mrs. Margaret McAulay Particularly sad was the death, on Monday, of Mrs. Margaret McAulay, widow of the late An- gus McAulay, which took place C. Boyd, in Toronto. ~ She had} been seriously ill since about the first of June and on June 26th was taken to Toronto for treat- ment. Following a few weeks in hospital, when it was found that there was little hope for her re- covery, she was taken to the home of her sister where her death occurred. Mrs. McAulay, who before her marriage was Miss Margaret Mc- Kee, was born in Westport, near Brockville and came to the North with her parents some 15 years ago. Following her marriage she lived in North Cobalt up to the time of leaving for the city this summer. Her husband died in December last and four small boys, Clayton, John, Boyd and Grant, are left to mourn the loss of their parents. Clayton is only nine years old and Grant is 11 months. Mrs. McAulay's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. McKee, two sisters, Mrs. N. J. McAulay and Mrs. J. C. Boyd, and one brother, W. J. McKee, are the surviving members of the family. They have the sincere sympathy of a great circle of friends in thts district. Mrs. McAulay was a member of the United Church and of the Rebekah Order, taking an active part in the work of both. Mem- bers of the local Rebekah Lodge lent their assistance in making the funeral arrangements and in taking care of the home at North Cobalt, where the remains were brought from the city on Tues- day. The funeral was held yes- terday afternoon, the service be- ing conducted by Rev. Fred. Smith, Pastor of the Cobalt Un- ited Church, and interment was in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, at Haileybury.. There were many friends present to pay their last respects and a great profusion of floral tributes testified to the esteem in which Mrs. McAulay was held by all. William Berry A pioneer resident of Hailey- bury, Mr. William Berry, passed away at his home in Woodstock on Friday last, after an_ illness which had lasted since November, 1929, and from which there was little hope of his recovery, even in its early stages. He was 77| years of age and a brother of Messrs. John and David Berry of Haileybury. The late Mr. Berry was born near Deseronto, Ont., and spent about 25 years of his earlier life| in Wisconsin. He came to Hail-| eybury in 1906, engaging in the| building and contracting 'nile and was joined shortly afterward | | Choose Silver | Sa Se Ana Adiin aiine adie adie _ptiine adie diiihe atitne aioe siitihe alee sine nitie nine site ad The remains were brought to Haileybury on Monday for in- terment in the old cemetery here, where a son is buried in the family plot. The funeral was directly from the train, the ser- vice being conducted by Rev. F. Smith, of the Cobalt United Church, in the absence of Rev. D. A. MacKeracher. A large num- ber of old friends and acquaint- ances attended to pay their last respects to a_ former neighbor and friend, and to extend their sympathy. Mrs. Walter S. Spencer The death of Mrs. Walter Spen- cer, formerly of North Cobalt, took place at the Red Cross Hos- pital, Kirkland Lake, on July 14, after an illness which lasted few days only. She had suffered an infection from mosquito bite which resulted in her death. She was well known and esteemed by alarge number of friends there, in addition to those who had known her during her residence in Cobalt and North Cobalt. Before her marriage Mrs. Spenser was Miss Edith Blanche Stuckey, of Cobalt. She was a member of the Anglican Church and of the Rebekah Order and was an active worker in both or- ganizations. The funeral, which was held on July 16th at Kirkland Lake, was conducted by Rev. E. Dymond, Rector of St. Peter's Church, af- ter the impressive funeral rites of the Rebekah Order had been solemnized at her late home. Mrs. Spencer is survived by het a husband and two children, Mar- garet, aged 14, and Buddy, 7; al- so three brothers, Vincent Stuc- |key, of Silver Centre; Harry, re- lieving agent on the T. & N. O. Railway, and George, in England. There are also four sisters sur- viving, Mrs. B. Williams, East Windsor; Mrs. A. Williams, Hail- eybury; Mrs. W. Harrill and Miss Lucy, in England. Many friends of the family in the district deeply sympathize with the bereaved ones. James McCrea James McCrea of BostonCreek | a well known prospector and the principal owner of the Boston- McCrea Mines, died suddenly at Kirkland Lake on Saturday after- noon. He had gone to the min- ing town to spend a day or two and on Saturday he complained of not feeling well. He lay down in the afternoon and died in his sleep. The late Mr. McCrea was _be- tween 40 and 50 years of age and had lived in Boston Creek and other parts of the district for many years. He is survived by his widow, who was formerly Miss Ethel McFarlane, of Co- balt. The funeral was held on Tuesday. Mrs. Damase Gauthier A resident of Cobalt for the past 25 years, Mrs. Damase Gau- thier, aged 60 years, died on Sat- urday last after a long. illness from heart trouble. She had been in poor health for about four years. Mrs. Gauthier was a sister of Fred LaRose, whose early con- nection with the development of the Cobalt camp gave his name to the LaRose Mine. She is sur- vived by her husband and a grown-up family. The funeral was held on Monday from St. Therese's Church, with interment in the Roman Catholic Cemetery at 104. Want Ads. Bring Results ee ae ie ae an al ai ae al j SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK ie ali ati ie ace atin le lt alle lle atte ltt SHOES A New aren of SLATER Boots and Shoes G. J. GIB FERGUSON AVENUE PRR Ay OO Re I Re We a a Ne 9 Men's Wear PHONE 8 BON Sasa ae ae ame athe.2fte.sita.ofe2ide.site site -afteoite, sith sfiesite.aite._aite.niiesia. THESE WANT AD'S SWANT House For Sale--Browning St.; |For Sale or Rent--The Branchaud $3,600, $1,000 cash, balance $22 per month. Apply to P. La- frange, 42 Main St. North Bay, or to Macdonald & Smith, Hail- eybury 14-t.f. RTISTICALLY signed, gleaming Sil- de- For Sale--Chevrolet Sedan, 1929 model; cheap. Enquire at The Haileyburian Office. 16-1* verware is her idea of a lovely gift. Practical .... beautiful .... a gift to be proud of. For Sale or Rent--Comfortable { house, central on Rorke Ave.,: all conveniences, good garden. | Apply to Geo. Brown, Probyn| Street. othe A large selection to choose from For Rent--8-roomed House on Latchford Street. Apply to M. J. Conkey, Phone 138, Hailey- bury. =02-t-£. A. W. Sanderson Jeweler and Stationer Albert Gospel Hall | ALBERT STREET Sunday School at 9.30 a.m. Gospel Meeting ...7.00 p.m. Mid-Week Service, Wednes- day at 8 p.m. Why Operate? for gall-stones, stomach troubles, appendicitis, etc. Use Hepatola, the great system cleanser. This is not an experiment but a proven suc- cess, having been used through- out Canada for the past twenty years with excellent results. Price $6.75. Write for circu- lar. Mrs. Geo. S. Almas, Box 1073-37, Saskatoon, Sask. Jul.24 BRING -- RESULTS 'S Residence, Probyn Street, with garage in connection. Apply to Jos. A. Legris. 8-t.f. Lost--Between Cobalt and Earl- ton, Sunday morning, brown club bag containing boys' clo- thing. Finder please phone 354B, Cobalt. 16-1-* To Rent or Lease -- Furnished house, nine rooms, in fine loca- tion at 63 Brewster St. Apply to F. C. Bidgood. 14-t.f. For Rent--Seven roomed House on Latchford Street, all con- veniences. Apply to Mrs. A.L. Herbert, or phone 149. 14-t.f For Sale or Rent, all Furnished-- Club Hotel, centrally located. Apply to W. Burns, Hailey- bury. 14-t.f. For Rent--Seven-roomed House on Rorke Avenue North; also two good teams for sale. Ap- ply to S. Norfolk. 4-t.f. For Sale--Six Roomed House on Blackwall Street; all conveni- CLASSIC CoweAEg Sturtevant Co THEATRE| - ONTARIO oling System FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JULY 25th and 26th More Daring Than and Enticing Ever! The "Untamed" star is back in a great outdoor --and what a supportig cast: romance, with : songs by the \ JOHN MACK Wiltienas a On BROWN "Bro ae way DOROTHY Melody," grand SEBASTIAN comedy, cow- boy chants and | poses action! Action! BENNY RU . ! be Be ACUIOM os vi BIN, CLIFF ra SOS EDWARDS Ment Goldwyn Mayer ALL TALKING pictures KARL DANE COMEDY--"Uppercut O'Brien" and "Autumn'"--COMEDY MONDAY and TUESDAY, JULY 28th and 29th GRETA GARBO, nna Christie A bit of human flotsam on the current of life and love__-a role of unforgettable power and appeal for the lovely Star___truly a big pic- ture of any year. With CHARLES BICKFORD GEO. F. MARIAN MARIE DRESSLER COMEDY--"Trouble for Two"--COMEDY WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, JULY 30th and 3ist HERE'S THE GREATEST OF VANCE THRILLERS ! Daring ! The world's greatest de- tective solves the most startling crime of his ca- Gripping portrayal of a woman who preferred to give rather than re- ceive silhouet- eae In EF; ted against vivid night- THE m2! BERNGON ground. RIURDER CASE" with WILLIAM POWELL CG Garamount Gicture COMEDY--"The Bell of the Night'"'--COMEDY PRICES--Evening Adults 50c plus tax; Children 25c Saturday Matinee -__------_- Adults 40c plus tax; Children 10c Matinee, Mon. & Wed., 2.30 p.m.___-- Adults 25c, Children 10c: Two Shows Nightly, 7 & 9 p.m. Saturday Continuous, 2.30-11 |f ences; very easy terms. Apply at Haileyburian Office. x