Page 4 THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, JULY 3st, 1930 THE HAILEYBURIAN Issued every Thursday from The Haileyburian Office, Broadway Street, Haileybury Published in the Interests of the Town of Haileybury and District of Temiskaming SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In Canada--$2.00 per year in advance In United States--$2.50 per year in advance LEISHMAN & SUTHERLAND PUBLISHERS The Cemetery Road For a year past there has been talk of building a better road to the new Haileybury Cemetery, one that would connect with the main highway. It has been dis- cussed by the town council and by other public bodies, including the cemetery commission, but up to the present there has been nothing done and the old road along Meridian Avenue is still in use. This latter thoroughfare, being largely composed of clay without a proper surface of gra- vel, is not too bad as long as the weather is dry, but when a fune- ral is being held on a wet day, as was the case on Monday of this week, it is very difficult to drive up the hills on the road and reach the cemetery gates. It appears from discussions of the council that it is a question of financing. It has been stated that the funds will not permit of the new road being built this year, and everyone realizes that a policy of economy is needed at the present, but if there could be some gravelling done on the present road it would greatly fa- cilitate the holding of funerals when the weather is bad. On Monday several of those driving cars could not get up the hill and were forced to leave their vehic- les and walk to the cemetery through the mud. Others drove through with considerable diffi- culty and there was some delay and confusion, which is always regrettable at a funeral. Bathing Beach Needed The past few weeks of warm weather has again shown the great need for some improvement to the beach, in order that both visitors and residents, and parti- cularly the children, might have better facilities for enjoying the bathing in the lake during the comparatively short season while the water is fit. On different oc- casions plans have been made for something that would act as a breakwater near the wharf, thus allowing the sand to accumulate and form more of a beach than nature provided at the spot. It has been suggested again this year that the town council, the Board of Trade and any other organizations interested might get together and start some- thing. Perhaps this reminder will serve as a spur to those who have previously discussed the proposal. It might be possible to arrange Temiskaming ® N orthern Ontario Railway TRAIN SERVICE The CONTINENTAL LIMITED, Trains Nos. 1 and 2, between Montreal and Vancou- ver, daily, operating through Sleeper between Cochrane and Toronto. These trains use Canadian National Railways station at North Bay. TRAINS Nos. 46 and 47--Through ser- vice daily, between Toronto and Timmins, al- so to Rouyn and Noranda, Que., operating Par- lor Cafe Car Service between North Bay and Timmins. Through Sleepers operated be- tween Toronto and Timmins, also between Toronto, Rouyn and Noranda, Que. These Trains use Canadian National Railways sta- tion at North Bay. TRAINS Nos. 17 and 18--Daily except Sunday service between North Bay and Coch- rane, operating through Sleeper between Tim mins and Montreal. These trains use Cana- dian Pacific Railway station at North Bay. LOCAL SERVICE between Cobalt, Foun- tain Falls and Silver Centre, Monday, Wed- nesday and Saturday. Connections at Earlton Jct. for ELK LAKE daily except Sunday. Connections at Englehart for CHARLTON | daily except Sunday Connections at Swastika daily with Nipis- sing Central Railway for KIRKLAND LAKE, *"LARDER LAKE, CHEMINIS, ROUYN, and NORANDA, Quebec, and Intermediate Points. Connections at Porquis Jct. for IROQUOIS FALLS, daily. Improved service on the Porcupine Branch, making close connections at Porquis Jct. with Trains Nos. 1, 2, 17 and 18 for points east, west, north and south. This service will be in addition to Trains Nos. 46 and 47 and will provide three trains each way on Sundays. The: establishment of this service will enable those desiring, to conveniently make round trip from Timmins to Cochrane on Sundays. TRI-WEEKLY SERVICE between Coch- rane, Island Falls Jct., and Coral Rapids, leav- ing Cochrane 8.30 a.m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday, arriving Coral Rapids 2.55 p.m. same day, returning leaving Coral Rapids 8.30 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, arriv- ing Cochrane 2.30 p.m. same day. See current Time Table or apply to any T @ N. O, Rly. Agent for full particulars. A. J. PARR, Gen. Frt. and Pass. Agt., North Bay, Ont. ameeting of those interested to at least talk the project over once more. It has been stated that very little expense need be invol- ved, and that a small amount of work would so improve the sec- tion of beach now used for bath- ing that it would attract many to this healthy form of summer sport. There is an opportunity there to make a great improve- ment and a real addition to Hail- eybury's attractions that should not be overlooked. FIRST AID LESSONS PROVE VALUABLE TO INJURED SCHOOLBOY Instruction in "First Aid," re- ceived at the public school, prov- ed valuable to little Jack Roger, aged 8, who got a rather bad cut on his leg while playing at camp- ing with other boys near the up- per end of Main Street. Jack had sunk a small hatchet into his leg, apparently severing a small ar- tery, and there was a great flow of blood. He tried to stop it with a handkerchief, but finding that he couldn't, he sent one of his companions across the street to McGregor's store for some string. With this and the help of the other boys he put on what the doctor said was a very good tourniquet, which stopped the blood and kept the wound in good shape for stitching up. With the help of the other boys and a small wagon Jack made his home with- out difficulty, when the cut was taken care of. It required three stitches. The training the boys receive in the school, under the supervi- sion of Principal J. H. McFar- lane and the Public Health Nurse, Miss Clark, is of the greatest im- portance. They are taught what to do in an emergency and this was only one example of what first aid training can do, even with small children. Restless CHILDREN (CHILDREN will fret, often for no apparent reason. But there's al- ways Castoria! Harmless as the recipe on the wrapper; mild and bland as it tastes. But its gentle action soothes a youngster more surely than a more powerful medicine. of this special That's the beaut children's remedy! tt may be given the tiniest infant--as often as there is need. In cases of colic, diarrhea or similar disturbance, it is invaluable. A coated tongue calls for just a few drops to ward off constipation; sa does any suggestion of bad breath. Whenever children don't eat well, don't Test well, or have any little upset--this pure vegetable prepara- tion is usually all that's needed. The New Member for Temiskaming South W. A. GORDON, K.C. Who won a sweeping victory at polls on Monday Coal Problems Dependable Fuels at Fair Prices. Genuine Scotch Anth- racite, Russian Anthracite, D. L. & W. Brand Scran- ton Coal. Birch, Tama- fac and Pine Wood. You can have jt split ready for use at the yard. SS PHONE = RUSSELL 266A ST. SIDING ">THE ANSWER TO THE BURNING QUESTION EMPIRE THEATRE NEW LISKEARD The Pride of the North TALKING PICTURES AT THEIR BEST Last Times Tonight 'Thursday, July 31st OLIVE BORDEN in "HALF MARRIAGE" Modern Young Lovers Defy Destiny August Ist FRIDAY and SATURDAY----August 2nd DOLORES COSTELLO "Heart in Exile" A stirring Drama of Love and Sacrifice in Russia under the rule of the brutal Czars Fox MOVIETONE News and Lloyd HAMILTON Comedy in August 4th----_MONDAY and TUESDAY----August 5th William Pauline COLLIER, JR. STARKE "A Royal Romance"' In a story of thrills, mystery and romantic adventure "Barber's Daughter" Pathe News Comedy A Terry-Toon August 6th--WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY--August 7th ANN HARDING "'Her Private Affair" A Dramatic Story, Thrilling and Appealing "RUBEVILLE NIGHT CLUB" Comedy Mickey Mouse | in "Summertime" Cartoon Aesop Fable Reaueteofe\ecriers Woies Decne OSA, Haileyburian Condensed Ads. Will Bring Results all adit le lt i it i alt ae atte a ae a tal ta tl lt al i a lt lt al ae it ae ite ae a ee Tariff of Tolls To be Charged during Season 1930 2 By The Quinze Rapids Improvement Company, Ltd. For Use of Improvements Sawlogs, 17 feet and under, per 1,000 ft. B.M.________ Red and White Pine, Tamarac, Spruce, Hemlock and all other woods, round or flatted, over 17 feet and under 30 feet long, per 1,000 ft. B.M.______ Red and White Pine, Tamarac, Spruce, Hemlock, and all other woods, round or flatted, 30 feet and upwards in length, per 1,000 ft. B.M. __________ Red and White Pine, Tamarac, Spruce, Hemlock, and all other woods, square or waney board, per 1,000 cubic feet Pulpwood, per cord E. C. WOOLSEY, Secretary-Treasurer 13-5-c Town Office Has Been Moved Into the Clutchey Block d (Continued from Page 1) When he left Haileybury for Timmins, the place remained empty for some time, until it was decided to make it the town's headquarters. It is a substantial building of brick and tile, front- ing directly on the street and is fairly central. For many years the town has rented offices in the downtown section. Before the fire in 1922, the Liggett Block was the loca- tion and after the fire-a tempor- ary building was erected near the fire hall. This was found not \satisfactory and in 1925 the of- \ fices were moved to the Legris |building. It is believed that a jsaving will be effected through the move and there will be little or no inconvenience experienced, once the public becomes familiar with the new location. The Kirkland Lake Pipe Band, which made a recent visit to Haileybury, is now equipped with proper uniforms, kilts 'n every- thing that go to make a regular Scottish organization. The uni- forms are of the Royal Stewart tartan, were made in Glasgow and cost around $150 each. 'Sell It By Advertising ! SNONOV.ONWWONO VV VON VV NO NNN Where SERVICE, QUALITY, PURITY Count Our "Family Loaf" "OFTEN BUTTERED--NEVER BETTERED" HEALTHY J. B. E. PROULX, Prop. Bt et Od We Guarantee a 100% Whole Wheat Loaf Try It! NOURISHING sOcee Haileybury NWO NONONG WAN) DAI (AVI/B\i WA. TASTY MMOL WAUA AULA Bakery Phone 36 = nee ate ae eg P SAW AWAD AWW AWA W/AWAO\I/NI/A\OVI/A\W/ANIO\VO\IO\IO\TOIO | @ Starting August 4th SPECIAL TERMS are offered on trous. Makes ali fabrics force. Great Northern Power Pay Only *5-° Down Put new case, new comfort, new satisfaction in ironing day. Leta Thor Electric Ironer do the work. Sheets, tcivels, table cloths... every- thing down to the sheerest lingerie + - - comes out smooth, white, lus- Saves work. sit at ease and feed each piece into the ironer. Get YOUR Thor now, while these favorable terms are in Canada Northern Power Corporation Limited z E a ontrolling and operating Northern Ontario Power Company, Limited Northern Quebec Power Company, Limited Saves time. last longer. Just ~ Corporation, Limited