THE HAILE YBURIAN THURS., AUGUST 14th, 1930 4 Social and Personal } Mrs Je Haileybury, is visiting friends in F. Willis, formerly of town. 3orn-- On Thursday, August 7, | 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. P. Grozell, a daughter. Mr. Stan. Saxton, of the New- bec Mines, spent the week-end at his home in town. Born--On Friday, August Ist, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Rouse Rorke Avenue, a son. Miss Helen Pipe has returned to Toronto after spending her vacation at her home here. Mrs. Geo. Cook, Broadway St., returned this week after a visit with relatives in Copper Cliff. Mrs. C. H. Burton, formerly of Haileybury, was in town over the wek-end from Cochrane. Born--On Tuesday, August 12, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Murphy, Rorke Avenue North, twin boys. ; Mr. W. G. Dinwoodie, of Mon- treal, formerly of Haileybury, was a visitor here for a few hours yesterday. Mrs. R. E. G. Hayward, who is here from Trail, B. C., for a visit is spending a few days in Toron- to this week. Miss Hazel Hollinger, of Tor- onto, is spending a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McKinnon. Mr.Wilbur McKinnon, of Tor- onto, is spending his holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. i: A. McKinnon. Magistrate and Mrs. S. Atkin- son were in Rouyn over the week end for a visit with their daught- er, Mrs. H. Fancy. Miss V. Saxton motored to Kirkland Lake on Sunday for a week's visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mather. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Summers and family arrived in Haileybury from Toronto on Monday and will spend some time here. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Adair and little daughter came home on Monday after a visit with friends in Bracebridge and other points. Miss Lillian Matheson, of Sault Ste Marie, Michigan, arrived in town on Monday for a visit with Mrs. F. Swaisland at Hotel Hail- eybury. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Foss and family, of Toronto, motored up to spend a week with Mrs. Foss' brother, Mr. S. D. Briden, and Mrs. Briden, Main Street. Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Scott motored from Toronto last week and are spending their hol- idays with Mrs. Scott's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McKinnon. Mrs. A. H. Chesser and Mr. Guy Chesser have returned from a trip to the Western provinces, where they visited other mem- bers of the family and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gowans, of Kirkland Lake, came to Hailey- Gos WEDDING BELLS sooo Chesser--Gregory The marriage of Mr. Alfred M. Chesser, son of the late Mr. A. H. Chesser and Mrs. Chesser, of Haileybury, to Miss Alice Greg- ory, R. N., of St. Stephen, N. B., took place at Trail, B. C, last week. The ceremony was per- formed by Rey. Father Dobson, of Trail, and Mr. and Mrs. Ches- ser are spending a three-weeks honeymoon at Kootenay Lake before taking up their residence in Trail. The bridegroom is a Hailey- bury boy who is engaged as chemical engineer for the Con- solidated Smelting and Refinery Company in the Western town. His many friends here will ex- tend their congratulations. Presents Rest Home to Sisterhood fess f Biss Mrs. John A. Stewart of Perth, Ontario, Past President of the National Chapter of the I.0.D.E., has presented to the Sisterhood of St.John the Divine a rest home and motor boat on Rideau Lake. A feature of the work of the Sis- terhood is a Sunday School mail to 3,500 children Prairies. by on the Montreal this week, from where Decoration Day to be Observed by Canadian Legion Will Honor Memory of Those Who Have Gone in Ceremony on Sunday Next On Sunday next,August 17th, Haileybury Branch of the Canad- ian Legion will hold their annual Decoration Day Service in mem- ory of the men who have given their lives in their country's cause during the years of the Great War. The service, as in past years, will be held at the Memorial Plot on Main Street, where the veterans will gather at 2.30 and where it is hoped a large number of the citizens will be present. In conection with this service, members of the Legion would be grateful for offers of flowers from citizens. It is planned to decorate every known grave of a soldier in the three local cemet- eries, besides the offerings that will be placed on the memorial itself. If those flowers will kindly telephone either 248 or 29 on Saturday, the bouquets will be called for. The officers of the Legion will welcome cadets or members of the 97th Algonquin Rifles who wish to come and join in the par- ade. The meeting place is in the Legion Club Room on Browning Street and the hour is 2 p.m. The men will march from there to the Memorial Plot for the ser- vice at 2.30. All graves will be decorated previous to that time. The public is cordially invited to come and join with the veterans in their service of Remembrance. Lower School Results at Haileybury High School The Lower School examina- tions cover certain subjects of the first two years' work in High School. Pupils who obtain 50% on the term examinations in the school are not required to write the final Departmental examina- tions. The following who did write these examinations obtain- ed credit in the subjects indicated Irene Curry--English Gram- mar, British History. _Gaynoll Davis--Physiography. N. Flem- ing--Arithmetic. _ James Mar- shall--Arithmetic. Alice Ross-- Physiography. Dorothy Woods Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Sparks sail- ed for Newfoundland to visit Mrs. Grainger Grant at Wabana. Mr. and Mrs. John Dolan, of North Bay, were the gusts of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Whorley last Sun- day and Monday. Colonel and Mrs. A. H. Mont- eith and family, of Paris, Ont., were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Peter, Browning Street, this week. Colonel Mon- teith is mayor of Paris. Mrs. E. J. Simpson and son, Teddy, returned to their home in Toronto this week after a visit with Mrs. Simpson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Boyce. Harry Boyce went to the city with them History. UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF PoOwER (ORPORATION or GANADA, ITED Canada Northern Power Corporation, Limited Common Dividend No. 5 Nf RESe is hereby given that a Dividend of 15c. per share (being at the rate of 60c. per annum) has been declared on the no par value Common Stock of CANADA NORTHERN POWER CORPORATION LIMITED for the quarter ending September 30th, 1930, payable October 25th, 1930, to shareholders of record at the close of business on September 30th, 1930. By order of the Board, L. C. HASKELL, Secretary. Montreal, July 22nd, 1930. who can spare]. OBITUARY ------- Mrs. H. Van Tent The death occurred on Satur- day last, in the Toronto General | Hospital, of Mrs. H. Van Tent, a| resident of the West Road, near Haileybury, for the past six years She had been ill for some months had been a patient in the Miseri- cordia Hospital here for several weeks previous to being taken to Toronto on Monday, August 4th. The late Mrs. Van Tent was a native of Holland, where her mother and other relatives are still living. She is survived by her husband and three small chil- dren, Louise, Jacobi and Reta and there are two brothers and a sister here, Harry and Stewart and Cora Schol. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon, service being conduct- ed in the Baptist Church by Rey. A. Price and interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Mrs. Richardson's Father Is Dead at Western Home A telegram received in Hailey- bury on Friday last conveyed the news that Mr. John McCleary, father of Mrs. R. Richardson, Russell Street, had passed away at his home in Meyronne, Sask. He had been ill for some time and this spring Mrs. Richardson went west for a visit with him. Mr. McCleary was born in the Township of Clarendon, Quebec, 77 years ago and _ had spent the past 20 years in the west. The funeral was held on Sunday at Meyronne. Mrs. Richardson has the sympathy of all her friends here. Famous Women Through the Ages Had Beautiful Hair Today the smart, modern women come to the Hailey- bury Hotel Beauty Parlor to achieve the perfection that is necessary for the crowning beauty. If you are in doubt as to getting a Permanent Wave, come in and talk it over. Ladies' Haircutting Our Specialty PHONE 102 Breee ; CHURCHES The United Church Rev. D. A. MacKeracher, B.A., Pastor Mr. R. H. Unwin, Organist and Choirmaster. Private Sale--Living Room, Din- [For Sale or Rent--Two Houses BRING RESULTS which have reverted to the CLASSIC THEATRE CopALr - ONTARIO IT'S COOLER INSIDE. This Theatre is now kept cool by the Sturtevant Cooling System, giving a complete change of air every three minutes FRIDAY and SATURDAY, AUGUST 15th and 16th A FAST STEPPING DANC: ING 'TALKING: SINGING SPECTACLE WITH THE DYNAMIC FAVORITE of CAY BROADWAY ATHIS MERRIEST HARRY debt ole AT LE JOAN BENNETT JAMES GLEASON-AILEEN PRINGLE - LILYAN TASHMAN "{S2io% GIIRVING BER LYRIOS directed by EDWARD H.SLOMA} presented 4 JOSEPH M. SCHENCK vee €ase"--Join The Mickey Mouse Club MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 18th, 19th, 20th No Advance in Prices Matinee Daily at 2.30 p.m. ) "YES =< searching hungrily for LOVE... reaching out beyond the haze of smoke and the flash of shells to HOME =to gay parties, pretty girls and the sympathetic heart of mother! You will be there with these boys and 'see what | they went through. You will love them and understand them _in this great HUMAN picture. ERICH MARIA REMARQUE'S novel, witht Lovis Wolheim, Lewis Ayres, John Wray! 'Adaptation and dialog by Maxwell Ander-' son and George Abbott. A CARLLAEMMLE, Jr! ing Room and Bed Room furn-j iture. Mrs. A. S. Macdonald,| Brewster Street 19-1c! To Rent or Lease--Furnished or unfurnished house, nine Bae bury last week-end to spend a few days with Mr. and'Mrs. J. R. McCracken, Broadway Stret. town; Russell Street, 8 rooms; Browning Street, 7 rooms. Ap- ply to Town Clerk. 19-4c. 10.30 a.m.--Church School. There will be no morning service during the bal- ance of July and the first two weeks of August. The evening service will be held by Rev. Fred Smith, of Cobalt. The regular monthly meeting of the town council, scheduled for Tuesday evening, has been. post- poned for one week and will be held on Tuesday, August 19th. For Rent--7-roomed House with henhouse and garden. Modern conveniences. Apply to Mrs. Fred. Windsor, cor. Georgina and Elliott Sts. 17-t.£. in fine location at 63 Brewster St. Apply to F. C. Bidgood. 14tf.} Fresh Fruits and Vegetables--! Save money by ordering eer | from the grower; Our weekly} quotation will be mailed on re- Salvation Army Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sparks and 3 Sunday Morni Servi it, Mrs. Geo. T. Smith motored to eae egis UN aaah aad Sunday Evening Service at 7.30. For Sale or Rent--The Branchaud Residence, Probyn Street, with . H , wwery Production. Directed by LEWIS MILESTONE, Sunday School----2.30 p.m. quest; Satisfactory delivery is 5 : Tvesday, 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. guaranteed. le 1 Kennedy, Saeae) He connection: Apply NOTICE Friday, 7.15 p.m.--Junior Meeting. Beamsville. Ont. 19-2pa,|_*° Jos. A. Legris. 8-t.f. 8.00 p.m.--yY. P. Legion Meeting. u ee Saturday Service at 8 p.m. The Baptist Church A. PRICE, Pastor Wanted--Young women between the ages of 18-35 with four years of High School, to train at the Sault Ste Marie, Michi- gan, War Memorial Hospital, accredited training school with full time instructress, Hospital approved by the American Col- lege of Surgeons. Classes be- gin Sept. Ist, 1930. Apply to Anna B. Northup, R.N., Sup't. of Nurses, Hospital, Sault Ste Marie, Mich. 17-3-c For Sale or Rent--Comfortable house, central on Rorke Ave., all conveniences, good garden. Apply to Geo. Brown, Probyn Street. Siti To Rent or Lease -- Furnished house, nine rooms, in fine loca- tion at 63 Brewster St. Apply to F. C. Bidgood. 14-t.f. For Rent--Seven roomed House on Latchford Street, all con- veniences. Apply to Mrs. A.L. Herbert, or phone 149. 14-t.f The list of lands for sale in Benoit School Section No. 1 for arrears of taxes has been pre- pared, copies of which may be had at my office, Court House, Town of Haileybury. Said list is being published in the Ontario 7 Gazette on June 28th, July 5th, 12th, 19th. In default of pay- ment of such arrears and costs the lands therein mentioned will be sold at the time and place mentioned in the said advertise- ment. Sunday Services at 11 a.m. and p.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Prayer Service, Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. Albert Gospel Hall ALBERT STREET Sunday School at 9.30 a.m. Gospel Meeting ...7.00 p.m. Mid-Week Service, Wednes- day at 8 p.m. nd, "Sins of The Children," with Leila Hyams. Also "Free and Easy" with Edward Sedgwick, Anita Page and Buster Keaton. Coming Attracti Thurs. and Fri., Aug. 21-22 For Sale or Rent, all Furnished-- Club Hotel, centrally located. Apply to W. Burns, Hailey- bury. 14-+.f. For Sale--Six Roomed House on Blackwall Street; all conveni- ences; very easy terms. Apply at Haileyburian Office. x PRICES--Evening Adults 50c plus tax; Children 25c Saturday Matinee _-__-_____- Adults 40c plus tax; Children 10c Matinee Mon., Tues., Wed., 2.30 p.m. Adults 25c; Children 10c Two Shows Nightly, 7 & 9 p.m. Saturday Continuous, 2.30-11 GEORGE CALDBICK, Haileybury, June 23rd, 1930. 12-13-c Sheriff of Temiskaming ~