The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 7 Jan 1931, p. 2

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7 Page 2 THE "HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1931 THE HAILEYBURIAN| +very Thursday from The Haileyburian Office, Braadway S «eet. Haileybury SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In Canada--s2.00 per year in advancz In United States--$2.50 per year in advance LEISHMAN 6 SUTHERLAND PUBLISHERS Issued Some Peculiar Figures While as a general rule govern- ment "Blue Books" are rather dry reading, sometimes some very interesting and peculiar in- formation may be gleaned from their perusal. We have in mind the Ontario Government's fif- teenth bulletin on municipal sta- tistics, giving records for the year 1930, and the section which caught our attention is that deal- ing with waterworks. All towns, cities and villages having muni- cipal waterworks are listed and in the majority of cases the total consumption for the year is giv- en, together with the average daily consumption per head of population. The variation of the latter amounts is what seems particularly puzzling We find from the tables given that the highest consumption of water in the province is 342 gal- lons per head per day, which is the figure given for Petrolia, and the lowest is 1.02 gallons at windsor. A many towns and cities apparently did not re- port fully on their water con- sumption, but the ones who did average around 100 gallons, al- though there is nothing like uni- formity. Haileybury's consump- tion is not given, but that of New Liskeard is listed at 70 gal- lons and Cobalt's at 125 gallons The city of Toronto uses 120 gal- lons per day for each individual. ZOC rd Other figures given in the table show the earnings and operating and capital charges of the plants, together with the profit or loss as the case may be In this, Haileybury falls behind her sis- ter towns for, while Cobalt and New Liskeard both show a sub- stantial profit, our balance is on the wrong side and the state- ment shows a loss of $6,424.56 for the year. Cobalt's profit is shown as $3,907.77 and New Lis- keard's $2,604.56. The revenue derived from the Haileybury sys- tem was $12,056.00, but the oper- ating expenses and capital charges were $18,480.56. These figures are peculiar, as we said before, particularly the consumption of water in different places, but they are "compiled from municipal returns for the year ending December 3lst,, 1930 Press Pays Tribute to Late Editor of Telegram he press of the whole country is this week paying tribute to the the Toronto Tele- late editor of gram, Irving E. Robertson, who died at his home in the city on Monday night after a compara tively short illness. He was 49 years of age, was born in Toron- to and held a prominent place in the life of the city and province He succeeded his father, the late John Ross Robertson, as editor in chief of the Telegram some years ago, and was among™ the most prominent journalists in Canada, known for_ his attitude on all questions of a public nature Mr. Robertson's philanthropic work was _ well known throughout the province, particularly in connection with the Hospital for Sick Children, and his death at a comparatively early age is deeply mourned. fearless Snowfall on January ist, but Weather Continues Very Mild A fall of a few inches of snow on the night of January lst changed conditions and gave the town and district a more wintry appearance, but the weather this week has been exceptionally mild and there is some difficulty ex- perienced in making ice both at the skating and curling rinks. The snow stopped the fine skat- ing on the lake, although some of the more enthusiastic were still out on Sunday. None of the old timers can re- call a milder or finer fall and early part of the winter, although it is told that an Indian resident of the district claims to remem- ber a winter when Lake Temis- kaming did not freeze entirely over. Consistent Advertising in The Haileyburian will Bring Business Haileybury in 1924 Items from the Files of The Haileyburian of Seven Years Ago The worst fire since the big one in 1922 occurred on Sunday night in Liggett's Drug Store. There was only slight damage to the building, but the stock and fix- tures are almost a complete loss. The new Haileybury theatre will be opened tonight, with spe- cial music and vaudeville by the McQuinn Sisters and Brothers. Miss Jane Caldbick suffered a fractured limb in a skiing acci- dent on Sunday, in a fall on the Lake Shore Road. Joseph A. Legris was elected Mayor of Haileybury on Monday, beating his opponent, Geo. Pop- pleton, by 25 votes. Haileybury again won the En- glehart Cup from the New Lis- keard Curling Club on Tuesday night, after a strenuous battle between two rinks from _ each club at New Liskeard. They were four points up on the two games. About four inches of snow fell over the week-end and interfer- ed with the skating on the lake, which had) been good for some days. A banquet was held by the Re- tail Merchants Association in the 1.0.0.F. Temple last night, at which the chief speakers were Town Clerk H. A. Day and ex- Mayor G. F. Summers. In the Bucke Township elec- tions, W. J. Post defeated Bur- ton Normandy for the reeveship by 33 votes. ORE SHIPMENTS For the week ending December 3lst, three cars of ore were shipped from Cobalt by the Min- ing Corporation, the total con- tents being 263,919 pounds. Dur- ing the week ending January 4th, 1932, three cars were shipped from the Frontier mine at Silver ore. PARLIAMENTARY NOTICE Tuesday, the twenty-third day of February next, will be the last day for presenting Petitions for Private Bills. Tuesday, the first day of March next, will be the last day for in- troducing Private Bills. Tuesday, the twenty - second day of March next, will be the last day for receiving Reports of Committees of Private Bills. ALEX..C, LEWIs, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly Toronto, January 6th, 1932 40-7-c Notice of Expropriation of Land NOTICE is hereby given that under and by virtue of Section 12, Chapter 36 of the Nor- thern Development Act, R.S.O. 1927, and Section 17, Chapter 52, of the Public Works Act, R.S.O. 1927, the Honourable, the Min- ister charged with the administration of the Department of Northern Development has ex propriated the following parcels of land for the purpose of constructing a diversion on a public highway and being a portion of the subdivision in the North Half of Lot 12, Con. II, Bucke Township in the District of Temiskaming, as shown on Plan M-27 regis- tered in the Land Titles Office at Haileybury: Part of Lot 74, extending to .0006 acre Part of Lot 73, extending to .0017 acre Part of Lot 72, extending to .0035 acre Part of Lot 71, extending to .0063 acre Part of Lot 70, extending to .0097 acre Part of Lot 69, extending to .014 acre Part of Lot 68, extending to .019 acre Part of Lot 67, extending to .025 acre Part of Lot 66, extending to .031 acre Part of Lot 65, extending to .039 acre All of Lot 64, extending to .065 acre All of Lot 63, extending to .065 acre All of Lot 62, extending to .155 acre All of Lot 49, extending to .095 acre "All of Lot 48, extending to .095 acre All of Lot 47, extending to .095 acre All of Lot 46, extending to .208 acre parcels of land signed by Jas. Sinton, Chief Engineer of the Department of Northern De- velopment and dated 2nd November, 1931, was register@@ in the Land Titles Office in Haileybury on the 18th day of November, 1931, expropriating the land and notice is hereby given that all parties having claim te compensation in respect of the lands so ex- propriated must file same with the Department of Northern Development at Toronto within six months from the date of registratioh of the plan and description expropriating the land. C. H. FULLERTON. Deputy Minister, Dept. of Northern Development Dated at Toronto, This 15th day of December, 1931. 38-3¢ Sell It By Advertising ! Centre, with 267,706 pounds of}. A Plan and description of each of the above {School Attendance Reports : for Month of December Inspectorate of North Temiska- L. Simpkin. ming and Cochrane (in part) The Public Schools listed below have made attendance records of 90% or higher during December. Graded schools are led by South Porcupine School (U.S.S. No. la, Tisdale and Whitney), and S.S. No. 4, Hislop and Bowman scored the highest percentage for rural schools. ' GRADED SCHOOLS South Porcupine (la)--99.98% --Miss B. M. Shaw. South Porcupine (1b)--99.97% --Miss M. J. Lynch. Englehart--98--Mrr. C. O. Mar- tin. Kirkland Lak e--96--Mr. E. 1 Otto--90--J. J. O'Brien. ie ry Elborn, Inspector South Temiskaming A. Schools of not-over fifteen pupils. Miss Peever ---- --_ 91.6 R. A. A. McConnell, Inspector Physical Training Classes Will Resume Tomorrow Night The physical training classes, 2 Beauchamp ,Miss Gifford, 100|conducted in the basement of the 2 Coleman--Miss Cookson, 100 2 Ingram, Miss McCracken, 100 1 Lorrain, Miss Buglehole, 98.6 2 Casey, Mr. Barnard, 98.0. 2 Lorrain, Miss Vellis, 97.5. 2 Firstbrook, Miss Pentelow, 96.8. 1 Bryce, Miss Merkley, 93.4. 1 Nicol, Mr. Elliott, 93.1 3 Robillard, Miss Reeves, 92.3 2 Hilliard, Miss Patton, 91.3. MeDerniud . B. ep of not over twenty- a <jfive pupils: _ Matheson -- 95 -- Mr. H. C} 3 Galena; Miss Wright, 100. Sweetnam. Montreal River, Mr. McKeown Swastika--95--Mr. J. D. Dey-}100. ell. ; Ge i" 1b Hilliard, Miss Thorpe, 99.8. RURAL SCHOOLS _ Thornloe, Miss Caswell, 99.6. 4 Hislop--99.8%--O. E. Ste-| 5 Bucke, Miss Tiffin, 98.5. phens. 3 Dymond, Mr. Bowman, 98.4 1 Benoit--99.7% -- Mrs. M. J.!| 5 Dymond--Miss Fowler, 97.8 Wallington. i ; la Hilliard, Miss Purdy, 96.1 1 Whitney -- 99 -- Miss A.E.] 1 Armstrong, Miss Richardson, Young. 94.9. : 1 Hislop -- 98 -- Miss M. E. Christie. 3 Clergue lowney. 1 Matheson--98--Miss D. Tay- lor. 1 Playfair--97--Miss wein. Benoit--97--D. G. Poff. Clergue--97--H. B. MaclIn- (Sr.)--98--M. Ma- A. Ort- 2 1 tyre. 2 Clergue--97--F. J. Wilson. 6 Evanturel -- 97 -- Miss Eva Maltby. 3 Hislop--96--Miss M.S. Cam- eron. 2 Chamberlain--96--Miss A. L Oram. 3 Clergue Malowney. 1 Bond--96--Mrs. C.W. Taylor 3 Marquis--96--F. N. Rupert. 1 Sharpe--96--T. W. Cotie 3 Chamberlain~95--Miss E. A, Stewart. 1 Currie--95--Miss A. Gilliland 2 Matheson--95--Miss A. Denis 1 Maisonville--94--Miss M\ J. Malone Savard Cons.--94--]. C, Keatit# 1 German--92--J. McCormick 2 Boston--91--R. K. McAvoy. 1 Beatty--90--Miss R. M. Mc- Lean. 1 Hearst--90--N. L. Fisher. Savard Cons. (Jr.)--90-- Miss (Jr.)--96--Mrs. M. C. Schools of over twenty-five pupils: la Kerns, Mrs. Beach, 99.8 1 Casey, Mr. Demers, 99.2. Harley, Mrs. Greer, 99.2. Harris, Miss Healey, 99. 3ucke, Miss Hughes, 97.4. Ingram, Mrs. James, 96.7. Dymond, Miss Grills, 96.1. Armstrong, Mrs. Molitor, 96. Harley, Miss McMillan, 94.3. Dymond, Miss Alexander, 93.4 Harris, Miss Tellier, 93.4. Harley, Miss Morrison, 91.9 Kerns, Miss Meredith, 91.4. lb Kerns, Miss Harrison. D. Graded Schools: Silver Centre Mr. Rorke Miss Eastman - North Cobalt ---- Mr. Wilton ~_ Miss Jordan .-_-- = Miss Creighton Elisitake oo) Ss ee eS My, Zettler L-- VR NNUN Ree Bestel ee Soe Re eee er 32 4__ 98.3 Miss; Herod 23-25 96.6 Mre Moore 322222: 100 Hudson Consolidated .---- 97.8 Mrs Dallett 3252-- 96.6 Miss Chester - 98.7 isatchtord =eee= --- 96.4 | of them Financial Statements Booklets Pamphlets Brochures Folders Fine Stationery Statement Forms Intricate Rule Forms Factory Forms Business Record Forms Blotters Manifold Forms Interleaf Forms Cheques Receipts Envelopes, all kinds * us, enquire. ' We can supply you with all LET US HELP YOU WITH PRINTED FORMS Printed forms save time and simplify many otherwise tedious tasks. You know the Number Phone 24 Tickets, all kinds Business Cards Personal Cards Wedding Stationery Funeral Stationery Announcements Shipping Tags Posters Sale Bills Window Cards Bill Heads Auction Sale Bills Z Fair Printing Prize Lists Stock Certificates Color Printing Call United Church by Mr. B. W. Hartley, will resume tomorrow, Friday, evening for the winter months. These classes had been discontinued shortly before the Christmas helidays. The first class is at 7 p.m. and the same hours as heretofore will be ob- served. We have been asked 'to state that the juvenile choir, under Rev. W. A. Beecroft, will hold its practice at 1.30 p.m. on Satur- days, instead of 3 p.m., in order that the members will not be de- prived of the hour for skating in the afternoon. BANANAS FOR BABIES? Like an alphabet read the dis- tinctions which authorities at- tribute to the nutritious banana. Mr. Anderson --__-- 98.8 (They say this tropical fruit con- Miss ROSS)n= 52 e= 93.9 tains vitamin "A" as well as vit- Miss Willoughby -- 96.7 amin "B", and vitamin "C" as Gharlten\ (Gone 93.6| well as vitamin "D". One more, Mra Goopemessse ce 96.7 vitamin "G" is added to the list. Miss Heaslip ---__- 92.4 In addition, they claim, bananas which arrive by millions in Can- adian National ships from the British West Indies, have much assimilable sugar, fats, proteins, carbohydrates and starch. It is now claimed that a new banana powder makes a good baby food and that it contains iron, which is more than can be said for cow's milk. a © WHEN IN TORONTO YOU WILL ENJOY OUR SERVICE IF YOU PREFER A QUIET WELL CONDUCTED MEDIUM SIZED HOTEL. TRY IT NEXT TIME YOU ARE IN TORONTO. erful, comfortable rooms Tass food, Restful surroundings PLENTY of CURB PARKING SPACE GARAGE ONE MINUTE WALK R Single $1.50 to $3.00 AL!|S Double $3.00 to $5.00 HOTEL WAVERLEY Spadina Avenue end College Street DeLuxe Taxi From Depot or Wharf--25c Stocktaking Sale! Previous to Stocktaking ea CLEAR-OUTS i Two S offering some very attractive Bargains in Furniture, Bedding, Wallpapers, Chinaware, Rugs, Carpets, etc. 2Ocee AT DEMONSTRATORS' PRICES sOcee 1 Norge Electric Refrigerator, 1 Bluebird Electric Washer THESE WILL BE CLEARED AT FACTORY PRICES tly in the New Year we are N RADIO SETS pecials House Furnishers FERGUSON AVENUE Latin clita alte ate sdle atthe alte adhe adie afte atin adie site adie adiibe atthe athe ate ofthe atthe aiae adhe atthe otiibe <7 Thorpe & Branchaud Directors of Funeral Services \ HAILEYBURY atin atin alin adie adie atten atte aan atte eaten an 3 BURN } b 2 } CANADA'S BEST DOMESTIC COAL 27+e<-0< 4 The Coal that replaced American Anthracite on the Manitoba Market The Ideal Fuel for Furnace, Kitchen and Fireplace Sold by j e . Conlin & H . Conlin ogan | Haileybury, Ont The House of E. ETE T OT TG TRE I I a EMPIRE THEATRE xcellent Sound 2 Shows nightly: 7-9-11 p.m. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 FRIDAY and SATURDAY "BROT With Bert Lytell, Dorothy S dual characterization that wi intensity JANUARY 8th and 9th HERS" i ebastian, William Morris. A Il grip you with its dramatic MONDAY and TUESDAY "BEAU With Ralph Forbes, Loretta Young, Irene Rich, Lester Vain. Sun-swept drama of t pane Se drenched in glamorous JANUARY 11th and 12th IDEAL" he savage___untamed Sahara spectacle and fiery romance! With Edw. G. Robinson, H. devastating drama of this writes finis to WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, "Five Star Final' Frances Starr, Boris Karloff and George Stone. JANUARY 13th, 14th B. Warner, Marian Marsh, _ The most age--the masterpiece which life and love Lenox". Coming Attractions--"The Brat," "Daughter of th = on," "Too Many Cooks," "Side Show," UReboand™ "seeks . a

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