THURS., FEBRUARY 26th, 1931 ------m Sos -----eS es --s ----t--) > * Enriches the THE ORIGINAL | Copvaicnt 1927 Uniteo Drua Co, We The CANADAS FAVORITE DRUG STORES ONE CENT SALE THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY REXALL REMEDIES : 50c bottle Rexall Milk of Magnesia 2 for 51c YOU SAVE 49c Bee bot. Rexall Milk of Magnesia, 2 Cig 2 for .86 $1.25 bot. Agarex Compound 2 for $1.26 $1.25 bot. Agarex, Plain..... 2 for $1.26 $1.00 bot. Cod Liver Com- 2 for $1.01 pound with Creosote...... Hmulsion ssh) sae 2 for $1.01 $1.00 bot. Peptona Tonic.... 2 for $1.01 $1.00 Rexall 2 Beef, Wine and Iron ~$1.00 bottle Cod Liver Oil blood and builds up strength. 2 for $1.01 YOU SAVE99c %& : $1.00 bot. Syrup Hypophos- phites Compound........ 2 for $1.01 $1.00 bot. Tasteless Extract of Cod Liver Oil......... 2 for $1.01 50c bot. Syrup of Tar with Cod Liver Extract, Riker's....... 2for .b1 $1.00 bot. Blood Purifier, 1 2 for $1.01 2 for $1.01 50c bot. Guaiasote, Intestinal Antiseptic sess de j.'s sions ae < 2for .51 $1.00 tin Rexall Orderlies... 2 for $1.01 50c tin Rexall Orderlies........ 2for .51 25c tin Rexall Orderlies........ 2 for .26 50c bot. Syrup of Figs and Senna 2 for .51 $1.00 bottle Puretest Norwegian COD LIVER OIL 4 2 for $1.01 YOU SAVE 99c 50c box Dyspepsia Tablets. .... 2for .51 50c tube Catarrh Jelly......... 2for .51 50c tin Eczema Ointment. . 2for .51 50c box Kidney Pills... .. ... 2for.61 50c bot. Hydrogen Peroxide.... 2 for .51 35c bot. Hydrogen Peroxide.... 2for .36 25c bot. Hydrogen Peroxide.... 2 for .26 50c bot. Klenzo Liq Antiseptic . 2 for .51 Regesan Fruit Saline....... 2 for $1.01 50c tin Health Salts........... 2for .51 50c bot. Throat Gargle........ 2 for .51 50c Jar Chest Rub............ 2for .51 25¢ box Laxative Bromide of Quinine Tablets............. 2for .26 25c box Laxative Cold Tablets . 50c Rexall Bronchial Cough Syrup Gives quick relief from coughs and colds. Pleasant tasting 2 for 51c¢ You Save 49c 50c bot. Rexillana............. 50c bot. Pinusote, for colds..... 2for .51 25c box Stomach and Liver Pills 2 for .26 25c tube Analgesic Balm....... 25c tin Healing Salve.......... 2 for .26 25c tin Carbolized Zinc Ointment 2 for .26 25c box Headache Powders.... . 2for .26 35c bot. Boots' Iodized Throat Mabletey DOB. ..-02--> so: 2for .36 25c tin Boots' Meloids......... 2 for .26 25c tin Boots' Licorice and Menthol Pellets............. 2for .26 Bot. A. B. S. & C. Tablets, 100. 2 for .26 2hebotSlanKix...:-.-01.-.66 2for .26 25c bot. Corn Solvent, Liquid... 2 for .26 Ocibot. Eyclo:. wa--- le en siac as 2for .51 50c bot. Fly-kil, 8 oz.. --- 2for .51 75c bot. Fly-kil, 16 oz.... - 2for .76 25c box Red Cedar Flakes. 2 for .26 50c bot. Universal Cleanser... . . 2for .61 2 for .26° TOILET GOODS DEPARTMENT FACE POWDERS $1.00 Box DUSKA FACE 4 POWDER MA fragrantly per- Y fumed powder of gossamer fineness. ALL SHADES St P 2 for $1.01 You Save 99c $2.50 box Shari Face Powder, TERT RO Warns Oe ete, 2 for $2.51 $2.00 box Cara Nome Face Powders ees Leh se 2 for $2.01 $1.00 box Narcisse Face Powder (with puff)...... 2 for $1.01 75c box Cherisette Face Rowder: fo. css is sscswietin de 50c box Jonteel Cold Cream Face Powder.............. 2for .51 $1.00 Jasmine Single Com- pact, Nickle & Black Case 2 for $1.01 50c Jasmine Rouge........... 2for .61 50c Jasmine Lipstick. . 2for .51 25c Jonteel Lipstick.......... 2for .26 Bath Salts Refreshing, in- vigorating per- fumed crystals 75c Old English Lavender TOILET WATERS $1.00 Harmony Lilac Lotion Soothes and cools the skin. Has the fra- grance of real flowers. 2 for $1.01 You Save 99c Paradis. Toilet $1.25 bot. W: 2 for $1.26 $1.25 bot. Paradis Lotion... 2 for $1.26 $1.00 bot. Lorie Bay Rum... 2 for $1.01 $1.00 bot. Lavender Face Lotion and Skin Freshener 2 for $1.01 $1.00 bot. Cara Nome, Duska Jasmine and Shari Face Lotion and Skin Freshener 2 for $1.01 $1.00 bot. Lavender Toilet Water. cna ee... -.. 2 for $1.01 50c bot. French Cologne....... 2for .51 50c bot. Lavender Water. . 2for .51 75c bot. Florida Water... - 2for .76 50c Riker's. French Balm -- { A soothing lotiowia® FACE CREAMS 50c Jar Jonteel Cold or Combination Cream 2 for 5l1c YOU SAVE 49c 75c jar Duska Creams, Cleans- ing or Foundation......... 2for .76 75c jar Duska Skin Food..... 2for .76 75c jar Duska Bleach Cream.. 2 for .76 50c bot. Almond Bloom Cream 2 for .51 35¢ bot. Lorie Lemon Cocoa- Butter Lotion............. 2for .36 60c jar Cocoa Butter Cold Gream si ues seca 2 for .61 50c Klenzo Dental Creme..... 2 for .61 35c Klenzo Dental Creme..... 2 for .36 25c Pearl Tooth Powder 50c tube Mi 31 TOOTH i= => PASTE 2 for 76c for chapped orf Keeps the teeth white and sparkling by $1.25 Duska Bath Salts.... 2 for $1.26) Ue", Bi feta $1.50 Rainbow Lavender 2 for 51c 2 for Ble ¥ Bath Crystals.......... 2 for $1.51] YOU SAVE 49c or C You Save 49c WHAT A Sexe ONE CENT SALE IS the regular price. It is a sale where you buy an item at the regular price, then another item of the same kind for one cent. As an illustration: The standard price of Klenzo Dental Creme is 35c., you buy a tube at this price afid by paying 1 cent more, or 36 cents, you get two tubes. Every article in this sale is a high class standard piece of merchandise, just the same as is sold every day at advertising plan. these goods, they This sale was developed by the United Drug Co., as an money in other ways to convince you of the merit of mitting us to sell you a full size package of high stan- dard merchandise for 1 cent. new customers, but the sacrifice in profit is justified, knowing the goods will please you. Rather than spend large sums of are spending it on this sale in per- It costs money to get STATIONERY 3Sc box Kid Finish WRITING PAPER 24 Sheets and 24 Envelopes. 2 for 36c You Save 34c 50c box Stationery, Vellum Finish, 36 sheets, 36 Envelopes 2for .51 50e Portfolio, Kid Finish, 50 Sheets, 50 Envelopes.... 2 for .51 50c Tabor Stationery, 20 Sheets, 20 Envelopes, Fancy Finish 2 for .61 60c Avalon Paper, Linen Finish, SG Sheetay 22). 32 snes on a 2for .61 60c Avalon Envelopes, 50, Wnnerlined Ser ssa sie cicls 2 for .61 75c Family Box, Vellum, 48 Sheets, 48 Envelopes....... 2for .76 35c Letter Size Writing Pad.. 2 for .36 15c Note Size Pad, Ruled..... 2for .16 15c Note Size Pad, Plain..... 2for .16 35¢ Oxford Pad, 50 Sheets, ee id Finish 15c Oxford Envelopes, 24, Kid Finish 7.07 Gan rae se 2for .16 10c pk. Blue Lined Envelopes. 2 for .11 15c Fountain Pen Ink........ 2for .16 HAIR 35c bottle RIKER'S Emulsified Cocoanut Oil Shampoo Makes the hair soft H and fluffy. 2 for 36c $1.00 bot. Quinine Hair i 2 for $1.01 hantine.. .. .. «).\.. sees or .51 YOU SAVE 34c $1.00 bot. "93" Hair Tonic. 2 for $1.01 Tonle... . 2:22 sce cee 50c bot. Lorie Liquid Bril- 2 for .51 50c tin Lavender Brilliantine Solidified . .-s..-/.., spar 2f 35c bot. Lorie Hair Fix, Liquid 2 for .36 50c tin Lorie Hair Fix Solid... 2 for .51 SOAPS . $1.00 box Four Seasons Soap (4 in box)......... 2 for $1.01 $1.00 Lorie Bridge Soap Set 2 for $1.01 35c. ck. Langlois Lavender Soap 2 for .36 TALCUM POWDERS 35c tin Langlois Lavender Talcum, 2 for 36c YOU SAVE 34c 35c Orange Blossom Talcum.... 2 for .36 35c Gentlemen's After-Shaving POwderes cyclen ac --. 2for .36 25c Tiny Tot Talcum. --» 2for .26 50c Jonteel Talcum.. . --. 2for .61 50c Paradis Talcum........... 2for .51 $1.00 Cara Nome Talcum... 2 for $1.01 $1.25GeorgiaRoseBody Powder 2 for $1.26 $1.25 Lavender Body Powder 2 for $1.26 $1.75Cara Nome Body Powder 2for $1.76 CANDY $1.00 box "The Outing" Chocolates 304). ees 2 for $1.01 $1.00 box Blossom Package . 2 for $1.01 Homemade Asst'd Chocolates 2 Ibs. .61 60c Rainbow Stuffed Satins... 2 Ibs. .61 Horehound Leayes........... 2 Ibs. .36 Peppermint Humbugs....... . 2 Ibs. .36 75e box Excello Maraschino Pn ec Geka pte ee Chermps bs Sais disinc P ic e Jon ap or a or. 35 lb. M 1, Ki ne ; FOOD SPECIALS 15c cake Physicians' and Billie Burks CRscdlate Base 60x. 2for .31 Liggett's Breakfast Coffee.. 2 Ibs. .66| Surgeons' Soap, Oval....... 2for .16 | 5. Chocolate Bars A ik roe Liggett's Opeko Tea, 14 Ib........ 28c| l5c cake Narcissus Soap...... 2for .16 25e WMcflitefian." Monit aig 2 for .06 Liggett's Opeko Tea, 1 lb......... 56c| 15c cake Radio Soap......... 2for .16 Eucalyptus Pastilles......... 2for .26 We urve our ° A Genuine g Thursday, Friday, Saturday | *¢ customers oney, eae Mviarch See ge 7 One Cent Sale ' E very shopping as as g Article is early in the Standard day as and possible, Haileybury | Guaranteed SHAVING CREAMS 50c Langlois Lavender Mentholated Shaving Cream 2 for 51c YOU SAVE 49c $1.00 Bowl Langlois Lav- . ender Shaving Soap...... 2 for $1.01 35c Rexall Shaving Cream...... 2 for .36 25c Rexall Shaving Stick Refills 2 for .26 75c bot. Klenzo Shaving Lotion. 2 for .76 75c bot. Lavender After-Shaving Motion ei rewn is cehh sis ve peace 6 2for .76 PURETEST PRODUCTS 15¢ tin Easy to take. Gentle in action. 2 for 16c 25c tin Epsom Salts........... 2 for .26 15c tin Boric Acid............. 2for .16 10c tin Senna Leaves.......... 2 for .11 85c bot. Mineral Oil, Russian ype; 16082 eet ips oe 2for .86 $1.29 bot. Genuine Russian Mineral Oil, 32 0z........ 2 for $1.30 75c bot. A. S. A. Tablets, 100's. 2for. 25c tin A. 8. A. Tablets, 24's... 2for. 25c bot. A. P. C. Tablets, 12's.. 2 for. 25¢ bot. Triodine, 244% with MADDHGALOD TG fac. 8 at i kice bee 50c¢ bot. Cascara Sagrada Arom. 2 for, 25c bot. Cascara Laxative Tab- Java BU Bs 2G ay, ce ate, Se . 2for .26 50c bot. Cascara Sagrada Tab- LOtO VS ars its Reed Loot se 2for .61 25c bot. No. 6 Disinfectant... .. 2for .26 RUBBER and SUNDRIES $1.50 Major Fountain Syringe 2 for $1.61 $1.75 ajor Hot Water Bottles Guaranteed for two years. 2 for $1.76 You Save $1.74 50c Quick Acting Plaster....... 25c Belladonna Plaster......... 15c Z. O. Adhesive Plaster, Mini yd) wns ead. se for .16 35c Z. O. Adhesive Plaster, J RG SD VOR eee reas), 2 for .36 25¢ Plain Gauze, 1 yd. x 1 yd... 2for .26 15c Gauze Bandage,2 in. x 10 yds. 2 for .16 25c roll Absorbent Cotton, 2 oz. 2 for .26 10c Wash Cloths,............. 2for .11 15¢ Wash Cloths... -.. 2for.16 35¢ Tooth Brushes, .. --- 2for .36 50c Tooth Brushes............ 2 for .51 25c Quality Tooth Brushes An assortment i of styles and sizes that will Clee uirements of the family. 2 for 26c You Save 24c satisfy the re- 10c Feeding Bottles, Oval...... 2for .11 25¢ Peggy Powder Puffs....... 2for .26 15c Jonteel Powder Puffs....... 2for .16 Velvo, Sanitary Pads....... 2for .61 75c Ivory Dressing Combs... .. 2for.76 50¢ Ivory Dressing Combs. . . . . 2 for .51 2for .26 25c Black Pocket Comb in Case 2 for .26 $1.50 Ebony Back Brushes... 2 for $1.51 $1.25 Pullman Brushes ...... 2 for $1.26 25c Nail Brushes.............. 2for .26 15c Menthol Inhalers.......... 2for .16 10c Goodform Hair Nets, Single, Double, Bobbed and Fringe...' 2 for 14 50c bottle VAPURE The ivhalent for breaking up a cold. Gives quick relief. 2 for 51c You Save 49c