Page 4 THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1931 THE HAILEYBURIAN Issuee every Thursday from The Haileyburian Office, Broadway $ cet, Haileybury | SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In Canada--s2.00 per year in advance In United States--$2.50 per year in advante LEISHMAN & SUTHERLAND PUBLISHERS Another Milestone With this issue The Haileybur- T.N.O. to Reach Moose Factory | By August 15 |Work on Batension is Well Up ta Schedule; Piers of Bridge Now Completed | Geo. W. Lee, Chairman of the T. & N. O. Railway Commission, |returned on Tuesday from an in- spection trip over the extension ian completes its 26th year of|yorth of Cochrane and stated that publication, a year that has been | the work was well up to schedule m the whole, a satisfactory one planned. The 19 piers for the in spite of the general depression | monster bridge over the Moose and hard times of which we have] Riyer have now been completed, heard so much. Founded in 1904}he stated, and work of erecting jthe rate of one to one and a half miles per day. The first 25 miles of this stretch has already been graded and the work will be speeded up immediately the bridge is finished. As an exam- ple of what the country is like to- wards the end of the extension, Mr. Lee cited the fact that there will be only two curves in the last 46 miles of roadway. There appears to be nothing likely to prevent the completion of the railway to Moose Factory by August 15th, according to Mr. Lee; ; The building of the bridge over the Moose is the largest single operation in the whole extension. |It is about one third of a mile in length, the spans having a length L McNabb's Bridge .__- by the late C. C»Farr, who also founded the town of Haileybury, the paper has _ been carried on with varying fortune ever since that time. It has had its ups and downs; twice the whole plant has been destroyed by fire; it has passed through the hands of sev- eral owners; but it has steadily perservered in its own way to work for the best interests of the town and the North Country. Under the present manage- ment The Haileyburian has been conducted for more than 10 years These have been years of pleas- ant work in a fine community and have been enjoyed greatly by the publishers. It is their hope that the paper has done some- thing towards keeping alive the community spirit assisting in other ways in promoting the public welfare. For the past year's business and support generally, we thank all our readers and customers. It will be our earnest aim to contin- ue to carry out the functions of a community newspaper as we see them throughout the year we are entering upon and we trust that the pleasant relations we have had with you are only an evid- ence of what we may expect in the future. Benefit Held By Oddfellows Was Great Success Large Crowd Ened Dance and Card Games and a Good Sum Realized The benefit dance, bridge and euchre, held on Thursday night last in the I.O.O.F. Temple, re- ulted in a splendid evening from a social point of view and in the receipt of a substantial sum of money to be devoted to relief in a specific case. There were about 190 people present and all thor- oughly enjoyed the There was dancing for those who wished to join in that form of amusement, both euchre and bridge games for those who pre- ferred cards, and a general good time for all. The proceeds am- ounted to $150. Those in charge of the event TOWN OF HAILEYBURY Notice of Application to the Leg- islature of the Province of Ontario Notice is hereby given that the Corporation of the Town of Hail- eybury , will apply to the Legis- lature at it's present session, for an Act authorizing the said Corp- oration to raise upon debentures without obtaining the assent of the electors thereto, a sum of money not exceeding Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000) to consolidate the floating debt of Seventy Thousand: Dollars ($70,000) now outstanding ag- ainst the said Corporation of the Town of Haileybury. Also to authorize said Town to borrow sums of money not ex- ceeding in the aggregate One Hundred and Eighteen Thousand Five Hundred and One Dollars and Thirty-four Cents(118,501.34) by the issue of debentures, pay- able in not more than thirty years from the respective dates of issue thereof, for the purpose of retir-}* ing or redeeming certain deben- tures of the said Town. The existent Debenture Debt of the Town of Haileybury, is the sum of One Hundred and Thirty- four Thousand Dollars ($134,000) exclusive of local improvement debentures, and no _ part of the said debt is in arrears for either principal or interest. Dated the 25th day of Febru- ary, 1931. H, CLIFFORD; Town Clerk, Haileybury, Ontario 47-6c evening. |j] the steel structure would com-| of 110 feet each. The piers rise mence on April 5th. Equipment}sgq feet above the level of the riv- and material for this part of the|e; and are specially constructed work will be taken north this|to yesist the breaking up of the week, and in the meantime, the | ice in the spring. It is very grat- trestle erected to facilitate the |ifying to the Commission to see putting in of the piers and the er-|the work on the extension being jection of the steel structure is |carried out within the schedule |being strengthened in order that| cet at the commencement and it [the large derrick required may), i1] be still more gratifying to all be safely used. _ .|the people of Ontario when the Mr. Lee, who was accompanied provincially owned railway rea- on the trip by Mr. CW Burton, |ches the shores of the Bay." prominent Toronto business man] fy, Lee and Mr. Burton visit- said that if nothing untoward oc- led both Porcupine and Rouyn curred, the bridge would be com-|quring their trip up ever the pleted and the steel laid across | eek-end. by June Ist, and in any case} not later than June 15th. Then} ' . the laying of Ae steel on the nor- | Public Accounts Outline thern section would commence.| Expenditure in the North This section consists of forty odd | ae miles, through level country, (Continued from Page 4) where it is possible to lay steel at | spent on the Cochrane-Hearst |road, $40,675.06 on the Ferguson | Highway and the balance on var- }ious other roads in the district, |chiefly in the interests of set- |tlers. wish to thank all who attended or otherwise assisted in making it such a great success. They ac- knowledge with thanks the don- 2 a ations of prizes for the card} The complete figures for the games, and ask that the names of| district in which Haileybury is the donors be included in this re-|located are given below. Engin- port. The winners were as fol-|eer D. J. Miller, of New Liskeard lows: is in charge of this section. The Ladies--First, Mrs] figures are: second, Mrs. Walsh;|Ferguson Highway-- $226,542.00 Euchre, 3urton; prizes donated by K. M. Stephen|N. Lisk.-Elk Lake Rd. 17,226.82 and O. J. Thorpe. Krugerdorf Road (for Gentlemen--First, A. J. Pea-| Highway diversion) 16,923.40 cock; second, W. Paul; prizes by|Gowganda Road __-- 9,986.77 Nipissing Central Shop Employ-|Old Mission Road ---- 9,273.43 ees and N. Abraham. Haileybury-West Rd. 8,172.45 3ridge, Ladies--First Mrs. N.| North Road .-------- 7,366.22 J. McAulay; second Mrs. G. Pop-|So. Mindoka Road _- 7,704.83 pleton; prizes by Mr. and Mrs.]So. Lorrain Road --_- 6,907.31 Clow and A. P. Knechtel. Elk Lake Matach- Gentlemen--First, C. R. Mc-|] ewan Road -----_-- 6,800.96 Lean; second, K. Benner; prizes| Milberta Road --___- by Assaf & Coi,K. M. Stephen. | Elk Lake-Chariton Road. ees Canadiens won the National} Casey-Brethour Rd__ Hockey League title by defeating| Dixon Creek Bridge_- 3,378.50 3,211.96 3,304.19 the Boston Bruins last night at| Charlton Bridge ---+- 2,989.48 Montreal, in the fifth game of|Crozier Bridge 2,783.15 their series. Canadiens now play|Lowe's Bridge 2,668.64 Chicago for the Stanley Cup. Robertson's Bridge --- 2,063.34 a I ee EASTER GIFTS! Rosaries, Prayer Books, Necklets, Bracelets, Watches, Rings and Jewelry of all kinds that make Suitable Gifts at Eastertide. ST OO #279 q q q q q q q q q SPECIAL -- Real Leather q Handbags for --------- $ Z e 2 5 q 4 4 q q 4 4 4 A. W. SANDERSON JEWELER AND STATIONER aBesfta -aftesihe. site site--fde-sfie..2ie.ofie..site_2fte..tfie.tite..tie..tfie..tfie..tfie.2ie..2fie..sfe_2fie_sie..2fe ale. Prospectors Classes Classes for the training of Mining Prospectors will be held under the auspices of the Ontario Department of Mines in the HOTEL HAILEYBURY, AT HAILEYBURY Beginning Thursday, April 9th and continuing for Eight Days Tuition will be in elementary Chemistry and 'Geology, with particu_ lar attention to the practical identification of minerals. The classes will be under the direction of Dr. E. M. Burwash, who will also give a number of evening lectures illustrated by lantern slides. Classes and Lectures Free of Charge HON. CHAS. McCREA, THOS. W. GIBSON, Minister of Mines Deputy Minister of Mines TORONTO, CANADA 4,196.38 1,948 N. Temiskaming Rd._ 1,940. Equipment & Tools-- 25,5 General Maintenance, Settlers' and other Roads, Sundry ex- { Pence es 141,174.83. Motal" = Pass $512,136.41 The administration of the De-| partment of Northern Develop-! ment for the year cost a total of; $98,800.40. This included the sal-| aries of the Deputy Minister, Mr.) C. H. Fullerton, the chief engi-, neer and assistant, the district' road engineers, clerks, stenogra-| phers and other help in the De-: FOOD SOURS BOUT two hours after eating many people suffer from sour stomachs. They call it indigestion. It means that the stomach nerves have been over-stimulated. There is excess acid. The way to correct it is with am alkali, which neutralizes many times its volume in acid. The right way is Phillips Milk of Magnesia--just a tasteless dose ia water. It is pleasant, efficient and harmless. Results come almost in- stantly. It is the approved method. You will never use another when .70 partment, and the salary of W. .25 R. Smyth, supervisor of settle- 82.80 ment. |payrolls of men employ on by the Department, all expen- Pe pe : ditures are itemized in the book, With the exception of the!so that anyone who has a flare ed in the!for figures can secure any in- jactual construction work carried! formation he may desire. EE LE ST EMPIRE THEATRE HOME OF GOOD ENTERTAINMENT Two Shows Nightly, 7-9. Matinees Mon., Thurs., Sat. Matinees--Children, 10c; Adults, 25c FRIDAY and SATURDAY APRIL 3rd and 4th NORMA SHEARER in "LET US BE GAY" After a home is wrecked, what is left? See your favorite star and what she does to try and forget The First Episode of RIN-TIN-TIN'S Great Serial "THE LONE DEFENDER" Don't Miss It! MONDAY and TUESDAY APRIL 6th and 7th "OH SAILOR BEHAVE" Featuring Olson and Johnson. Greatest Comedy of the Year. Matinee Monday at 2.30 WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY APRIL 8th and 9th MARIE DRESSLER and WALLACE BEERY in "MIN AND BILL" Once Seen, Never Forgotten Matinee Thursday at 2.30 p.m. COMING--"Whoopee", "The Great Meadow" and "Right To Love" you know. ; Be sure to get the genuine Phillips Milk of Magnesia prescribed by hysicians for correcting excess acids. and 50c a bottle--any drugstore. "Milk of Magnesia" has been the U. S. Registered Trade Mark of the Charles H. Phillips Chemical Com- fe and its predecessor Charles H. hilips since 1875. A FAMILY DOCTOR'S LAXATIVE IS BEST Your health is too important! You cannot afford to experiment with your delicate bowels when coated tongue, bad breath, headache, gas, nausea, feverishness, lack of appetite, no energy, etc., warn of constipation. This applies not only to grown people, but more particularly to children. That's why a family doctor's laxative is always the safe choice. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is prepared today under strict laboratory supervision from fresh laxative herbs end other pure ingredients, and exactly according to Dr. Caldwell's )riginal prescription. Taday, millions of families rely on Dr, Caldwell's judgment in the selec- tion of their laxative. For Dr. Cald- well's Syrup Pepsin, in bottles ready for use, sold in all drugstores, is now the largest selling laxative in the world! G SPIC-SPAN Here is the handiest cleaner you have ever seen .. . the Premier Spic- Span , . . for drapes, furniture, stair- ways, out-of-the-way corners. Light Only and easy to operate. Get yours in 50c time for spring cleaning. Make the = small down payment shown: balance Down at $1 a month. Cash price, $18.75. Pay Canada Northern Power Corporation, Limited Controlling and Operating Northern Ontario Power Company Limited Northern Quebec Power Company Limited Announcement - The Dominion Life Assurance Company announces that its Branch Offices in North Bay and Haileybury have been consolidated into one Branch, to be known as the Northern Ontario Branch, with headquarters in the Capitol Theatre Block, North Bay Mr. D. F. Connell, C.L.U., is Manager of the Northern Ontario Branch. Mr. F. N. McNally, of Haileybury, has been appointed the Company's Supervisor for Northern Ontario. ot.) OMINION HEAD OFFICE: WATERLOO, ONTARIO i LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY a4