Page 6 THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, APRIL. 2nd, 193F Three Features Characterized Throne Speech Ottawa, March 3lst --(Special to The Haileyburian). Apart from the opening stage, when Mr. King delivered his general attack on the Government and Mr. Bennett made his reply, the debate on the reply to the Speech from the Throne was character- ized by three features. Liberal contributions were con- fined to destructive criticism. Independent addresses of Pro- gressives, Labor, etc., while cri- tical, were inclined to sympa- thize with the Government and to concede that reasonable time has not been given Mr. Bennett to grapple with conditions. Speeches of Government sup- porters struck a new level in the freedom with which views were expressed and courses of action suggested to the Ministry. Or- dinarily Government supporters become apologists. If they have remedies to offer they offer them in caucus where the Government may accept or reject them with- out public light. At the very first Government caucus of this ses- sion Mr. Bennett asked his mem- bers to exercise complete free- dom as to whether they would speak, and, if so, upon what lines. It was evidently his belief that free discussion might shed new} light on problems and perhaps useful courses of He may not be dis- appointed. Useful suggestions have been made, though some of them must of necessity be made operable through provincial rather than Dominion authority. Western Conservative members led in probing credit conditions which are certainly one factor in western depression It is real- ized, of course, that financial or- ganizations must protect the security of the funds they hold in outline proceedure, some trust Otherwise they would soon be without funds to admin- ister. There is a vast gulf be- tween security, however, and the imposition of unfair interest rates or the refusal of loans upon sound security where intending borrowers will not submit, through discounts, or otherwise, to exorbitant rates. Considerable information bear- ing on the subject has been un- earthed in the west during the last year and there is a direct finding of a sub-committee of the Alberta Legislature to the effect that excessive rates are charged and that farmer borrowers are not given the consideration ade- quate to "the proper financing of their ordinary operations." lrust companies, mortgage companies, insurance companies and finance corporations are in- volved as deeply as the banks in the criticism which is heard. In most instances interest rates are a matter for provincial control but there is hope exnressed that ventilation of conditions will lead to voluntary remedial action the interests criticised. Failing that there will doubtless be pres- sure for legislative action to force TE A most important announce- by TRAIL RANGER AND TUXIS DOINGS ee Listen folks! How would you like to again give us your sup- port and thoroughly enjoy your- self at the same time. Well here is the plan. The local "Pathfind- ers", Trail Rangers are going to hold a "Bazaar" in the basement of the United Church on Satur- day, April 11th. Come and play "Pee Wee Golf" visit the "Old Curio Shoppe", "drink tea and amuse yourself. Next week in this column you will see further announcements. What do you say folks! Bring a friend, if you can't, then come yourself and have a good time. A real live Trail Ranger Show.. Last Saturday morning, March 28th, the "Canuck" Tuxis and the "Coureur de Bois" Trail Rangers indulged in a strenuous hockey game at the local arena. There is still some dispute about the score so we will not venture to an- nounce it. Last week-end, Lors Carlson attended a Cabinet Session of Older Boys' Parliament in Tor- onto. Ten of the Ministers, in- cluding the Premier, John Lou- man, were present. Much Im- portant business was discussed, including a deficit in the recent 3ond Selling Campaign, which a- mounted to $2,500. The Minister of Finance, John Houston, highly commended Temiskaming South on her splendid contribution to this fund. study grain marketing conditions in Canada. Sir Josiah is recog- nized as one of the greatest eco- nomists of his day and his efforts are to be directed to methods which will secure to the producer a greater percentage of the final selling price of his products. Incidentally, his studies, if suc- cessful, will be a factor in open- ing new or larger markets to Canadian goods. A related movement which is gaining force is a demand for the narrowing of the differential be- tween export and domestic trans- portation charges. Both Prog- ressive and Conservative private members urged action in this connection and it is not improb- able that it will be one of the first big problems to engage the at- tention of the reconstructed Rail- way Commission, When the House re+assembles after Easter it will be ready to tackle the budget and other far- ment is that affecting the com-- reaching legislation that is sche- mission of Sir Joseph Stamp to duled for consideration. Febery 1924 F Items from the Files of The - = Haileyburian of Seven 2 Years Ago b, On Monday the son of Mr. Jas. McFarlane, Rorke Ave., brought to the Haileyburian office a small butterfly, which had been found flying around in the house that day. The United ChurchManse nar- rowly escaped serious damage by fire yesterday morning, when it was found that the wall behind the fireplace had become ignited. michael left yesterday for Rouyn where they will do some work on their mining claims and also some more prospecting. The goyernment has _ voted $500,000 for the building of the T. & N. O. branch into South Lor- rain, which it is estimated will be sufficient for the work, and a start will be made as soon as the weather is fit. The marriage of Miss Lillie Munroe to Mr. John W. Morri- son was solemnized at the home of the bride's father, Mr. Peter Munroe, Maxville, Ont., recently. They will reside in Haileybury. Two fire alarms within half an hour kept the brigade busy for a J. H. Murray and D. A. Car- while on Saturday. The Burns home on Ferguson Avenue and $ And Her Ideas From Paris eu ob ted won Ni) seuasian yriend, the cae elected to 9 yet when they got a Look at hex in | hee tweed cont-dreas and hat acanf of med wood appliqued in = \ \cobored Peathex - ~ - there waa a the aebbing job. hee chic bebt war red Leather, with a Hack S silver the damage was not great in; either cases. The new pipe organ for St: Paul's Church has been received the Reid home on Florence St.'and is now being: installed under were the buildings affected and the direction of air expert: (Consistent Advertising im ' The Haileyburian will Bring Business OROTHY Brand Evaporated Milk keeps sweet and fresh in any weather -- anywhere -- until the can is opened., After that treat it just like fresh milk --because that is just what it is-- fresh, sterilized milk in concen- trated form--noth- ing except water taken away. mm BRAND oo STaRILizeD Prepancy in CAWADY [NaPoRaTED M rowerrentO qa "Countess X. got | wp with being frivolous, Sf into business / of al) ahe started aa a book aabea- mola nomed J HIS MAJESTY VISITS SWEDISH EXHIBITION IN LONDON | "huch nen aft to de Book at hen ceili the wriata with CE OA elation eo fy "" sith a Past my childnén, and you | ahall hear ~ - ~ of the bedtime mites of a chic . patiacenne / fur ahe yan, (for face exercise) then ahe aPipa into hex Dittbe bed-jacket to plepate a clip of hot - water with Demon juice | res ee Dose 'at ; (es CAF you want tomake economical, delicious dishes chp this coupon This famous Recipe Book contains nearly 200 prize recipes chosen from 75,000 received from all parts of Canada. They are endorsed by one of Canada's foremost food experts. Be sure to enclose 10 cents in stamps or coin to covér mailing costs. Address. The CANADA STARCH CO., Limited MONTREAL Oe cee ee ee oer ~ Tariff of Tolls | TO BE COLLECTED DURING SEASON 1931 S2By = The Quinze Rapids Improvement Company, Limited _ For Use of Improvements Sawlogs 17 feet and under, per 1,000 ft. B.M. ee Red and White Pine, Tamarac, Spruce, Hemlock and all other woods, round or flatted, over 17 feet and under 30 feet long, per 1,000 ft. B.M. ------------ 6%¢ Red and White Pine, Tamarac, Spruce, Hemlock and _ all other woods, round or flatted, 30 feet and up- wards in leneth, per 1,000 fh2B.M. = 2 esa" 74¢ Red and White Pine, Tamarac, Spruce, Hemlock and all other woods, square or waney board, per 1,000 AOU iG SE ea SE PE ae 73¢ Pulpwood per: cord E. C. Woolsey, Sec'y-Treasurer Remember! That the best goods are always advertised. Therefore, if you wish to secure the Best Value for your money Look Carefully Through the Advt's in This Newspaper. * His Majesty the King is seen above leaving Dorland House, London, after paying a private visit to the Swedish Exhibition which is now being held in the British Capital. < % Condensed Ads. in The Haileyburian Bring Results