fhe HAIL EY BURIAN THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1932 Socal and Personal Mr. N. Abraham spent a few days in Toronto this week on business. Mr. Fred Thompson is in Hail- eybury for a few days this week from Swastika. Mrs. J. Bucknall has returned to Haileybury after spending the past year in Campden, Ont. The regular meeting of Hail- eybury Masonic Lodge will be held tonight at 7.30 in the Temple on Main Street. Remember the annual Easter dance and bridge of the 1.0.D.E., to be held on Monday night next at Hotel Haileybury. M. S. Boyd left last week-end to spend a week or two at his former home in Carleton Place and also visit Ottawa. Mr.-and Mrs. Francis Timmins were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Whorley last we end, leaving on Sunday for their home. OBITUARY Mrs. A. J. Carson Haileybury lost one of its old and highly esteemed citizens this week in the person of Mrs. A. J. Carson, wife of Councillor A. J. Carson, who passed away at the Mesericordia Hospital at 6.30 a. m. on Tuesday, March 3lst, after an illness of less than 10 days. She had been in her usual health throughout the winter, but on Saturday, March 21st, she con- tracted pneumonia. The follow- ing day she was removed to the hospital, where at first it was ioped that she would recover, but during the last few days she gradually sank until death result- ed. The late Mrs. Carson, who was 67 years and 11 months, was born at Shanty Bay, Ont., the daught- er of the late Mr. and Mrs. Am- brose Budd, prominent residents of that place. On June 6th, 1888, she was married to Mr. Carson and lived in the city for a time, ater going with her hus- band to Barrie and residing there some years. In 1906 Mr. and Mrs. Carson came to Haileybury, errr e Le} ault, Timmins, and Mrs. Malcolm Thibeault, of Gatineau Mills, ue. The funeral was held on Mon- day, with service in the Roman Catholic Cathedral and interment: CLASSIC THEATRE COBALT - ONTARIO in the Roman Catho!ic "~metery. FRI., SAT., APRIL 3rd, 4th MON., TUES., APRIL 6th, 7th WED. THUR., -APR. 8th, 9th The service was held at 9 a.m. and was attended by a large gathering of friends and relativ- es, who came to pay their last re- spects to one who was well known and highly respected by all. The sorrowing husband and family and other relatives have|| | the sinceré sympathy of all their friends' here and throughout the | district. There were many spirit- ual offerings presented and a great profusion of floral tributes, her way from the a list of which follows: gayest Spiritual offerings--The Fam- social ily, Jane and Anna Belec, Mr. and whirl to Mrs. P. Gagnon jr., D. G. Hogan grimmest and family, Mr. and Mrs. W.| under- Cormier, Catholic Girls' Club, Dr.| world! and Mrs. L. Gagnon, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. A. Legris, Mr. and Mrs. S. St. Louis and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Gagnon and family, | | Roaul Larocque, Mr. and Mrs. N.| Morrissette, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. A.| Gagnon, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Mar-| tin, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lemay, Mr. | and Mrs. John O'Hara and fam-| ily, Ladies of Charity, Arnold} It's a pic- ture of con- trasts and romance, | where they have lived ever since. Vega Chapter, Order of the| During her long residence in Eastern Star will hold a tea and|Haileybury Mrs. Carson hail be- produce table on Friday, April |come endeared to a wide circle of 10th, from 3 to 6 p.m., at the/friends and acquaintances. She home of Mrs. J. O. Belanger, |took an active part in all work of Browning Stret. the community, was a kind friend [to many in distress and will be A good many people took ad-|deeply mourned by all who knew vantage of the low rates offered|her. Fomerly a member of the by the Kingston Motors for short | Methodist Church, Mrs. Carson aeroplane flights around Lake |was an active worker in the Un- Temiskaming. operating for some days here. consummated and took a deep in- |terest in the women's organiza- Solos and choruses from Hand- tions and was otherwise a valued el's Messiah will be rendered to-}member. She was also a member morrow, Good Friday evening in |of the Haileybury Chapter, Order the United Church by a choir of |of the Eastern Star, a society in 40 voices under the direction of ;which she took a deep interest Mr. R. H. Unwin, commencing at |and in the councils of which she 8.30. |will be greatly missed. Surviving are her husband, Mr. The regular monthly meeting!A. J. Carson, prominent business of the Home and Foreign Mis-|man and a member of the town sion Circle of the Baptist Church |council, one daughter, Mrs. Ruby will be held on Thursday, April|K. Ferguson, of Toronto, and 9th, at 3 p.m., at the home of |two sons, Percy H. Carson, of Mrs. Jas. Williamson, 75 Brews-|Timmins, and Harold A. of Tor- ter Stret. jonto. All members of the family | aaa lwere summoned home during} The Easter thank offering|Mrs. Carson's last illness and meeting of the Women's Mis-| were present when she died. sionary Society of the United) The funeral is being held this Church, Haileybury, will be held|afternoon at Barrie, the former in the Church basement on Tues-|home of the family. Previous to day, April 7th, at 8 p.m. Rev.|/departure from Haileybury yes- Soper of New Liskeard, will ad-|terday evening, a service was dress the meeting. held in the United Church by i Rev. D. "A. MacKeracher, who Don't forget to your |paid a, sincere tribute to Mrs. daughter's tea room at Hotel/Carson's life in the community. Haileybury April 4th, from 3 to|The church was thronged with 6, and see what they can do./friends and acquaintances who There will be "Home Cooking",|came to pay their last respects home made candy, also novelties.!and there were many beautiful Bring your friends and buy your |floral tributes sent. Easter supply at the Girl's Club.| visit The pallbearers were Mayor \Geo, TI: Hamilton, Dr. J. C A. ++! Crawford, Messrs. A. P. Knechtel |H. G. Pickard, J: E. McCuaig WEDDING BELLS land A. G. Kirkpatrick. During soccccccccccccccooroorosores the hour that the service was be- Nelson--O'Halloran ing held the business places down ltown were closed as a mark of The marriage of Miss Veronica |respect. Members of the O'Halloran, daughter of Mr. and ern Star attended the service ina Mrs. M. O'Halloran, of Hailey- body and followed the cortege to bury, to Mr. Charles Nelson, of |the station. Timmins, formerly of Warren,| Mr. Carson and the family Ont., was solemnized in Timmins |have the sincere sympathy of the} on Wednesday last, March 25th. |whole community in their time Miss O'Halloran has been a nurse |of sorrow. in training at St. Mary's Hospit- | al there for some time and her | friends will all extend their best | wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson); Peath came suddenly on Satur- came down following their mar-|qay morning to Mrs. Pamphile riage and spent a few days at the || emieux, for many years a well bride's home here, returning this |known resident of Haileybury, at week to Timmins where they |her home on Elliott Street. She will make their home. |had been in poor health for some = time, suffering from heart trou- |ble, but had been able to be ar- Hutt's Ladies' Sho @icun and had risen that morning. pp She was suddenly stricken and a Se a ee ----|fell across her bed after calling An Exclusive Line of Ladies' Hats, Coats, Suits, Dresses, Hosiery and Lingerie Phone 22 NO Owners and harborers of Dogs | Niece Peehee eRe hat ethey |. rs. Gagnon. Besides her hus- are. nereDy-7n' {band she leaves to mourn two must secure Dog Tags for 1931) daughters, Misses Claribelle and immediately from the Chief of | Margaret, and one son, Cleo. Her Police or at the Town Clerk's | father, five brothers and three Office. | sisters also survive. The broth- By Ord ers are Philip junior. and Prosper ¥. WOESEE e |Gagnon, of New Liskeard, Dr. L. The Police Committee | Cochrane, A. G. of Haileybury, {and Joseph A., North Bay. The Pi sisters are Mrs. J. P. Vachon, Want Ads. Bring Resul ts Haileybury, Mrs. Alfred Boisson- Pamphile Lemieux Mrs. |without regaining consiousness. | Before she passed away, however \the last rites of the Roman Cath- HAILEYBURY jolic Church were administered. : | The late Mrs. Lemieux, who |before her marriage was Miss |Gagnon, was born in Castleman, |Ont., and had lived here for many |years. She was the eldest daught- $< er of Mr. Philip Gagnon sr., now lof New Liskeard, and the late The plane was|ited Church here after Union was | |to her daughter, and died later| Davis, Mr. and Mrs, R. Campeau, jand family, Mrs. L. Reneaud and lfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc- |Curdy and family, Miss L. Drolet | Mrs. V. Mondoux and family, |Miss L. Chenier, Rev. Father |Legresvole, Alma Lemieux, Mr. and Mrs. A. Boissonault, of Tim- mins, Mr. and Mrs. J. Vachon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mal- colm Thibeault and family. | Miss Bella Lemieux, Callander, \Dr. and Mrs. Joyal. | Floral tributes--Wreath, Nip- jissing Central Employees. Sprays-- Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sasseville, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mino, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gibbons, Mr. land Mrs. R. Whorley, Mr. and |Mrs. W. J. Clow, Mr. and Mrs. |P. O. Regimbal, Mr. and Mrs. J. |R. Fillion, Mr. J. V. Chevrette. | Telegrams of sympathy were received from W. A. Griffin, of the T. & N. O. Railway, J. C. | Levesque of Cromwall, A Levert of Sudbury, Mr. G. Plouffe, Gat- jineau, Que., Mr. and Mrs. A. Seguin, Kirkland Lake. | | Mrs. Russell Upton | A particularly sad death oc- 'cured at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mgs. W. H. Rice, Hailey- bury, when Gertrude Agnes, the beloved wife of Russell Upton |passed away after an illness of a |weeks duration. The immediate 'cause of the death was bronchial /pneumonia. | The deceased was born in Hil- liard Township twenty five years ago, moving with her parents to /Bucke Township five years later, where she resided with her par- /ents until her marriage in 1927. Since her marriage she has been living in New Liskeard and Tor- onto. The late Mrs. Upton by her |splendid spirits and genial manner endeared herself to all those with whom she came in contact, her popularity attested by. the large number of magnificient floral _of- ferings. She leaves to mourn her loss, a sorrowing husband and baby of three months, the Father land Mother, sister Muriel and brothers, Foster and William. The funeral was held on Tues- day afternoon with a short priv- ate service at the home and the funeral services in the United |Church, Haileybury, with Rev. D. !A. MacKeracher officiating. In- terment taking place in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. The pallbearers were: Messrs. George McKelvie, Archie Doug- las, Stanley Maddock, Lorne |James, John McArthur, Sydney |Graham. | Beautiful floral tributes |sent by the following: Heart--Husband and Baby. Cross--Father and Mother. Pillow--Muriel, William, Kath- \leen and Foster. Wreath--Mr. and Mrs. Upton and family, Toronto. Spray--Mother and Lottie, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Upton, North Transcona. -Wreaths--Northern. Develop- ment staff, New Liskeard, Mr. and Mrs. Ross and family, Thorn- loe, Hill-Clark-Francis Fire de- partment, New Liskeard, Hill- Clark-Francis ~Employees, New Liskeard, Mr. and Mrs. McFar- lane, Sid and Jim Graham, Miss Kathaleen Keddy, Mr. and Mrs. J- R. Whorley and family, Mr. and Mrs. MacGirr and Laura, Mr. and Mrs. R. Whorley and Horace and Stanley. Sprays--Mr. and Mrs. Kaspar Irwin, New Liskeard, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sumoler, New Lis- keard, Mr. and Mrs. G. Brooks were Roy It leaves you limp with its swift drama, surprise! thrills! | woos NCE Comedy "The Big Splash" Serial, The Indians are Coming "The Lone Defender" Krazy Kat "Taken for a Ride" Drama of the tears and thrills that test a woman's soul. Comedy "Snappy Cabarello" Special Matinee Easter Monday at 2.30 p.m. Prices 25c and 55c Dratheles "The LASH --With-- MARY ASTOR MARION NIXON FRED KOHLER JAMES RENNIE ----9---- He lashes his enemies with re- But how tender is his love when two beautiful girls says: "Kiss Me Again" lentless hate. Comedy "Ladies Last" comedy New Liskeard, Mr. and. Mrs. Basil Donoghue, New Liskeard, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ramsay, New Liskeard, Mr. and Mrs. Copner, New Liskeard, Mrs. Lott, New Liskeard, Mrs. Lavoie and Beat- rice, New Liskeard, Daisy and Delia, New Liskeard, Geo. and Gladys McKelvie. New Liskeard, Mr-and Mrs. Geo. Bristow, New Liskeard, W> H. Lowry New Lis- keard, Miss Copner and Miss Gamble, Englehart, The Beales, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Aspen and family, Rouyn, Mr. and Mrs. W. James, New Liskeard, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Armstrong, New Lis- keard, Mr. and Mrs. J. McKenzie New Liskeard, Mr. and Mrs.L. James, New Liskeard, Women's Institute, Clover Valley, Hailey- bury Rebekah Lodge, Ladies Aid United Church, Haileybury, Miss C. L. Gaudaur, John, Louie, Bill McArthur, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McArthur, 'Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Adair, Mr. and Mrs. A. Oslund, Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Neilson, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Keddie, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Johnston and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gordon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Swan Neil- on, Art, Beatrice and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. Campbell and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Fleming. Mrs. George Jenkyn Death removed an old resident of Cobalt on» Saturday, March 28th, when Mrs. George Jenkyn, who had been a resident of the Silver Town for the past 17 years passed away. at her home on the O'Brien property after a long period of ill health. She was in her 41st year. Mrs. Jenkyn was born inCorn- wall, England, and came with her husband directly to Cobalt on first leaving the Old Land. She is survived by Mr. Jenkyn alone. The funeral was held from the family home on Monday after- noon to St. James Anglican Church, where. service was con- ducted by Rey. J. H. Evans, and interment was in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Haileybury. Card of Thanks Mr. P. Lemieux and family and the Gagnon family wish to sin- cerely thank their many friends for all the kindness and symp- athy shown them in their recent bereavement, and for the many spiritual and floral offerings sent following the death of Mrs. Lemieux. ' pias ae es The Ontario Government _ this week soted the sum of $3,000 to- wards the new Haileybury Min- ing School. Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rice and Family wish to express their sin- cere appreciation and thankful- ness to their many friends who were so helpful and sympathetic during their recent bereavement and for the many floral tributes. Card of Thanks Mr. Russell Upton wishes to express appreciation and thank- fulness to his many friends who were so helpful and sympathetic during his recent bereavement and for the many floral tributes. St. Paul's Church Good Friday and Easter Services ; The services ine St. -Paulis |Church on Good Friday will be as follows: At 10. a.m., the appointed ser- vices for the day including the reading of the Gospel of the Pas- sion; from 12 noon to 3 p.m., the Devotion of the and at 7.30 p.m., Evensong. On Easter Day there will be a Celebration of the Holy Com- munion at 7 a.m. and at 8 a.m. The usual Festival Service at 11 a.m.; Childrens' Service at 3 p. m.; and Evensong at 7 p.m. The Baptist Church Pastor---]. W. Cordwell Sunday School-- 10 a.m. Public Worship-- 11 a.m. Prayer Meeting--Wednesday, 7.30 p.m. 2 Three Hours; E eee ee | CHURCHES $ 72 The United Church Rev. D. A. MacKeracher, B.A., Pastor Mr. R. H. Unwin, Organist and Choirmaster. Sunday, April 5th--Special Eas- ter Services. 11 a.m., 7 p.m.--Public Worship 2.30 p.m.--Church School Albert Gospel Hall ALBERT STREET Sunday, 11 a.m--Commemora- ition of the Lord's Supper. 3 p.m.--Sunday School | Bible Class. ee p-m.--Gospel Meeting (Evan- 'gelistic) to which all are cordial- ly invited. ' Wednesday,-8 p.m--Meeting for Prayer and Bible Study. 3 p.m.--Women's Prayer Meet- ing. Women's Missionary Meeting first Wednesday of each month; 'place of meeting arranged mon- hly. and | Salvation Army i Good Friday Service at 8 p.m. | 'Messages' from Calvary in / Scripture and Song." Sunday Morning Service at 11 Sunday Evening Service at 7.30 Sunday School--2.30 p.m. Tvesday, 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Friday, 7.15 p.m.--Junior Meeting 8.00 p.m.--Y. P. Legion Meeting. All are cordially invited. |Want Ads. Bring Results THESE WANT AD'S For Sale or Rent--Small house, Probyn Street. Apply at Hail- eyburian Office. 51-tf. For Sale or Rent--The Branchaud Residence, Probyn Street, with garage in connection. Apply - to Jos: A. Legris. 8-t.f Upholstering, Furniture repairing and general work done at reas- onable prices. George Detarie, 44 Little St., Haileybury. 51-4p For Sale--Six Roomed House on Blackwall Street; all conveni- ences; very easy terms. Apply at Haileyburian Office x BRING : RESULTS , jAngora Tams--Made to order $2.50 each, in white and colors; also hand crochet baby bonnets and sweaters, etc. Mrs. Geo. Whitney, North Cobalt. 52-1p. Wanted--Woman or Girl for gen- eral housework, one who can cook. Apply to Mrs. W. R. Thompson, Georgina Ave., phone 391. For Sale Cheap--Bungalow on Latchford St. Six rooms, gar- age, all conveniences. Apply to- E. D. Whorley, Florist, Main St. 51-tf.