-- SSisiipiaienliedatcateneieeeemeenemeenenetennmemmnmnmamseen THURSDAY, APRIL 9th, 1931 THE A eke RELAON Page 3 TOWNSHIP OF COLEMAN NO ROOM TO SPARE Canada's new Governor-General|description registered the 17th WILL NOT UNDERTAKE ; a Earl of Bessborough, with|day of February, 1931. ady Bessborough and their! Part of Mining Location RL. a brhaapergees es family, landed at Halifax on/400, extending to .044 acre, plan = ' Saturday, where he was dulyland description registered the The council of the township of sworn in to his office. The party|24th day of February, 1931. Coleman, at its meeting on Mon- day night decided that in future the municipality will not under- take the plowing of the highway between Cobalt and New Lis- keard, as they have done for the past two or three winters. Ac- counts kept of the work during the past winter showed that, while it cost $7.00 per hour to op- erate the big snow plow, the re- turn had only been equivalent to $5.00 per hour. It'was felt that it was not fair to ask the ratepay- ers of the township to shoulder burden, and a resolution to the effect that in future the plow would only be used within the municipality was passed, with the proviso that the Ferguson High- way through the town of Cobalt would be included in the winter's |reached the capital on Tuesday. | NOTICE OF EXPROP- RIATION OF LAND | | Notice is hereby given that un- der and by virtue Bt Section 12, iChapter 36, of the Northern De- velopment Act, R.S.O. 1927, and 'Section 17, Chapter 52, of the {Public Works Act, R.S.O. 1927, 'the following parcels of land in the Town of Cobalt and District lof Temiskaming have been ex- |propriated by the Honourable, \the Minister che arged with the ad- | ministration of the Department | |of Northern Development, On- Plans and descriptions of the a- bove parcels were registered in the Land Titles Office at Hailey- bury on the dates mentioned and notice is hereby given that all parties having claim to compen- sation in respect of the lands so expropriated must file same with the Department of Northern De- velopment, at Toronto, within six months from the date of reg- istration of the plan and descrip- tion exp pune the land. | . H. FULLERTON, \ Deputy Minister |Dated at Toronto, this 13th day of March, | Ontario, 1931, an overhead oe ae EYBURY LODGE No. 364 iO. O: B, jtario, for the purpose of con- structing ove rthe Nipissing Central and] T. & N. O. Railways on the Fer- | operations. | guson Highway and being: |Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays of 'Part of Mining location J.B. ae each month in the -- 4, ; 5 - % ' S P 9 acres, plz > TE = Canadian Apples Are Now When the world's largest battleship, H.M.S. Nelson, of the British Fleet, passed through the Pa- Pee ape eae Peat: map eae EXO}, 10) = TEMPLE indi i ~ ot a 5 : ay , desc ce 2g are > at 8 Finding Market in Egypt) jama Canal recently to make o formal visit to the United States fleet, then lying in Pacific waters, relay ar February, 1931. Ne ad Tei ecko ela an eroa mee close was the squeeze that the sea giant scrape dher sides. The huge vessel is shown above Part of Mining Location J.S.14} N.G--Thos. Curry nie ae when it passed through the Pedro Miguel Locks. lextending aay (GPK acres, plan andi Rec. Sec.--J. A. Ruttan ducts, particularly apples, is ever widening. Recent reports indic- ate that a potential market of considerable interest to Canadian growers is available in Egypt. Canadian apples are being well received in the Cairo market, sel- ling at around $4.88% per box. They have not only won recogni- tion as the best apples coming on to the Egyptian market, but ap- parently they can be laid down there at a price which makes them more attractive than other fancy pack importations from the United States.-Dominion Depart- ment of Agriculture. LAST CHANCE TO GET FREE HAILEYBURIAN IN ICE GUESSING CONTEST Readers are reminded again that this is the last week of the Haileyburian's ice guessing con- test, the closing date being April 12th. All entries received before that day, or letters postmarked up to that day, will be accepted. All are familiar with the rules by now and all know the nature of the prize, a year's subscription free for guessing the correct date of the ice leasing Lake Temis-| ig- The necessary coupon tor Aa ities the dontest. will ag- sal ain be found in this issue, but do 'not delay longer than Saturday. From the guesses already re- ceived, it appears that there is a general belief that there will be an early opening of the lake this year. The warm weather this week appears to have really brought the spring season and it is quite possible that the ice may be gone before the end of April. There is no possibility, however. of it going earlier than the prev- ious record date, April 12th. COUPON My guess is that the ice will be out of Lake Temiskaming wy Over two years to DOW N pay Oni sees ome ce er, A Nea ries Tee et oe EVER was it so easy to own a General also pleased to announce a Three Year A Electric Refrigerator. Now, a small Guarantee. This remarkable warranty PES eto down payment, as low as ten dollars, de- results from a spotless record of expense- livers a General Electric to your home... f f aes joned RECORD and you can take over two years to pay ites eal abana? tae ae eeareea ae es 1ROS Bes eae Sts May 15th the balance. guarantee that you will have ne ahs 1 BOA eth: wyeniene April 25th expense on your General Electric Refrig- 1895... ees eae May 5th Think what this announcement erator for three full years. WOO Ne. ieee: April 30th means to you. Right away you SOT Rae tere ee May 8th Visit th Ai ccc bas ths 1 BOR te ae ys April 27th can start to enjoy the many ad- isit the nearest dealer and inspec 1 R00 asa ore May 5th vantages of a General Electric General Electric Refrigerator. Note the i ei fetes ey Z a Refrigerator. Right away you beauty of its modern design . . . how easily cei hee peers end can start to oa Ete a it is kept clean inside and out. Learn the 11S 0 en Se oe April 27th e per ree AC RS i} a ay lasting economy of the Monitor Top . . . ee a cepynly Soroden May 7th i tene May etOY pneeting aeenene the advantages of the four zones of cold. Lhe cea ee orkeneeraes April 29th monthly payments. WG eS See ee May 7th * One Then, make the small payment which will 1 go a NES ita a NOW i Canadian General Electric is deliver a General Electric to your home. 1909 os eiscekcaetaavants May 17th ER-131A LOR} tipo April 12th LSE eb bine pico 8 ne May 8th ste) etioae reean ance May 5th 1918). . 58s Opes April 27th I9OM4 Ze st ite ees May 14th TOUS) scree. wet April 28th TONG ee ee eee May 2nd 1917 ee May 10th otic apes 6 April 30th wy 1919\5 ae April 24th Bee ty metasn oe May 6th - ° ° ° eee Anal 26th Canada Northern Power Corporation, Limited : 1922.2. e222 20s Ney Controlling and Operating yf 18S Diag eae Ba ee Northern Ontario Power Company, Limited we 19249 eee Apri u 1985" ate eee May 2nd Northern Quebec Power Company, Limited 1926 ste tear May 22nd | 1927: ox Facer sieiet er April 25th (Ope eee ter May 14th 1929 - May 5th ) LIMITED {oy Sea May 5th $<