"THURSDAY, APRIL 9th, 1931 THE HAILEYBURIAN School Attendance Report For The Month of March Inspectorate of South Temiskaming A. Schools of not more than 15 pupils: Casey Mirswonlylegees anche hee eS 2 Firstbrook--Miss Hedley 2 Coleman--Miss Cookson - Montreal River--Mr. McLeod ~-L__------2---1-_--__ 1 Lorrain--Miss Healey ipBArpel--IVlISS ROSS yeacmes ee ok eo See ONE B. Schools of not more than 25 pupils: 5 Dymond--Miss Fowler -4 Harley--Mrs. Greer - PeNicol-Mininer-----M rw iott aa =) Se 4 ee Thornloe--Miss Caswell -_-- 1 Casey--Mr. Laverty 3 Goleman--Miss Wright ---- 3 Dymond--Mr. Bowman ---- 2 Harris--Miss Doherty ----- 2 Dy.mond--Miss Alexander -_ PSE Buckets ilittininy een, ses RS Cc. Schools of more than 25 pupils: 5 Harley--Miss McMillan 4 Dymond--Miss Gordon 1 Harris-Dymond--Miss Edwards _ 3 Kerns-Henwood--Mrs. Knowles - 1 Henwood--Miss Evans ---------- 1 Harley--Miss Pace 1 Armstrong--Mr. Shipley 1A Kerns--Mrs. Beach D. Graded Schools: Bestel--Mr. Hardick 100%, Miss Fitzpatrick, 100 ---- 100% Latchford--Mr. Anderson 99.5; Miss Willoughby 98.6 -99 Elk Lake--Mr. Zettler 99.2, Miss Porter 97.1, Miss Mills 97.6, Miss Honeywell 96.9 Hudson Consol.--Mr. Hallett 95.9, Miss Chester 97.2_- North Cobalt--Mr. Wilton 97.5, Miss Jordon 91.5, Miss Creighton 93, s Silver Centre--Mr. Eastman 93.8, Miss Eastman 87.8 - R. A. A. McConnell, Inspector. 97.7 96.5 OL it, Margaret?" f chutney or tomato ketchup?" é tne Humorist, London HUSBAND: "The doctor said a mustard plaster. Have you got : "I'm afraid we haven't any mustard, Large Audience ~ Enjoys Messiah on Good Friday Choir of 40 Under R. H. Unwin Gave Solos and Choruses In United Church A large audience in the Hailey- bury United Church thoroughly enjoyed the rendering of solos and choruses from Handel's "Messiah" by a choir of forty voices under the direction of Mr. R. H. Unwin, on Good Friday evening. It was a special feature of the Easter festival here and one which was in all respects of particular appeal to all music lovers. A long series of rehears- als had brought the singers to a state of near perfection and those who attended have been loud in their praise of the performance. The recital opened with the chorus "And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed" and clos- ed with the "Hallelujah", and in- terspersed with the solos were numbers from the famous com- position that were exceedingly well given and that greatly pleas- ed the audience... The soloists were Miss R. McCagherty, Mrs. A. P. Knechtel, Mrs. A. - Woods, Miss K. Keddie, Miss I. Lang, Miss C. Lang, Miss M. Britten, Mr. C. W.) Train, Mr. W.. Jones and Mr. A. H. Hull. All these are well known singers of Hail- eybury and Cobalt and represent the choirs of several churches. The recital will be repeated to- morrow, Friday, evening in the United Church at Cobalt, when those who missed hearing the performance last week will have an opportunity of enjoying a really high class entertainment. St. Paul's Congregation Holds Social Evening Members of the congregation of St. Paul's Church met on Tue- sday evening in the parish hall for the first social gathering fol- lowing the season of Lent and spent a very pleasant time. There were several old fashioned games and contests staged for the am- usement of the gathering and at the close refreshments were served. It is the intention to con- tinue these social evenings at in- tervals throughout the spring. C. E. Fleming is Re-Elected Canadian Legion President When the members of the Hail- eybury Branch of the Canadian Legion met last week for their annual election of officers, Com- rade Chas. E. Fleming, who has been head of the branch for the past year, was re-elected as pres- ident for another term. A. Ked- die is the first vice-president, H. Poppleton, second vice-president, and the executive committee con- sists of J. T. Morton, T. Robb and Wm. Short. Jas. Reavell was re-elected as secretary for the year. The veterans decided to join with other branches under the Provincial Command in a cam- paign for an increase in member- ship, to be carried out with the utmost endeavor during the pres- ent month. The objective of the Legion in Ontario is 10,000 new members. South Temiskaming Dentists Held Clinic Here on Monday The regular meeting of the South Temiskaming Dental Association was held in Haileybury on Mon- day, when dentists from the var- ious points in the district gather- ed fora clinic. Dr. C. A. Ken- nedy, of Toronto, was in charge of the clinic and addressed the members of the profession who were present. The meeting was an interesting one for the men who are practicing in the North Country and who are endeavor- ing by this means to keep in close touch with all the latest scientific methods which are being discov- ered and put in use. LIE From Headaches ~ Colds and Sore Throat Neuritis, Neuralgia Don't be a chronic sufferer from headaches, or any other pain. There is hardly an ache or pain Bayer Aspirin tablets can't relieve; they are a great comfort to women who suffer periodically. They are always to be relied on for breaking up colds. It may be only a simple headache, or it may be neuralgia or neuritis; Hugh McFayden, : ' Government representative on the Canadian good-will and tr he knows where the ship 1s. first officer of the C.N.S. Prince Robert, explains to Sir George Perley, Canadian} ade mission to the Argentine, just how The bow!-like apparatus is a gyro compass which spins at terrific speed to assure stability. The diamond-shaped instrument is one of the new compact models of a wireless direction-finder to pick up radio stations and verify position. BRITISH AIRCRAFT CARRIER CRASHES INTO FRENCH LINER--TWENTY-SIX LOST H.M.S. Glorious (above) one of Britain's air craft carriers, coHided with the French liner Florida in a fog off Malta, and caused serious damage to the French boat. According to latest reports, twenty six lives were lost and the Florida was so badly damaged that the Glorious had to tow her to safety. th tism. Bayer Aspirin is still - the sensible thing to take. Just be certain it's Bayer you're taking; it does not hurt the heart. Get the - genuine tablets, in this familiar package for the pocket. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS HLT EMPIRE THEATRE Where Sound Sounds Best Matinee Sat. at 2.30; Prices 25c and 10c Two Shows Nightly: 7-9, 9-11 p.m. FRIDAY and SATURDAY APRIL 10th and 11th EDDIE CANTOR in "WHOOPEE" 2nd Episode of Rin Tin Tin in "The Lone Defender" MONDAY and TUESDAY APRIL 13th and 14th "The Great Meadow" with John Mack Brown, Eleanor Boardman. A great picture of Pioneer Love; Thrills; Courage. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY APRIL 15th and 16th Ruth Chatterton in "The Right to Love" with Paul Lukas, David Manners. A flesh and blood Drama searching the heart of every woman FRIDAY and SATURDAY APRIL 17th and 18th Bert WHEELER and Robert WOOLSEY in "Half-Shot at Sunrise" Cuckoo Kings of Cock-Eyed Comedy are here again with a bombardment of laughs! Don't miss it! AON NNO NINN NT NY NO NNN NT AONE TACT TUN DISCRIMINATING PEOPLE USE Our Family Loaf 2ecee Made from the Purest Ingredients and Sanitarily Wrapped for your Protection. Try a Loaf today. +ecee Haileybury Bakery J. B: E. PROULX PHONE 36 Restless CHILDREN IHILDREN will fret, often for no aptarent reason. But there's al- ways Castoria! Harmless as the recipe on the wrapper; mild and bland as it tastes. But its gentle action soothes @ youngster more surely than a more powerful medicine. d ' That's the Deane of this special children's remedy! It may be given the tiniest infant--as often as there is need. In cases of colic, diarrhea oF similar disturbance, it is invaluable. A coated tongue calls for just a few drops to ward off constipation; so does any suggestion of bad breath. Whenever eiildren don't eat well, don't rest well, or have any little upset--this pure vegetable prepara- tion is usually all that's needed. ar Te ge ye eee ee eee aan alla All the latest designs are included in OUR NEW SPRING STOCK The patterns are the most pleasing that we have offered in years. The quality is the best and the prices are excep- tionally reasonable. We are also showing a fine new assortment of LINOLEUMS, OILCLOTHS and RUGS which will greatly facilitate your Spring renovating and add beauty and comfort to your home. Thorpe & Branchaud House Furnishers FERGUSON AVENUE Directors of Funeral Services HAILEYBURY AS © er A Sy re Re the the claim is situate. MINING CLAIM HOLDERS DEPARTMENT OF MINES INO) TsT, GSE. To Holders of Mining Claims in Ontario Not Yet Patented or Leased Notice is hereby given to holders of mining claims, wheresoever situate, upon which the work prescribed by the Mining Act, will subject their claim to cancellation. 15th day of November, 1931. work specified in the Mining Act has been prohibited or restricted to a stated period by the Minister of Lands and Forests under the authority of the Mining Act, or where permission to do the work has been given under conditions and limitations designed to protect the timber, THAT under the Forest Fires Prevention Act, 1930, they are required to apply to the District Forester in the District in which the land is situate for a permit to perform such work, and that failure to apply for such permit or upon issue of the same, failure to perform and record The time for performing and recording the said work is extended by Order-in-Council to and including If the work is so done and recorded, the time for com- puting the date before which further work upon the claim is required, will be computed as from the said 15th day of November, 1931. The name and address of the District Forester to whom application for such permit T. F. SUTHERLAND, Acting Deputy Minister of Mines. Toronto, December 9th, 1930. should be made, may be obtained from the Recorder of the Mining Division in which the A miner's license in the name of the applicant, or due renewal of the same, must accompany the application and the number or numbers of the mining claim or claims must be clearly stated.