THURSDAY, APRIL 23rd, 1931 THE -HAI LEYBURIAN Page 3 Mental Health: By D. M. LeBOURDAIS . Director, Division of Education, Cana- dian National Committee for Mental Hygiene Prevaricating Parents . Have Liars For Children Children are Highly Imitative -- and Copy the Worst in Us -- With the Best, In a recent article in the col- umn [| stated that parents wit- tingly or unwittingly, are re- sponsible for many of the later mental troubles of their children. Some parents are unwilling to believe this; they feel quite com- petent to bring up children in the way they should go. If a child later finds himself in jail, in a mental hospital, or any other of the institutions which society maintains to take care of those who fall by the wayside, parents usually find a way to shift the blame to other shoulders. Here is a typical case quoted in Dr. Blatz's and Mrs. Bott's book, "The Management of Young Children." "A little girl of three and a half was very fond of sugar. At breakfast one morning her moth- er had just filled the sugar bowl when she was called to the tele- phone. When she came back the bowl was half empty. She said: Marjorie, did you touch the brown sugar?" "No, mother." "Are you sure you did not touch the sugar?" "No I didn't, mother." "Now Marjorie, you told your mother you did not touch the sugar when you did. Mother knows you did, because God told her you did. When you say you have not done a thing that you really did do, that is what we call a lie. A lie is very naughty, and nfther will spank you for telling a lier "The child was spanked." This may seem to be an ex- treme case, but it really is not. If the average mother (this ap- plies also to fathers) will care- fully think over her attitude in similar citcumstances she will find that she is often quite as in- - consistent. Of course there are circum- tances when the truth is per- haps not advisable, but they are probably rare. And certainly the best way that a respect for truth can be developed in a child is for parents themselves to show a healthy respect for it, especially in their own lives from day to day. The same principle holds good in all other phases of life. Child- ren are highly imitative; they not only imitate the things in which we should like them to follow us, but often to our dismay they im- itate us in the things of which we are not so proud and which we had fondly hoped were hidden from. sight. High winds, rain and warm weather have helped to soften up the ice on the lake and it looks as though it will be all gone this week. STOMACH UST a tasteless dose of Phillips Milk of Magnesia in water. That is an alkali, effective yet harmless. It has been the standard antacid for 50 years. One spoonful will neutralize at once many times its volume in acid. It's the right way, the quick, pleasant and efficient way to kill all the excess acid. The stomach becomes sweet, the pain departs. You are happy again in five minutes. Don't depend on crude methods. Employ the best way yet evolved in all the years of searc . That is Phillips Milk of Magnesia. Be sure to get the genuine. > "Milk of Magnesia" has been the U. S. Registered Trade Mark of the Charles H. Phillips Chemical Com- any and ils predecessor Charles H Phillips since 1875. UN COMMUNICABLE DISEASES_ The communicable diseases are so named because they have certain characteristics in common, the most outstanding and important being that they all spread from one person to another. Communicable diseases caused by living agents called bacteria, parasites .of risease germs. Each disease has its par- ticular germ. The germ of diph- theria never causes any disease except diphtheria, and so it is with others in the group. The germs are usually passed 'directly from one person to an- other. Most of the .communic- able diseases from which we suf- fer in this country are spread in this manner. ©The germs leave the body in the secretions of the fiealth Service. <2) Ganadian Medical Association GRANT FLEMING, M.D. ~ ASSOCIATE SECRETARY are) OF THE Beited"by nose, mouth and throat. In the acts of coughing, sneezing, ex- pectorating or loud talking, these secretions are thrown out into he surrounding air, into the faces of persons who are nearby and who receive the germs in this way. It is obvious that we should cough and sneeze only into a handkerchief, and that we should not talk directly into another person's face. The saliva is, of course, depos- ited on all eating and drinking utensils which are placed in the mouth or which come into con- tact with the lips. If these uten- sils are used by another person before they have been cleansed, that person takes into his mouth the first individual's saliva, which may contain the germs of disease. That is why it is unsafe to use common eating or drinking uten-~ sils, the common drinking-cup constituting a very real danger. It is also why dishes should be thoroughly washed after use and why there are laws requiring the sterilization of dishes in public eating places. You may agree that such care i; reasonable, providing some per- son in the home is ill and that it appears sensible to be careful outside the home, but you are apt to feel, when everyone in the home is apparently well, that no particular care is necessary; that it is quite all right for everyone to use the common cup at the sink when drinking "between meals. The reason why this is not all right and why you need to take care at all times is, first of all, because it is only by remember- ing to be careful always, that you continue to do so when it is nec- essary. The second reason is that it is not possible to tell which persons have disease germs in their noses and throats. The germ is, of course, present in those suffering from the disease caused by that particular germ, but germs may also be present in persons who have recovered, and in the case of some diseases, even when the person has not been ill. The spread of communicable diseases may, to some extent, be arrested by the control of coughs sneezes and expectoration, and by the avoidance of common eating and drinking utensils, Questions concerning Heatech, dd d to INFANT WELFARE CLINIC COLUMBUS HALL EACH THURSDAY 3 to 4 p.m. the Canadian Medical Association, 184 College Street, Toronto, will be answered personally by letter. Want Ads. Bring Results '4 for your Protection. J. B. E. PROULX RUAN AU NAY NU AUNT UNA AUTAUTNUAUI EN DISCRIMINATING PEOPLE USE Our Family Loaf eee Made from the Purest Ingredients and Sanitarily Wrapped + ecee Haileybury Bakery WANA (D/B/A TATATA Try a Loaf today. WANA PHONE 36 DWN AW TATAIATATAT AAA a) Now e Electric Refrigerator. a YEAR GUARANTE wT on the General Electric Refrigerator x ~~ Ot of an unrivalled record of expense-free © en comes an unqualified 3-Year Guarantee on the General Canadian General Electric also makes it easier for you to own this most modern of refrigerators. Now--a down pay- ment as low as ten dollars delivers a General Electric to your home . .. and you can take over two years to pay the balance! In hundreds of th Monitor Top which d of h without care, attention or service expense on the part of any user. The secret of this remarkable record is found in the ins all the hani moisture. ently oiled--and hermetically sealed against air, dirt and This Monitor Top makes possible the 3-Year Guarantee on the General Electric Refrigerator--a warranty which guards you against any upkeep expense for three full years. Inspect the General Electric Refrigerator and know the facts about its 4 zones of temperature . . . the All-Steel cabinet pes | . the General Electric Refrigerator has performed faultlessly -- economically -- -- perman- ret éeddddgddace uti E ~ 2 "= - - . the quiet, your home at once. or oper. And r b a small down payment you can have any model delivered to ER- for 231-A Canada Norther =e, | .* oc panera in food bills. GENERAL@QELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR $40 DowN Now -- you can own a General Electric Refrigerator for only ten dollars down, and over two years te pay the balance. You will find that the small monthly payments can be practically covered by your savings For Sale by Controlling and Operating n Power Corporation, Limited Northern Ontario Power Company, Limited Northern Quebec Power Company, Limited CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. umitep