THURSDAY, APRIL 30th, 1931 THE HAILEYBURIAN Page 3 \ Mental Health| By D. M. LeBOURDAIS q Director, Division of Education, Cana- dian National Committee for Mental Hygiene UNREASONABLE FEARS CAUSE MUCH MISERY Ignorant or Thoughtless Parents Often Responsible For Children Becoming Unduly Fearful Among the patients regularly found in every mental hospital are those obsessed with fears. That most of these fears are quite unreasonable is evident to everyone except their victims, but to them they are very real. Such cases, however, are ex- treme. But the difference be- tween these patients and the rest of us is only a matter of degree. Talking to the mental hospital patient, we can easily see that his fears are largely imaginary. But we are often unable to see that our own lesser fears are for the most part quite as unneces- sary. Fear, of course, can be con- structive, such, for instance, as fear for future want, which re- sults in industry; the fear of ig- norance, which leads to study. Even these are likely to be over- done, however, like the fear of want which leads to niggardliness -and hoarding. While fear has a very decided action upon the human body, it is probable that the effects of fear caused by actual, definite situa- tions such as that experienced when one narrowly escapes being run over by a motor car, are not as serious as those due to imag- inary sources. The world is full of people who are always worrying about some- thing; they worry about their health, they fear the loss of their jobs or their money, they are un- duly susceptible to the opinions of others, or they labor under a sense of guilt or shame because of some act they have committed. Doubtless persons prone to such fears owe something to their hereditary make-up, but it is clear that many of them have been made so by the habits begun in childhood by parents, ignorant or thoughtless, or themselves al- so victims of unreasonable fears. CARE OF THE EARS The ear is divided into three parts. The outer ear extends from the outside to the ear-drum be- hind which lies the middle ear. The middle ear is connected with the upper part of the throat by the Eustachian tube. The existence of this tube makes it comparatively easy for any infection to spread up into the middle ear from the nose or throat. That is why middle ear disease, which result in deafness, is not infrequently a complication of measles and scarlet fever. To prevent ear disease, we should begin by preventing, as far as possible, infections of the nose and throat. Such infections include the common cold, meas- les, scarlet fever and diphtheria. Enlarged adenoids should be re- « «. is a genial man, with an air of quietstrength: that compels confidence. On his shoulders rests the responsibility for your safety. Imbued with the fin- est traditions of British sea- manship, he has spent his lifetime mastering the moods of the seven seas. ~ Sailings weekly from Montreal Cabin rates from ... . $130 GRANT FLEMING, M.D. ~ ASSOCIATE SECRETARY fiealth: Service. OF THE Ganadian Medical Association Edited"by moved. One reason which makes their removal advisable is that they often interfere with the op- ening of the Eustachian tube and so cause deafness, and, at the same time, increase the chance of infection. The middle ear, in addition to being connected with the throat by means of the Eustachian tube, is also connected with the cavit- ies which are contained in the bone and which may be felt be- hind the ear--the mastoid. It is important and desirable to protect the middle ear from in- =|fection in order to preserve the hearing, and it is equally import- ant to do so because of the dan- ger of mastoid disease. Just as the middle ear becomes diseased by the spread of infection from the throat up the Eustachian tube, so disease is spread from the middle ear to the mastoid. A running ear should never be' HAILEYBURY LODGE No. 364, INFANT WELFARE feltawed to go on without proper treatment, in the belief that it will get better itself, or if it oc- curs in a child, that he will out- grow it. The discharge may cease in time and it may seem that a cure has taken place, but in such cases appearances are us- ually deceptive. What has happened in many cases of this type is that by the time the discharge has ceased, the hearing mechanism has been 0; Ook: Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month ir the I. Rec. Sec.--J. A. Ruttan K. M. Stephen, Fin. Sec. 0. O. F. TEMPLE at 8pm N.G.--Thos. Curry CLINIC COLUMBUS HALL EACH THURSDAY 3 to 4 p.m. ° Condensed Ads Bring Results so badly damaged that hearing is entirely lost or there is a perm- anent partial loss. To neglect the discharging ears of a child is to expose him to be deaf when he grows up. Ear-ache means trouble in the middle ear. It is a symptom which should not be disregarded. Temporary relief may be had by applying to the ear a hot water bottle, or cloths wrung out in hot water, but this is nothing more than temporary. The physician's advice should be secured. Questions concerning Health, addressed to 'the Canadian Medical Association, 184 College Street, Toronto, will be answered personally by letter. The Porcupine Advance is seeking, through requests in its columns, to establish the identity of the first white resident of the 'es = ~ i = = < Ss Our Family Loaf Made from the Purest Ingredients and Sanitarily Wrapped for your Protection. Haileybury Bakery DISCRIMINATING PEOPLE USE J. B. E. PROULX (DVN ADW/AW AAA ADA AAW N AWN WWW AANA) eecee Try a Loaf today. 7eeee PHONE 36 camp that was later to become the thriving town of Timmins. Cane Ads. in The Haileyburian Bring Res ults = = ------ STANDA The Safe D FOR THE LADIES! y Drug Stores JOINT OWNERS OF 870 BOOT'S DRUG STORES, GREAT BRITAIN pecial Cut Prices Here is an opportunity for you to replenish your medicine cabinet and stock up on those many toilet and household needs at exceptionally low cut prices. Cut Prices are Effective Friday, May 1st to May 9th TOILETRIES Take advantage of these bargains-- Phone Your Orders. We Deliver. Who does not know of the moth- eee : ' -~ in er who magnifies her child's ev- creme cy ae nee REMEDIES a A'S50c neti of Rss i ery pain or ache, who enlarges Jasmine 50c¢ size endlessly upon every slight mis- peect poner Third Class Fe. Pond's deed with suggestions of devine pie Stage to Gee (a Perfume COLD or wrath to come, who rushes to TititianiSn fron Phillip's = x VANISHING CREAM hield him f every conceiy- , iven way cle eae ee ie ate in Cor. rau and Wellington Sts. MILK OF MAGNESIA with every purchase of a $1.00 box 3 1 Ge his quarrels and developing in Pe een 39c. JASMINE him a sensitiveness to slights, real ean steamani gener? ' i FACE POWDER ) 1.00 Coty's Face Powder 59 or imaginary, of which he him- 4 ' 33 A fine adhering powder, scented with = ; self might never be aware. Li 50 Fruitatives, large, ___. . fresh Jasmine Flowers, in a sparkling i) Houbigant s Face ee beet eqtinmens for tS 50) Gin Eilisas ____-- .33 | chromium plated box for the dressing Powder. AY at parents can give CLP ¢ = t be fe able. $1.5 value. ren is not to dwarf their imagin-| METI .70 Sal Hepatica, medium. .57 | hc, Sin? value $1.00 | .35 D@R Cold Cream, 2 0z. .27 ation but to direct it in healthful | 7 OG | ss ee ee : and constructive channels, to of U S| A R D 1.40 Sal Hepatica, large___-- .98 A Reliable Spring Tonic! #390) Italian Balm 24 Pe A ayith the apie ee ANCHOR. DONAEDSOR .60 Chase's Nerve Food __ .44 Rexel BEEF .60 Hind's Cream 39 look the world squarely in the - c exa ' : face and to accept with fortitude 0 2 i O.Omltconized s\(east see .89 WINE and IRON 5c Shell Brand Castile whatever may come their way. 1.30 Pinkham's Soap, 8 cakes '2D (Information on any point not covered here i A pleasant tasting to-} - will be given in later issues if you will address Wearable Compe eon ae. hich stimulates .25 Cuticura Soap 19 our uestions to ental ealt . t. A 5, r 0 ; Geoigel Street, 'Toronto, Ontario.) 1.30 Scott's Emulsion, large .89 | the appetite, builds up .20 Pear's Unscented Soap F ; the system and renews} i 2 k 5 ; 1.25 Pierce's Golden Seevetho and visor arge, 2 cakes __ 2 BAYER ASPIRIN Medical Discovery __._- .89 | will tone you up after 60 Danderine, medium 49 : 1.25 Pierce's Favorite Pres. .89 the pees EP .50 Ipana Tooth Paste 50) - - \ . . -OZ. is always SAFE 25. listerine, small: He = 22 Bottle 1.00 .50 Pepsodent Tooth Paste .33 50 Listerine, Medium ___ .43 ee eee .60 Forhan's, for the Gums j) 1] 1.00 Listerine, large ______ .79 | aNTISEPTIS SHAVING large 39 EF, 150) Wayoris, medrume= 2 3.59 gue new mouth CREAM .50 Kleenex, large A5 - , wash and antisep- "5° Bastoriay. & i same 2 eee 2 Al eer yal ae Gren pilicne orl. 22" Wleenex, small. _ '2S 60 B i Solon 4] | germs and keeps lather--does not .60 Kotex, pkg. (opt 174 43 ' romo ve ieee Seay the mouth health irritate the face. 10 Pal li 25 Bayer's Aspirin, 12's .19 z -10 Palmolive Soap, 2 cakes .15 60 Te ealacum fh ere ait 69° Wee 39° .35 Palmolive Shaving Cr. .29 1.00 ier el 1G as Be are rr) .25 Dyer Kiss Talcum_ 21 ; if MESES Sie Tae REXALL .70 Sloan's Liniment, med. .49 LIVER SALTS Puretest Russian A sparkling dose of Liver . . WHEN BABIES Rexall Milk of Salts clears the system Mineral Oil THERE are times of impurities and makes For sure relief from Constipation. A gen- you feel fresh and full of 50c. 1.00 FREE! A colored celluloid TOOTH BRUSH HOLDER Given away with every purchase of LIGGETT SPECIAL TOOTH BRUSH A variety of colors and shapes. 17c;-- 3 for 50c Beware of Imitations GenuInE Bayer Aspirin, the kind doctors »rescribe and millions of users have proven safe for more than thirty years, can easily be identified by the name Bayer and the word genuine as above. Genuine Bayer Aspirin is safe and sure; always the same. It has the unqualified endorsement of physi- cians and druggists everywhere. It doesn't depress the heart. No harmful after-effects follow its use. Bayer Aspirin is the universal anti- lote for pains of all kinds. Headaches Neuritis Colds Neuralgia Sore Throat Lumbago Rheumatism Toothache & Aspirin is the trade-mark of Bayer manufacture of monoaceticacidestes of salicylicacid. Magnesia Tooth Paste Contains 44% true Milk of Magnesia which corrects acid mouth, whitens the teeth by removing stained film. tube Reproduction Etchings uine Russian Oil that is absolutely harmless and also tasteless, 16 0z FR ET when a baby is too fretful or feverish to be sung to sleep. There are some pains a mother cannot pat away. But there's quick comfort in Castorial 69c If you enjoy a good cup of coffee, use a Drip-O-Lator This is the new "drip" method of making coffee, It eliminates any bitter- ness and brings out the full rich flavor of the cof- fee. Made of pure alu- ninum and is in three separate parts. 1.39 Phone 64 For diarrhea, and other infantile ills, give this pure vegetable prepara- tion. Whenever coated tongues tell ef conslipation; whenever there's any sign of sluggishness. Castoria has a good taste; children love to take it Buy the genuine--with Chas. H. Fletcher's signature on wrapper. Charming studies of cats and dogs, also many well-known places, which will grace any room. Neatly fram- ed in black and gold. inches 49° Main and Ferguson Sts., Haileybury 6-cup Sizes= ASTORIA Phone 64 Want Ads. Bring Results