amma TESST I a TT EES LRT THE HAILEYBURIAN _ THURSDAY, APRIL 30th, 1931 Page 5 Fire Last Week Badly Damaged Marshall Home Flames Spread Quickly Through House And Loss is a Heavy One . When the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Marshall, Browning Street, caught fire on Thursday forenoom last, both the building and contents_were badly damaged before the flames were subdued by the firemen, which were hast- ily summoned by neighbors. The fire apparently started from the kitchen stove or pipes, while Mrs. Marshall, who was alone in the house at the time, was in the basement. Her first intimation that anything was amiss was when she heard the fire alarm and came up to see where the fire was, only to find that it was her own home that was burning. The firemen had a stiff fight to over come the flames, which had gained considerable headway and had spread to almost every room in the house. Neighbors state that when the front door was op- ened by Mrs. Marshall a sheet of flame burst forth and for a time it appeared as though the build- ing was doomed. Good work on the part of the brigade, however, saved the house from total des- truction and, although the house- hold goods were badly damaged, some of them can be repaired. Mr. Marshall, who came up from Ottawa following news of the fire, said that the damage to the building would be at least $1.000 and that there had also been damage of several hundred dollars to the contents. Both were covered by insurance. Mr. Marshall also told. The Haileyburian that he and Mrs. Marshall deeply appreciated the many offers of help received from sympathetic neighbors and friends, in extending a welcome to their homes until such time as they could make other arrange- ments. It was possible for the family to stay in the damaged house, but they received plenty of invitations from friends and there were a great many offers of help extended to them, for all of which they feel deeply grate- ful. MISSIONARY SOCIETY >. OF DISTRICT TO MEET HERE THURSDAY NEXT The Women's Missionary Soc- iety of Temiskaming Presbyter- ial of the United Church will hold its annual meeting in Haileybury on Thursday next, May 7th. Rep- resentatives will be present from all points in the district and both afternoon and evening sessions will be held. The election of of- ficers for the coming year, receiv- ing of the reports for the past year and other business will come before the meeting. , At the evening session the special speaker will be Miss Clark, a missionary from Africa. Added interest will be taken in her address, as she is quite well acquainted with Miss Annie Bradley, a well known Hailey- bury girl who has for some years past been doing missionary work in Africa. Miss Bradley and Miss Clark met while engaged in the work in that part of the world. An organ solo by Mr. R. H.-Unwin will be a feature of the evening meting. The Society will convene at 2 p.m. for the af- ternoon session and the evening meeting will open at 7.30. Flaky Pie Crust The secret of making good pie crust is: "Use Purity Flour--and keep the -dough dry!" Try~this recipe--for 2 shells: 3 cups Purity Flour 1 cup lard ¥, teaspoon salt 1 cup cold water. METHOD: Mix the flour and salt, cutting an half the shortening until the mixture is Wike fine meal, gradually adding exact quan- , tity of water but not a drop more. Use less water, if you can, and the pie crust will be even flakier. Turn out on board very Mightly sprinkled with Purit: Flour, roll about %4-inc' thick. Spread balance of shortening over dough, fold over three times and roll again to required thickness. Bake in hot oven (450°). t WEDNESDAY'S BASEBALL SCORES FROM 3 LEAGUES INTERNATIONAL Toronto, 11; Reading 5. Montreal, 13; Jersey City, 6. Newark, 6; Buffalo, 3.' Baltimore, 4; Rochester, 3. AMERICAN, Washington, 9; New York, 5. Cleveland, 9; St. Louis, 0. Chicago, 3; Detroit, 0. : NATIONAL St. Louis, 7; Pittsburg, 1. Chicago, 3; Cincinnati, 1. Boston-Philadelphia--rain. Brooklyn-New York--rain? Wes. Ferrell, sensational right handed pitcher for the Cleveland Indians of the American League, pitched himself into the hall of baseball fame yesterday after- noon, when he held the St. Louis Browns to no hits and no runs in a nine-inning game, which the Clevelanders took 9-0, Ferrell al- so hit a home run with a man on base. This was the first perfect pitching performance of the 1931 Pa aye DACK"S Outck Town Customers! Dack's York Model $12.50 2/ Thousands of men throughout Canada order Dack's by ail and enjoy the quality, comfort and long wear which have been a trad- ition of Dack shoes for over a century. The many repeat orders of these men is your assurance of complete satisfaction. Write today for catalogue and read init our broad guarantee. We will also be glad to send you a self-measurement chart. Dack's custom-grade shoes are priced from $12.50 to $14.50. "Bond Street" for young men, at $10.00. SHOES FOR MEN 73 KING ST. W., TORONTO (MONTREAL HAMILTON WINDSOR WINNIPEG. CALGARY season, and Ferrell to date is un- beaten. : TRAIL RANGER AND TUXIS DOINGS Bois here have accepted the challenge of the New Liskeard King's Couriers and they are all training hard for the different events. The challenge was ex- tended to the boys of the Can- uck's Tuxis Square, Haileybury, but it is not kiown whether they have accepted or not. The meetings of the Tuxis and Trail Ranger groups here will be The boys of the Coureurs de held outside in the open air in the near future. This should have started sooner, but the weather has been disappointing and it is! not quite mild enough yet. Q The boys of the three towns have been «alking quite a lot of softball lately and it is hoped to have a league formed and games|] started as soon as weather per-|f mits. All boys of 15 and over are interested in Tuxis . work should see Rev. D. MacKeracher about joining the new Canucks' Square. The group has only a few boys as yet and we would like to see quite a crowd attend the méetings. Cold Weather, Rain and Snow Have Featured the Past Week The cold weather, rain and snow that have been experienced during the past week have rather badly delayed the spring opera- tions and, after the beautiful warm spell earlier in the month, have been particularly disagree- able. After commencing to break up, and with a considerable por- tion of the lake here clear of ice, there is still a jam lower down and a large field could be seen who|f | night cleared the upper end of not be announced until next week the lake, but until there is a channel open below it*cannot be} Harry Holland left on Wednes- said to be open and it looks as!day for the North on a summer- though the résults of The Hail-|long porspecting trip. He was eyburian guessing contest would accompanied by Herb. Hantski. ESET "Vagabonding Down the Rainbow Trail" With Johnson Motors and Boats INA SS PAN Let us send you this illustrated Catalogue showing the complete line of Johnson Motors and Boats We Will gladly solve your Boating problems. Give us a call and be convinced LAVA TAT A, Lake Temiskaming Boat Company Limited Box 263 Phone 66 Sole Agents for the Johnson Line Also Representing The Peterboro Canoe Co., Boats and Canoes Complete Line of Motors Always in Stock KAM EVA this morning below Farr's Island. A strong north wind on Tuesday EVA \ > 4 Half the Recipe is a Hotpoint Oven! Yi, GENERAL@ELECTRIC HI-SPEED RANGE CCoENS experts have found that baking failures are rarely the fault of the recipe . .. but of the lack of controlled oven heat. For this reason alone, you should own a General Electric Hotpoint Range. Its Super-Automatic Oven Control completely eliminates guesswork and makes cooking an exact science. So dependable is the General Electric Hotpoint that it will maintain any desired oven heat indefinitely . . . doing away with the uncertainty of falling temperature. The Hotpoint oven heats faster than any other and is skilfully insulated for economical operation. Electric current can be turned "on" and "off" automatically .. . thus making it possible to cook entire meals in your absence. Have your nearest dealer demonstrate Hotpoint Super-Automatic Oven Control... and start today to enjoy its remarkable advantages in your home. Easy terms arranged. For Sale by HR-231 Canada Northern Power Corporation, Limited Controlling and Operating Northern Ontario Power Company, Limited Northern Quebec Power Company, Limited H CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC £2