Page 6 ---- ae = a y Te THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, MAY 14TH, 1931 Mining Student Dies on Trip to ground and could not be revived. Mr. Emens and Mr. Stewart, who was in the party, spent an hour anda half in an attempt at artific- Matachewan ial respiration, but without avail. Body of Toronto Boy Brought Haileybury by Plane and Shipped to City The body of Mathew W. Ham- ilton, of Toronto, aged 22, who died while on the way to the After consultation with Dr. R. Crann, of Gowganda, coroner tolfor the district, who released the body for burial, arrangements were made for it to be taken home. Pilot Cheesman_ landed here just after noon on Thursday with the body, which was taken to the undertaking parlors of camp of the Mining Corporation| Thorpe & Branchaud and pre- in Bannoekburn on Wednesday|pared for shipment to the city that evening. The young man is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton, 39 Badgerow Ave., Toronto, one brother and one sister. 24TH. EDITION OF McKIM'S DIRECTORY OFF PRESS A. McKim Limited, prominent Canadian advertising agency, has just issued the new 1931 McKim Directory of Canadian Publica- tions. The McKim Directory has a wide circulation with manufact- urers, publishers and advertising men on account of the variety of the information within its covers. This book is the most complete directory of its kind in Canada. It contains authentic information about Canadian newspapers, trade papers, magazines and periodicals of all kinds. Also data about Canadian cities, towns and vil- lages, and information on the re- sources and facilities of the var- ious Canadian markets. A valu- able feature of the new McKim's directory is a complete set of charts showing the wealth of the Canadian provinees. KEEP YOURSELF HEALTHY The lot of most people is much indoor work and little real ex- ercise. That's why it's sensible, every s0 often,to give the system a gentle, thorough cleansing with Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills. All vegetable. 60 years in use. 25c & 75c red packages Ask your druggist for TERS [X= PILLS TRY OUR WANT ADS HAILEYBURY LODGE No. 364 L O2O;-F, |Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month ir the I) OP Or'. TEMPLE at 8 p.m N.G.--Thos. Curry Rec. Sec.--J. A. Ruttan K. M.. Stephen, Fin. Sec. last, was brought to Haileybury on Thursday afternoon in the same aeroplane in which he had made the trip in from Elk Lake to Whitefish Lake. He was a mining student and had secured a job from M. F. Fairlie, manager of Mining Corporation, in Toron- to. He had never suffered from heart trouble so far as was known but it was believed that his death was due to a sudden seizure. Pilot Al. Cheesman, of the Can- adian Airways operating between Ik Lake and the Matchewan district, brought the body to Hail- eybury. He had taken in the party, which included W. H. Emens, engineer for the com- pany, the evening before and stated that, after walking about; three quarters of a mile, on the five-mile trail between whitefish Lake and camp, the young man suddenly complained that he felt out of condition, fell on the gold stripes avith purple rings ~ » « knows everything from the largest turbine to the smallest pump on board your ship. He is probably a Scot, and taciturn, but if you meet him you will be infected with his enthu- siasm for his cherished engines. Sailings weekly from Montreal Cabin rates from . . . 3 Tourist Third Cabin. . . $105 Third Class Round Trip $155 Special Seasonal Third Class Round Trip Excursion Rate $129. Information from Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. (Phone Elgin 3471) Toronto or any steamship agent Want Ads. Bring Results TOE ee \ POISON in Your bowels! Poisons absorbed into the system from souring waste in the bowels, cause that dull, headachy, sluggish, bilious condition; coat the tongue; foul the breath; sap se strength and nerve-force. A little of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin will clear up trouble like that, gently, harm- lessly, in a hurry. The difference it will make in your feelings over night will prove its merit to you. Dr. Caldwell studied constipation for over forty-seven years. This long experience enabled him to make his prescription just what men, women, old people and children need to make their bowels help themselves. Its natural, mild, thorough action and its pl it taste d it to everyone, That's why "Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Peps: ,"" as it is called, is the most popular laxative drugstores sell, Da. W. B. CALowett's SYRUP PEPSIN A Doctors Family Laxative AN OPPORTUNITY TO HOLDERS OF EARLY MATURING CANADIAN GOVERNMENT BONDS TO EXTEND THE TERM OF THEIR INVESTMENT IN THE PREMIER SECURITY IN CANADA GGVERNMENT OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA - 1931 CONVERSION LOAN The Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada offers to holders of the undernoted Dominion issues the privilege of exchanging their bonds into longer dated issues, in the following terms and under the following conditions: + 'This offer affords to holders of bonds eligible for conversion, Ye De same interest payment and tax-free privileges, for the life iL of and ascontained in the present bonds, and the opportunity of extending the term of theinvestment at 419% per annum. WAR LOAN 5% BONDS MATURING 1st OCTO- BER, 1931--Holders of these bonds have the privilege of exchanging into bonds maturing 'st November, 1956, bearing interest from 1st April, 1931. The first coupon will be for six moths' tax-free interest at the rate of 5% per annum pay- able 1st October, 1931; the second coupon will be for seven months' interest at the rate of 412% per annum payable 1st May, 1932; thereafter to maturity interest will be payable half-yearly at 44% per annum. ~ RENEWAL 10AN 54% BONDS MATURING 1st NOVEMBER, 1932--Holders of these bonds have the privilege of exchanging into bonds ma- turing 1st November, 1957, bearing 4 %4 % interest payable half-yearly from 1st May, 1931. There will also be attached to these bonds three adjustment-coupons payable respectively on Ist November, 1931, and 1st May and November, 1932, for additional interest at the rate of 1% per annum. VICTORY LOAN 5!2% BONDS MATURING ist NOVEMBER, 1933--Holders of these bonds have the privilege of exchanging into bonds maturing ist November, 1958, bearing 4%% interest payable half-yearly from 1st May, 1931.. The first five interest coupons, being those to and including 1st November, 1933, will be tax-free. There will also be attached to these bonds five tax-free adjustmeat-coupons payabie respectively or ist November, 1931, and 1st May and Novem- ber, 1932 and 1933, for additional interest at the rate of 1% per annum. VICTORY LOAN 54% BONDS MATURING 1st NOVEMBER, 1934--Holders of these bonds have the privilege of exchanging into bonds maturing 1st November, 1959, bearing 4 14 % interest pay- able half-yearly from 1st May, 1931. There willalso be attached to these bonds seven adjustment-cou- pons payable respectively on 1st November, 1931, and 1st May and November, 1932, 1933 and 1934, for additional interest at the rate of 1% per annum. Conversion applications in the terms of the foregoing are invited to a total of $250,000,000. The Minister of Finance reserves, however, the right to increase or decrease this amount at his discretion. Subscriptions will be received and receipts issued by any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank and by recognized Canadian Bond Dealers and Stock Brokers, from whom may be obtained application forms and copies of the official prospects plete details of the loan. Appli- 5 cations will not be valid on forms other than those printed by the King's Printer. The subscription lists to the foregoing will open on 11th May, 1931, and will close on or before 23rd May, 1931, at the discretion of the Minister of Finance, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, Ottawa, 11th May, 1931; ae