ary raeyceersr er Le THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, JULY 9th, 1932 ta PA 4 tal COX Ke Entrance Results Will Be Published Next Week Social and Personal | We regret very much Mr. Wm. Stadden left last Fri- Tene CAA DI SEES day for Rouyn, Que. Mr. W. Chenier, of Ville Marie, was a Haileybury visitor on Tues day. Miss Margaret Blair left this week for a visit with her sister in Toronto. Miss Williams, of Cochrane was the guest of Mrs. C. Brewer last week. Mrs. J. Wilder returned last week after spending the winter in Toronto. Mrs. J. Dodd and Son Allan are spending a few weeks at Schu- macher with friends. Mr. J. H. Tough, formerly of Haileybury, was m town on Mon- day from Niagara Falls. Mr. Fred. Thompson, of Swas- tika, was a visitor in Haileybury for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sutherland and son, Billy, left yesterday to spend a short holiday in Sudbury. Mr. John Iliffe, of the Bank of Nova Scotia staff at Brantford, is spending his holidays at his home here. Mr. W. H. Tuke, principal of the Haileybury High School, was in Toronto for a few days over the week-end. Mrs. Best, of North Bay, is in Haileybury for a visit with her son, Mr. A. Best, and Mrs. Best, Blackwall Street. Jack Munro, well known min- ing man and an old timer in the North, was in Haileybury for a few days this week. = Mrs. W. T. Joy left on Tuesday evening for Toronto, where she will spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Tully. Miss Gertrude Unwin, of Tor- onto, arrived in Haileybury at the week-end fora visit with her brother, Mr. R. H. Unwin. Miss Evelyn Shields, nurse-in- training at St. Michael's Hospital Toronto, is spending her vacation at her home in Haileybury. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Whorley and family of Kirkland Lake vis- ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Whorley last Sunday. Mrs. Fred Maguire and sons Colin and Donald of Cochrane visited the home of Mrs. Brewer last week returning Saturday. Mrs. A. J. Stables and Miss Irene Stables of Toronto, Ont., are visiting Mrs. Stables' father, Mr. W. Graham, West Road. The Misses Hopper of Ottawa are leaving today after spending a few days visiting their sister, Mrs. S. Briden and Mr. Briden. Hugh Roberts, formerly of Haileybury, was in town for a short stay yesterday on his way from Matachewan to Toronto. Miss Anne Hughes is leaving today for Guelph, where she will take up her elementary course at the Ontario Agricultural College. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Berry, of Salem, New Jersey, are in town for a visit with Mr. Berry's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Berry, Amwell Street. Mr. August [ohnson left last week for his home in Mattawa, after two weeks' visit at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Oslund, Browning Street. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bradshaw, of Sault Ste Marie, Ont., are in Haileybury for a visit with Mr. Bradshaw's sisters, Mrs. H. A. Day and Mrs, N. C. McVittie. Mrs. Melvin Taylor, of Toron- to, formerly of Cobalt, visited friends and relatives in town this week, on her way north to Kirk- land Lake, where she will join Mr. ¥aylor. Mrs. Edmond Robert and children, have gone on a visit to friends and relatives in Griffin Cove, Gaspe, Que. They motor- ed down with Mr. Paul Cyr and Spent a few days in Montreal on the way. week to satisfy the an- xiety of a large number of young people who wrote on the High School Entrance Exams. a couple of weeks ago, but such is the case. Mr. R. A. A. McConnell, Public School Inspector, who has the work of checking and preparing the results for publication, tells us that it-is absolutely impossible to get them ready this , week. He has prontised, however, that they will be available in time for next week's paper. So, boys and girls, you must wait just a little longer in sus- pense. CX XKXXXKXXX XXX PAPA AA PAP PP BS DP PS PS PS BS PS OPS PS PS PK 4 4 4 4 8 dS 8 Mr. Ed. Derraugh left last ev- ening on a business trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.Hopper and eon Maxwell, of Ottawa, have been spending a few days with their cousin, Mrs. S. Briden and |Mr. Briden. They are returning [home by way of Toronto and | Hamilton. On Tuesday next, July 14th there will be a garden party on} the Separate School grounds at |New Liskeard, where motorists and others are invited to stop and have lunch. This will be served cafeteria style up to 10 p.m. | Strawberries and cream, pie, cake |hot dogs, sandwiches, etc., and a good cup of hot coffee with cream Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Emerson jleft Haileybury on Wednesday, |July 8th to reside in Toronto jand they wish to convey to all their friends and acquaintances jmade during their four months |residence here, how much they jappreciate the welcome them and, hope that at some fut- given iat At Attia catalatelaLALALeLecetalsLeaLetaleaia! 7 OBITUARY = 2.3 Funeral of Wm. Hare The funeral of the late William Hare, who died early last week in the Misericordia Hospital here was held on Thursday afternoon from his late residence on Black- wall Street to the United Church, where the service was conducted by Rev. W. A. Beecroft. There was a large gathering of friends and acquaintances to pay their last respects and a list of the flor-| al tributes follows. Interment was made in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Wreaths-- His wife, A. J- Murphy's employees, Mr. A. J. Murphy and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Burton and family, Mr. and) Mrs. S. Briden, Sprays--Mr. and Mrs. Robert New Liskeard, Lorne and Flor- ence, New Liskeard, Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie, New Liskeard, Mr-.| and Mrs. J. Reavell, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. McLean and John, The Lad ies' Aid of the United Chureiiy Mr, and Mrs. Whorley, Sr., Dave, Eva and Billy, Ed., Eva, and Howard, Englehart, The Bradley family, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pelka,} Mr. and Mrs. T. Sullivan, Mrz and Mrs. McLeod, all of Latches ford. Mrs. John McLeod The funeral took place from the United Church at North Cobalt Tuesday of Mrs. Nellie McLeod, wife of John McLeod, captain at the Keeley mine at silver centre, who died in the Municipal Hos- pital at Cobalt fifteen hours after she had been operated upon for: an internal complaint. She had been taken to hospital} last Thursday from her home. The service at the church was in} _ charge of Rev. J. D. New, pastor of the church, with Rev. Fred Smith, of Cobalt United Church, assisting. Burial was made in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Hail- eybury. £ The late Mrs. McLeod was% daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Badour, residents of Silver Cen= tre, and old-timers in the silver jure time they may have the pleas|camps of this district. She was ure of another visit. born in Kingston, Ont., but can: Ee) SHOES | ~,, = SSS SSS a ~ SHOES Special, SATURDAY, July 11th We have a large selection of Summer Footwear, such as White Kid, Natural Linen and Sport Shoes, in all widths and sizes at BIG REDUCTIONS J. K. BATTAH 71 LANG STREET - COBALT - ft Cr ~) We have a Novelty that will interest you 100 BUSINESS CARDS ' printed to your order, and LEATHERETTE CARD CASE F f *$2.75 Your cards will be kept clean and in convenient form by the use of one of these cases. Ask to see them: THE HAILEYBURIAN Broadway Street = a ----$---- ----/ Th "ieee as a child to live in the {Sympathy during her recent ber- Burton and family, Mame, Jessie}- and Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. James, fe a> The United Church | Worship. | The Baptist Church es | . : ea 7 [i 3pm: Wémen's Prayer Meet- t 2aJ* camp. She was married togMir. McLeod in Cobalt on June 1917. Rev. H. B. Coumans, at th@t time pastor of the Baptist chfirch there, officiating. Surviv- in® are her husband, two children Ggrdon, aged five years, and Billy a aby of three weeks. Left also a her parents, one brother, rence, living with them here, agid two sisters, Mrs. David Cigurch, Silver Centre, and Mrs. J§seph Trepannier, Kingston. Mr. McLeod's mother, who lives Worcester, Mass., came north ty attend the funeral Cardier T hanks + gaits. W. Hare wishes to extend sincere thanks to her many ae for their kindness and '€avement. CHURCHES | i e- 'Rev. W. <A. Beecroft, B.A., B.D. b Pastor Mr. R. H. Unwin, Organist and Choirmaster Pe SUNDAY, JULY 5th 10 a.m.--Church School. ll am. and 7 p.m. -- Public Rev. T. E. McAllister, Minister ~ 10 a.m.--Bible School. ; 11 a.m.--Public Worship. The public is cordially invited to at- tend. Salvation Army ~ Sunday Morning Service at 11 Sunday Evening Service at 7.30. Sunday School--2.30 p.m. _ Tvesday, 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Friday, 7.15 p.m.--Junior Meeting 8.00 p.m.--Y. P. Legion Meeting. All are cordially invited. Albert Gospel Hall eS ALBERT STREET - Sunday, 11 a.m.--Commemora- ion of the Lord's Supper. | 3 p.m --Sunday School 'Bible Class. and Be 7. --Gospel Meeting (Evan- gell to which all are cordial- p.m.--Meeting ible Study ing. 3 Women's Missionary Meeting first Wednesday of each month; | Card of Thanks Mr. A. N. Gagn nd Mrs. R. In sad memory of my brother, ! Savard wish to extthd their sin- John C. Fernholm, who died at'cere thanks to all their friends Weston Hospital, July 11, 1930,;who showed such great kindness In Memoriam J, 1930. I think of them, as two who sleep, Relieved from grief and pain, And trust in God, we'll -meet again When grief and suffering are no more. Sadly missed, but ever remem- bered by sister Matilda and fam- ily. also his wife, who died February and spmpathy during their recent bereavement, also to those who sent spiritual and floral offerings. Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Terrill wish ;to extend sincere thanks to the jmany kind friends who sent floral tributes and showed such kind- ness and sympathy during their recent bereavement. | TRY OUR WANT ADS A Snap For li i le ln at lt i tn tt al tl ala ll Quick Sale! Partly Furnished. H. E. BLACKWALL 2 2 } 2 + House on Lawlor Street; Five Rooms, Bathroom, Furnace, 2 Electric Light, Summer Kitchen, Hot and Cold Water b b 2 a a a YO OY YY Se ee Oe Price $700. Apply LAKE SHORE ROAD THESE WANT AD'S For Sale Cheap--Child's Go-Cart and play yard. Apply Mrs. L. A. Stone, Phone 432. 14-1-c Wanted--Position as housekeep- er by young widow with one small child, Roman Catholic. Either town or country. Apply to Mrs. McLaughlin, Phone 404. 4-1c. For Sale--Jersey Cow, registered 6 years old, milking well. Apply to A. Montgomery, New Lis- keard. 14-1pd. _._To Rent--Small bungalow on Amwell Street; hardwood floors and electric light. Apply to Mrs. A. L. Herbert; Phone 149. 11-tf. Store te Rent--In the Broadway cot, Haileybury, or D. Korman Englehart. 12-4c For Sale or Rent--Small house, Theatre. Apply to C. H. Liddi-; Found--on Main Street, Hailey- bury, pair of horn rimmed glasses. Owner enquire at the Haileyburian Office. 14-1c For Sale--House and Two lots on Albert Street. ~ Apply to Box 255 or to Edward Lee resid- ence. 13-2pd. 'For Rent--Bed sittingroom with ' use of kitchen; furnished. Ap- ply to Mrs. L. Nichols, Lake Shore Road; phone 117. 11-1c. ' For Sale--House on Main Street. Apply at Mrs. Huard's Ice Cream Parlor, Main St. 11-4p, For Sale--Modern Six r d house with garage, in good location. Apply to Mrs. D. W. Cameron, Browning Street, phone 345. 11-tf. For Sale--Six Roomed House on Blackwall Street; all conveni- place of meeting arranged mon-}| Probyn Street. Apply to Geo. | ences; very easy terms. Apply thly. Brown, North Cobalt. 51-tf; at Haileyburian Office mS COBALT ONTARIO FRI.-SAT., JULY 10-11 | MON.-TUES., JULY 13-14 | WED.-THUR., JULY15-16 JY HERO Every Boy Idolizes Every Woman Loves Every Man Envies BUCK JONES the Fighting Sheriff' with Loretta Romance Directed by ovis King A " Columbia Picture & A Comedy--"Rough Seas" with Charlie Chase. "A Poor Fish" with Beebe Stewart & St The first of a Bobby Jones Golf series, "The Putter" Episode 2 "The Phantom of the Wear When a Gay Bachelor becomes good, A Gay Wife wants to be bad. Its the sauciest, naught- iest love farce to reach the screen. You bet its fun! a i "DON'T ith EDM JEANETTE? --Special Added Attraction-- TALLULAH BANKHEAD and CLIVE BROOK --in-- v The ravishing rage of all Eng- land in her latest role. See and hear for yourself Coming Attracti "Men o = f the Sky" with Irene delroy and Jack Whiting. Nuts" with Wheeler and Woolsey. "Big Business Girl" with Lorette Y. '3 i je with Conrad Nagel. "Five andTen" with Marion Davies. fea "Cracked