THE HAILEYBURIAN e too old to learn? How many have|the burn, such as: four pounds of LA ealth: Ser cé failed to equip themselves for a]red clover, two pounds alsike and Ty Vil better position because they were|four pounds of timothy. This in-' . convinced that their best time for|sures a good pasture and also as- | learning had passed? And what|sists in keeping sucker growth in OF THE would be the effect on society|check, which is one of the prob-} generally if a change could be/lems of the North, as second; A FEW DAYS AWAY FROM HOME WILL DO YOU GOOD AND RE- 7 rd aoe 4 ht about i 's think- : i Rite - Ganadian Medical Association a eo. Be tae, growth poplar etc., soon kill out eee oe U RERTEA HITIEOTEGR pasture and in a few years you THE DAILY ROUTINE. MAKE UP Haileybury in 1924 Items from the Files of The Haileyburian of Seven Years Ago ; 5 _, (Information alae point not covered here have a second cost if proper} A PARTY FOR NEXT WEEKEND. Prompt action on the part of ul, Edited"by ie cence SAAS ea Tanase methods are not resorted to in} Cheerful, comfortable rooms; 0 ACU SE eh a ee Bap GRANT FLEMING, M.D. ~ ASSOCIATE SECRETARY George Street, Toronto, Ontario.) the pioneer stage. Testy food, Restful surroundings fake when he fell from the mar- ion Boe acion,| P SRLST See mnute Wate Ps chiack. Me. Corner waded in BED-TIME etables make children strong and| ECONOMICAL METHODS -- | Dominion Experimental Station, Jf' OARAGE ONT NN IN NA with ey louy > picce,,O8 atimber The body works in a rythm of ieee Heateh, addressed to Bele CLE ARINGIN ee et ae Rates Double $3.50 ' $6.00 which the boy was able to grasp. aetivity and rest. The heart, the Canadian Medical Association, 184 College NORTHERN ONTARIO Friday, August 28th, to Sree HOTEL WAVERLEY ; . , Toronto, will be answered personally - th : . Street Y : 2 which is apparently never at rest 4) fetter. (Experimental Farm Note) About 150 members of the does, in fact, rest momentarily 4n a timbered country such as Gian f between each beat. We require ; rein N cea et Quebec amber of Commerce we have in Northern Ontario, the i ] yim. Neither could swim day, September 12th, are the] ' : = adina Avenue and College Street dates set for the Canadian Na-! Seadies acre rill me tional Exhibition at Toronto this will visit this district on a trip pevicds of rest and relaxation, x clearing of land is of vital impor- yee } PecucssGanada (and-ewillowe in| 00 tte most complete rest 1s\that Mental Health tance. Several methods have been Haileybury on July 19th. secured during Sleep. tried out, but the only sane meth- oes Individuals differ and no hard By D. M. LBOURDAIS od and one that can be recom- Work commenced Monday onjand fast rule can be laid down as Dicector, Divison of Education, (Capedian mended is, first, select an area the new Columbus Club building|to the exact amount of sleep that National Committe for Mental Hygiene that has clay. soil or shallow muck on the site of the former Mata-|is required by all. Some require ReLierapie? cecondly cut all z b ! banick Hotel on Main Street. more sleep than others; children, gp pEQPLE CAN LEARN PTaaable GrbeL ee br Pulp emem er e particularly, need a great deal. logs and fire wood ly, pile ' : " : s properly, pile Haileybury is now definitely! We know that a large number AS EASILY AS CHILDREN all brush and timber of no mete established as the base of the|of persons would enjoy a greater so that the area is all piled for a Laurentide Air Service and three| measure of health, would do bet- fire which is the chief factor in Modern Psychology Shows That planes will have their headquart-|ter work and would feel better if Learning Ability Does Not clearing. When the proper time or here during summer opera-/they had more rest. Too many Materially Decrease arrives for a fire, the area should That the best goods are always tions. starve their bodies of the time With Age be burned and any logs left . : si -- that is necessary for rest in order ' should be re-piled and burnt. On advertised. Therefore if you a es of the ae that wed have more time for] Recently the press carried a the success of the burn depends A k h B V | wooden buildings in the down-|work and play. story about a former Canadian|the whole matter of efficiency in wis to secure the 7 = . . r; Fy . - ® e€ nae aes is ne bi Sta ne Failure to secure sufficient rest} 1ember of Parliament, 71 years of| future clearing as it keeps down f st alue cording to a decisior ; lis particularly serious during/age, who is taking a summer|sucker growth and also insures a council at its regular session this] chijdhood. Lack of rest is one of|course in French at Queen's Un-|good catch of grass and clover or your money week. the chief causes of malnutrition. |iversity. which is essential for pasture and d --_--_-- The child who does not have suf-| Nearly everyone believes that the building up of the soil for a Two electoral districts and two! fcient rest is not able to digest|the older one gets the harder it is|CToP When the time arrives for representatives in the Dominion| hj, food properly and so his nut-|for one to learn; that the best|the final clearing, which takes parliament are provided for this] ition suffers because he does not|time for learning is when one is|{TOm seven to eight years if the section of the North in the redis-|+.<+ enough ; e is|Stumps are left to decay and rot ibution bill now before the Bas young. The theory, back of thisiy Bot eri as eae Look Carefull Hee Ae ORES '| Parents cannot rely upon the|is that the mind receives impres- In an experiment in land clearing y S : appearance of the child to guide|sions more easily in childhood. It 2 GL allah ee Ex- ' ite mpetition for the|them with regard to his need for|is also believed that these impres- JDL ERG AS hE SE Th h h Ad Fat aca on es Haileybury sleep. The thin, over-active sions are then more firmly fixed. Ont., it was found that the cost roug t e vt Ss Golf Club, was won on Wednes-|child who never says he is tired,| The only flaw in this theory is }Of clearing decreased in five years x 2 day by Mrs. A. S. Mcdonald and who is always on the go and who| that, like many other things long from $63 to $46. Where the per- In This News aper HEN Bide alle looks bright and wide-awake atjand widely believed, it is not tod, was extended to 12 years and p Pp : any hour is the very child who is|quite true. According to careful left in pasture the cost dropped The erection of six new resid-|in urgent need of rest. He is|studies made by psychologists, $10 and $18 per acre the work be- ences under the Housing Com-|burning the candle at both ends,|the ability to learn continues at|7S accomplished by hand, owing mission plan has been commenc-|and his general health and well- about the same rate throughout] the process of the weathering ed or arranged for during the|being will suffer because of his/life. Asa matter of fact, the|@gents which is of vital import- atc Peo Met cite Git A ic cing cteea| "MINING CLAIM HOLDERS "During the summer, children|OVer the child because he has|recommended immediately after are often allowed to stay up late|@ greater amount of( general t.) ere et en reen hey do not|knowlec and experience to ai THE RHYMING th the It that they d t| <a ige P to aid INFANT WELFARE get the amount of rest they re- him in his learning. OPTIMIST quire. Sleeping late in the morn-| In spite of the prevalence of this CLINIC By Aline Michaelis ing does not make up for going to mistaken belief, some ground is 34 : ¢ y bed late in the evening. © "\being gained. Each year advant- COLUMBUS HALL Sorta es The necessary hours of sleep in|48€ 1s being taken by a greater NOTICE A Pearl a toom with open windows are: number of people of the extension BsCH ne See Sear } .. _|courses given by the universities Oe Dati: To Holders of Mining Claims in Ontario Not Yet It lay within its satin nest, Age Bed- Hours of Rising},n4 : vies 1 fold 8 Yet Patented ; i ; : and an increasing number of old or Leased Of all Earth's gems the loveliest, time sleep time jer people are enrolling in the| .+ ae ; And many, passing, looked there-| 5-6 6.30 13 7.30 |regul ses. But many of| #AHLEYBURY LODGE No. 364 Notice is hereby given to holders of mining claims, wheresoever situate, upon which the -- , : 6-8 7°30 B 5 regular courses. ut many oO I O O FE work specified in the Mining Act has been prohibited or restricted to a stated period by the on, ' . ss : 30 these, because they share the . . oie Minister of Lands and Forests under the authority of the Mining Act, or where permission to And ghotene how like the dawn} 8-10 8.00 11 7.30. general view, are more or less as Ph do the work has been given under conditions and limitations designed to protect the timber, 'it shone - 10212 330 11 7.30 z is a r THAT under the Forest Fires Prevention Act, 1930, they are required to apply to the District And "Ah!" men said, "Wherel12-14 9.00 10 730 cony He that they face an es Meets a 4th Mondays of Forester in the District in which the land is situate for a permit to perform such work, and li i4 pecia andicap on account of each month in the that failure to apply for such permit or upon issue of the same, failure to perform and record will it go, n -16 9.30 10 7.30 their age. I. 0. O. F. TEMPLE the work prescribed by the Mining Act, will subject their claim to cancellation. The time = grace a asain wis eh ae Children who are not strong, There is no way of telling how at 8 p.m iss Perrone eae Oren a is Aaa ta hi inser uel I and tosis r on an ivor roa oO Ss 4 nae aes & os "a . the ay o ovember, . je wor is sO done an recorded, the time for com- Lik es met to-petal erent? who are not gaining regularly in much harm has been done, and is AG Dh puting the date before which further work upon the claim is required, will be computed aa 1k€ TOSE-p' P Pp i weight, need extra rest. They|being done, through this one false -G.--Thos. Curry from the said 15th day of November, 1931. ' should lie down for one hour at|belief. How often does one hear Rec. Sec.--J. A. Ruttan The name and address of the District Forester to whom application for such permit y d vatch w: i Vy Wealth purchased it, a watch was}jeast after the noon meal. They|the statement "If I were younger K. M. Stephen, Fin. Sec. should be made, may be obtained from the Recorder of the Mining Division in which the ' set may not sleep, but the rest which|I'd take up this or that study"? claim is situate. A miner's license in the name of the applicant, or due renewal of the same, th earl and yet 2 : a : ss E : must accompany the application and the number or numbers of the mining claim or claims mlwaye abou at . thief they get while lying down is al-|How many persons have gone Tomiie ine Noth poeeeiiths a] dari oeacaterts EOMBNCALEY csO Wile ee ares, {Most as good as sleep. through life robbed of the chance] 4 @721SRaMINg orthern T. F. SUTHERLAND, Soon stole the gem; his triumph) Rest, fresh air, play, and the}to read or speak a second lang- Ontario Railway Acting Deputy Minister of Mines brief, use of milk, fruits and green veg-|uage in the belief that they were Toronto, December 9th, 1930. It travelled on from hand to hand pha Met By secret channels, land to land, TRAIN SERVICE ------. --------a And ever lovelier than a star, Its fame was voiced afar, afar. It crossed wide continents and seas, ketches Sie: eee | BUSINESS and ee ee operating through sleepers. These trains use|] @ Z B Canadian National Rail Stat t North It knew strange temple mysteries, sy" Cy Bayt Meme Frederick Elliot K. M. Stephen It heard the litany of love, : Trains Nos, 46 and 47--Through Service BARRISTER and SOLICITOR Life, Health, Accident, Fire, Automobile This pearl, unchanged, where it daily between Toronto and Timmins, Iroquois (Gat eetdanyirteeColaabie INSURANCE iu ent HOS World Beat. Falls, Rouyn and Noranda, operating Cafe Car Seis Uae Hp ake The Mutual Life Assurance Co, of Canada F Aeercleraine: thank theiday: aters Service between North Bay and Swastika, Q , The General Accident Assurance Co. of Canada y or always. fal y; through sleepers between Toronto and Tim- GIBSON BLOCK, HAILEYBURY Several First Class Fire Companies It went upon its changeful way; gees rar! mins, also between Toronto, Rouyn and No- +Probyn Street HAILEYBURY Phone 322 Until at last, by some mischance, CHAMPION of the world! anes ON poe ena ee Coase Nat- W. A. Gordon, Ke it fell where fountain waters Every country boasts of one } y ek a RRISTER, SOLICITOR Dr. Gord F. Jack = h. . * . Train No. 17--North Bay to Cochrane-- BA s f b: rdon ° ackson dance, champion in something or other. 5 a and NOTARY PUBLIC y FE, , : Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Thence to a gutter's filthy swirl; D k oh Ig i MYLES BLOCK, MAIN STREET . Baas. L ' J enmark has the world's Train No. 18--Cochrane to North Bay-- HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO 131 Bloor St. West Be But still a pearl, a matchless pearl champion wireless enthusiasts. | Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays ; pony r J Hy Forty per cent. of Danish fam T Nos. 17 and 18 Canadian Paci TORONTO \ =e Nn 3 rains Nos. ani use Canadian Paci- : ' --Ki ToeDatiness ilies own wireless sets. The fic Railway Station at North Bay Edwin W. Kearney Relepioney! 20 ileg, "Ssardale PU ae Hs lavasst prineiees pation Local Service (between Cobalt, Fountain BARRISTER SOLICITOR 5 5 S - Assise in France. Lon- Falls and Silver Centre Mondays, Wednesdays NOTARY PUBLIC The dark comes like a friend don, England, is the largest city | and Saturdays. GIBSON BLOCK HAILEYBURY Dr. J. Dunn ' when day is done f in the world, but the greatest Connections at Earlton for Elk Lake, daily Telephone No. 10 VETERINARIAN AND SURGEON i And draws its curtains close a eye aslt ee are in Belgium, except Sunday. Contracts Arranged K - : where there are more miles per ecti ' : Z pro Be ieee the golden javeliaa of unit of area than that of any |17S0"Ciotos' Metisse Wessedsys sad F- L. Smiley, KC. | Rsitecet"s Levers hone 113 the sun pier eons wondon how- | Fridays BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC NEW LISKEARD, ONT. Geen) fu ML s ' , nas become the flying un} Connections at Englehart with Train No W TTORNEY And hides the jade and tur- versity of the world. More than 18 Fons Ghantton EieMsya; Thursdays and chown S 4 =) = 7 5 H Main Street Haileybur' ric mit oise of the skies, a hundred students from man ; Conrt House ain Stree ybury / Ne alee dere : eevee |parercay® PIANO TUNING Veil after veil is swung along the oreign countries were trained Connections at Swastika, daily. with the : land Edin ip ary VR one ae eee ees Hide me in Nipissing Central Railways for Kirkland Lake, GC F, Tuer Practical Instruction in pus Playing : f 2 = SPR APD Oma BS r y line property line-- Ch , Rouyn and Noranda, Que. givep at your home Now fades the river, now the the widest street in the world. The Champs Elysees in Paris, France RE i pavank Sate: Wiles te BARRISTER SOLICITOR RY RINE ATILOUAT RERSONTRCE PRICHe - a 5 Hs wee, NOTARY PUBLIC is hillcrest fades; is 250 feet wide, Reeper Bahn in Hamburg, 210 feet, and the Ring Iroquois Falls 5 a BOX 556 NEW LISKEARD 5 Across the busy world with Strasse in Vienna, 185 feet. A Wew ; , , Bank of Nova Scotia Build cross Yi Connections at Porquis Junction daily for} tai, BYBURY, ONT. PHONE 360 ; kindly hand 'bl af The world's greatest Grain Exhibition and Conference will be held | Conm#uzht. South Porcupine, Schumacher and Ross Business College Night slips intangible and fra- at Regina, Canada, in 1932, but probably the "daddy" of all the world unions, s COBALT, ONTARIO 4 grant shades. beaters, at least from a novelty point of view, is the world's biggest Service daily except Sunday between Coch- Dr. W. R. Somerville Commercial, Stenographic and | oa ( drink. rane, Island Falls, and Fraserdale. DENTIST Secretarial Courses H Service Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Bank of Nova Scotia Building = = pats 7 5 | And as the darkness deepens It appears that three hundred years ago last year Rothenburg, Day, Evening and Mail Classes F _ there like flowers Uses pevals, was compelled to surrender to a besieging army. The general ier a Island Falls, Fraserdale) MAIN & FARGUSON HAILEYBURY Write for Information P| * was about to issue orders for the destruction of the city. Women and Fo él mae ens and faith unfolds children begged for mercy. The general retired to the Court House and ores bea ee eed aso! ane z DrkRH O'Neill Canadian Legion an its buds anew, while there became more favorably disposed towards those who pleaded pe FON SEG ea Ce a For fairer gardens blossom with him. After drinking from an enormous flagon, he said, "If any of A. J. PARR, , DEN HAILEYBURY BRANCH No. 54 '} | through the hours you senators can empty this jug in one draught I will spare your town." General Freight and Passenger Agent, Liggett Block siliay ey and Ferguson Meets in Club Room on Browning Street A When every rose is hidden from The challenge was accepted by the Burgomaster, the feat accomplished NorTH BAY, ONT. . First Wed. of each month, 8 p.m. 3 Lz y ethane d- - > Phone--Office 11, Residence 132 | the view. a e cn 7 pane ie per ings then, exery, day at monn acre ae ALL RETURNED MEN WELCOME * { s Ss on ie Own hall clock repea' e performance. n iS ree hun- rg . . > a The teath and ioxe that were ob dredth anniversary, which came last year, the Burgomaster was called Sell It by Adverttisi ng ! Barrow Sign Service Saxton Electric e|' scured by day : upon to repeat the feat in person. He raised the same old flagon to his SHOW CARDS Blackwall Street Phone 243 a) In darkness shine like stars lips and drank its contents in one long draught--probably the biggest SIGNS, POSTERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS drink cae i 'half quarts of b WANT ADS BR upon the way. on record. It contained three and a' half quarts of beer. ING RESULTS coBALT TIMMINS HAILBYBURY!' CONTRACTS ESTIMATES