aaah SE GiGi] -< << ga we "flight at match play. THURSDAY, JULY 30th, 1931 \ THE HATEEYBURIAN. Page 5 Northern Golf Tourney Will Be Held Here Next Week Amateur Linksmen from Many Points in North Will Tee Off on Thursday Morning Next; Looks Like Greatest Cham- pionship Event in Many Years Golfers from most of the large centres of the North will gather in Haileybury on Thursday, Fri-! day and Saturday, August 6th,' 7th and 8th, to compete in the! sixth annual Amateur Champion-, ship of the North Country. | The course here is in wonderful shape this year, and it is certain} that the club wielders will enjoy! touring the tricky nine-hole lay-; out. It is expected that about sixty of the best will appear to contest for the title now held by CTiff. Olliver, of Iroquois Falls, which he captured, under medal play conditions on the Idylwylde Club course at Sudbury last August. Clubs almost 'tertain to be re- presented are Timmins, Iroquois Falls, Kirkland Lake, North Bay, Sudbury, and, of course, Hailey- bury. Chapleau may also send a squad, and New Liskeard lads are likely to get their baptism of tournament play during the week) The Northern Ontario Golf Association has been in existence for the past several years, but un- til this summer the various ex- ecutives have been setting out regulations arid carrying on from season to season without a con- stitution. At the meeting held in Haileybury last month, how- ever, a committee composed of Messrs. Geo. W .Lee, Chairman of the T. & N. O. Railway Com- mission, and donor of the cham- pionship trophy; Hugh Park, the President of the N.O.G.A. and D. H. Millar, Secretary of the or- ganization, were appointed to draft a constitution, which will be submitted to the annual meet- ing, to be held on the eve of the tournament opening. The Association executive will also discuss this and other mat- ters pertaining to the champion- ship at a gathering scheduled for Haileybury on Saturday of this week. ee The tournament will be con- ducted this year on the same plan as was followed in tourneys held prior to last summer: 36-hole medal play qualifying round, with the sixteen lowest scorers going into the championship The re- maining players will enter the Consolation and play another 36 holes medal. Prizes will be awarded title winner and runner-up, the winner and runner-up of the Consolation, lowest score in the qualifying round, team prize to the four players,from one club having lowest aggregate in the qualifying round. There will al: so be a prize for the highest score in the qualifying round, and one for the first golfer to bag an "eagle." ; Among those favored to win will be ex-champions Howard Teskey and Bobby Lee of North Bay, Cliff Olliver, the present title holder, Jock Stokes, former- ly of Timmins, but now of Kirk- the land Lake, Ben Merwin and' H. Mutz, of Sudbury. Other prominent golfers who are expected to attend, and from the ranks of whom may emerge the "dark horse" are Wilfred (Shorty) Green and Charlie Langlois, Sudbury; Geo. W. Lee, A. MacKenzie, Billy Brown, Dr. Campbell, Benny Nott, Harry Reynolds and Jack Lee, North |Bay; Geo. Lake, G. N. Ross, G. S. (Scorchy) Lowe, W. Macpher- son, Jimmy Todd, Timmins; E. M. Little, N. McTaggart, 'Army' Armstrong, B. Little, Iroquois Falls, and many others. Arrangements for the enter- tainment of the visiting golfers are being made and it is hoped to make it an enjoyable few days for all. The tourney will end up with a dance in the club house on Saturday evening , and during the night the various prizes will be presented to the winners. FAMOUS WRESTLERS ARE MATCHED FOR SHOW AT KIRKLAND SATURDAY Two famous wrestlers, Stanley Stasiak and Jim Maloney, are the headliners for a big show which will be held at Kirkland Lake on Saturday, August lst. They are two of the world's best and Willie Stevens, who arranges and stages the various athletic events in the gold camp, is to be congratulated on securing them for his next show, which is one of a series be- ing put on throughout the sum- mer. The match between the two big fellows, (Stasiak weighs 255 and his opponent 245) will be two falls out of three, with a two hour limit. In addition to the wrestling match, there will be three boxing bouts of five rounds each, in which northern boys will meet fighters from other points. Denny Mahoney, of Kirkland Lake, will meet Johnny Kope, Montreal city champion at 135 pounds, Johnny Kellar, the Quebec cham- pion, will box Jim McKenzie, of Kirkland, at' 130 pounds and Donat Richards, of Timmins, has been matched with Chester Gab- riel, Kirkland, at 135 pounds. It will be some show and will draw crowds from all adjacent points. Church Union working Well (Continued from page 1) ranged satisfactorily. At present Bishop Anderson is absent visit- ing part of the northern portion of his extensive diocese, and on his réturn it is expected he will visit Smooth Rock Falls for the purpose of administering Com- munion at a service to be held. Mr. Jones declared here that he felt there was a growing tend- ency in Canada toward some such scheme as had been worked out in his charge, and he thought it a satisfactory solution of the dif- ficulty of maintaining church ser- vices in the smaller communities. Britain's Challenge to French Tennis Stars H. W. "Bunny" Austin (above' and Fred Perry (inset) are the CAWLEY COMPETITION AT LOCAL GOLF CLUB IS WON BY MILLAR-HOUSTON D. H. Millar and J. C. Houston last Saturday won the Cawley Best Ball and Aggregate Compe- tition at the Haileybury Golf Club, defeating R. D. Cumming and Frank Carnegie on the 18th green, after a thrilling fight. The winners were eight points up at the end of the first nine holes, but faded for a while in the second nine, and hit off to No. 18 only one point up. Mr. Hous- ton's second shot was a beauty and really saved the day, drop- ping near the cup for an easy par four, and low ball to make sure of the game, and possession of the handsome leather golf bags, donated by President H. E. Caw- ley for the event. The thrid round of the Presi- dent's Cup will be played on Sat- urday afternoon. The draw has ben made and posted at the club house. Members drawn should get in touch with partners and arrange starting time. Latest Novel of Les. McFarlane Now Announced New York Critic Enthusiastic in Review of Successor to "Streets of Shadow" Getting away to a head start with an enthusiastic review by Will Cuppy, famous critic of the New York Herald Tribune, pub- lication of Leslie McFarlane's new novel, "The Murder Tree" is announced for tomorrow. Mr. Cuppy, internationally known as one of the most discriminating critics of mystery novels, pub- lished an advance review of the local author's new book this week and left no doubt of his opinion that it marked a great advance over "Streets of Shadow", and summing it up as a smoothly written thriller in which "you get a whole flock of interesting rid- dles, a lot of honest clues to help you on your way, a rattling story and a good moral to keep you straight." ! Leslie received a few copies of his book last week and no doubt The Haileyburian will receive one for review purposes at an early date. It is attractively gotten up with a cover illustration that certainly arouses one's curiosity and there is no doubt that it will be on many Haileybury bookshel- ves in the near future. It has been selected by the publishers, E. P. Dutton & Co., as their prize mystery novel for August. Michael Brent, the lawyer hero of "Streets of Shadow" again ap- pears as the central figure of Soo Plan Called Secessionist By Mayor of Cobalt Council Will Have Nothing to do With "Unofficial" Leg- islative Move The proposal from Sault Ste Marie calling for a meeting of "the Unofficial Legislature of the North" was branded as "a seces- sionist measure" by Mayor O'- Gorman at a meeting of the Co- balt Town Council Monday night and his colleaugues voted unani- mously with him to have nothing to do with it. "We are interested secessionist movement," said the mayor, and the Council generally agreed with the contention of Teck township that the use of the phrase "Unofficial Legislat- ure" was unfortunate and savors of secession, to which we are op- posed." Council' decided the time was inopportune and took no action. The matter arose here when the clerk read a letter from Teck township, asking what the attit- ude of Cobalt would be toward the suggestion contained in the circ- ular sent out by J. W. Curran, of Sault Ste Marie. Teck Council considered a meeting of the dif- not in a ferent mining municipalities more | likely to accomplish some good. Mayor O'Gorman thought that if Northwestern Ontario wanted such a conference, they could go ahead if they wanted to, but he thought this part of the province would have just as little show as at the recent road meeting in North Bay. Councillor Boughton said that, if the North was not represented we do not know what is going to happen. The circular from Mr. Curran was not discus- sed, and Teck will be told of the Council's view. th LOCAL BOWLING CLUB TO FINISH SCHEDULE SATURDAY AFTERNOON The local Bowling Club is in the midst of its schedule this week, with games being played each evening and sometimes in the afternoon. Seven rinks are entered in the competition, divid- ed into two sections, and the winners of the sections will play off on Saturday afternoon. It is planned to hold a tournament on "The Murder Tree", and - has many thrilling adventures while solving an involved series of'mur- ders. MACDONALD'S Fine Cut with ZIG-ZAG papers attached TO GREAT BRITAIN and back SPECIAL REDUCED third class fare from Montreal to Belfast, Glas- gow, Liverpool, Plymouth or London and back. Good going from Aug. Ist to Oct. 15th Return portion valid for 2 years. Round trip rate to Continental points reduced proportionately. Two sailings a week. For full information apply CUN. |ARD LINE Cor. Bay and ayes Sts. Plone Elgin 3471 'oronto or any steamship agent eat two daring young English tennis stars who provided stiff opposition for the French Davis Cup team when they met in the challenge round for the famous trophy. These two players were responsfole for the defeat of the much "ballyhooed" United States' team in the final round of the inter-zone series. This is Perry's first year in Davis Cup competition and histhird in tournament play. ; Sail CUNARD ANCHOR - DONALDSON | Monday, which will be Civic Hol- the first section, and I. B. Roger, iday. |J. R. McCracken, W. T. Joy and The officers of the Club are: {A- H. Hull in the second section. Hon. President -- Hon WW. A.1 Games so far played resulted Gordon; President--Sheriff Cald-'as follows: Hartman won from bick; Vice-President--F. L. Smi- Reckin; McCracken from Joy; ley; Sec.-Treas--Les. McFarlane./Hull from Roger; McCracken The skips are Judge Hartman,!from Hull; Joy from Hull and C. Reckin and J. Isherwood, in|Isherwood from Hartman. a EMPIRE THEATRE The House of Excellent Sound 2 Shows nightly: 7-9-11 p.m. Matinee Thur.-Sat. at 2.30 FRIDAY and SATURDAY JULY 31st and AUG.1st TALLULAH BANKHEAD and CLIVE BROOK, in "Tarnished Lady" America's English screen favorites; together! in Donald Ogden Stewart's sparkling drama of love and marriage. MONDAY and TUESDAY GRETA GARBO, in "INSPIRATION" with Robert Montgomery, Lewis Stone, Marjorie Ram- beau. The glamorous fiery Garbo of love, flesh and the devil. Her greatest role! AUG. 3rd. and 4th WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY AUG. 5th and 6th CLAUDETTE COLBERT and FREDRIC MARCH, in "Honor Among Lovers" A drama of today! It might live behind the solid oak pan- els of a thousand big business sanctums. Coming Attractions--"The Prodigal"; "Girl of The Gold- en West"; "Shipmates"; "Du Barry" "Woman of Passion" An OPPORTUNITY to make your house- cleaning equipment MODERN The last word in modern time and work-saving house- cleaning equipment at the lowest prices ever offered! That is the substance of this special, limited time offer on Premier Complete Cleaning Units. Under this special offer you get the Premier motor-driven Floor Polisher FREE with the purchase of either a Premier Duplex or a Premier Junior Electric Vacuum Cleaner and a Premier Spic- Span. Atthe lowest prices in history you get the cleaners com- prising one of the famous Premier Complete Cleaning Units--a group of cleaners that cut housecleaning work to the absolute minimum. See these cleaners--today-- while this special offer is in force. LIMITED TIME Special Prices Premier Duplex Unit (in- cluding Premier Duplex, Premier Spic-Span, an FREE Floor $89 00 Polisher) . . Premier Junior Unit (in- cluding Premier Junior. Premier Spic-Spano, and FREE Floor ; Polisher) . . $64.00 Either unit may be Pee chased on the budget plan. $5.00 down, balance in ual monthly instalments ae an equitable service charge. If you already own a Premier Spic-Span Cleaner and you purchase either a Premier Duplex or a Premier Junior Cleaner from us during this sale you will receive a Floor Polisher FREE. I Canada Northern Power Corporation, Limited Controlling and Operating Northern Ontario Power Company, Limited Northern Quebec Power Company, Limited