THURSDAY, AUG. 6th, 1931 THE HAILEYBURIAN both to the insane and to the mentally deficient, but their greatest value would appear to be} fiealth Service Mental Health in respect to the latter. The only, By D. M. LEBOURDAIS jother way to deal with a mentally OF THE Director, Division of Education, Canadian {deficient woman, for instance, is} Ganadian Medical Association Haileyhury in 1924 {| ° Items from the Files of The -Haileyburian of Seven Years Ago é a ee eienés A FEW DAYS AWAY FROM HOME WILL DO YOU GOOD AND RE- TURN YOU BETTER FITTED FOR THE DAILY ROUTINE. MAKE UP A PARTY FOR NEXT WEEKEND. National Committe for Mental Hygiene to keep her locked up during the | child-bearing period. Institu- ; STERILIZATION IS JUST- tions for mental deficients con- IFIED ON GROUNDS OF __|'#in_@ great many persons who} SOCIAL WELFARE |have been sufficiently trained to} go out into the community and} Meets With Almost Uniform Ap-/earn their living, if it were not | proval Where Tried; Over Six Editedby Cheerful, comfortable rooms; Tasty food, Restful surroundings PLENTY OF CURB PARKING SPACE GARAGE ONE MINUTE WALK Plans are now being made for the reception of Lord Byng of Vimy, Governor General of Can- ada, when he visits Haileybury GRANT FLEMING, M.D. ~ ASSOCIATE SECRETARY SUMMER DIARRHOEA lfor the fear that they would soon! on August 26th next. New Liskeard won the champ- ionship of the Temiskaming Baseball league on their home grounds yesterday, when they de- feated Cobalt, their competitors for the honor, by 5-3. The sum of $20.20 was raised by two small girls, Shirley sey- mour and her cousin, to assist with the fitting up of the new Children's Shelter. Leslie, Frank and Wilmot Mc- Farlane have gone to South Lor- rain to do assessment work on some claims which they have in that district. C. E. Fleming has added a new wing to his store on Main Street, which gives him more room and generally improves the premises. The wedding of Miss - Jessie Davidson to Mr. Douglas Storms was solemnized on Friday after- noon last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Villeneuve. The temporary school build- ings are being disposed of by the government and are being moved to new locations where they will be converted into dwelling houses Oddfellows of Cobalt and Hail- eybury Lodges will hold their an- nual Decoration Day services at the Haileybury Cemetery on Sunday, August 10th. Coming Attractions at the Every appalling loss of infant lives fron what is commonly known as sum mer diarrhoea. In Canada, baby who has first birthday. Of this large num ber of infant deaths, a large per- centage are due to diarrhoea. The best and surest protection against this condition is breas feeding. Whenever such death are investigated, it is found tha most of the cases have occurred amongst infants who were arti ficially fed. Providing the mothe is healthy and that she is living a healthy life and using prope foods, her milk contains the righ materials for her child. In addi tion, breast milk is sterile, and there because it is not handled, is no danger of its becoming con taminated with germs. There are reasons why nurse her child, but the one rea son that it protects against diar rhoea should be oy make every mother realizé wha her duty is in this matter. The baby who is artificially fed should be fed according to th directions which the family doc tor gives. to change his feedings from tim to time as he grows older. Every care must be taken to secure a safe milk and to keep it cold, Pasteurized Tf there is any clean and covered. milk is safe milk. question as to the purity of th milk, it should be -boiled. Diarrhoeas are due either to 2 year there occurs an one death in every five is that of a not reached his many other good a mother should to It will be necessary jbe prevented. It is, of course, best to prevent the condition, but if it does occur the mother should n|understand that delay in securing -|treatment may cost the baby his life. The baby should be breast-fed. Failing that, he should be fed ac- -|cording to directions, and the milk used should be pure and safe. If in spite of precautions trouble does occur, prompt treat- t|ment is needed. Ss Questions concerning Heateh, addressed to t the Canadian Medical Association, 184 College Street, Toronto, will be answered personally by letter. ®|Children From Shelter < Given Picnic at Beach t Last week the kiddies at the Children's Shelter here were giv- en a fine treat, when they were taken to Liskeard Beach for the afternoon and held a regular old- fashioned picnic, with basket lunch, races and games and a swim in the lake. Every child now in the Shelter was out for the day and there were plenty of t older people present to see that they had a good time and that no accidents occurred. e| Mrs. Douglas A .Mutch provid- _|ed prizes for the races, while Dr. J. C. A. Crawford and M. Austin e|took their cars and transported the' children up and back. To these and to others who helped, the thanks of Mr. McCracken and those in charge of the Shelter are extended. «i e| Lhe winners of the races were: Boys under 12, 50 yards--Win- ner, Walter Tuhkanen; school- Thousand Cases Operated on in California According to a cable from Lon- don, the British House of Com-| mons has voted against a propos- | al to legalize the sterilization of mentally deficient persons. The bill as proposed is similar to acts in operation in the Province of Al- berta and in twenty-two of the states of the American Republic. The Alberta Act was passed in 1928. It provides for the steril- ization of an inmate of a mental institution when in the opinion of a specially appointed board such action is in the best interests of the individual himself (or herself) or of the community. Before the sterilization operation can be performed the consent of the in- dividual, if competent, or his leg- al guardians must be obtained. California has had a steriliza- tion law in operation for over 20 years and in that time more than 6,000 persons have been sterilized In 1928, the writer made a special investigation of the workings of the California Act and found that there was practically no opposi- tion to it, and that it has proved to be of great assistance in the social control of mentally defic- ient persons. Much of the opposition to ster- ilization arises out of ignorance of the proposal. In some cases people are opposed on religious or ethical grounds. The chief er- ror made by many opponents is in regard to the nature of the op- eration. They are under the im- pression that the operation is eq- get into sexual difficulties and |present the community with oth-| Jers \need supervision by the state. | like themselves who would (Informatibn on any pomt not covered here! will be given in later issues if you will address your questions to "Mental Health", 111 Sr. George Street, Toronto, Ontario.) R Single $1.50 to $3.00 ALE|S Double $3.50 to $6.00 Hote WAVERLEY Spadina Avenue and College Street = Write for folder - » + | \ ) advertised. Remember! That the best goods are always Therefore, if you wish to secure the Best Value for your money Look Carefully Through the Advt's in This Newspaper Classic Theatre, Cobalt When wild and wooly funsters try to impress tenderfeet, the result is a laugh riot. "Dude Ranch" is the attraction at the Classic Fri. Sat., Aug. 7th, 8th. featuring Jack Oakie, Eugene Pallette, Mitzi Green and June Collyer. On Mon., Tues., the feature at- traction will be "Chances" feat- uring Douglas Fairbanks Jr. with Rose Hobart, Anthony Bushell, Holmes Herbert and Mary For- bes; a story of the great war. "Hush Money" with Joan Ben- nett, Hardie Albright, Owen Moores and Marna Loy, is a soul stirring drama of a girl who sin- ned and paid, only to be asked to pay and pay again. On the same program will be Elissa Landi, Lewis Stone and Paul Cavanagh in "Always Goodbye" a brilliant drama of glittering jewels and sparkling romance, when Scot- land Yard sought the woman. bag. Girls, under 12, 30 yards--Lil- ian V. Rose; School-bag. Boys under 10, 30 yards -- Al- bert' Seppa, lst; Scribbler and pencil; 2nd, Donald Goddard; Scribbler and pencil. Mixed Race, Boys and Girls-- under 10, 30 yards--Phyllis A. Goddard, Crayons; 2nd, Alli Sep- pa, Crayons, ORE SHIPMENTS During the week ending July 3lst, six cars of ore were shipped from Cobalt mines, the total con- tents amounting to 528,697 tbs., according to the statement issued by the T. & N. O. Railway. The Mining Corporation shipped five cars of the total, the O'Brien sending out the other car. Dur- ing the same week the Frontier Mine shipped one car from Silver Centre, containing 87,000 tbs. uivalent to emasculation, that es- sential organs are removed. The operation, however, does not in- terfere with the performance of the sexual act; it merely prevents procreation. Sterilization. laws usually apply faulty diet, for example one which contains too much sugar, or to germs which later usually gain entrance into the body through contaminated milk. Diarrhoea is always a serious condition and no mother should consider 'herself able to deal with it; she needs the help of her doc- tor and she should secure his as- 7 +h MINING CLAIM HOLDERS b..) DEPARTMENT OF MINES HAILEYBURY LODGE No. 364 NOTICE a Bel 9 Pane ee : To Holders of Mining Claims-in Ontario Not Yet Patented , or Leased Apa AOE ee A common mistake is to think that the. diarrhoea is due to teeth- ing or some other similar condi- tion. Many mothers seem to think that diarrhoea is something from which every baby suffers and that it requires no particular attention, or that it can be cured by repeated doses of castor oil. It is just because it is not tak- en seriously that so many deaths occur. If, when diarrhoea does occur, proper treatment is secur- ed promptly, then, in most cases, the serious and fatal results can Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month in the I. O. O. F. TEMPLE at 8 p.m Notice is hereby given to holders of mining claims, wheresoever situate, upon which the work specified in the Mining Act has been prohibited or restricted to a stated period by the Minister of Lands and Forests under the authority of the Mining Act, or where permission to do the work has been given under conditions and limitations designed to protect the timber, THAT under the Forest Fires Prevention Act, 1930, they are required to apply to the District Forester in the District in which the land is situate for a permit to perform such work, and that failure to apply for such permit or upon issue of the same, failure to perform and record the work prescribed by the Mining Act, will subject their claim to cancellation. The time for perforining and recording the said work is extended by Order-in-Council to and including the 15th day of November, 1931. If the work is so done and recorded, the time for com- puting the date before which further work upon the claim is required, will be computed as from the said 15th day of November, 1931. The name and address of the District Forester to whom application for such permit should be made, may be obtained from the Recorder of the Mining Division in which the claim is situate. A miner's license in the name of the applicant, or due renewal of the same, must accompany the application and the number or numbers of the mining claim or claima must be clearly stated N.G.--Thos. Curry Rec. Sec.--J. A. Ruttan K. M. Stephen, Fin. Sec. INFANT WELFARE CLINIC COLUMBUS HALL EACH THURSDAY 3 to 4 p.m. T. F. SUTHERLAND, Acting Deputy Minister of Mines. Toronto, December 9th, 1930. Temiskaming Northern Ontario Railway | TRAIN SERVICE The Continental Limited, Trains Nos. 1 and 2, between Montreal and Vancouver, daily operating through sleepers. These trains use Canadian National Railways Station at North Bay. Trains Nos. 46 and 47--Through Service daily between Toronto and Timmins, Iroquois Falls, Rouyn and Noranda, operating Cafe Car Service between North Bay and Swastika, through sleepers between Toronto and Tim- BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL CARDS erceoe 7 ff . Frederick Elliot BARRISTER and SOLICITOR Ontario and British Columbia INVESTMENTS, LOANS, ETC. GIBSON BLOCK, HAILEYBURY W. A. Gordon, K.C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC MYLES BLOCK, MAIN STREET K. M. Stephen Life, Health, Accident, Fice, Automobile INSURANCE The Mutual Life Assurance Co, of Canada The General Accident Assurance Co. of Canada Several First Class Fire Companies +Probyn Street HAILEYBURY Phone 322 Dr. Gordon F. Jackson PHYSICIAN and SURGEON > surprising to note tir Rumper. of s me i ime to time 1 from & Pm not sure 9. Was a "dead. o mins, also between Toronto, Rouyn and No- TARIO 131 Bloor St. West ; If you can't nurse ion, fsa th Candles Oiey URbsE Ceaidet nat CHERTERNat- ACER ot TORONTO : 2 '5 sho G ment is wei! ad ional Railways Station at North Bay. . 3% : e--Ki ae your baby. .. give him od (to ye AGHIMeM emo: becatiac TrataiNal (7ooNGrh Bayt een trace -- Edwin W. Kearney elephones: Office--Kingsdale 5748 f nd tp yep a fer beeaus Residence--Hillcrest 2333 ' times may prompt th ater we jlth to do. A few years ago the Soviet government of Russia offered iventy million roubles to the j1son who would capture and eliver Ossip Lietnyi, yvho had wen Soviet governor of the 'ate of Tsaritan. Ossip and a Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Train No. 18--Cochrane to North Bay-- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Trains Nos. 17 and 18 use Canadian Paci- fic Railway Station at North Bay Local Service between Cobalt, Fountain Falls and Silver Centre Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.. Connections at Earlton for Elk Lake, daily except Sunday. BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC GIBSON BLOCK HAILEYBURY Telephone No. 10 F. L. Smiley, K.C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC CROWN ATTORNEY EAGLE BRAND | --Hot summer days are danger days for Baby. If you cannot nurse him, it is wise to feed Eagle Brand. For over 74 years Eagle Brand } has been the leading infant food. It is safe and dependable and is Dr. J. Dunn VETERINARIAN AND SURGEON Contracts Arranged Office--Symon Office Phone 184 Residence--J. Lever's Phone 113 NEW LISKEARD, ONT. Eric E. Smith ' fe fronds lit out for some Connections at Englehart with Trai Conrt House Main Street Haileybury guaranteed pure and absolutely ay avs lit out for 2 : 5 8 with Train No. uniform. When travelling, the v) arts and, so far as I know, are still enjoying the open air. 17 for Charlton Mondays, Wednesd and PIANO TUNING change in milk, or pea ; ; Exhibition and Conference to meet at Regina in Bedaye, Waa mers. & (a F. Tuer Practical las in Mees Playing . 5: aS co i i fe veo a tu Do hee eaeacenes ake Fagle t reest of thoes n Beet seo a poany tae 50 Bh iu 18 from Charlton Tuesdays, Thursdays and BARRISTER pa VIOLINS Pies AT SEReSNKBCH PRICES Bi and condense Be and " .500--to any person in the world who will deliver the best ple on Ses 5b Sadia dally, pide ae ie et BOX 556 NEW LISKEARD make sure that his food is right. uv before March Ast, 1932. Among the other big fellows is one of $80 a Nipissing! CentralsRuilways ter Kicked ths. Bank o1 ners 'cotia Oa ea Our new Baby Welfare Book has js ake, | HAILEYBURY, 5 cob for the best ten ears of corn--$800. A lot Of people are going to win some easy money next year. This beats the sweepstake plan all hollow. Ross Business College COBALT, ONTARIO " Cheminis, Rouyn and Noranda, Que. Connections at Porquis Junction daily for valuable hints on hot weather manependr + era gladly Nothing is left to chance or good luck. If you "deliver the goods" you | [roquois Falls. Dr W. R. Somerville Commercial, Stenographi d a as - be st. get ie ae ; oe a b Connections at Porquis Junction daily for DENTIST ee atl Coan o ¢ Borden Co., Limited, e International Association of Automobile Clubs in 1913 offered a | C ht, South Porcupine, Schumach ia Buildi r we 4 cw lA § I He Bank of Nova Scotia Building i H « pearies Sree. sum of $100,000 for a perfect substitute for gasoline of such a nature Timmins. MAIN wy PERGUSON HAILEYBURY ON ale fe pies 1: as 4 Service daily except Sunday between Coch- rane, Island Falls, and Fraserdale. Service Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between Cochrane, Island Falls, Fraserdale and Coral Rapids. that it could not be monopolized. To the inventor of a machine which will efficiently pull and top sugar beets another award of $10,000 has been offered. An Old Country paper says: me a FREE copy of your ( Baby's Record Book and Baby Welfare Book. Dr. R. H. O'Neill Canadian Legion DENTIST HAILEYBURY BRANCH No. 54 iy "Some years ago, the importation into Britain of aigrettes, See current Timetable or apply to any T. &| Liggett Block Main and Fergusom Meets in Club Room on Browning Street the white feathers of the egret, was forbidden, and feather mer- N.O. Railway Agent for further particulars. ce lcci ante idence 132 | First Wed. of each month, 8 p.m A. J. PARR, e--O 4 : ALL RETURNED MEN WELCOMB chants offered a sum of one hundred pounds to anyone who could devise a meta of keeping the egret in captivity. This is one more example of a prize that has never been won." The hope of reward--some kind of reward--while the source of 7 See" Eagle Brand Milk General Freight and Passenger Agent, ) J NoRTH BAY, ONT. Saxton Electric CONDENSED Barrow Sign Service _ more evil, is at the same time, a greater impulse for good than anything - SIGNS, POSTERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIBS OF ALL. noe § clse in the world. It is man's greatest incentive to action. Want Ads. Bring Results COBALT TIMMINS HAILEYBURY' CONTRACTS ESTIMATES | 9 aa See