reese }end with friends at Temagami. Social and Personal | is | M. T. Hobbs, |presiding at the summer school H. Clifford, town clerk, is holi-|being held in St. Mary's Acad- dayine at Temagami this week. |emy here. The term will conclude ying < age s : ) of Chapleau, . this week. > cy | "Mel. Robb and Earl Berry left} Pao : Se sete! for Sudbury on Tuesday of this} Mrs. A. Speicher and children wéek i : {left this week for Purbrook, in ; Muskoka district, where they will visit before joining Mr. Speicher in Ottawa. Miss Jean Aubert, of Elk Lake, is in town for a visit with Mrs. R. | J. Oliver. | | and Mrs. W. H. Tuke and at the week-end a month | with Toronto Mr. family returned after spending Hptends and relatives in jand London. Miss Sybil McCracken has gone | to North Bay for a holiday with friends there. Mr. R. McCracken left yes- J. 7 Mrs. Jas Legarey, of Engle- pelday evening on a) tripsto! Lor- hart, and Mrs. M. Owens, of onto on business. |Cochrane, were visitors to Hail- leybury friends and relatives over Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bidgood|the week-end. were Haileybury visitors for a} RES 5 Mrs. J. Creighton and her |daughter, Miss Ruby, have gone and Family|to spend a holiday with friends and relatives in Dacre, Ont., and other eastern points. Mrs. W. Lombardy, formerly of Haileybury, left for her home in Dunnville, Ont., after spend- ing a week in town as the guest few days this week. Mrs. H. Burton "are spending a couple of weeks holidays at Bass Lake. Mrs. Harry Sparks and Miss Mary Smith are in Haileybury from Ottawa for a visit at their home. of Mrs. of North Bay, are guests of Mrs. C. C. Farr this week, while in Haileybury for the Northern On- tario golf tournament. A note from Toronto says that Mrs. A. E. W hitley, formerly of Haileybury, underwent an oper- ation by 'Dr. Herbert Bruce, in the Wellesley Hospital on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gaven, of Timmins, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marcella, Main Street, on Monday on their way home from Sheenboro, Que. Misses Nona and Lois Smith, ot Sudbury, are in town visiting J. Homewood. Mrs. E. Fleming left yesterday for Sesikinika Lake to spend a : : 4 pve week with her sister, Mrs. Mc- a fs Gregor. - Mrs. T. Carmichael, Blackwall Street, has gone to spend a few weeks in Swastika and Kirkland Lake. Mrs. Eva Sutherland, of North Bay, is in Haileybury this week for a visit with friends and rel- atives. Miss Marjorie Briden left on Tuesday evening to spend a hol- iday with friends in Toronto and Ottawa. Miss Valerina Marcella return- ed home on Monday after a three weeks visit with friends at Sheen- bora, Que. Jas. Morton and Peter Jeffries of the Timmins fire brigade, paid a flying visit to Haileybury on Saturday. Mr. M. Boland, of the Domin- ion Stores here, spent the week- end holiday on a visit to his home in Midland. Refit by Star |) coe | Waee yes |AV4Z Son Avax Scav Awan Sor _Iieresss | Avax seme The theft of a motor car was reported from Albert Street this week but it is understood it has get washed to show how well been recovered "What are you crying for, my lad?" "Farver's agent for a new soap an' every time a customer comes I it works." --The Passing Show, Members will meet at the Church London Mr. Wm. McArthur, of Waw- baden, Man., ((Hudson Bay) who has been visiting his nephew, Mr. motor trip to Toronto and other ty points in Southern Ontario. little son left on Tuesday for a'ijrmerly of Haileybury, AD ISIE HAILEYBURIAN a AUG. 6th, 1931 j otieeadinaatineatiaatinaatinaatinaatnaatbeatibead | Mrs. J. Dickson spent the week] Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Atkinson]and go on the 2.15 car. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hutt and| Ene S. Anderson and children, are in own this week from Sudbury for \/a visit with friends here. \ Cliff Purdon, and Mrs. Purdon, returned on Monday to Manitoba to dispose of his business there, as he intends to take up business in the east. TOWNSHIP The Timmins town council has decided that it will not be repre- sented at the proposed meeting to form an "Unofficial Legislature for the North" to be held at the Soo on August 25th. In 'Memoriam In loving memory of our dear leys and Belts, 1 Blower an TAX SALE The following articles will be sold: 1 Quebec Heater, 1 large Desk and Chair, 3 Office Chairs, 1 Counter, 1 4-ton Truck, 1 Planer complete with shafts, pul- OF BUCKE d Pipes complete, 1 Electric wey suavarean) aa vee Bet) ios ae acy ae Motor, 5 Edger Saws, 1 Blacksmith Forge and Anvil, 1 Vice ) é "ho passed away August th, i Mrs. E, M. Smith, Elliott Street. 1921. ee reemie poe aa 1 Edger, 2 Steel Pulleys, 7 Wooden Pulleys, 1 Knike Sharp- De ae NY ane Mrs. H. French, Mrs. F, Gale, ener, 1 Heavy Duty Platform Scale. woe Ss gla reorge, itbame and family, of North Bay, came HOMINIS to Haileybury on Saturday last 0 2 for a visit with Mrs, George's sis- reg e This Sale will be held at North ter, Mrs. A. MacLean, and Mr. MacLean, Main Street. ; CHURCHES Cobalt on Aug. 12th, 1931, Zz p.m. e e The monthly meeting of the j Home and Foreign Mission Circle Albert Gospel Hall of the Baptist Church will be held SE Sa REET on Thursday, August 13th, at 3} Sunday, 11 a.m--Commemora- p-m., at New Liskeard Beach.|tion of the Lord's Supper. 3 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 7 p.m.--Gospel Meeting (Evan- gelistic) to which all are cordial- ly invited. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Meeting for Prayer and Bible Study. 3 p.m.--Women's Prayer Meet- ing. Women's Missionary Meeting first Wednesday of each month; place of meeting arranged mon- thly. The United Church Lost--Gold Nugget tie pin. _Re- ward if returned to Haileybur- | ian Office. 18-Ic.: Wanted--To purchase a ladies' BRING RESULTS Position Wanted--Stenographer just graduated, would like pos- ition locally or in district. Ap- ply at Haileyburian Office. Ip- Rev. W. A. Beecroft, B.A., B.D. Pastor Mr. R. H. Unwin, Organist and Choirmaster bicycle, second hand, in good' condition. Apply to S. Craig,; R.R. No. 1, Haileybury, _18- 3c! House For Rent--On Main Gan 10 a.m.--Church School. se andy 7 Pasa ic Apply at Mrs. Huard's Ice ie Cream Parlor. 18-2pd. The Baptist Church Store to Rent--In the Broadway Rev. T. E. McAllister, Minister Theatre. Apply to C. H. Liddi- : cot, Haileybury, or to D. Kor- 10 a.m.--Bible School. man, Englehart. 18-2c. 11 a.m.--Public Worship. The public is cordially invited to at- tend. For Sale--Modern Six roomed house with garage, in good location. Apply to Mrs. D. W. Cameron, Browning Street, phone 345. il- tf. Salvation Army Sunday Morning Service at 11 Sunday Evening Service at 7.30 Sunday Schoo]--2.30 p.m. Tvesday, 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting ..To Rent--Small banbaiow on Amwell Street; hardwood floors and electric light. Apply Friday, 7.15 p.m.--Junior Meeting 8.00 p.m.--yY. P. Legion Meeting. to Mrs. A. L. Herbért; Phone All are cordially invited. 149. 11-tf. For Sale--One 18-foot canoe, 21/2 h.p. Johnson motor; one girls" bicycle. Apply at Haileybur- ian Office. 18-1c. Lost--Bull Terrier Pup, brownish color, with white neck and breast; answers to name "Bus- ter". $5 reward if returned to Abraham's store. 17-1c. Why Pay High Prices For Fruits and Vegetables?-- Buy 'from us and save money. We guarn- tee the quality and satisfactory delivery. Write for our week- ly price list. J. R. Kennedy, Beamsvillé, Ont. 15-5 pd. For Sale--Six Roomed House on Blackwall Street; all conveni> ences; very easy terms. Apply at Hailevburian Office x --_ Mr. Garnet Swaine, of Toron- Lt Sea B. to, was in Haileybury for a visit F EL on aR REE aoe De ES ee ee ae ee eee with his sister, Mrs. R. J. Oliver, || q Russell Street. | , REDUCED PRICES ON , Mrs. Bowman and family | Community Plate tI Kirkland Lake are visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Hamil- || And 1 847 Roger , ton, West Road. | } Seles q Miss Edith (Gaile. on Momeyatio. I|F These favorite lines are now selling at lower prices. ; formerly of Haileybury, is in F As an illustration --Teaspoons, formerly selling at , town for a visit with her friend, } $8.50 per doz. are now selling at $7.50 per doz. |! { Miss Helen Pipe. i Other lines in proportion. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sutherland } q Sr., returned at the week-end} 13 F from Sudbury, where they spent | A. ¢ W. SANDERSON the past few weeks. 4 q ; ' a ee It "JEWELER AND STATIONER ; Mrs. J. Shanahan and Daughter |p q of Fort William, are Visiting NN ee friends and relatives in Hail ey-| bury and Englehart this week. aca iat atl alin ati le eile ile atte ote ae Quick Sale! The Misses Gertrude and Irene || Donlin left last Friday for North|' oA S, F Bay after a weeks visit at the| hap on home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W horley Crown Attorney S. A. Caldbick of Timmins, was in Town over | the week-end for a visit with his | Partly Furnished. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cald- bick. | H. E. BLACKWALL : Mr. and Mrs. F. Saxton spent || House on Lawlor Street; Five Rooms, Bathroom, Furnace, Electric Light, Stes Kitchen, Hot and Cold Water Price $700. Apply LAKE SHORE ROAD the week-end on a motor trip to Sudbury, visiting friends there ; ri a andl at Warren and Sturgeon ie Ee REE a CE eT | Falls. e Miss A. Legault, of North Bay || Our ; amil | Oat has spent the past few weeks in | town at the home of Mr. and]| if. 4 ee Mrstepl Ro Murray, Bykelancyh | Is made from the Choicest materials and Sanitarily Street. | wrapped. A favorite with discriminating people. Mrs. J. Ryder and family and Teese Mrs. Geo. Poppleton and family have returned home after spend- ing a holiday camping at Bass Lake. DELICIOUS FRESH per EBNUls 20c Mrs. W. F. Gowans and_ her daughter, Mary, formerly Hail- eyburians, returned last week to their home in Kirkland Lake after spending nine months in the Old Country. Phone 36 Haileybury Bakery Daily Deliveries a a CG@ BiAEvE| | ONTARIO FRI. -SAT., AUG. 7-8 | mon. -TUES., AUG. 10-11 WED.-THUR, AUG. 12-13 a | with Jack Oakie ee) Stuart Erwin, Eu- | gene Pallette, Mitzi Green and | June Collyer. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS 2 "CHANCES with | ||} Comedy-- | auc gee sae with | Rose Hobart, Anthony Bushell ur Gang. e Ex-Plu Holmes Herbert, with Lloyd -Hamiig bby fey Mary Forbes Jones Golf Series, Pe ouaeline Story by : Niblic" Serial "The: antom A. Hamilton Gibbs of the W&t, No. 6" Directed by 'Allan Dwan Comedy--"Breakfast in Bed" with Pollard & Pangborn. Car- toon "Toby the Milkman" with Toby the Pup. "Streets 'of Cairo" with the Rambling Re= porter. Coming Soon--"DIRIGIBLE" "LAWYERS SECRET" "DADDY LONG LEGS" and Would you pay his price for silence or would you risk the love of your childand husband? JOAN BENNETT HARDIE ALBRIGHT Owen Moore @ Myrna Loy --Special Added Attraction-- Comedy-- "Hey Diddle Diddle" with Benny Rubin