Page 6 THE HAILEYBURIAN THURS., SEPTEMBER 3, 193? Coming to Teach Eskimos How to Drive Reindeer Laps on Way to Aklavik Have Job of Instruction from the Government Halifax, N.S., Sept. lst--Bound for Aklavik, in the North West Territories, there to teach the Canadian Eskimos how to care| for reindeer herds, ten Lapland- ers arrived here on the Swedish American liner Gripsholm, and left by Canadian National Rail- way for Winnipeg. From there} they will proceed to the far North} to undertake their novel teaching task. The Laps have been brought over by the Canadian Government under three years contract to in-} struct the Eskimo in the care of reindeer. For many years, the| Eskimo in that section of the| North have been regarded as a dying race, living precariously by} Two Trains per Week Now on Silver Centre Branch} Train service on the T. & N.O., Railway between Cobalt and Silver Centre has been reduced to; two trains per week, owing 'to the decreased traffic on that} branch of the line. The mid-week! train which served the mining town on Wednesday has been cut 'tained. | opened, during the time of the off and now only the Monday and Saturday service is being main- When the branch was_ first boom among the silver mines in South Lorrain, a daily service was given. This was later re- duced to three trains per week, owing to changing conditions in the mines. Coming Attraction at the Classic Theatre, Cobalt The attraction at the Classic Theatre on Friday and Saturday of this week is Will Rogers in "Young As. You Feel)" The THE RHYMING OPTIMIST By Aline Michaelis RESTLESS I who was tranquil once am rest- less now, For me no more the placid ways of ease; But daring storms like 'some proud vessel's prow My being plunges through tem- pestuous seas. Escape from tumult I no longer ask, My spirit needs life's swift and rude impact; Let toil be ceaseless, to no meag- re task I bring a strength which, until now, I lacked. It is too hard, the burden which is mine, The restlessn does not c F Each toil is like a draught of pot- ent wine, Each hardship makes endurance still increase. Now I am restless, tranquil days the urge which add this to your profits trapping and fishing. A number | S¢reen's sreates ee eee have flown: d of conferences have been held at |Ade's uproarious comedy, ANDER But, out of trial strength has, Ottawa between Government of-| Fifi Dorsay and Lucien Little- strangely grown! ficials and experts on the Eskimo} field, W ill OE ; ae the f [SSS question and as a result this rele ae Come Oye me eae Perfection is not won by man, so deer experiment is being made.|On the same program will be he Two years ago the Minister of |G harlie L hase in a comedy called Whose hands caress the keys the Interior was authorized to} One of the Smiths" and Bobby May sometimes miss the master's purchase 3,000 head of reindeer | Jones will show you how to play melody : for establishment of experiment-|S0lf with the Medium Irons, in) And spoil rare harmonies. al herds in Northern Canada. Un-| the fifth of his golf series. i der the direction of the Lapland-| "Forbidden Adventure" is the ers, a number of Eskimos will|feature attraction at the Classic take a course in the care of the|on Monday and Tuesday,. Sept. 7 reindeer, the Government furn-|and 8. The cast includes Mitzi ishing food for these reindeer|Green, Edna May Oliver, Louise students for a term of three| Fazenda and Jackie Searles, This years, then follows a period ofj|is a hilarious comedy with a cast|So, also, through the toil of nat- four years contract with the|of foremost child and adult com- ure runs Government, after which the|edy stars in talking pictures. At times a fault, a flaw, Eskimos are expected to become] Heading the double program|Yet age on age the sytems and self-supporting by means of their Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. the suns reindeer herds. The Laps in this|}9 and 10, the famous "It" girl in Have marched beneath the law. party are excellent linguists,|"Kick In," a thrilling story witha speaking Norwegian, Finnish and! gorgeous dramatic Clara Bow in Lapp, and they propose to learn|a story of love versus the law, the Eskimo tongue in order to|/with a brilliant cast, including properly instruct their pupils. Regis Toomey, Wynne Gibson Attired in their picturesque na-|and Juliette Compton. On the tive costume, the visitors attra..-|same program "Transatlantic" ed much attention on their arri-| with Edmund Lowe, Lois Moran, Sometimes a sharp discordant note may jar Upon the ears that wait, And with its strident tone all sweetness mar, All beauty violate. NO ONE can deny a man the right to spend his dollar where he chooses. It is his privilege to make his dollar produce the utmost in value. The In matchless harmony the planets Spin Their ordered way through space; Such force that draws the' tides now out, now in Holds all in its embrace. decision as to where that value is to be found is, whether right or wrong, his to make. A tip on how to make a dollar go farther is permissable, however, and we suggest that you think about this: val here. The men in the party! John Haliday, Greta Nissen and}And if in some dark hour a dis- are excellent herdsmen, owning' Myrna Loy, in a story of glitter cord rings , many head of reindeer in their/and glamor, of the fast'set on jthe| Through any life we see, native country. Included in the)fastest of ocean liners. "Trans-|We must remember then how all _ The lowest price does not always mean the best party are several women andjatlantic is a picture you will re- life swings F if children. member. ; rene Through space in harmony, buy; in fact in most cases it does not. Compara- ' = S. 7 ¥ J rea ate Mobs ee: hive i VFR: Fed ny . a . FAMOUS BRITISH BAND ARRIVES IN CANADA : ave aaney and) pany sephex, thugs enter amt, the { : : transaction. But let us take two identical articles --one here--at home--the other out of town, Let us suppose the out of town price is lower delivered to your door, by 5c or 75c, than the purchase you can make at home. But it is not the most econo- mical buy. That money is gone for good; it will never return to you, whereas if spent at. home-- well, here's an illustration: A Shoeman owes a Baker $2.00 and gives him $1.00, discharging fifty per cent. of his debt. The baker owes a farmer $2.00 for potatoes, so he pays the farmer half his debt with the dollar. The farmer purchases a pair of $2.00 shoes, paying $1.00 down. The shoeman uses the dollar to cancel his debt to the baker, the baker to the farmer, and the farmer pays for his shoes. The shoeman has paid The famous St. Hilda's Band is pictured above arriving in Canada en route to the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition at Toronto, where it will play daily during the two week's exhibition period. This is noted throughout Europe and the British Isles as being one of the best group of band experts in exi his debt, made a sale and still has his original stence. capital. So have the baker and farmer. That's community business. Three persons have made a CHINESE FIGHT FOR FOOD IN HANKOW profit on $1.00 and it's still in the community to make more. The dollar that goes farthest is the one that stays at home. _ We are fully equipped mechanically and otherwise to give your printing needs every attention. Make it a point to consult us on all your printing. Come into the office or \ TP = Desperate scenes as this are being enacted in Hankow, China, as thousands of starving Chinese struggle to obtain food for themselves and their loved ones, But reports from areas in China stricken | by flood and famine indicate that there isn't much food for which to battle. Thousands are reported dead, due to present floods in the Yantze River valley. , t ie x