The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 29 Oct 1931, p. 7

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THURS., OCTOBER 29th, 1931 THE HAILEYBURIAN Page 7 Disputes Levy ' of Over 25 Mills * in Years Taxes Cobalt Ratepayer Says Council Exceeded Authority and Declines Payment * Can a town council levy a rate of more than 25 mills for general purposes without the approval of the Ontario Railway and Muni- cipal Board? The Cobalt town fathers say yes, in certain cir- cumstances, and S. H. Touran- geau, north-end ratepayer, claims not, and cites The Municipal Act in support of his contention. And he declines to pay at the greater rate. This year, Cobalt's tax rates are 74 mills for public schooi supporters, and 117 mills for separate school suppotrers, of whom Mr. Tourangeau is one. Of these, 38 mills are for general purposes, and council, when the question arose at Monday's reg- ular meeting through the medium of a letter from Mr. Tourangeau, asserted, through Mayor R. L. O'Gorman, that it was understood arate sufficient to meet liabilities must be set. Mr. Tourangeau will be noti- fied to this effect. In his letter to the council, he stated he was in receipt of his tax bill for 1931, noted the figures of the general rate, quoted from the statute that, aparently, this rate was ille- gal, and intimated he would pay his taxes, but less the amount represented by 13 mills. Council instructed the town clerk to let him know its members' views, and to tell him 38 mills was the rate for this phase of its financial requirements. Haileybury Chess Club Third round results in the Hail- eybury Chess Club championship tournament resulted as follows: Arnold, 1, Tuke, 0. Unwin, 1, Hull, 0. Glover, 1,: Miller, 0. MacLean, 1, Banwell, 0. Seymour, 1, . Hill, 0. The game between Rev. Canon Hincks and Dr. Downing was adjourned while the second round adjoyrned game between Dr. Downing: and Rev..C..Glover. re- sulted in the latter winning. Unwin and Glover are at pre- sent tied for the leadership with se adie ali aii atiitadl Haileybury in 1924 Items from the Files of The Haileyburian of Seven Years Ago A RN efe-sitesite-aie. M. J. Conkey, Jos. Isherwood and A. E. Noice left by aeroplane on Tuesday for a deer hunt in the vicinity of McLaren's Bay, the first local hunters to use this means of transportation to their hunting grounds. Both in Haileybury and thro- out the district the voting on Thursday last went strongly in favor of government control of the sale af liquor, a majority of 334 being registered out of 810 votes polled in town. The T. & N. O, Commission has estimated the value of farm crops along the line of the railway this year at, $975,325. W. D. Robb, vice-president of the Canadian National Railways, and Cyril T. Young, a former mayor of Haileybury, were visi- tors to town for two days this week. . News reached Haileybury this morning of the death of D. A. Dunlap, a formtr well known resident here and prominent in mining circles in the North, which took place in Toronto last night. The fine weather has speeded up building operations here and in several sections of the town both houses and business places are being rushed to completion before winter sets in. The new Baptist Church on Ferguson Avenue will be opened for services on Sunday, Novem- ber 9th: Mrs. George Bremner was pre sented with a silver tea service and an illuminated address by the ladies of the United Church, on the eve of her departure for Gowganda. GRANT FLEMING? M.D. DOES YOUR CHILD SEE? When a child is blind in both eyes, the condition is, of course, recognized. There are many children, however, who have de- fective sight, which fact is un- known to their parents. That this is so is evidenced by the number of children entering the schools, who are found by school physicians to have defective eye- sight. The good work done by the school health service. does not provide for the pre-school child, or for the child who attends a school where there is no school physician or nurse. A child should be able to rec- ognize a picture or object one- half inch square at twenty feet. Each eye is tested separately, one eye being covered with a card during the test of the other. For near vision, a picture book may be used. If there is any apprec- iable defect in either eye, whether 3 wins apiece, followed by Hill, Tuke and Seymour with 2 wins and 1 less each. An effort is being made to run a section B class in the club, con- sisting of beginners and those former players who feel they are badly out of practice, and to this end a meeting is being held to- night (Thursday) in the Hailey- bury Hotel, at which time those men who would care to learn the game will have an opportunity of getting initiated into its "myster- ies", and a cordial invitation is extended to them to be present. Naturally the determination to proceed with the idea will depend on those present. fiealth Service Ganadian Medical Association OF THE Edited*by ~ ASSOCIATE SECRETAR for near or distant vision, the family physician should be con- sulted. Ea Cross-eye is a condition whl is frequently neglected becau of the parents' ignorance as to its significance. Children with this condition should be placed under medical care without delay. A crosk-eyed child sees dow le. This causes confusion and so the mind trains itself to pay attention only to the image that comes to it through the straight eye. This results in one eye's being devel- oped througg use and the other's becoming useless because it 1s not used. Unless the condition is treated early, the child loses the use of one eye and is actually blind in that eye. If the child is treated between two and three years of age, the most or all of his vision can be saved; the longer treat- ment is delayed, the more vision is lost. Cross-eye is a condition which does not correct itself. Children do not grow out of it. If the child is placed sitting, facing the parent, an arm's length away, with one eye covered by the parent's hand, and is made to look at the parent's nose with the uncovered eye, the parent will find that, on uncovering the other eye, it is either looking at the nose, which means that cross- eye is present, or that it moved in or out, or remained crossed in or out, which is evidence that cross-eye is present. Your children will appreciate, in later years, the care you give now to this special organ. Questions concerning Healrh, addressed to the Canadian Medical Association, 184 College Street, Toronto, will be answered personally by letter. Sell It By Advertising ! Mental Health By D. M. LBOURDAIS Director, Division of Education, Canadian National Committe for Mental Hygiene MENTAL PATIENTS INCREASE 1804 DUR- ING PAST YEAR Figures Just Compiled by Canad- ian National Committee Show 30,896 Patients in Canadian Mental Hospitals According to figures compiled by Dr. H. B. Spaulding, Director of the Division of Statistics and Legislation, The Canadian Na- tional Committee for Mental Hy- giene, there were 30,896 patients in 36 Canadian mental institu- tions on January first, 1931. This patients during 1930. "Quite apart from the humanit- ing in his report, "the cost of car- ing for the rapidly most serious matter. At the pres- ent rate of about rate penditure of Thus, unless the be $4,000,000 over are to be properly looked after. represented an increase of 1,804 arian aspect," writes Dr. Spauld- increasing numbers of mental patients is a increase, it will be necessary each year to spend in buildings and equipment over $3, 300,000, while the annual main- tenance charges will involve ex- $650,000. faced with the necessity of finding well more than the year before, if mental patients On the basis of Dr. Spaulding's figures, there are 251 patients in mental hospitals for every 100,000 of the population. During the year, 8,899 persons were admitted to mental institutions, and 5,313 were discharged either as cured or considerably improved. Deaths in these institutions during 1930 totalled 2,115. Ontario has the greatest num- ber of institutions--thirteen--and also the most patients--10,112. Quebec comes next with seven institutions and 8,457 patients. The greatest number in any one institution is 3,890 at St. Jean de Dieu Hospital, Montreal, while Essondale, B.C., comes next with 2,515 patients. Dealing with figures in this way, one has difficulty in seeing the men and women they repre- sent; and it is also difficult to re- alize the amount of misery and anguish, to say nothing of the wasted effort and economic loss, that are entailed in the with- drawal from the community of such a large number of persons. But when one realizes that the mental hospital population of Canada, if brought together, would constitute a fair-sized city some idea of the immensity of the problem can be grasped. It is obvious that the financial strain can not be borne by the community indefinitely. The only alternative hope is preven- tion; and for this much more re- Acid Stomach Completely Relieved by Famous Vegetable Pills Mr. Frank C., of Blackburn, writes: "I have suffered long from acid stomach and constipation, but since being ad- vised to try your wonderful Carter's Little Liver Pills I can eat anything." Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills are no INFANT WELFARE CLINIC COLUMBUS HALL EACH THURSDAY 3 to 4 p.m ordinary laxative. They are ALL VEGETABLE and have a definite, valuable tonic action upon the liver. They end Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness, Headaches, Poor Complex- ion. All druggists. 25c & 75c red pkgs. search into the basis of human emotional development is re- quired. (Information on any pomt nor covered here will be given in later issues if you will address your questions to "Mental Health', 111 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario.) Notice The list of lands for sale in In- arrears of gram Township for school and statute labor taxes has been prepared, copies. of which may be had at my office Court House, Town of Hailey- bury. Said list is being published in the Ontario Gazette September 26th, October 3rd, 10th, 17th, 1931 In default of payment of such ar- rears and costs the lands therein mentioned will be sold at the time and place named in the said ad- vertisement. Haileybury, 1931. September 2lst, George Caldbick, Sheriff of Temiskaming. Motor te GUeronte- A FEW DAYS AWAY FROM HOME WILL DO YOU GOOD AND RE- TURN YOU BETTER FITTED FOR THE DAILY ROUTINE. MAKE UP A PARTY FOR NEXT WEEKEND. Cheerful, comfortable rooms; Tasty food, Restful surroundings PLENTY OF CURB PARKING SPACE GARAGE ONE MINUTE WALK Single $1.50 to $3.00 Rates Double $3.50 to $6.00 Hote. WAVERLEY Spadina Avenue and College Street NOTICE IN BRITAIN'S POLITICAL ARENA "Wot's this 'ere crisis all abaht, Bill?" "Well, it's like this, --Erbert, we bin spendin' too much money, -- see?" --The Humorist, London. a 72 Sen ay Wo ; ft. if \ % Vie x ali . et, | re UL it wentl ae . és ns, Aa, a eee: a ' anes oF one Teate ' " Seam "What do you think of the economic situation?" "Ah, we'll have to pull our belts in a bit more." os ad at my office, Court House azette August 29th, Othy.1934. > In«defaul cost GEORGE CALDBICK, 22-13-c The list of lands for sale in Sa- vard Consolidated School Section |for arrears of taxes has been pre- pared, copies of which may be Said list being published in the Ontario September r stich arrears and the lands therein mentioned will be sold at the time and place named in the said advertisement. Haileybury, August 26th, 1931. Sheriff of Temiskaming NOT z To Holders of Mining Claims t do the work has been given under conditions THAT under the Forest Fires Prevention Act, the work prescribed by the Mining Act, will the 15th day of November, 1931. from the said 15th day of November, 1931. The name and address of 1@s ©. Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays o each month in the I. 0. O. F. TEMPLE at 8 p.m. N.G.--R. H. Dods Rec. Sec.--J. T. Leishman K. M. Stephen, Fin. Sec. HAILEYBURY LODGE No. 364 claim is situate. must be clearly stated. f Toronto, December 9th, 1930. MINING CLAIM HOLDERS DEPARTMENT OF MINES i@us in Ontario Not Yet Patented or Leased Notice is hereby given to holders of mining claims, Wheresoever situate, upon which the work specified in the Mining Act has been prohibited or restricted to a stated period by the Minister of Lands and Forests under the authority of the Mining Act, or where permission to and limitations designed to protect the timber, 1930, they are required to apply to the District Forester in the District in which the land is situate for a permit to perform such work, and that failure to apply 'for such permit dr upon issue of the same, failure to perform and record subject their claim to cancellation. The time for performing and recording the said work is extended by Order-in-Council to and including lf the work is so done and recorded, puting the date before which further work upon the claim is required, will be computed as the time for com- the District Forester to whom application for such permit should be made, may be obtained from the Recorder of the Mining Division in which the A miner's license in the name of the applicant, or due renewal of the same, must accompany the application and the number or numbers of the mining claim or claims T. F. SUTHERLAND, Acting Deputy Minister of Mines. BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL CARDS Frederick Elliot Ontario Railway TRAIN SERVICE The Continental operating through sleepers. These trains us Bay. Trains Nos daily between Toronto and Timmins, Iroquoi: Falls, Rouyn and Noranda; operating Cafe Ca ional Railways Station at North Bay. Train No. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. fic Railway Station at North Bay Local Service between Cobalt, and Saturdays.. except Sunday. Cheminis, Rouyn and Noranda, Que. Iroquois Falls. rane, Island Falls, and Fraserdale. between Cochrane, Island Falls, and Coral Rapids. N.O. Railway Agent for further particulars. A. J. PARR, --The Humorist, Londo General Freight and Passenger Agent, Temiskaming & Northern Limited, Trains Nos. 1 and 2, between Montreal and Vancouver, daily Canadian National Railways Station at North 17--North Bay to Cochrane-- Train No. 18--Cochrane to North Bay-- Trains Nos. 17 and 18 use Canadian Paci- Fountain Falls and Silver Centre Mondays, Wednesdays Connections at Earlton for Elk Lake, daily Nipissing Central Railways for Kirkland Lake, Connections at Porquis Junction daily for Service Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Fraserdale See current Timetable or apply to any T. & BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Ontario and British Columbia INVESTMENTS, LOANS; ETC. LEGRIS BLOCK HAILEYBURY K.. M. Stephen Life, Health, Accident, Fire, Automobile INSURANCE The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada The General Accident Assurance Co. of Canada Several First Class Fire Companies Probyn Street HAILEYBURY Phone 322 W. A. Gordon, K.C. William C. Inch BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS and NOTARIES PUBLIC MYLES BLOCK, MAIN STREET e 46 and 47--Through Service HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO Dr. Gordon F. Jackson PHYSICIAN and SURGEON 131 Bloor St. West TORONTO Telephones: Office--Kingsdale 5748 Residence--Hillerest 2333 is t Edwin W. Kearney Service between North Bay and Swastika, through sleepers between Toronto and Tim- BARRISTER SOLICITOR mins, also between Toronto, Rouyn and No- NOTARY PUBLIC randa, Que. These trains use Canadian Nat- GIBSON BLOCK HAILEYBURY Telephone No. 10 F. L. Smiley, K.C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC CROWN ATTORNEY Conrt House Main Street Haileybury Gake Tuer BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Connections at Englehart with Train No. 2 rp Bank of Nova Scotia Building aoe Charlton Mondays, Wednesdays and HAILEYBURY, ONT. ¢ PHONE 360 Connections at Englehart with Train No. 7 18 from Charlton Tuesdays, Thursdays and Dr \W R Somerville Saturdays. ~ 2 ' DENTIST Connections at Swastika, daily, with the Bank of Nova Scotia Building MAIN & FERGUSON HAILEYBURY Dr. R. H. O'Neill Connections at Porquis Junction daily for Cc ht, South P ine, Sch her and ' DENTIST Timmins. ' Liggett Block Main and Ferguson Service daily except Sunday between Coch- ta! HAILEYB jURY Phone--Office 11, * Residence 132 JACK RYDER PLUMBING, HEATING and REPAIRING Phone 207, Blackwall Street. NORTH BAY, ONT. Your Complete Satisfaction is My Guarantee Dred inn VETERINARIAN AND SURGEON Contracts Arranged Office--Symon Office Phone 183 Residence--J. Lever's Phone 113 NEW LISKEARD, ONT. Eric E. Smith PIANO TUNING Practical Instruction in Violin Playing given at your home VIOLINS SOLD AT REASONABLE PRICES BOX 556 NEW LISKEARD Ross Business College COBALT, ONTARIO Commercial, Stenographic Secretarial Courses Day, Evening and Mail Classes Write for Information and Canadian Legion HAILEYBURY BRANCH No. 54 Meets in Club Room on Browning Street First Wed. of each month, 8 p.m. ALL RETURNED MEN WELCOME Barrow Sign Service SHOW CARDS SIGNS, TIMMINS COBALT HAILEYBURY Saxton Electric Blackwall Street Phone 243 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS

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