The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 26 Nov 1931, p. 4

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en" ee a P - , arene pa Mob sf] i oi -- , 7 . ; . a H 2 ; - we a ogg a',' Page 8 THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, NOV. 26th, 1931 i a = : : = 2 > See oe ey | MIDNIGHT BATTLE ON young Keeley's right leg in hos- Centre, with 63,329 pounds, and|EIk Lake, with 71,422 pounds. i ] STREET LAST JULY HAS Seek Dates ae pifal later, the statement ps claim!on November 17th the Miller|This completed the shipments for 7 als Evans asserts the boy|Lake O'Brien shipped one from'the week. ocial and Fersona SEQUEL IN COURT HERE| $40,000 in Loss } é machine into the right! \ teste stesfte-sfte-sfieafta_sltn..2itn 2a. é ' f¥ont fender of the matomobile a A midnight battle between two Young Boy s Leg while the machine was standing BERSRERERRRRGRRKKRRSHRASAE, Mr. John Childs returned home|natives of Jugo-Slavia on a Kirk- still, and he claims the boy had no B ws on Friday last after spending Wie land Lake street last July, had its|Schumacher Parties in Case to|gpntrel over the bicycle, which | 5% EIGHT DAYS OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO ct past few months at Amos, Que sequel in court here on Tuesday Becined Bemndeciend was too big for him. Deendan| oe Las ae morning when His Honor Judge : ileyb maintains he blew -his horn in Pa) Ch e t Sh oe Dr. Crawford and C. W. Vaylor| Hartman assessed the sum of $25 Jory an Malena warning, but that the boy came|e& ristmas oppers Sa arrived home this week after 2)/and costs against Pete Kalembar : ; h to the road from a side lane, we a hunting trip, each bringing a/for an alleged assault on the per-|_ An action in which damages of}\.q gid not try to stop. He was B . ee nice deer. son of L. Zigich. Kalembar had|$40,000 are being asked as the re- k asting down hill at an excessiva 323 1 3% D t oR ° ete at been charged with causing bodily|sult of injuries sustained by a}heed, according to Evans. wp ey Oo 1scoun oe / St. Paul's Church Guild are/harm to Zigich and had elected|Schumacher boy who was serpy ) eae is rs tet we OFF ALL GIFT GOODS a planning to hold their annual ba-|fo; a speedy trial before the jiously injured in an accident there District Ore Shipments 4) oe zaar in the parish hall on De-| Judge. more than a year ago that he | Ws NOVEMBER 27th to DECEMBER Sth at cember 4th. The evidence was of a contra-|lost one leg, has been set down Four cars of ore were shipped | Bs a = dictory nature, both parties|/for trial at the Supreme Court ty. the Mining Corporation from | i - = st Mrs. J. Moore, of Sune ae claiming that the other had been|sittings here, scheduled to open Cobalt during the period ending iz WATCHES, CHINA, ee come to Haileybury to spend the|the aggressor. The complainant|before Mr. Justice Sedgewick on | ' ge ; 5 a ; ; : 4 ovember 20th, according to the | ee winter with her daughter, Mrs. | had kept a boarding house a nd|December 8th next. The case}. oi PMH Tey the T. & N.O. we JEWELRY, _ GIFT BOOKS oa A. Best, Blackwall Street. the defendant, who had at one}has been transferred from Coch- eta 4, vay this week. The total|* SILVERWARE, TOILETWARE, oa = ae time boarded there, left and es-|rane at plaintiff's request, and cdl Kints were 330,510 pounds. Py Be The Girls' Auxilliary of St-ltablished a rival establishment.|will be tried before judge and GeiNovenber 2iet the Frontier BS : and GENERAL GIFT LINES ah Paul's Church will hold a bazeen There was evidence from both}jury. fine shipped a car from Silver | 35 ce and tea on Friday, November 27, provincial and miunicipal police} Allan Keeley, a minor, and | his | Fe" oe from 3to6p.m. in the parish| describing the scrap, which had|father, Daniel B. Keeley, mining me) Don't Miss this Opportunity! we hall. ended in the arrest of both par-jengineer, are suimg ~ Owen iL <a 3 . ps) oe _. |ties. Zigich had been released yang! of Tingminis, claiming that wy uw 4 Mrs. J. G. Miller and son, Ed-|the Followine: day and had laid|the last nz Bae alleged negli-|f CHURCHES i ww ee ward, of Midland, Ont., ee ea the charge. His Honor, before|gence in driving his automobile ° B A W SANDERSON a ing Mrs. Miller's sister, Mrs. }-)imposing the fine, said he did not|resulted in the accident to the] } : ° e H. McKinlay here for a Tt€W|pelieve the evidence, except that}younger plaintiff, who was riding Pew United Church % JEWELER AND STATIONER oe weeks. of the police, and that the caseja bicycle on a road on the McIn-} FV: W. A. Beecroft, B.A., B.D. wD eae x me cs oa ; : sf oe was not a serious one. tyre mines property on October}, cI Eeoaos tah wea Headquarters for Victrolas and Victor Records oe The Ladies' Aid of the aes Rs eset eee (is 1030. Garand! bicyclencollt Ma memaamzs oo gan coats! end <Chotrmaster: B, . ae e = 2: er AS 3 . "oF 4 a a Sp Ae ti Kp irs, Church bi ER eee Pleads Guilty on Charges ed, and the plaintiffs allege that¥hqy am. and 7 p.m. -- Public Pee XP SVS PRPS Sag SPVGG S SPSS RRP. zaar on SHEN ay ee , Gicks Tis Vike Soxitence Evans was on the wrong side of Vorship. November 28th, from 5 to 6 p.m., the road, that he failed to blow in the Church pepemeas Apeparing before Judge Hart- his horn, that brakes and steer- | - The Baptist Church THESE BRING a - man here yesterday, Fred Miron,|!"& 8¢4t were defective angl that R Fee NTONI Tecoma Tineter ANT AD'S RES 7 q cGracken, = Tale aan ees gee " Sy es 4] ee ee Se iereoun Rev. T. E. Sten, 1s W, ne Je i ea a ae Pome young river driver, tendered a he drove with utter disregard Oflpcy ue ULTS eh ent o ceed Pere weedacctls [ples a of guilty to two charges in- the rules of the road. Owe ----Pible School. males ive ociety, seit fe Fee on bustn- | Volving indecent assault and ag-| It was necessary to amputatéy* 4] am--Public Worship. The after a visit t¢ |gravated assault, and was sen- -- ublic is cordially invited to at- G2 ess in connection with the Society | ges 1) J |tenced to two years in Kingston, | : Mr. M. Moore and Mrs.) Cry- |the ee to be ceed Bee ae . ea TETE a ; G | Hall derman, of Sudbury, arcompanted| cused was represented by JO 35 é | Albert Gospe 2a by Mrs. Cryderman's son, *Felix, [eesaaae KC. h be es aled a TO THOSE WITH | ALBERT ashe and Miss Rita Butler, wefe in|the bench to date the sentences . é ' For gaccte White Minorcas, 16 To Rent--Comfortable furnished : a few daysuavisit. with back to the time of Miron's in- MiSunday, 1 ie . Fabs Ml CORR aNeGey | Genel town for a few daj 3 en rati eerie Aan unday, 11 a.n.--Commemora Leghorns; both heavy lay ing! e Pf Lg ei carceration in the district jail, 4 : 2 A Mr. and Mrs. A. Best. lee HenaE I Talet itl tiJn of the Lord's Supper. strain. $24 will get the bunch, to Mrs. L. Nichols, Lake Shore Re aes a) He ae wipes ys FUELS YOU WILL )) p.m.--Sunday School and] J] KK. Edwards, 136 Lawlor St.,;_Road, Phone 117. 33-t-f. Mrs. J. Norris Has returned|?¥ IDS 3 Mee : le Class. isin 34-1pd.! For Sal 2 ve ailey y. ' : ale or Rent -- Comfortable Ms yes ions oe wer nee eee aes Ss ne Be PROUD TO BURN 1D aks --Gospel Meeting (Evan- | six-roomed tad on ote ackw 1 ll '- : ent aft | 3 ae os sake { & S Peron s cae 2 hee ies Feaien lez we AS A aoonse ci: Ad hyaiao en Soe which all are cordial House for Sale--Snap price; Am-' Stee pp Dag shay ce Bos 3 siete 2 a5 (exer (Qa ele ; ¢ : Il Street, seven rooms, com-} ance Offi 1 8 32-tf few weeks ago. Mr. Norris ee BO Re Prosperity Coal ' Wednesday, 8 p-m.--Meeting Fottable se Saaenicy e secre F a a a F not able to come home yet, a [the Pe aes complained! ae took | MINED IN CANADA by CANA-}for Prayer and Bible Beare Apply to J. W. Spooner, Phone by arama doe pen ta paee nee neg ape ac toward Te) ace, according to evidente git-|DN> -- Alberta's) Deeuy seen | 3p.m.--Women's Prayer Meet-| 4g 32-40 ee eee eee OR ie at the preliminary hearing Coal--It is quick, it is hot, and fi a PeeNinceion anya INleetin ed. Apply 5 rane Rec aaee |some months ago. : lasts and you have at least a five gi' } OWEN S ERO tes he For Sale--The Club Hotel, Fer- lac AGe UNSER aoe Clover Valley News | eS dollar bill left after buying a tonftst Wednesday of each mont eusoneAvers deny rooms) turn =| mee ose Coe NORE RAY sees | of this heating wonder--ORDER eee of meeting arranged mon-| jShed; hot and cold water, etc.|For Rea Bassi Latchford | TAKES CONTRACT TO Ao : ae s a7 PRE Ree 2 Th Fils of Glover Valley| TODAY. Easy terms. Apply to W.| Street; Small House, Amwell Bonen up oe ees el ae ae Roetee Bee Now $13.50 per top cil ie "SEE Army Burns, at the premises. 30-tf.) Street; Stable, Main Street. - 2 s | FOR W WATER LIN Apply to Mrs. A. L. Herbert, or their Cl\ristmas concert. ; delivered jor cash RiorngeServicelac all \ PI j eR a ee alt an - fers " ae brEscnimg Service' at"7.30: For Rent--Eight roomed h phone 149. adhe ee tip 43 .,.| A contract has been let*for i Sthool=2)3 Opi: ; ages area aare bs ; *Mr. Will Lee, Mr. Gordon Lee] vate F pee ee ae PM YSunday bnaa Poe Ser oes on Latchford Street ; possession| For Sale--Six Roomed House on and Mr. Jack Maclean motored |the nes ee we bei ashed se Canada Coke Brie ee Sais Metiog October Ist. Apply to M. J.; Blackwall Street; all conveni- up from Toronto last week, and| ees Bee Re Terenas ane *Perfect Heating Satisfaction 8.00 p.m--Y. P. Legion Meeting. Conkey, Phone 138, Hailey-| ences; very easy terms. Apply returned home Monday morning ete ee hae cee) ats Fab Tt fe dustlese andi made qm Gane | *eeuieanecordially invited: bury. 21-tf.| at Haileyburian Office after a week's hunt. commenced latelact wee. NE ea DA: ab FATTER ON Ong -------- ---- -; F. L. Fleming and family O'Halloran, a local man, has the| Now $15.50 per ton and EE CES ONE TE RT NTE OT ee ee Oe ee ee 5 irae Aaa Mrs. Be ee a mee job and has a number of men em-} a lot for your money. a aaa a ye. CLARA ; TERN OE SPATE : : visited at Mrs. C. R. Plaunt's on dl ? --| Sunday. PS dnaecns data i | nee G Ae COBALT 4 | The line runs chiefly through| re} : O = Dear St = Pent over the undergrowth and there is| enuine NTARIO© Messrs. Stan anc > oover| . A = <5 fe ~ "ti 7 | have been hunting for the past poe aye HOHE JAR Ngee a Scotch Anthracite aaa | 3 : Dilat g. y roadway ° p week in Barr Township. Be che tadliae ce ee fie nes as|4% ash, pretest ee st Coal ih | FRL, SAT. NOV. 27th, 28th| MON., TUE., Nov. 30, Dec. 1|WED., THUR. Dec. 2nd, 3rd ----- foube led 1. 1 1 uve ever burnec yar none. Ajf> | a =H oe ; % a providec and, as the trench- -- | The ' te alley ve : ts : cal ing is to be done by machines, the u i ad PR( nee i with ie \ | holding their bazaar on December lright-of-way wil necessarily have tish Stanc ards--ask the man who Fightin' ' Lovin' siete | 18th. noe be cleared to a considerable|'> . burning this Coal what he | == Feet ag oes pe ae Ea eee a thinks of the Genuine Scotch An-|}) Brave among Mr. and Mrs, Frank Plaunt are J 2. tthe cont ana | meee itl 3 _ ae ain |tors, McNamara Bros. Construc- bagieee bandits' gun- Ee a ae 2 e igtcy eak "| tion Company, will start on the $19.50 per ton i fire, but bash- ee eae |trenching is' not known yet, but delivered. ful before the ere ae __ ___|the contract calls for completion ----_------_--_ lovelight in the arate pee Bight on | of the job by January 15th, 1932 Telephone } 8 a Discount Sale of Christmas Gift| oe Goods at A. W. Sanderson's. In Memoriam Coon, the Coal Man mee | oe for the above FUELS and have} _ Miss Noanie Bag Sheer left on] In memory of Paul Cobbold,! Perfect Heating Satisfaction - anne ae last fc for a visit we ho entered sntoumestion Decem- Telephone Yard Office, 2668 (Aproved riends 1n oronto. ber 2nd, 1922. hee ae | House Phone, 266b | d eC Dramatic Side of Modern > ea ae Si e Ow ivati | ie ker W d Romance Motivating Factor | LC@MaKer ante Dry Tamarac and a BBA ys In Swanson Film at Empire | = W. | with WINNIE LIGHTNER, 7 rm | Applicati for th iti f Jackpine ood | E Charles Butterworth | f { o. BREGT | plications for the position o: : ae a De Sy he Brown jos Hender-| lesiethee and Carsales Fos ae in 12 and 16-inch lengths. 8 Charles valyn Knapp & Donald Cook | son, producers of Gloria Swz in | Haileybury Curling Club durin eee. 2B an San ' arre F 7 | hess s d: atest picture eae reet",|the coming season Sal he cua : --Special Added Attraction-- have become so inseparably as-|ed by the chairman of the Ice [ ' W COON Loe ne in ee mind that|Committee, A. P. Knechtel, up to °. ° 5 1 is { MERELY j they are regarded as a unit, ra- November 30th, 1931. Applicants Clean Coal -- Carefully Handled}| . MARY : f ther than a trio of individual per|will please state experience, and | ANN \ sonalities. "Indiscreet" comes to} sale expected. P ; -- | : the Empire, Wed., Thurs., Dec.| i 4 Sacrifice strengthened 2nd, 3rd. The supporting cast] _ a | their love -- yet pride is headed by Ben Lyon, eee Ree) : the Flames" in Africa with Joe E. Brown. Founder of Haileybury, who died on November 25th, 1914. ent, cue rf ie ce, Naira ilk ULE VLA VIES? PUG. (ON SUA LAE || placed their romance in Seng oH ly be, wsley and Maud Eburne he | | | = 3 ee ' ° 2 | A : zs ray story has to do with a courage-|} | peril. Thrills andthrobs. VICTOR z ous young girl who tries to save iF SEVENTY DRESSES i rex -------- McLAGLEN i : 5 ; | --<------a her younger sister's happiness, ||F TO S eh R UP SOME MONEY ; a RR 5 : ; a and almost wrecks her own ro- \F | With Lupita Tovar, James Mason : (Aproved U) mance in the attempt. The plot iF me "is ee ae ae, | And a Big W Western Cast (Aproved U) & Pee 2 en See has a dramatic tensity. The } These sree ay Re in style and our usual Good | Directed by Louis King C eae per of Leisure I co a of the Bey Paar g. EWS 3 Wuality Ms 1s your opportunity 1 itColanbial Picture) . with rester Conklin numbers especially for Gloria fe Swanson, entitled "Come To Me" \F also TWELVE COATS = XB --COMING ATTRACTIONS-- and "If You Haven't Got Love." \F Siecmlonta 42 | (Aproved U) "Ambassador Bill" with Will pees ae coterie nage ame dealt eo Comedy "The County Seat" Rogers; "The Satine? rdedlv avOrthscetnm | aes {Con 3 Yarn C S; cidedly worth seeing. i To Clear $1 1.50 to $36.00 Ree Chic Sale Gancaye He ennare Bale ae iw Sa Baxter: "The z = "No Holds Barred" and "Egyp- ane en 'ostello se"? with Tom In Memoriam ib % ' tian Melodies" a Dieneyet cas Ee va sate ae a Moore "24 Hours? with Clive 3 7 toon. Episode 2--"Heroes of . D. Hubbard's "Adventures | Brook; and "Broadminded" meme tcere st Robinson's Store ||)" "! 2

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