THURSDAY, DEC. 3rd, _1931 THE HAILEYBURIAN Page 5 Hockey Officers Will Meet With Group Convenors Looking Forward to Big Season of Hockey, With Six Teams Entered in N.O.H.A. Representatives of the three hockey clubs in the Central group will meet with the N.O.H.A. con- venors, President Sutherland and Clare Binkley, in Haileybury, to- morrow, Friday, evening. The meeting is for the purpose of receiving the schedules drawn up, discussing them, and other matters of interest to the teams in this section. There has been a suggestion made that Cobalt, Haileybury and New Liskeard Juniors take in Kirkland Lake Kids on an all- season basis, with the proviso that Kirkland make one trip to this section to play each club and the local teams to also take one sally apiece to the Gold Camp, and play a double schedule here. In such an event the games with the Miners would count four points for a win. For the first time in many sea- sons all three clubs in the group will be represented by both Sen- ior arid Junior teams, and it 1s expected that plenty of keen competition and good hockey tilts will be staged before the question 'of group supremacy is decided. In the Junior section New Lis- keard lads are pre-season favor- ites for the title, as they had a smart squad at the close of last year's group games and have add- ed strength, while the other two clubs lost a number of players by the age route, but Haileybury and Cobalt can be counted on to show some good material gradu- ating from their Juvenile groups, and this series promises to be a real argument. In the Senior, it is pretty much of a toss-up. Liskeard, with the aid of a few Haileybury boys, nosed out Cobalt for the group title last season. They have néw faces to show this year, while the Miners and County Seaters are filling their ranks with graduates from the Junior ranks and some older lads who feel the urge of stick and puck after a lapse of a season or two. The meeting of the N. O. H. A. Executive for the purpose of passing on certificates, ratifying playing schedules, etc', which was to have been held in North Bay this week-end, has been set for December 12th, in order to give clubs more time in which to get their applications signed and entered. MUNICIPAL POLITICS FIGURE IN DEBATE AT YOUNG PEOPLE'S CLUB When the Anglican Young Peo- ple's Club met in regular weekly session on Tuesday night, a de- bate on municipal politics in the town of Haileybury was the principal item on the program. There were several candidates running for office, supporters and opposers of the town's new water scheme, plenty of heckling and a general burlesque that kept the gathering in roars of laughter throughout the debate. The chairman, Mr. A. H. Hull, presi- dent of the club, announced at the outset that nothing was barred except the hurling of missiles, and the audience took him at his word and shot questions and in- terruptions at the speakers con- tinually. : During the course of the meet- ing, the voters defeated the can- didates for re-election to the council, elected a dog catcher and alady constable, decided to en- gage the services of a rat exter- minator and raised Cain generally with the municipal organization, winding up a jolly evening witha game of charades. The-next meeting of the club, on Tuesday, December 9th, will take the form of a bridge and dance and arrangements are be- ing made for various forms of entertainment throughout the winter months. TOWNSHIP OF BUCKE TAKE NOTICE that appeals from the Court of Revision re- garding assessment in the Town- ship of Bucke will be heard on Monday, the 7th day of December at the hour of two-thirty o'clock in the afternoon at the Municipal Chambers, North Cobalt. F. MOUNTFORD, 34-2-c_ Township Clerk tbe held in a TRAIL RANGER AND TUXIS DOINGS Dick Taylor, of New Liskeard, will represent South Temiskam- ing in the Older Boys' Parliament next session. He was elected by acclamation last Saturday, when Russell Poppleton, Haileybury candidate, was forced to with- draw. We all feel sure that Dick will hold up his end of it and wish him the best of luck. ~ The Tuxis group here are think- ing of entering a team in the local Juvenile League this sea- son. The team will be composed of most of last year's Trail Rang- er champions, with one or two strong additions. The boys are busy these days arranging something for the Sun- day School concert which is to I couple of weeks' time. Rev. Mr. Beecroft and Mr. Ruttan are helping them and they should have something go- ing in the near future. % Profitable Swearing Builds Grand Church In La Guayra, principal port of Venezuela and which can be con- veniently visited by passengers arirving at Trinidad aboard Can- adian National liners, there is a church called the "Iglesia° de la Santisima Carramba.'This, upon translation, becomes the "Church of the Most Holy-Damn." The Venezuelan church was paid for from funds gathered by alocal priest who fined his par- ishioners for swearing. tal has diminished by one twen- tieth, its representation shall not North Country be reduced. May Get A New _ The figures for the other prov- Commons Seat Inces where the totals have been arrived at show Ontario with a gain of 492,000, the prairie proy- ---- Billiard Tournament Won : By George Sutherland George Sutherland won the second billiard tournament stag- ed by the Canadian Legion, when he defeated N. C. McVittie in the last game on Saturday night. land won from I. B. Roger by 2 margin of nine points, then scor- ing a fairly easy win over Mc- Vittie on Saturday. The two competitions that have been staged during the fall have brought considerable interest in Census Figures Now Announced Indicate Redistribution of North Ridings Political forecasters are €X- pecting to see the North Country given at least one additional seat in the House of Commons in the redistribution that will follow the completion of the census returns. The figures are now being com- piled for the various provinces and it is pointed out that the great increase in population since the previous;census should un- doubtedly 'entitle this section of the province o fanother constitu- ency. Figures announced last week end show that in the riding of South Temiskaming the popula- tion has grown from 31,743. in 1921 to 43,920 this year, while the increase in North Temiskaming which takes in the district of Cochrane, the increase is even more marked. That riding now has 59,934 as against 26,028 in 1921. It is expected that in the redistribution a part of these rid- ings and a part of Nipissing will be affected and that the western sections, around Capreol, will«be included with the Sudbury. riding. It is foreseen that Haileybury would be the centre of the south ern riding of Temiskaming, Kirk- land in the centre and Timmins and Cochrane in the North. The whole population of Can- ada is estimated now at 10, 360, | 000 which is considered a satis- factory increase over the last census. Quebec shows the larg- est gain of any of the provinces, | an increase of 509,000, and it was at first considered that this would | mean reduction in the represen- tation of the other provinces. As that province has always 65 seats, the new figures put the unit of representation at 44,000 instead of 36,000 as formerly, but it is ex- plained that a clause in the B.N. A. Act provides that unless the} proportion which the population of the provinces bears to the to- THESE WANT AD'S Wanted -- Competent Maid for small family. Telephone Hail- eybury, 89, after 6.30 p.m. 35-t.f. For Sale--Large Size Dominion Circulator Quebec Heater. Ap- ply to H. Poppleton, Georgina Avenue. 35-t.f. Bungalow for Rent, or Sale, cheap--Latchford St., all con- veniences, brick fireplace and garage. Apply at Whorley's Store, Main St., Haileybury or Phone 357. 35-tf We'll Pay Cash for Knitting socks at home with hand knit- ting machine. Information free. Write Home Knitting Company, 75 Dundas Street E., Toronto. 35-1-c Wanted-- Experienced Girl for general housework, with refer- ences. Apply to Mrs. A. P. Knechtel, Browning St. 35tf. For Sale--The Club Hotel, Fer- guson Ave. Ten rooms, furn- ished; hot and cold water, etc. Easy terms. Apply to W. Burns, at the premises. 30-tf. For Rent--Eight roomed house on Latchford Street; possession October Ist. Apply to M. J. Conkey, Phone 138, Hailey- bury. ' 21-tf. For Sale -- Small Comfortable _-house, 5 rooms, summer kitch- en, sun porch, and conveniences shed at rear suitable for gar- age. Two lots well fenced. Apply 86 View St., or Phone S27 35-1% For Sale--One Dresser, 1 Library Table and Rocking Chair. Ap- ply at Haileyburian Office. 35-1-* To Rent--Comfortable furnished room, all conveniences. Apply to Mrs. L. Nichols, Lake Shore Road, Phone 117. 33-t.f. six-roomed house on Blackwall Street. Well heated, hardwood floors throughout. Apply Bag- shaw Insurance Office. 48. 32-tf. For Rent--Bungalow, corner of Amwell Street and Rorke Av- enue. Furnished or unfurnish- Klock Ave., North Bay, 32-tf. For Rent--Bungalow, Latchford Street; Small House, Amwell Street; Stable, Main Street. Apply to Mrs. A. L. Herbert, or phone 149. 31-tf LFor Sale--Six Roomed House on Blackwall Street; all convéni- ences; very easy terms. Apply at Haileyburian Office _ x S BRING RESULTS [|] x For Sale or Rent -- Comfortable} & Phone| ed. Apply to:John Berry, 234) % Ices about 392,000. British Col- umbia 165,000 and the Maratimes 8,000. In the latter section it is found that Nova Scotia lost around 12,000 in her population. Prince Edward Island a few hun- dreds and New Brunswick gained more than 20,000. A start has been made on the flooding of the arena and with a bit of cold weather, it is probable that the end of another week will see the ice surface ready for use. Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Ratlway TRAIN SERVICE Train No, 17--North Bay to Cochrane, daily except Sunday. Through Sleeping Car service Ottawa-Timmins Train No, 18--Cochrane daily except Sunday Service Timmins-Ottawa to North Bay, Through Sleeping car Trains Nos. 17 and 18 use Canadian Paci- fic Railway Station at North Bay. Trains Nos. 46 and 47--Through service daily between Toronto and Cochrane, carry ing through Sleepers between Toronto and fimmins, Toronto and Rouyn, and between Montreal and Cochrane. Parlor Cafe Car service operating between North Bay and Swastika. These trains use Canadian National Railways Station at North Bay Local Service between Cobalt and Silver Centre--Mondays and Saturdays Connection at Earlton Jct. for Elk Lake, daily except Sunday Daily except Sunday service between Engle hart and Charlton Connections at Porquis Jct. daily for Iro quois Falls Connections at Porquis Jct. daily for Con- naught, South Porcupine Timmins Schumacher and Service daily except Sunday between Coch- rane, Island Falls and Fraserdale Service Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Cochrane to Island Falls, Fraserdale and Coral Rapids, 'and from Coral Rapids to Fraserdale Island Falls and Cochrane on Tuesdays, Thurs- days and Saturdays. Connections at Swastika daily for Kirkland Lake, Larder Lake, Cheminis Aldermac Rouyn and Noranda See current timetable or apply to any T. &% N.O. Railway Agent for full particulars A. J. PARR, General Freight and Passenger Agent, NORTH .BAY, ONT. ell It by Advertising ! The contest was a down-and-|the billiard game. Plans are now out one and the winner played a!being made for a team of six consistently good game through-|Haileybury men to meet a simi- out. On Thursday there were|lar number of players in Cobalt three men who had not suffered a}and fight it out between the two defeat, but that evening Suther-|towns. Our Family Loaf Is made from the Choicest materials and Sanitarily wrapped. A favorite with discriminating people. DELICIOUS FRESH DOUGHNUTS 20 Wednesday and Saturday, Per Doz. _-- Cc Haileybury Bakery Phone 36 -_- = Daily Deliveries IT'S NOT TOO EARLY To Think About Your Christmas Greeting Cards We have a better assortment this year than ever before and the prices are lower than for years. Remember Your Friends, both near and far, with these pleasing, personal messages of goodwill. THE HAILEYBURIAN PHQNE 24 ULL LUT Haileyburian Condensed\ Ads. Will Bring Results Practical of Electrical Gifts for family and friends Attractive Inexpensive Wide Selection What a sensible solu- tion to the Christmas Gift problem... Electrical Gifts. Wide choice is of- fered ...a washer, range, radio or refri- gerator as a "group" gift as well as a host for Mother, Father, : IRONS sister, daughter, son, TOASTERS brother, friend. ELECTRIC i CLOCKS fei : - SPIC SPAN Useful, beautiful, en SUEANERG during, Gifts will carry their message of love or friendship down through the years. - Canada Northern Power Corporation, Limited Northern Ontario Power Company, Limited Northern Quebec Power Company, Limited Electrical Gifts for as little as $2.00 up individual gifts Electrical CURLING IRONS HEATING PADS PORTABLE LAMP PERCOLATORS AIR HEATERS Controlling and Operating