THE HAILEYBURIAN THURS., DECEMBER 10, 1931 Page 4 JHE HAILEYBURIAN Issued every Thursday from The Haileyburian Office, Braadway S<eet. Haileybury SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In Canada--#2.00 per year in advanc: In United States--$2.50 per year in advance LEISHMAN 6 SUTHERLAND PUBLISHERS Shop at Home and Shop Early In this, our annual Christmas number, the merchants of Hail- eybury have set out many of their wares for the festive sea- son. To our readers we would offer this advice: Shop at home and shop early. The local men who have provided the goods ad- vertised in these pages are fel- and deserving of The wares which they are offering have been care- fully chosen witha view to meet- ing the requirements of the local people and we all know that they gives courteous and efficient ser- vice at all times. We can all help the community by showing the true community spirit and co-operating with them to the} utmost of our power low-citizens your business. Another way in which we can all help to make the Christmas season a more enjoyable one is by doing a little planning in ad- vance. There is nothing so dis- couraging to a storekeeper who is doing his best to meet the re- quirements of his customers asa last-minute rush, when purchas- ers who have unduly delayed their shopping have to take rush service and perhaps miss that would have been theirs earlier in the season. Each one can do something to avoid this by doing at least a part of their shopping early. Better service can then be given by the merchants, better satisfaction ob- tained by the customers and a better community feeling engen- hour opportunities dered all around. Christmas is the greatest fes tival of the year and each one should try to make it a joyous season, so far as possible HAILEYBURY PEOPLE COMMENCE TO REALIZE BEARS ARE PLENTIFUL Haileybury people are begin- ning to réalize 'that bears are plentiful in the environs of the town and these animals are get- ting quite familiar. In addition to the cub written about in an- other column, another bear of a quite respectable size is reported as having been seen yesterday afternocn, right in the middle of the town. It was sighted at the rear of the Matabanick Hotel, where it was evidently in search for something to eat, and made off when an attempt was made to corner it Just why the bears are running around at this time of year is something of a mystery. It is generally believed that they den up for the winter when the first cold spell comes. Perhaps this an exceptionally mild winter, or it may mean _al- most anything else. is going to be Later reports are to the effect that this bear was seen during the afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Pipe, where he | had caused some consternation. | Mrs, Pipe telephoned Chief of Police MacGirr, who with W. S Blackwall and another man, tried to capture the animal, which had taken refuge under the verandah. From there he broke his way in- to the cellar through a window and an attempt was made there to get a rope around his neck, but the animal broke his way through another window and es- caped. It was .t racked towards the lake and it is presumed that this was the same bear that was seen later at the Matabanick. There appears to be some doubt as to the size of the animal. Some of those who saw it state it was a few months old, while others guess its age at a year. It is not believed that this was the same bear as that seen on Sunday morning. Salvation Army Sunday Morning Service at 11 Sunday Evgning Service at 7.30. Sunday School--2.30 p.m. Tvesday, 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Friday, 7.15 p.m --Junior Meeting 8.00 p.m --Y. P. Legion Meeting. All are cordially invited. INFANT WELFARE CLINIC : COLUMBUS HALL Close Contest in Election for Cobalt Council One Vote Defeats Candidate; Town Has New Mayor and Five New Councillors In the municipal elections is the town, of Cobalt on Monday the feature of the contest was the defeat of C. Coutu, the sev- enth candidate in the running, who lost out by one vote. His next lowest competitor was F. Fortin Jr., who secured a total of 356 votes against Coutu's 355 in a comparatively small vote for the municipality. T. H. Wainwright is the new mayor, having defeated E. J. Soughton by 100 votes. The present mayor, R. L. O'Gorman, did not enter the fight for re- election, and the two mayoralty candidates with A. Presse, are the only members of the 1931 council who had a try for another term. Mr. Presse headed the list }of councillors elected. The by-law submitted to the ratepayers for their decision on the plan to abolish the Public Utilities Commission was carried by 553 votes to 186. Following are the results: MAYOR lr. H. Wainwright -----_ 434 Be JeaBoughton .=--sas== « 334 COUNCILLORS CAE ST CSS Clee ere = == Sees 424 PNeLUE NY, 222-22 - eee 408 Ji Nadeauy.* 222-8 f 386 Av EIOLE 2: eee = WS A: Wisetnies Us seer <= 362 B. Bort hms see oe 356 (Gh (Geyitin (dn) Sa, Seb) BANS SPATS AND CANE Hon. William Atkinson (above), Minister of Agriculture for Bri- tish Columbia, who has issued a request that his field staff discard spats and canes. The notice was given out by the Minister follow- ing requests from farmers in the Pacific Province | CHURCHES | Orcce The United Church Rev. W. A. Beecroft, B.A., B.D. Pastor Mr. R. H. Unwin, Organist and Choirmaster. "Oh come let us worship" 11 a.m.--Sermon: "Serenity" Anthem, "Light of the Lonely Pilgrim's Heart"--Meade. i 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Sermon, "Varieties of Religious Experience". Anthem, "God So Loved World."'--Stainer. Welcome Thurs., Dec. 10--Young Peo- ple's Society. Friday--Choir Practise. The Baptist Church Rey. T. E. McAllister, Minister 10 a.m.--Bible School. 11 a.m.--Public Worship. The public is cordially invited to at- tend. the Albert Gospel Hall ALBERT STREET Sunday, 11 a.m.--Conmemora- tion of the Lord's Supper. 3 p.m.--Sunday School Bible Class. 7 p.m.--Gospel Meeting (Evan- gelistic) to which all are cordial- ly invited. Wednesday, 8 p-m.--Meeting for Prayer and Bible Study. _ 3p.m.--Women's Prayer Meet- ing. Women's Missionary Meeting first Wednesday of each month; and EACH THURSDAY 3 to 4 p.m. place of meeting arranged mon- chly. TRAIL RANGER AND TUXIS DOINGS Hockey is occupying the minds of most of the Tuxis boys at the present time. The two groups, the Haileybury Hawks and the Canucks are forming three teams between them. This will form a Tuxis league. Another team will probably be entered in the juven- ile league but this has not been definitely decided. Work on the rink at Belangers' is progressing rapidly and an- other week should see it in good condition. Some of the practice games will be played on this rink while any games with Liskeard Dynamite Left in Cellar Brings Death to Woman Kirkland aed Wee is Victim of Fatal Explosion While Thawing Pipes An inquest will be held at Kirk- land Lake into the death of Mrs. Andrew Armour, who met a tra- gic fate there last Saturday while thawing out a frozen water pipe at her home. An explosion of dynamite, several sticks of which had been left, it is said, in an old lard can found in the basement of the building, occurred while Mrs. Armour was engaged at the task, and she was so_ seriously injured that death occurred late the same days. According to information re- ceived here, there is considerable mystery attached to the presence of the explosive. It is understood that Mrs. Armour herself had said that she had noticed what appeared to her to be a number of old sausages in the pail, and she had used the receptacle in which to place an oil-soaked rag, which she lighted in order to thaw out the pipe. An explosion followed, in which the woman wish to secure for your money Look Carefully Through the Advt's in This Newspaper will be played at the local arena. was very badly hurt, both arms Is Remember! That the best goods are always advertised. Therefore, if you the Best Value Financial Statements Booklets Pamphlets Brochures Folders . Fine Stationery Statement Forms Intricate Rule Forms Factory Forms Business Record Forms Blotters Manifold Forms Interleaf Forms Cheques Receipts Envelopes, all kinds us, enquire. You i We can supply you with all of them LET US HELP YOU WITH PRINTED FORMS Printed forms save time and simplify many otherwise tedious tasks. Phone 24 Tickets, all kinds Business Cards Personal Cards Wedding Stationery Funeral Stationery Announcements Shipping Tags Posters Sale Bills Window Cards Bill Heads Auction Sale Bills Fair Printing Prize Lists Stock Certificates Color Printing Call know the Number and legs being affected, and it was four hours before it was pos- sible to remove her to hospital. She was counscious to the last, it is stated. After the explosion, Mrs. Armour managed to crawl out of the basement, although suffering intense pain and with extensive injuries to her body. The accident happened in the af- ternoon, and death followed in hospital about nine o'clock the same night. The body was sent yesterday afternoon to Carleton Place, where the funeral is to be held this afternoon. Mr. Armour, who is the only survivor, is en- gaged at the Lake Shore Mine in Kirkland Lake. Mrs. Armour came north from Windsor about 18 months ago, being married to her husband in Cobalt in June, 1930. The cellar of the building is quite low, and it is impossible to stand erect in the basement, ac- cording to the information avail- able here. Considerable building activity has been in progress in house is located, and it is sur- mised that the dynamite had been left after some work had been done in blasting rock. 'The ex- plosive was in the pail, it is said, but Mrs. Armour was not aware of its nature. It is not known how long the stuff had been ly- ing in the basement of the house. F wHen in TORONTO YOU WILL ENJOY OUR SERVICE IF YOU PREFER A QUIET WELL CONDU MEDIUM SIZED HOTEL, TRY IT NEXT TIME YOU ARE IN TORONTO. Cheerful, comfortable rooms Tasty food, Restful surroundings PLENTY of CURB PARKING SPACE GARAGE ONE MINUTE WALK R Single $1.50 to $3.00 ALY!S Double $3.00 to $5.00 HOTEL W/AVERLEY Spadina Avenue and College Street DeLuxe Taxi From Kirkland "Take ott qanenwie MM ee ee he G = NOTICE! Parents will kindly see that their children do not slide or skate on the sidewalks. By Order of The Mayor & Aj XMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS of Toys, Sleds, Bicycles and FOR THE KIDDIES--We are showing a great assortment Tricycles, Kiddie Cars, Doll Carriages and Cabs, Doll Cribs, Child's Rockers, High Chairs and a Collection of Toy Furniture dear to the heart of all little ones. 2e<ee FOR OLDER PERSONS--Radio Sets of the best known makes, Chesterfield Suites, Bedroom Suites, Odd Chairs and Other Pieces, Spinet Desks, Tea Wagons, Smoking Stands, Sewing Sets, Fancy Table and Floor Lamps, Fancy China, Mirrors, etc. Club Bags, Travelling Cases and many other beautiful and Useful Gifts at Reasonable Prices. House Furnishers FERGUSON AVENUE Thorpe & Branchaud Directors of Funeral Services HAILEYBURY EMPIRE THEATRE The House of Excellent Sound 2 Shows nightly: 7-9-11 p.m. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 FRIDAY and SATURDAY of the sound screen. It still "The Birth of a Nation" With Henry Walthall, Mirian Cooper and Mae Marsh. The immortal masterpiece brought to life through the miracle ever produced. DECEMBER IIth and 12th remains the greatest picture / ners. MONDAY and TUESDAY, "Mother's Cry" With Dorothy Peterson, Helen Chandler and David Man- It's a story of four Children's lives through the eye of a mother who couldn't understand why they were so different from her--and from each other. DECEMBER 14th and 15th "BAD With James Dunn and Sally of two young humans, that it WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, ingly beautful" is this extraordinary flesh and blood story DECEMBER 16th, 17th GIRL" Eilers. It's so "heartbreak- moved Miss Delmar to tears. COMING ATTRACTIONS-- "The Bat Whispers"; "The Last of the Lone Wolf"; "Bought"; "Street Scene"; "Merely Mary Ann"; "Palmy Days." 2 ? "Miracle Woman"