6 THE HAILEYBURIAN hs THURS., DECEMBER 10, 1931 | News Photos and Cartoons for Readers of The Haileyburian ee ee ee ee eee a eee CANADIAN MISSIONARIES SAIL FOR LIBERIA FAMOUS COMEDIAN DINES WITH PRINCE OF WALES A FOURSOME IN LOVE The Prince of Wales is seen above with Charlie Chaplin, famous movie star, as they attended a dinner party staged in connection with the ice carnival held in London for charity. The comedian apparently enjoyed himself, but thePrince of Wales looks as thougt he were a trifle bored. The picture shows Miss Florence Stacye, Rev. Edward Hancox and Mrs. Hancox, three missionaries from the Union of Regular Baptist Churches of Ontario and Quebec, who sailed from Montreal on the "Ascania" to take up missionary work in Liberia. PRINCE'S BRIDE May Gledhill, known as the Canadian "ski girl" and her baby son, who are living with Mrs. W. A. Conner at Floral Park, L.L, in per- fect amity, although Conner is the father of the child. Thus' 'a™ newcomer has"been added to the usual love triangle. Miss Gledhill, unwed mother, when she believed she was to be deported and sep- arated from her child, collapsed, and fear was felt for her lite. Conner is serving a sentence in Vermont for forgery, while his 51-° year-old wife and the 26-year-old girl he betrayed, live under the same roof--both caring for his child. ~ Wd i 1 FIRS KH ere to SPA, TT TS ONS Ef | WIFE OF ACTING FINANCE MINISTER STRIKES FIRST COIN After two previous attempts had been frustrated, Marian Snowden ay ea ag seis )3 Yew York 4 Ne rt heiress, SON: "Dad, how long have you been married? New : ork and POE heiress, é and Prince Geronimo Rospigliosi FATHER: "Fifteen years, my boy. i finally succeeded in eloping to SON: "How much longer have you to do? the Princé's castle near Rome, --The Passing Show, London and were married. BERYL AND BANANAS The above pictures were taken when Canada officially took over full direction and control of the mint at Ottawa. ' Marked by ceremony devoid of any speech-making, the mint, operated since 1907 as a branch of the Royal Mint at London, became the Royal Canadian Mint, and Canada now has com plete charge of making her own coins. The photograph at the left shows Mrs. Edgar Rhodes, wite of the Acting Minister of Finance, striking the first coin (a fifty cent piece), on a press at the Mint, while at right are some of the personalities who took part in the ceremony. Front row, left to fight Sir George Perley, Acting Prime Minister; Mrs. Edgar Rhodes, and Sir William Clark, British igh ~*~ Commissioner. : ALS which should be added another '"'B"--Bermuda. Perhaps it seems strange to link "'a silicate of beryllium and aluminium, which', as the dictional puts it, "when ema flashes blue and green," with the familiar yellow fruit that, so surprisingly, when you find it opink: is upside down and green. It is strange. But then it is just as strange to leave the snow and ice of Canada and less than 60 hours later to find oneself in the gentle, sub-tropic warmth of Bermuda. "Beryl", as a metaphor, expresses the transparent beauty of the seas around Bermuda; bananas are the least strange of the many luscious fruits with which the island abounds. It is a fascinating combination of ancient and modern that one reaches by 20,021 ton Canadian Pacific Duchess liners sailing from New York every Wednesday and Saturday. No motors are allowed in the island--yet there is an ultra-modern Diesel-electric railway. A "cow's breakfast' hat, a sketch of a shirt, and nondescript pants held up by | inauguration last year of steamship service by trans- a one-strap "gallus" suffice laughing darkies for | Atlantic liners. \ \ ; . . Last week, Herman Trelle, Canadian farmer, won the International Wheat Cup for the third time, Soest ie rag nar a es we Bate S Stepping pony BR aed eraentleon. and also annexed the title of the World's Wheat King. These pictures show the famous Canadian Hamilton Hotel, Bermuda's largest hostelry. Onl, sae tan eye and dodged when Noy yvonne lady farmer and part of his 800-acre farm at Wembley, Albert, in the heart of the Peace River country. a 20 minute walk meparaien Ebip and Princess Hotel, | approached the tree--otherwise it was just like picking The upper left picture shows a field on the Trelle farm, while below, left, is a picture of the farmhouse Sos ts eee ae Zea ch mnany/other:)en septs inthe eae ee ne palatial Hamilton and, right, two of Herman Trelle's children. Mr. Trelle first won the wheat prize in 1926 and re- anadians in increasing numbers are making| Hotel is in effective contrast with the horse-drawn peated in 1930 and this year. In the past twenty-one years Canada has won the world's wheat prize Bermuda their winter playground, more so since the| carriage. » y at the International Shows at Chicago seventeen times.