The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 14 Jan 1932, p. 2

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Page 2 THE HAILEYBURIAN THUR. JANUARY 14th, 1932 THE HAILEYBURIAN Thursday from The Haileyburian Broadway S «eet, Haileybury Issued every Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In Canada--#2.00 per year in advanc: In United States--$2.50 per year in advance LEISHMAN & SUTHERLAND PUBLISHERS Library Issued The LETTER BOX The Editor, The "Haileyburian", Dear Sir :-- The leading article in your is- sue of the 7th instant has created an erroneous impression that, the Waterworks Department of this town was operated during 1930 with a loss of $6,424.56, against 11,750 Books in an apparent profit made by the BRITISH SKI STARS SHOW ABILITY i neighboring towns. Will you Complete Year please allow me'to use your col- ane umns to point out the misleading Report Shows that Institution Is|Patt of your article. Beme Weill Pateonized but | The figures quoted and as are ts e given in the Ontario Government Membership Small Statistics of Municipal Affairs ee Jare correct in part only. ( apital | nteresting facts regarding the|charges, that is, debenture pay- | iry may be gathered from|ments and interest, are grouped| t annual report that has to be} with operating expenses and] € to the Provincial Govern-|charged against operating reven-| 1 t this month This is the}ue, The result is a net loss as| first complete year the Library|far as Haileybury is Piebetted | been open, and the report|since the practice in this town is| that 11,750 books have|to provide for Debenture * Pay-| sued during that period.|ments and Interest out of cur- | 1 remarkable figure when|rent taxes under the assessinent| me considers that the Library is | for general rates, and not from | r paratively small, there only} water rates | being between two and three] further, you have not shown | thousand books. The membership|/the gross recé ipts and exepndi-| 1 bers 292, that is only one in|tures made by the other towns,]When the Oxford and Cambridge ski teams combined to meet a t f the population of the town.| which are necessary for compari-|select team from McGill University, Montreal, it was thought the figure suggests that there] son Canadians would have no difficulty in defeating the Britishers. The lany peop in Haileybury lhe correct rendering of the) Oxford and Cambridge men showed their knowledge of the sport, vuld be supporting this|accounts of the Waterworks De-j|however, by capturing the Slalom event, one of the hardest trials in nstitution, but who have not|partment should be as follows skiiftg. Above are the friendly Trival captains of Oxford and Cam- ne so \s the new sub-|Qperating Revenue .---$12,056.00| bridge posing for the press photographer with a mutual friend, ( tions for 1932 are due on|Operating Expenses.--- 7,972.24) Alexander Keiller, president of the Ski Club of Great Britain and an I ry Ist, it is hoped, not] -|honorary member of both teams. Left to right are: P. P. Butler, OI that all members will renew |Oeprating Profit _._._- 4,083.76! Oxford skipper, Mr. Keiller, and R. J. Bushell, Cambridge captain. bt uso that many others will|Debenture Payments I' and Interest 10,508.32 PROTEST ELECTION OF leaves Coleman Township with One dollar a yee is not A very | Mein: 2,886, or a revenue | COLEMAN COUNCILLOR only three 'of the four council large fee und: the circulation|of $4.18 per person seats filled < i scessitate a shows that for every such daliar| The -- following information | CLAIM TAXES UNPAID On ie aie ae eae paid, the member has used about|should have been supplied: cancy. fifty-five dollars worth of books. | COBALT | Alleging that his taxes \were i hose who have not yet joined} Total Revenue ._-____ $21,523.88] not paid in full at the date of brats a the Library are invited to call in|Total Expenditure____ 17,616.11 nomination' andutheee Geuhan tte PARLIAMENTARY NOTICE and see for themselves the excel- ae lent array of good reading mat- Feo Ot tee sees 3.007277; he was an employee of the mun- ter that is at their disposal. gotiations are being carried on to get Mr. Charles G. D erts, the eminent Canadian author and poet, to include Haileybury in the lecture tour he is making through the Dominion. and the Library Board hopes to be able to make a definite announcement regarding this very soon. \ € Rob- TRAIL RANGER AND TUXIS DOINGS Although the mild weather has played havoe with Tuxis hockey the boys are all ready to get down to business. Mr. Ruttan, mentor of the Haileybury Hawks is making arrangements with the Firemen for practice periods. It is believed that a schedule can be arranged with New Liskeard Tuxis and if this is done the boys Should enjoy some fine games. A new feature in Tuxis work in the town of Haileybury is a series of speeches from Hailey- bury's professional men, about their work. The first talk of the series was given by Mr. W. H. Tuke, principal of the local High School. Mr. Tuke's subject was "Teaching as a Profession" and it was very well received. At their last meeting, which was held on Monday, the 11th of January, the boys heard an inter- esting talk by Rev. Fred Smith of Cobalt-United Church. Mr. Smith spoke on "Tuxis Projects" and as a result, both the Canucks and Haileybury Hawks have decided to take up Basketry. Reeds for this work ate now.on order,: so the boys are promised a good time in doing this work. Mike Papp, a Hungarian, was brought to the district jail here yesterday after' being sentenced by Magistrate Tucker at Coch- rane to one year for assault, with the recommendation that he be later deported. Population: 3,200, or a revenue of $6.72 per person. NEW LISKEARD Total Revenue $17,962.18 Total Expenditure --_ 15,358.62 Profit 2,603.56 Population: 2,825, or a revenue of $6.35 per person. Yours faithfully, S. J. MASON, Auditor, 1930 Accounts. Editor's Note--We thank Mr. Mason for his analysis of the fig- ures. In the government report the figures for all three towns are grouped under the heading "Op- erating Expenses and Capital Charges." Lack of Snow is Delaying Work on New Airport (Continued from Page 1) with a cement top this year, but that will be done later. -- The plans show a landing stage with platform and slipway near the shore and also a small build- ing for storage etc. The whole will make the harbor here an ad- mirable airport and will provide shelter for planes during any kind of weather. i Mr. Jos. Isherwood, who has charge of the work, tells us, this morning that some material is being shipped in by rail and that. actual work on the construction of the breakwater will start al- most immediately. This will mean that a fair number of the men who have been awaiting employ- ment on this project will have an opportunity of starting work and more will be taken on later conditions warrant. as NEW ARCHBISHOP Rt. Rev. R. Villeneuve, Bishop of Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan, who has been appointed Archbiship of Quebec, one of the most impor- = N Condensed Ads Bring Results. icipality, a protest has been en- tered against the election to the Coleman Township council of R. J. Bird, one of the successful can- didates. The protest was filed by Arthur Brocklebank, a ratepayer in the township, and- it will be heard by Judge Hartman here on Tuesday next, January 19th. Coleman Council held its in- augural meeting on Monday of this week, when Councillor-Elect Bird took his 'seat svith his col- leagues> Say, ahi Yesterday morning fMmr. Bird filed a formal disclaim@P tq the seat on the council and the pro- test is therefore dropped. This Tuesday, the twenty-third day of February next, will be the last day for presenting Petitions for Private Bills. Tuesday, the first day of March next,.will be the last day for in- troducing Private Bills. Tuesday, the twenty - second day of March next, will be the last day for receiving Reports of Committees of Private Bills. Be CIP WIS, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly _|Toronto, January 6th, 1932 ig ¢ 40-7-c1; Want Ads. Bring Result: Financial Statements Booklets Pamphlets Brochures i Folders Fine Stationery Statement Forms Intricate Rule Forms Factory Forms 'Business Record Forms Blotters Manifold Forms Interleaf Forms Cheques Receipts" Envelopes, all kinds \ tant Roman Catholic dioceses in the Dominion . We can supply you with all of them _ LET US HELP YOU WITH PRINTED FORMS Printed forms save time and simplify many otherwise tedious tasks. us, enquire. You know the Number Phone 24 Tickets, all kinds Business Cards Personal Cards Wedding Stationery Funeral Stationery Announcements Shipping Tags Posters Sale Bills Window Cards Bill Heads Auction Sale Bills © Fair Printing Prize Lists Stock Certificates Color Printing Call SKIPS ELECTED TO ATTEND OPENING OF NEW RINK SATURDAY F. H. Thompson and E. E. Smith were elected by the Executive of the Haileybury Curling Club as jskips of the rinks which will rep- resent the local curling fraternity at the opening of the splendid new rink at Kirkland Lake on Saturday of this week. With the thermometer hover- ing above the forty mark this (Thursday) morning, prospects for good curling weather are not of the brightest, but it is hoped that there will be sufficient frost before Saturday to make the op- ening a success. Word received from Kirkland yesterday was that eighteen rinks from the various clubs from Kapuskasing to North Bay would be in attendance and that three draws .would be made, giv- ing each visiting rink two games during the afternoon and even- ing. The Cochrane Board of Trade is urging on the Royal Commis- sion on Railways and the presi- dent of the Canadian National a proposal that the transcontinental from Quebec to Winnipeg be used jointly by the C.N. and C.P. Rail-! ways, pointing out that it is the most direct route between east and west. TOWN OF HAILEYBURY Tenders for Waterworks Sealed Tenders, marked on the outside as to contents and ad- dressed to the Town Clerk, will be received up to 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday, Jan. 20th, 1932, for the installation of a Water Main from the Town Reservoir to Browning Street. The main will be an 8" pipe, placed and covered to a depth of 6 feet, fora distance of approximately 1000 feet. The pipe will be supplied by the Town of Haileybury and placed and covered by the con- tractor under the supervision of the Town Engineer. An accepted Bank Cheque, ona Chartered Bank of Canada, tor a sum not Jess than 10% of con- tractor's tender, and made pay- able to the Town of Haileybury, must accompany each tender. The lowest' or any tender not necessarily accepted. Geo. T. H=milton, Mayor H. Clifford, 40-2-c¢ Town Clerk « and some LIVE STOCK . FOR SALE The DEMONSTRATION FARM has for Quick Sale for Cash, a number of head of live stock (should be used for Breeding purposes); Cattle, Sheep, Hogs Address all inquiries to :-- SUPERINTENDENT The Domonstration Farm NEW LISKEARD, ONT. Poultry. : BURN 3 | AL 2 d } CANADA'S BEST DOMESTIC COAL q 2O-+0< } § The Coal that replaced American Anthracite on the Manitoba Markct Z The Ideal Fuel for Furnace, Kitchen and Fireplace 2 , Sold by d e } Conlin & Hogan ; Haileybury, Ont 2 RR A a a ERE SR TE ETI ETN EMPIRE THEATRE The House of Excellent Sound 2 Shows nightly: 7-9-11 p.m. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 FRIDAY and SATURDAY "THE BRAT" "U" With Sally O'Neil, Allen Dinehart, Frank Albertson, Wil- liam Collier Sr., Virginia Cherrill and June Collyer. __A Break-neck Comedy with laughs, popping all over the place JANUARY 15th and 16th MONDAY and TUESDAY "Daughter of An amazing adventure into a your blood to ice! With Anna May Wong, Warner Oland, Sessue Hayakawa. Author: Sax Rohmer. JANUARY 18th and 19th the Dragon" weird story that will turn ~ ©Too Many in a gay comedy romance. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, Bert WHEELER afd Dorothy LEE in Here again--Love Birds of "Rio Rita" JANUARY 20th and 2ist Cooks" "U" popping new laughs Laurel & Hardy Comedy Coming Attracti Lenox," "Fifty Fathoms Singapore." "Side Show," "Rebound," "Susan Deep," "Wicked," "Road to

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