The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 21 Jan 1932, p. 5

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"THURS., JANUARY 2ist, 1932 a ee Tso sh THE HAILEYBURIAN Page 5 Show Effects of Hard Battle at Kirkland Lake Haileybury Prospectors Dropped 4-1 Game at Liskeard on Tuesday Night Haileybury Prospectors drop- ped a 4-1 game to New Liskeard Juniors in the Farming Town on Tuesday night after sixty min- utes of uninteresting hockey. With the locals still showing the effects of their hard battle in Kirkland Lake the previous Sat- urday night, New Liskeard was little better and at times the game developed into shinny. Neither team evinced the fighting spirit that made the recent 90- minute soft-ice battle here so memorable. New Liskeard tallied once in the first period from a scramble in front of the net, when a loose puck slipped beneath Lemay's arm, as he was lying prone on the ice after stopping a fusillade of-close-in, shots. Durrell and Morris checked in counters in the second period, Durrell on a shot from beyond the blue line and Morris on a lone rush down the right lane, terminating in a hard drive that beat Lemay at an an- gle. Frost tallied in the final period from immediately in front of the Haileybury net after a scramble. Page paved the way for Haileybury's only goal in the last frame, when he_ brought Hansman to his knees with a 'close-in drive and Sutherland shoved the loose puck over the line before Hansman could clear. Lemay was the best man on 'the ice for the locals and turned in his usual fine game in the nets. Page was the pick of the players out front. Haileybury's regular forward line was away off color and the defence gave Lemay little protection. The players showed a tendency to bunch and although Elliott worked hard at centre he had no chance to make plays be- cause the wings either lagged or skaed offside. Haileybury's goal 'came when Frost was serving a three-minute stretch in the pen- alty box and the Prospectors should have checked in a couple more, but their shooting was terrible. _Hansman had only a few hard drives to handle. Bert Ough handled the game and dished out seven penalties, Provost drawing three for crude checking, and Frost two for his usual slashing and tripping. More practice seems to be the need of the local squad and Coach Austin is putting them through their paces in preparation for the game with Cobalt here on Friday night. Although the Prospectors were beaten by the Silver Town team in the opening game of the season, they have good hopes of taking them into camp tomorrow night and it is expected that there will be a good crowd on hand. The good old easy-going days when the yisiting team could get to their without apeasing the sentinels at the gate dressing-room with passwords, countersigns and cold cash are evidently disappear- New Liskeard, with a brand new rink and a highly efficient rink manager who is showing them how done in the cities, has gone Big Town. Haileybury Juniors were kept standing in the snow outside the Liskeard rink Tuesday night until the arrival of the coach and manager--because they didn't have tickets. They weren't allowed into the rink un- til the team mentors duly ar- rived and received the paste- boards which were _ solemnly handed back to the gateman, un- der the diligent supervision of the tink manager. Such metropolitan ways caught the humble County Seaters so completely by sur- prise that they were not prepar- ed for the innovation which lim- ited the number of free tickets, and since the team carried a timekeeper and rubber, two of the boys who have been turning out for practices but have not yet made the squad, the coach and manager enjoyed the novel experience of buying their own tickets at the box office. The local Junior Hockey Club, which may be poor but is not tight- fisted, will reimburse the officials, of course, and charge it all up to education in the ultra-modern ways being introduced to the backward hinterland by the Far- ming Town. ing. Want Ads. Bring Results THE HARD HITTING RIGHT WINGER Here is a close-up of Charlie Conacher, winger of the Toronto Maple Le of the League so far as opposing is in the top flight of scorers and the hard fighting right afs, who is proving the bad man defencemen are concerned. He so far has scored more goals than any other forward in the National League. He is a member of the "Kid" forward line, with Prim eau and Jackson as his mates. Juniors Lose to Gold Miners by 12 Goals to 3 Kirkland Lake Piles Up Big Score When Haileybury Goalie Hurt by Puck Out-scored, out-played, out- lucked, but game to the core, the Haileybury Juniors went down to defeat at the hands of the; Kirkland Legion team on Satur- day night by the score of 12 to 3. Haileybury has a team of young- sters who are just breaking in, and while it is admitted even by the most rabid supporters from the District Seat that Kirkland Lake have one sweet team, the youngsters, when on the ice paid no attention to the reputation of their opponents, but just sailed in and took their bumps with a'smile and even when a few off-side plays resulted in goals they never raised a holler. : An unfortunate accident to George Lemay, the goalie, about halfway through the first period; had a demoralizing effect on the play of. the Prospectors. The score was 2-0 at the time, and to the defence and shot a high hard on. The puck struck the netminder on the forehead, open- ing up a cut that required medi- cal attention. His place was taken for the rest of the period by Burns, and it was while he was in the nets that the majority of the goals were scored. Lemay came back at the commencement of the second period, hut appear- ed "puck shy," but even at that he stopped plenty. Poppleton was the scoring ace of the game with four to his cre- dit. Porcheron was responsible for two, while Ash, McKeown, Sampson, Kenty and Gleason got one each. For Haileybury,. Elliott, Valen- tine and Provost found the twine. Art Throop handled the game, calling only six penalties, Kirk- land getting four and Haileybury two. Art is not keeping up with the play in the way he used to, and several of the winners' goals were made on palpable off-sides. The line-up: Kirkland Lake--Gosselin, goal; Dickenson and Porcheron, de- fence; Kenty, centre; Poppleton and Ash, wings; Briden, Sampson McKeown and Gleason, alter- nates. ' Haileybury--Lemay, goal; La- Dickenson had worked his nigh COMING STAR Bob Gracie, youthful forward, who was signed on by the Toron- to Maple Leafs at the end of last season, is proving his worth. As _j|a member of the Finnigan - Dar- ragh forward ling the former North Bay boy is getting quite a bit-of action this season. 'Carte and Prevost, defence; El- 'liott, centre; Burton and Valen- tine. Sutherland, Day, Page, McLaughlan, Burns, alternate. ' aR EE Re Clifford Wins Competition in Haileybury Revolver Club | In the competition of the Hail- jeybury Revolver Club, H. Cliff- 'ord's team had the high score and |were awarded ash trays as their |prizes. The othér members of the team are Thompson, Morton, ; Whorley and Mosher. The Club ,has selected the following mem- bers to shoot in the D.C.R.A., as they had the highest scores in the competition: Dr. Lyon, Fy, R. 3ertrand, Inspector Creasy, Roy Thompson, L. Morton and J. W. N. Bell. They will shoot eighteen rounds at three targets on Janu- ary 29th, February 29th and March 29th. Provincial Constable Pretorius has been elected Range | Officer. i N.O.H.A. SCHEDULES CENTRAL GROUP -- SENIOR Jan. 21--Liskeard at Cobalt. Jan. 25--Cobalt at Liskeard. | Jan. 28--Liskeard at Haileyb'y Feb. 1st--Haileybury at Cobalt Feb. 4th--Haileybury at Lisk'd Feb. 8--Cobalt at Haileybury Feb. 11--Liskeard at Cobalt. CENTRAL GROUP -- JUNIOR Jan. 22--Cobalt at Haileybury Jan. 23--Liskeard at Kirkland Jan. 26--Haileybury at Cobalt Jan. 29--Cobalt at Liskeard. | Feb. 2--Kirkland at Liskeard Feb. 5--Liskeard at Haileyb'ry Feb. 6--Kirkland at Cobalt Feb. 9--Liskeard at Cobalt Feb. 12--Haileybury at Liske'd Jan. 13th--Cobalt at Kirkland Feb. 15--Cobalt at Haileybury. Owing to a Senior game being scheduled in Kirkland Lake on February 6th, the game between the Cobalt and Kirkland Juniors will be changed to Cobalt, with the Silver Miners returning the call on Saturday, February 13th. NORTHERN GROUP--SENIOR 24--Timmins at Noranda Jan. Jan. 25--Timmins at Kirkland Jan. 29--Kirkland at Timmins Jan. 30--Kirkland at Dome Feb. 3--Timmins at Dome Feb. 3--Kirkland at Noranda Feb. 6--Dome at Kirkland Feb. 7--Dome at Noranda Feb. 9--Timmins at Kirkland Feb. 10--Timmins at Noranda Feb. 12--Noranda at Dome Feb. 13--Noranda at Timmins First and Second Teams Play off, Two Games, Goals to Count. SOUTHERN GROUP--JUNIOR Jan. 22nd--Sudbury at Soo Feb. 1st--Soo at Sudbury. Feb. 5th--Sudbury at Soo. JUVENILE SCHEDULE Sat., Jan. 23rd-- Scouts vs. K. of C. Tuxis vs. North Cobalt. Sat., Jan. 30th-- : KA of GC vse Ties North Cobalt vs. Scouts Sat., Feb. 6th-- Tuxis vs. Scouts K/of C. vs. North Cobalt. Sat., Feb. 13th-- K. of C. vs. Scouts North Cobalt vs. Tuxis. Sat., Feb. 20th-- 'Tuxis ySieot s - Scouts vs. North Cobalt Sat., Feb. 27th-- Scouts vs. Tuxis. \ North Cobalt vs. K. of C. Senior Game on | Monday Night | Won by Cobalt | Puck Rebounds off Back Screen| and Drops Into Goal for Winning Counter A lucky rebound from the wire screen back of the goal gave Co- balt Seniors the winning tally in their game with Haileybury here on Monday night. The score was 6-5. Carl Hutt, playing his first game this year, started a rush from his own blue line, eluded a couple of forwards and let fly from about fifty feet in front of the local net. His shot was very high and hit the wire screen, then bounced onto the Haileybury goalie's back and thence into the net. 4 Cobalt presented a re-vamped line-up with Gordy Gauthier im goal, Joe Southall ana Carl Hutt on defence, and two juniors, Mor- in and Carbonneau, on the front line, and seemed to go much bet- ter than in previous starts. Haileybury started each period strong but faded towards the end, and the regular front line were so closely checked that they were only dangerous on a few occas- ions. Bagshaw and Renaud, the sturdy defence duo, did the bulk of the scoring, each notching two tallies. Renaud's first was a beautiful corkscrew rush which terminated with the puck in the twine, after eluding the whole Cobalt squad. Bagshaw's second was a beauty also. Going down Temiskaming © Northern Ontario Railway TRAIN SERVICE Train No. 17--North Bay to Cochrane, daily except Sunday. Through Sleeping Car service Ottawa-Timmins. Train No. 18--Cochrane to North Bay, daily except Sunday. Through Sleeping car service Timmins-Ottawa. Trains Nos. 17 and 18 use Canadian Paci- fic Railway Station at North Bay. Trains Nos. 46 and 47---Through service daily between Toronto and Cochrane, carry- ing through Sleepers between Toronto and fimmins, Toronto and Rouyn, and between Montreal and Cochrane. Parlor Cafe Car service operating between North Bay and Swastika. These trains use Canadian National Railways Station at North Bay. Lofal Service between Cobalt and Centre-- Saturdays. Connection at Earlton Jct. daily except Sunday. Daily except Sunday service between Engle- hart and Charlton Connections at Porquis Jct quois Falls Connections at Porquis Jct. daily for Con- naught, South Porcupine, Schumacher and Timmins Service daily except Sunday between Coch- rane, Island Falls and Fraserdale Service Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Cochrane to Island Falls, Fraserdale and Coral Rapids, and from Coral Rapids to Fraserdale, Island Falls and Cochrane on Tuesdays, Thurs- days and Saturdays. Connections at Swastika daily for Kirkland Lake, Larder Lake, Cheminis, Aldermac, Rouyn and Noranda. See current timetable or apply to any T. 8 N.O. Railway Agent for full particulars A. J. PARR, General Freight and Passenger Agent, NORTH BAY, ONT. Silver for Elk Lake, daily for Iro- Sell It by Advertising ! right boards it looked as though}an even dozen penalties with he had been effectively skated Haileybury receiving eight of into an impossible sooting angle,|them. Bagshaw and Renaud but Bill's backhand shot caught|each spent time in the hoosegow the far upper corner of the twine|three times, while Dempster and for a pretty goal. The fifth Hail-|Derraugh drew the other pair. eybury counter came on a passing| Morin drew two while Southall play between O'Grady and Der- Wright divided the other pair of raugh, the latter getting the goal penalties awarded to Cobalt. from a few feet out. lst Period Wright scored Cobalt's first in Casaity Wright: 22242 ---- 1.00 a minute after the opening bell,| Haileybury, Renaud --_- 5.15 letting fly from the blue line to| Cobalt, Morin (Southall).-_ 4.10 beat St. Louis. Morin and South-| Haileybury, Bagshaw -- 2.45 all-combined for the second with| Cobalt, Carbonneau ----~~- 3.50 the former netting Joe's pass | Cobalt, Nolan oe 1.05 The other Junior, Carbonneau,| Penalties got Cobalt's third on a smart} Southall, shot fram a bad angle, and Len| Morin, Dempster, 2nd Period Nolan hit the twine on a slow lift} Haileybury, Bagshaw ----- 3.10 from a scramble twenty feet out.|Cobalt, Carbonneau, Sou Carbonneau and Southall com- thall _--------- 5.15 bined for Cobalt's fifth midway] Penalties--Renaud (3), Morin, in the second frame, and Carl| Bagshaw, Wright Hutt's lucky hoist finished the 3rd Period tallying. |Haileybury, Derraugh, Harry McKnight, New Lis-} (Dempster) --- 5.10 keard, handled the game in first| Haileybury, Renaud ----=- 4.40 class style, very strict on off|Cobalt, Hutt ------ = 6.50 sides and checking every attempt] Penalties--Bagshaw (2), Der- at illegal play. He handed out raugh. ee Special Radio Bargains In Used and Re-Possessed Sets that have been put into First Class Condition 2 ecee IF YOU WANT A RADIO, HERE'S YOUR CHANCE! 1 Marconi (new), regular $185.00 for -------- $125.00 | 1 Table Model Radiola 33, for --------------- 50.00 1 Spartan Set, regular $110.00, for -------~-- 60.00 1 Radiola 33, regular $110.00, for ----------_- 35.00 1 Radiola 44, regular $175.00, for -_____--_-__ 50.00 1 DeForest Crosley, Console type, 5 tubes, for 75.00 1lRadiola:33) forme a ee e 25.00 | 1 DeForest Combination, regular $228.00 for__ 150.00 | Installed and Guaranteed for 90 days Time Payments can be arranged Thorpe & Branchaud House Furnishers Directors of Funeral Services FERGUSON AVENUE HAILEYBURY | | | | } er a a a ee ee eae inn oie alin. oliescnfin chili chlns lls olin elle colin. lin. al Alles alle alia ae ie oO me aa eee: X MACDONALD'S Fine Cut with ZIG-ZAG papers attached D1IZE vith EDISON. - MAZBA LAMPS Take advantage of this special offer and put in a sup- ply of Edison Mazda Lamps at a saving of money. Buy them by the carton. It means economy and convenience. Now selling at-- Cartons of Six _ Sizes 15 to 60 watts Inside Frosted $]} 40 for Canada Northern Power Corporation, Limited Controlling and Operating Northern Ontario Power Company, Limited Northern Quebec Power Company, Limited

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