Ifo fi) 0p ners oe eae 38 Northeast Je 69 eta t were Beas yi as 2 44 Southe 5 80 'STON Gh] 9 yy i K ey) Southwest -._-___ 1488 172 Wrest... 2 3 53 _, Nofthwest 222 (Geb leon ile SS AP ' 15 Page 2 THEE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, JULY 7th, 1932 June Weather Compared With Month Last Year| Month Was Slightly Warmer Than Last Year With Less Rain; Plenty of Wind A comparison of the weather in June this year with that of the same month a year ago, compiled by Jas. Reavell of the local wea- ther station, shows that the month was slightly warmer on the average, although the maxi- mum was lower than June of 1931. There was less rain dur- ing the month, but the figures show that there was plenty of wind, although there are no com- parative figures for last year, the instrument which records this feature was only installed here last summer. The highest point reached dur- ing the month was 87 degrees, compared with last year's 96, but the average temperature this year was 62.15, as against 62.05 in 1931, The minimum tempera- ture was the same in both cases, 38 degrees. The precipitation during the month just past was 1.70 inches, against last year's 2.11 inches. Che wind records show that there were only 15 hours of calm weather during the month, The} longest continued direction was| from the northwest, when it blew | steadily for 40 hours, from 11 p.m. June 7th until 4 p.m. June 9th, for a total of 437 miles. The highest velocity recorded was 22 miles per hour on the 24th, while the average velocity recorded for the month was 7.32 m.p.h. The greatest 24-hour mileage was 355. The windiest hour is given as from 3 to 4 p.m., when a total of 285 miles was recorded for the month, while the calmest hour was from 5 to 6 a.m., with 152 miles. The following is the wind re- cord: Miles Hours italy sie cee, es 5283 720 Five People Are Injured in Motor Crash Saturday Mrs. E. M. Houghton, Cobalt, In- jured Saturday--Accident Near Martin River Five persons were more or less seriously injured on Saturday evening when two cars collided at the top of a hill near Martin River, 65 miles south of Cobalt, on the Ferguson Highway. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Houghton and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shields were proceeding on their way to North Bay, where the latter couple, who had been on a visit to these parts, intended entrain- ing for their home in British Col- umbia. The occupants of the oth- er car were Mr. and Mrs. L. In- golfsrud, of Copper Cliff, and Miss Cecelia Giroux, of Coniston. Mr. Ingolfsurd, who was the most seriously injured, suffered a shattered elbow and _ required to be removed by ambulance to St. Joseph's, Hospital, North Bay, and Mrs. Houghton and Mrs. Shields were admitted to the Civic General. Mrs. shields re- ceived cuts about the head, while the other lady received a general If you must wean baby to a bottle and you are anxious to know if he will thrive, use Eagle Brand and poles him from digestive troubles. agle Brand has proved safe and reliable for seventy-five years. Babies grow and thrive on it. Write for "Baby Welfare," using coupon below. The Borden Co. Limited, Toronto, Ont. Gentlemen: Please send me free copy of booklet entitled "Baby Welfare.' NOME eanpeseemnne Address Haileybury in 1925 Items from the Files of The Haileyburian of Seven Years Ago --Hby in 1925 \"4 A motor car driven Henrickson, of Cobalt, backed over the sidewalk on Main St., and part way into the basement of the former Preston store, causing some excitement on Monday. by Mrs. On Sunday evening last mem- bers of Haileybury L.O.L. No. 162 attended service at the Bap- tist Church here, about 30 breth- ren of the Order being in the procession. | With Mayor Legris' new build- ing going up on Ferguson Ave., the new hotel well under way and prospects of a large building at the Main Street corner, the downtown section of Haileybury is beginning to take on its for- mer appearance. Jake Smith's Rodeo and Stam- pede Troupe is trekking down from Swastika to Cobalt and creating considerable interest in the communities as they pass through. Geo. E, Cole, Mining Inspector of South Porcupine, came down to Haileybury by the air route on Friday F. L. Fleming, chief fire ranger of the Cochrane district visiting his home here, reports that there {has not been a fire in the whole of his territory so far this year. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Jory and family left Haileybury this week to take up their residence in Midland, where Mr. Jory has en- gaged in the drug business. The marriage of Miss Eunice Hunton to Mr. Cyril Barrow was solemnized in St. Paul's Church, Haileybury, on Monday, July 6th, in the presence of many rela- tives and friends. shaking up with a number of bruises. Mr. Houghton received cuts about the head and bddy. Mr. Shields was given treatment for cuts about the head and knee. Two of Mr. Hougton's daught- ers, Who were with them were not injured. All parties were progressing favorably on latest reports. ee al Bias District Ore Shipments One car of ore shipped by the O'Brien Mine, made up the total from the mines at Cobalt and the district during the week ending June 30th. The car contained 87,150 pounds of ore and was sent to Delora. ' PBs AO It is estimated that there are between 350 and 400 unemployed men in the Township of Bucke, where some organization work has taken place and where they will seek some measure of re- lief from the Provincial Govern- ment. Think not your heart is torn by wounds True love 1s patient, like the towering True love is gentle, kind and very wise And sees life ever through the loved ed yum - yum The Family Loaf Crisp, brown crust . . wholesomely baked, it has that delicious- ness you don't forget. Once tried . . always bought Haileybury Bakery Phone 36 i THE RHYMING OPTIMIST By Aline Michaelis A MOTHER'S HEART Men say that through the creeping centuries The face of Earth has altered and grown strange; That now the shifting sands of tossing seas Obliterate wide lands, and mountains change Their place with rivers run; That leafy forest aisles were once a plain; For Nature's mighty done, And still her hands tear down to build again. valleys where the work is never But if one mother's heart could have lived on Through all the cycles of the chang- ing Earth, While lands have crumbled into dust and gone, While fair, new come to birth. continents have It only, amid scenes forever new, Would have remained still changeless and still true! TRUE LOVE If you have loved for but a little time, A few returns of roses and of snow, sublime, Transfixed by darts from rosy Eros' bow. For love, true love, is not a nodding flower Sun-touched and fragrant for a summer day. And not a flame which through one breathless hour Of fiercest blazing burns itself away. oak, That through the years grows slowly, leaf by leaf; Not overawed by grandeur's golden cloak, Nor does it shrink from poverty and grief. Mike Augi-SIGNS =|97 Lang Street SHOW CARDS Reasonable: Prices COBALT NEW DISCOVERY REACHES CAUSE OF STOMACH GAS Dr. Carl found that poisons in the UPPER bowel cause stomach gas. His simple remedy Adlerika washes out the upper bowel, bringing out all gas Knechtel's Drug Store. HAILEYBURY LODGE No. 364 1 GrOme Meets Sécond and Fourth Mondays of each month in the I.0.0.F. Temple at 8.00 p.m. N.G--R. H. Dods Rec. Sec.--J. T. Leishman Fin. Sec.--K. M. Stephen Salvation Army Sunday Morning Service at 11. Sunday Evening Service at 7.30. Sunday School--2.30 p.m. Tvesday, 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Friday, 7.15 p.m.--Junior Meeting. 8.00 p.-m.--Y. P. Legion Meeting. All are cordially invited. BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL CARDS SHERIFF'S SALE OF MINING LANDS : District of Temiskaming LO Wit: Under and by virtue of an execution issued out of the Supreme Court of Ontario and to me directed against the lands and tenements of Joel W. Ham- ilton, Defendant, and Frank Clement, Plaintiff. I have seized and taken in execution and will offer for sale by Public Auction at my office in the Court House, Haileybury, on Tuesday, the 26th day of July, 1932, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. All the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the said Defendant, Joel W. Hamilton, into and out of the following lands and tenements, namely: Firstly: An undivided one-half in- terest in Parcel No. 2647, Township of Teck, District of Temiskaming, being Mining Claim L.2159 known as the Dobbins claim. Secondly: Parcels Nos. 1220 being Mining Claim L.5860, Parcel 1079 be- ing Mining Claim L.655, Parcel 445 be- ing Mining Claim 5889, Parcel 446, be- ing Mining Claim 5890, all in the Town- ship of Teck. Parcels 2 and 3 are subject to the reservations and exceptions contained in the original patents from 'the Crown, and Parcels Nos. 1220 and 1079 also subject to the rights of the Temiskam- ing and Northern Ontario Railway Commission. GEORGE CALDBICK, Sheriff, District of Temiskaming DATED at Sheriff's Office, Hailey- bury, March 30th, 1932. 13-4-c [INFANT WELFARE CLINIC COLUMBUS HALL EACH THURSDAY one's eyes. Frederick Elliot BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Ontario and British Columbia INVESTMENTS, LOANS, ETC. LEGRIS BLOCK HAILEYBURY W. A. Gordon, K.C. William C. Inch BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS and NOTARIES PUBLIC MYLES BLOCK, MAIN STREET HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO Edwin W. Kearney BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC GIBSON BLOCK HAILEYBURY Telephone No. 10 F. IL. Smiley; KC. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC CROWN ATTORNEY Conrt House Main Street Haileybury Gyr. iver BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Bank of Nova Scotia Building HAILEYBURY, ONT. PHONE 360 Dr. W. R. Somerville DENTIST Bank of Nova Scotia Building MAIN & FERGUSON HAILEYBURY Dr. R. H. O'Neill DENTIST Main and Fergusoa HAILEYBURY Phone--Office 11, Residence 132 Liggett Block Saxton Electric Blackwall Street Phone 243 K. M. Stephen Life, Health, Accident, Fire, Automobile INSURANCE The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada The General Accident Assurance Co. of Canada Several First Class Fire Companies 60 Browning St. HAILEYBURY Phone 322 Dr. Gordon F. Jackson PHYSICIAN and SURGEON 131 Bloor St. West TORONTO Telephones: Office--Kingsdale 5748 Residence--Hillcrest 2333 Dr. J. Dunn " VETERINARIAN AND SURGEON Contracts Arranged Office--Symon Office Phone 183 Residence--J. Lever's Phone 113 NEW LISKEARD, ONT. Eric E. Smith PIANO TUNING Practical Instruction in Violin Playing givep at your home VIOLINS SOLD AT REASONABLE PRICES BOX 556 NEW LISKEARD Ross Business College COBALT, ONTARIO Commercial, Stenographic and Secretarial Courses Day, Evening and Mail Classes Write for Information Canadian Legion HAILEYBURY BRANCH No. 54 Meets in Club Room on Browning Street ALL RETURNED MEN WELCOMB JACK RYDER PLUMBING, HEATING and REPAIRING ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS Want Ads. Bring Results CONTRACTS ESTIMATES Phone 207, Blackwall Street. Your Complete Satisfaction is My Guarantees 'a Seti ON STORES = 7 BELIEVE IT OR NOT! BELIEVE T IS BIG THIS WEEK AT/, DOMINION STORES Z Ripley searches the wide world for his strange facts. 2 Dominion Stores does likewise for foods and brings them to you through the medium of conveniently located stores at prices that are almost as startling in their economy as Ripley's famous sketches are in interest. As proof of this, read this advertisement--it will surprise you how much and how far five, ten and fifteen cents will go at your Dominion this week. ' MONEY HEINZ BAKED BEANS es 10: FOR A QUICK LUNCH Kipper Snacks. . Catsup sexe. {ll FOR sanpwicHes Lobster Paste. . » BORDEN'S EASILY DIGESTED Chicken Haddie. . Believe It or Not! All Items 5c, 10c, 15¢ _ Tn 5c CHOICE HAND-PICKED Bottle LOc , BELIEVE IT OR NOT! P«GSoap3 =: 10¢ BELIEVE IT OR NOT! » 15° BELIEVE IT OR NOT! norwegian Packed in Oil Tin 10c White Beans....2 is. 5c Med. ites Prune Flour \.es ages 1h, 50 MACK'S No-Rub......-.r« 5¢ lll Sard@dimnes CHEF BELIEVE IT OR NOT! QUAKER na 10e 9, Corn Flakes 2». 15¢ Handy or Star 5e Malted Milk.... vm 10c BELIEVE IT OR NOT! AYLMER DICED a Carrots........ "9,10 | ARMEMOMNIA BROCK'S Bird Gravel.... pxg. 15c Oliv sabg eat TRY IT ON SALADS No. 8 Queen : e Chateau Cheese.. pxz. 15 ives SU BES 1 5 BAYSIDE, LIGHT' SYRUP tm 15c Tin 15c BELIEVE IT OR NOT! Ivory Soap2 ~- 15¢ BELIEVE IT OR NOT! 18c lt CONDENSED MILK SS Daily Deliveries PINK SALMON Mayfield Butter. Pure Cane Sugar 10 lbs. for 55e€ $5.40 per bag -' SPECIALS IN OUR Meat Dept. : Boneless Pork For Boiling | 8c lb. Rib Boiling Beef Sc lb. Blade Roast 10c lb. Fresh Picnics 10c lb. MAPLE LEAF Smoked Picnics 12%c bb. SPECIAL IN OUR Fruit Dept. agen ce Sunkist Oranges 39c doz. New Potatoes 4 lbs. 25c EXTRA LARGE Sunkist Grapefruit 2for 27e New Apples Fine for Cooking 2 lbs. 29e WE DELIVER ALL ORDERS' OF $2.00 OR OVER FREE. PHONE 83 First Wed. of Each Month, at 8 p.m. EEO LEG PETE CEI we PS REST i ) =e 3 ey 4 | |