2 Hee EeASinle EYBURIAN THURSDAY, JULY 7th, 1932 Social and Personal | Mr. McLaren and family are spending their holidays in Ruth- erglen. Harold Barker, of the Express Office staff, left on Friday for his holidays. hah Mr. and Mrs. W. Mead of Falconbridge, were week-end vis- itors in Haileybury. Mrs. J. Ryder and family have gone to Midland for a visit with friends and relatives. Mrs. Fred Maguire and child- ren returned to Cochrane on Sat- urday after a visit here. Mrs. Jas. A. McRae, formerly of Haileybury, was in town on Monday from Toronto. Mrs: Fleming spent last week-' end on.a visit with her _ sister, Mrs. McGregor, at Sesekinika. Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Sutherland of Falconbridge, visited relatives in Haileybury over the week-end. Mrs. Robinson of Toronto, is in town for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. John A. McKinnon, Amwell Street. The I.0.D.E. Street Fair, which was stopped last night on account of the rain, will be held on Fri- day eening, July 8th. BORN--At New Liskeard, on Tuesday, July 5th, 1932, to Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Jackson (nee Pearl Mayhew), a son. R. C. Fleming, of Sudbury, is in town for a couple of weeks holidays at the home of his fath- er, Mr. C. E. Fleming, Main St. Mrs. John A. Norris, who has |Boy Loses Hand From Explosion of Dynamite Cap Gordon Ruttan Worst Sufferer in| Serious Accident Among | Four Children Gordon Ruttan, aged 11, son of | Mr. and Mrs. J. A.° Ruttan, Blackwall Street, Haileybury, lost his left hand when a dyna- mite cap exploded as he tried to remove the contents with a pin last Thursday afternoon. Elsie McClanahan, four years old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McClanahan, was slehtly in- jured in the same explosion and| Albert Belec, nine, and Joyce Ross, 11, escaped injury, although they were quite close to the others when the accident took place on the verandah of the Be- lec home. The children all live in the same neighborhood and it was after the Belec boy had triea in vain to remove the contents of the cap that Gordon Ruttan had made the attempt with a _ pin, which brought the explosion. This picture of Mrs. Elvira Barney, former wife of an American singer, who is charged with the murder of Thomas William Scott Stephen in her London apartment, was made recently as she posed with her mother, Lady Mullens, wife of Sir John Mullens. Mrs. Barney is said to have been entertaining a Bohe- mian party at her flat just prior to the fatal shooting. The Ruttan boy's hand, in which he held the cap, was so badly torn that it was found necessary to amputate it at the wrist. He is still in the Miseri- cordia Hospital, where he was the VISITOR FROM NORTH DROPS CAR INTO HOLE AT THE MARKET WHARF J. M. Woods, formerly of Hail- rushed immediately after the ac-|eybury. who came to town on cident, and is making progress|Sunday from Schumacher for a towards recovery, although severity of his injuries, the severing of the top of right thumb. which included cuts to his left leg and his The little girl was also taken to the hospital, but her injuries finding it necessary to amputate the mangled hand on Friday morning. Mr. Ruttan had just arrived home from work, bringing Gor- don with him, on Thursday even- few days' visit, had the bad luck to have his car drop into a hole at the edge of the market wharf immediately on his arrival, with some slight damage resulting. He drove down Main Street and backed onto the edge of the were not found serious. Dr. W.|wharf, where it appeared to him C. Arnold was summoned imme-|that there was a nice piece of diately and rendered first aid,|}grass to park on. When _ the wheel of the car struck the hole the door, which was open, came in contact with the cement rail- ing, twisting it to some extent, but no other damage resulted, al- though it was necessary to bring Glorious Twelft Will Be Next Tuesday the Orangemen} all lodges from Temagami parade with fife and drum bands} will be formed at the in procession to the grounds celebration will be held. | of this district will assemble at! service Conductor Haileybury for the annual cele-|was in charge of the train. There bration of the Glorious Twelfth) were 22 passengers in of July, when it is expected that | took advantage of the down trip, I na to|being picked up at various points Kirkland Lake, comprising South|along the line. Temiskaming County, C60, will/the mixed variety, handling both be out in full force. A monster | freight and passengers. : Orange) Gertrude Hall on Browning Street at 1.30)retary for the p.m., and the brethren will march extends sincere thanks to all who of|contributed to the public school, where the main|her recent canvas of Haileybury. On the first trip of the Jack new Leckie all who The train is of May Vage, field sec- Associated Blind, the cause during 'e There will be a program of field! , sports, which will include a soft-! ¢ ball tournament between from the various lodges, races | and other events for old and young, besides other attractions which will help to make up a full] day's enjoyment. A program of} addresses by prominent speakers is being arranged and there will be plenty of amusement on the grounds in the afternoon. Lodges from the north will come by motor bus from Kirk- land Lake and by train from the teams| ¢ : CHURCHES Minister--W. A. Beecroft, B.A., B.D. | Lord's Supper. } evening service is cancelled. e-0+ 2.8 The United Church R. H. Unwin SUNDAY, JULY 10th 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--The Sacrament of the Organist--Mr. During the month of July the 1 = i : s F }On Tuesdays, Thursdays andi Mrs. W. J. Clow has returned Celebrated Here Tuesday | Saturdays the run is continued to; this week from a trip to Toronto Latchford. { and Welland. She represented Haileybury Rebekah Lodge at annual sessions of Grand Lodge in Toronto and visited her bro- ther, Mr. V. Hyles and Mrs- Hyles, of Welland. The Baptist Church Rev. T. E. McAllister, Minister 11 a.m.--Public Worship. The public is cordially invited to at- tend. 2.30 p.m.--Bible School. Albert Gospel Hall ALBERT STREET -------- Sunday, 11 a.m--Commemoration of the Lord's Supper. 3 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class 7 p.m--Gospel Meeting (Evangelistic) to which all are cordially invited. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Meeting for Prayer and Bible Study. 3 p.m--Women's Prayer Meeting. Women's Missionary Meeting, first Wednesday of each month; place of meeting arranged monthly. Elk Lake branch, while those from the south will use the regu- lar trains. NEW TRAIN SERVICE ELK LAKE TO COBALT COMMENCED ON MONDAY The new train service between Elk Lake and Cobalt, designed to overcome the shortage which has followed No's. 17 and 18 being placed on a tri-weekly run, was inaugurated on Monday and bids fair to prove satisfactory to the residents of this part of the dis- trict. The train leaves Elk Lake at 7.15 a.m., arriving in Cobalt at 10.00 o'clock. On the return trip it leaves Cobalt at 3.45 p.m. and arrives in Elk Lake at 7.45. THESE WANT AD'S reasonable. W. Childs; Phone 235. Upholstering, Furniture Repair- ing, Car Covering and general work done at reasonable prices. Geo. Decarie, 44 Little Street, East, Haileybury. 12-t.f. You Owe Somebody For Sale -- House on Georgina Avenue; five-roomed bungalow with sunroom; all conveniences WANT Sewing--Will Do Plain Sewing;|Transportation Wanted by young Apply to Mrs. J.| 14-1*! BRING RESULTS man, by motor, to Toronto, on Friday or Saturday. Phone Haileyburian Office. |Wanted--Position as Housekeep- ; er, by refined Englishwoman | with experience. Not on farm. i Apply E. Watkins, clo Mrs. 1 Wallace, New Liskeard. 141* \ |For Rent--Stable on Main Street. co ee : ing The family had planned to|a wrecking car from a garage to cee iA nol tou Nires Am lentlenbert been ill in the hospital for the Hahse : 2 . UES ET a ae tS Apply to J. E. McCuaig, Insur-; /*PPly Mrs. A. L. 7 past ten days, has ct awe suf_|start the following morning on a extricate the machine. A LETTER ae Office, Haileybury. | or phone 149. otf ficiently to be able to aim ao weeks' trip by motor to Sou-|| Mr. Woods, familiarly known " 7-10c | alg "gees thern Ontario points. and werejas "Happ" spent a yew years in Fur d Room to Rent--Gent- her home. ms DO YOU NOT? preparing when the boy went to --._--_ the Belec home and within a few minutes the explosion occurred. The injured children were rushed to the hospital by Mr. Ruttan Wanted--Used Outboard Motor; \ must be reasonable. Enquire! at Haileyburian Office. Haileybury before going north. He is now making a tour of the country for the purpose of col- lecting landscapes and views of leman preferred. Also Garage to rent. Apply at Haileyburian ffice. 9-t.f. = Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lafferty of Schumacher, were week-end visi-| tors at the home of Mrs. Laffer- ty's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. You will enjoy writing it on y : ations in land clearing. e tesco Hotham, ee pals ae Pow- % ne b t Comedy "In Walked Charlie" assan, and Mr. Melvin Chaney,|Visitors from England Making | } = with Charlie Chase ; of Nipissing, were guests at the Tour of the N q N t T P t 0 | ; Comedy "Moonlight" and "In home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Malt- ©: an e North Country 0 ice 0 ro er wners . "Ritzy Hootch" Curiositys 223 AGyeenia with. the Rambling r Qlackw rS ] 4 - z if f?, re by, Blackway Street, this week. _A party of four visitors from Serial "Danger Island", No. 10 p, Reporter tae para | ee England relatives of Mrs. C; C. ¢ : in Yesterday Evening . |Farr, have been in Haileybury WEDNESD ; HURSDAY, JULY 13th and 14 Interfered With Street Fair}fo; some days now, guests at DAY and THURSDAY, JULY 13th an th, Mrs. Farr's h eprews Sea - - oer Big) stove gentstar ce EES sce OE ot Ae aa Me Don't Dei Before You See [SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION ning intertered wi he annua ints s ra aS ubDlic otice 1S ere te - " 7 A 2 points of interest in this part of y given to all property own COW eee aa ane aS locallthe North Country and are hav- ers that, unless weeds which may be growing on eek End "The Woman Py Ore ee en |g anenjoyable stime; their lands within the Town of Haileybur rri 99 be Ne ot ws } ereitgou g ) 1 are cu ¢ aD cabeatie cs Saas te "Sane es Wigelsworth of down or destroyed by July 3lst pi ate aes Marriage' r in Room 13" z s were doing busin- 1, Mr. Edwa Taoelew , é a Ii eral, * ) ess and there was quite a crowd Brera Mrs, es nee quently, the Town may enter upon said lands and si sean ROUNGINGRS | 7 with on the streets. No attempt was|tings, and Mrs. Frank Wigels- have the weeds cut down, charging the cost against adi Geor pane be as ELISSA LANDI made to hold the outdoor dance,|worth, of Bromley, Kent, are the thefowners concerned, in the taxes. : a mes Fé . as the pavement was entirely toolmembers of the party. Mrs. A First National Sensation "2 | | Neal Hamilton, wet and slippery. Lowthey dndeeMce vincent; Joe Police, From the novel by Faith Baldwin. | © Ralph Bellamy a the daughter and daughter- Weed Inspector C Myrna Loy P in-law, respectively, of Mr. Ed- comedy "The Gland Parade" and Gilbert Roland. j Want Ads. Bring Results) ward Wigelsworth. e c : - c Sutherland Sr. Mrs. C. E. Taylor, and child- ren, of Timmins, are in Hailey- bury for a visit with Mrs. Tay- lor's parents Sheriff and Mrs. George Caldbick. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hutt and Mrs. George T. Hamilton left this morning for a motor trip to Toronto, Welland and _ other Southern points. Mrs. A. J. Peacock and family have gone to South Porcupine, where they will spend a couple of weeks with Mr. Peacock, who is employed there. and Mr. Hugh Ross, father of the fourth child in the party. Mr. Ross paid a high tribute to the courage of the Ruttan boy after the accident, relating how the lad had sent a message to his mother telling her he was all right and not to worry. To his father, forms us that the made a further payment on its property, news that will be wel- comed by local men interested. the beauty spots in Northern ¢*»"y tario. a i> - town in- One mining man in Galatea has The Best Quality Writing Paper we can procure ---- A. W. SANDERSON Jeweler and Stationer 4 4 q q q ; Royal Windsor q q q q q q Coe AE CLASSIC THEATRE ON TAR FRIDAY and SATURDAY JULY 8th and 9th Gordon said that he had spoiled the holiday for which he was truly sorry, and throughout has been doing his very best to suf- fer uncomplainingly and bravely. The detonator which caused the trouble is said to be one from a box that some of the children had found in an unoccupied house on the same street, owned by Duncan Hurley, a_ Firstbrook 1932 1932 The Glorious Twelfth South Temiskaming County, C 60 Will meet-in Annual Assembly at Township farmer, who has not Earl Sutherland of South Por-|lived in town for some time. HAILEYB URY cupine was in town oyer the} Chief of Police MacGirr and week-end for a visit with his]Mr. Ruttan went to the farm and eooe9 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Suth- erland, Russell Street. Lorne Bruce and Bruce Green, of the Canadian Press at Toron- to, are returning this week-end to the city after spending their holidays in Haileybury. erent sizé. A search of = «the Buck --the Robert homes of the children involved sit Montgomery The Ladies Aid of the United|brought to light the tin box in Softball Competition | JONES of "Private es sll hold a lawn social|which the caps had been packed Between Teams of the various Lodges. Field Sports for iS in A Lives!" on the church lawn, on Thursday,|and what was believed to have Young < 2 ; a --tpgetherajn A y,l< é as a and Old. Booths, Games, Contests. ' July, 14th. In (SoRTS of bad weather!been all that it contained when : om } HIGH SPEED BE RTeAL it will be held in the church base-|the children are said to have RIL cee AE roman¢e», ment. discovered it on a back window 3us Service from Kirkland Lake. Train Service from Wallace mein directed by of the empty house. Up to the Elk Lake Admission to the G i Cierence 4 i 2 + : Ss e Grounds Free Mr. and Mrs. Archie McInnis|present, nothing definite has been ee Directed By BROWN and three children, Dorothy, Al- lan and Jean, are in town from|the caps came to be left there or Ai columeia Yy, "A Free Soul" Toronto for a visit with Mrs.]who owned them. They are of GOD) SAV Ess H EK ING pee UY McInnis' father, Mr. John A. Mc-lan old type, Chief MacGirr says, Kinnon. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clark, of made enquiries from Mr. Hurley, who stated that he was not aware of any caps being in the house and that he had left none there. He stated that he had purchased some in May to use in blasting stumps, but they were of a diff- learned by the chief as to how and of a larger size than those The Parade will be held at 1.30 p.m. from the ORANGE HALL to 'the PUBLIC SCHOOL GROUNDS Addresses by Able Speakers. HHO566 SPORTS OF ALL KINDS. D. Colquhoun, County Master S. Colquhoun, County Sec. commonly used for blasting oper- Pace aN Ao bear, EOL Buck Changes His Steed For A Fire Buggy And Burns Up The Track! =S= = D. Ross Lederman , SZ MONDAY and TUESDAY JULY 11th and 12th --the Joan Crawford of "Possessed!" who made Letty Lunton ea =