THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1932 THE HAILE YBURIAN a oe Leads Field in Bowling Club's Tournament Bill Joy's Rink Undefeated In Two Games; Contest Will Finish August 28 Bill Joy's rink, with two wins in two starts, is leadinz the field in the Haileybury Bowling Club's tournament which got under way on July 28th and is scheduled to firtish on the 28th of August. Les- lie McFarlane's rink, with three wins in four games, is close be- hind Bill's quartet in the percent- age column. On Tuesday night Joe Isher- wood's squad went down to a 15- 8 defeat before John Maltby's wood-heavers and on the same evening Art Hull's rink took Mc- Farlane into camp by a _ 14-7 count. Last week, for the first time on the local green, the bow- ler's dream was realized when Joy's rink, skipped by Tommy Duncan in the absence of his chief, scored an eight end against Charlie Rechin, every bowl hurl- ed by the Joy four counting in one end. The standing of the rinks at the finish of the games on Tuesday night was as follows: Rink Bow i Over ae oe Laat Za nige sO McFarlane CSS eee Fleming, C. Ss Dee cli Maltby sy =-2ce5. 4 en. 2 Isherwood. ----- CE oni lak et ll Sues. Ay Sie 2 Syieikeyy Da Uli: Fleming, Qipeulyoged MeGuaip eee mona le ee MecGracken) 2222) 2) OZ Reckinj ys 2eeee-- 3 OSS Galdbick: S222"=5= a7 Oars The remainder of the schedule is as follows: Aug. 3--McCuaig vs. L. Flem- ing; C. Fleming vs. Smiley. Aug. 4--Reckin vs. Caldbick; Joy vs. McCracken. Aug. 5--Maltby vs. McCuaig; McFarlane vs. Isherwood. Aug. 6--Hull vs. Smiley; Mc- Cracken vs. Reckin. Aug. 8--Joy vs. C. Fleming; L. Fleming vs. Caldbick. Aug. 9--Maltby vs. Hull; Mc- Farlane vs. Smiley. Aug. 10--Isherwood vs. Mc- Cracken; McCuaig vs. Reckin. Aug. 11--C. Fleming vs. L. Fleming; Joy vs. Smiley. Aug. 12--Caldbick vs. Hull; Maltby vs. McCracken. Aug. 13--McFarlane vs. Reck- in; Isherwood vs. L. Fleming. Aug. 15--McCuaig vs. Joy; C. Fleming vs. Caldbick. Aug. 16--Maltby vs. Smiley; McFarlane vs. L. Fleming. Aug. 17--Isherwood ys. Hull; McCracken vs. McCuaig. Aug. 18--C. Fleming vs. Reck- in; Joy vs. Maltby. Aug. 19--Smiley vs. Caldbick; L. Smiley vs. Hull. Aug. 20--McFarlane vs. Isherwood vs. Reckin. Aug. 22--McCuaig vs. C. Flem- ing; Hull vs. Joy. Aug. 23--McCracken vs. Fleming; Maltby vs. Reckin. Aug. 24--Smiley vs. Isherwood, McFarlane ys. Caldbick. Aug. 25--Maltby vs. L. Flem- ing; McCuaig vs. Smiley. Aug. 26--Joy vs. Isherwood; McCracken vs. C. Fleming. Aug. 27--Caldbick vs. McCuaig Hull vs. Reckin. Joy; L. Aug. 28--McFarlane vs. C. Fleming; McCracken vs. Cald- Dick. Home-Made Harpoons Kill White Whales for Dog Food Come and get 'em! That is the answer to the white whale quest- ion, so far as residents of Churc- hill and the Hudson Bay region are concerned. There are tens of thousands of these greater por- poises in the Churchill river, the harbor and outer waters, accord- ing to information reaching the Canadian National Railways. Trappers take the whales with- out trouble by using a home- made harpoon made of scrap me- tal. They go out in a canoe with a piece of board or an empty can for a float, harpoon the animal, and leave the tin can or board at- tached as a mark which shows them the location of the whale when it is dead. Then they haul it ashore and cut it up for dog feed. People in these regions, however, are satisfied that some- thing should be done to seduce the white whale population. They show that these large animals do away with vast quantities of the small fish that are of value. / RECALL FIRST OLYMPICS This picture, taken in 1906, shows Charles Perry with the ancient statue which he found in 1896. This statute is one of two marble col- umns which were recovered from the ruins beneath the Olympic Stadium at Athens and decorated with a wreath of living laurel dur- ing the 1906 games, recalling the first Olympic Games at Hellas. Firemen Meet in Tournament at Liskeard Beach Seven Brigades Stage \ Contests on Civic Holiday; Great Crowd Present In the presence of a large crowd of merrymakers at New Liskeard Beach on Civic Holiday, Monday of this week, seven bri- gades from the territory of Co- balt and Rouyn contested the various events staged in an in- vitation tournament arranged by the New Liskeard Department. The weather was fine and holiday makers from the three towns, to- gether with numbers from other places, had a great day. In ad- dition to the firemen's events, there were games of baseball, softball and lacrosse and there were also many other attract- ions which kept the crowd amus- ed during the afternoon and which were well patronized throughout the day. The results of the various ev- ents were as follows: Waggon race--Kirkland Lake, 57 2-5 seconds; Rouyn, 58 4-5 seconds. Ladder race--Noranda, 16 3-5 seconds; Cobalt, 17 seconds flat. Other brigades taking part were: Swastika, Haileybury and Hill-Clark-Francis, ' Ltd., New Liskeard, as hosts, did not par- ticipate officially. Baseball--New Liskeard, 11; Ste. Therese, Cobalt, 10, in seven innings. Girls' Softball -- Haileybury Black Cats, 12; McCauley's team Swastika, 2. Lacrosse--New Kirkland Lake, 2. Half mile race--Won, by East- man, New Liskeard, time 2 min- utes, 10 1-5 seconds. Mile race--Won by Hurd, Kirkland Lake, time, 4 minutes,, 55 seconds. 100-Yard dash for firemen -- Thibeault, Rouyon, nosed out Nadeau, Cobalt, and Matheson, Kirkland Lake. Time 11 2-5 sec- onds. Liskeard, 4; The Cochrane Northland Post says that Ontario is following Chicago's lead in its proposal to divert the waters of the Ogoki River from their natural course northward, to flow into Lake Superior for power purposes. SOFTBALL SCHEDULE, SECOND HALF, 1932 AUGUST Thur., 4th--Bankers vs. Firemen Mon., 8th--Bankers vs. L. Nine Thur., 11--Firemen vs. Aces. Mon., 15th--L. Nine vs. Firemen. Thur., 18--Bankers vs. Aces -- Mon., 22--Aces vs. Lazy Nine Thur., 25--Firemen vs. Bankers Mon., 29--L. Nine vs. Bankers SEPTEMBER Thur., lst--Aces vs. Firemen. Local Boys Win Second and Third in Trophy Swim Graham Kearney and Melbourne Doyle Cover Three Miles in Good Time Two Haileybury boys, Graham Kearney and Melbourne "Fat" Doyle, finished second and third respectively in the White Mara- thon Swim, held on Saturday last in connection with the T. & N. O. picnic at Liskeard Beach. The trophy itself, donated several years ago by George White, went to Donald McMonagle, of New Liskeard, who finished a consid- erable distance in advance of the local boys. The first report was to the effect that McMonagle had been disqualified, on account of his not covering the proper course, but a later decision of the judges gave him the trophy. Gra- ham Kearney was the winner of the event in 1931. The course was laid out from Moore's Cove to the beach, a dis- tance of approximately three miles. The lake was rough and there were occasional showers during the time the race was on, which tended to slow the swim- mers up to some extent. There were three other swimmers en- tered. F There was some 500 excursion- ists who attended the picnic from North Bay, a special train of a NOTICE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HAILEYBURY NOTICE is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Haileybury intends to pass a By-Law for stopping up the following portion of Elliott Street, namely : . 1. All that part of Elliott Street be- ing bounded by a line as _ follows: Commencing at the south-west corner of Lot 290 as shown on Plan M-46 be- ing the intersection of Rorke Avenue and Elliott Street, thence due East along the South boundaries of Lots Number Two Hundred and Ninety (290), Two Hundred and Ninety-three (293), Two Hundred and Ninety-four (294), Two Hundred and Ninety-five (295) and Two Hundred and Ninety- six (296), a distance of 300 feet to the South-east corner of Lot Number 296, thence due South a distance of 66 feet to the South boundary of Elliott Sirect thence due West to the intersection Of the East line of Rorke Avenue and Elliott Street, thence due North a dis- tance of 66 feet more or. less to the South-west corner of Lot Number 290} as shown on Plan M-73, being the lace of beginning. ( AND WHEREAS, the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Hailey- bury deems it desirable and in the pub- lic interest that all portions of the highway above described be stopped and transferred. 3 AND WHEREAS, notice of the in- tention of the Corporation to pass this By-Law has been published weekly for at least four successive weeks 'in that newspaper published within the limits of the said Municipality and known as "The Haileyburian." AND WHEREAS, the Council of the said Corporation has heard in per- son or by Counsel or solicitor everyone whose land may be prejudicially affect- ed thereby and who petitioned to be so heard. : AND TAKE NOTICE that the said Council will hear in person or by Counsel or Solicitor anyone whose lands may be prejudicially affected thereby and who petitions so to be heard on Tuesday, the 13th day of September, 1932, at the hour of eight o'clock p.m. at the Council Chambers in the said Town of Haileybury. THEREFORE, the Municipal Cor- poration of the Town of Haileybury enacts as follows: 1. The above mentioned portion of the public highway is hereby ordered to be and is hereby stopped up. 2. The said Corporation is hereby empowered to transfer to St. Mary's on the Lake Sanatorium, the portion of highway adjacent to their property, more particularly described as follows : All that part of Elliott Street being bounded by a line as follows: Com- mencing at the South-west corner of Lot 290 as shown on Plan M-46, being the intersection of Rorke Avenue and Elliott Street, thence due East along the South boundary of Lots Number Two Hundred and Ninety (290), Two Hundred and Ninety-three (293), Two Hundred and Ninety-four (294), Two Hundred and Ninety-five: (295), and Two Hundred and Ninety-six (296), 4 distance of 300 feet to the South-east corner of Lot Number 296, thence due South a distance of 66 feet to the South boundary of Elliott Street, thence due West to the intersection of the East line of Rorke Avenue and El- liott Street, thence due North a dis- tance of 66 feet /more or less to the South-west corner of Lot Number 290 as shown on Plan M-73, being the place of beginning. 3. The Mayor and Clerk of the said Corporation are hereby authorized to take any steps necessary and to exe- cute all documents which may be re- acquired in order that the title to the said public highway so stopped up be transferred to the respective parties above mentioned and the Municipal Clerk of the said Corporation is here- by authorized to affix the Corporate Seal of the Corporation to any docu- ments which may be necessary. DATED at Haileybury this 15th day Want Ads. Bring Results!' of July, 1932. 6-4-c Clerk. H. CLFFORD, dozen cars bringing them up in the morning and returning in the evening. Although the rain inter- fered to some extent with the sports program, it was completed before the return trip of the pic- nicers and all enjoyed the outing. the visitors brought along with from its point of vantage in the grandstand at the beach enliven- ed the proceedings with a variety of selections. An increased _ser- vice on the Nipissing Central for the day enabled many of the vis- itors to call on friends in both Haileybury and Cobalt. There were two games of base- ball, one against a New Liskeard team at the Beach and the other against a team of miners in Co- balt. In the former the visitors won by a score of 13-2, while Co- balt, the home team, defeated the railroaders to the tune of 14-3. | There were also two games ofj softball by ladies teams played| during the afternoon, one be-' tween the North Bay Capitols and the Cobalt Minerettes, result-; ing in a 12-11 victory for the lat- ter. The Capitols had previously eliminated the Vitalitys, also them the T. & N. O. band, wien from North Bay, by 10-5. Mrs. Beach, who won the event In the races several New Lis-|for married ladies. The whole day keard names appear among the|was a pleasant one in spite of the winners, among them that ofl!rain. Breakfast Room Suite A Beautifully Finished Breakfast Room Suite, consisting of Table, Buffet and Four Chairs. One $35 00 e of nicest we have ever offered; Special St et ed CROCKERY, CHINA. GLASSWARE and a complete line of HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS at Reasonable Prices. eOcee GET YOUR SUPPLY OF SEALERS FOR THE PRESERVING SEASON NOW. All sizes in stock Thorpe & Branchaud House Furnishers FERGUSON AVENUE Directors of Funeral Services HAILEYBURY WITH ZIG-ZAG PAPERS ATTACHED Cool, sweet, mellow Virginia 10¢ 15% and 20% CIGARETTES FROM 5¢ PACKAGE Here is a Message to all Shoppers of both sexes and varying Incomes Seldom Are Substitutes Equal in Quality [sist UPON BRANDED, Trade-Marked and Advertised Merchandise. Do not accept a substitute for what you name. Long experience has shown that goods which are widely and steadily advertised in the news- papers are the ones that are worthy of your faith. Modern Newspaper Advertising does you a great service; it permits you to accept without fear goods you have never tested. What others have believed in and accepted you also may buy with confidence. Advertisers must be, and remain, honest, if they want to be b day. and signatures. ful in to- Their announcements bear their names They tell the truth to protect themselves as well as to safeguard you. A Newspaper Advertisement is a publicly printed bond between advertising merchants and the buying public. guar ds of h and competitive prices. It is the strongest tee for g t quality at fair Thrifty Shoppers will buy Advertised Goods and refuse to accept any substitutes.