Page 8 DE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1932 Social and Personal Mr. E. E. Smith has returned to town after a prospecting trip. Miss D. Dwyer spent the past week-end visiting friends in Kirkland Lake. Miss M. Honan has_ returned to Haileybury from Notre Dame du Nord, Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Joy have returned home after spending a couple of weeks at Temagami. Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Massey, of Ottawa, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Shillington. Miss L. Chenier, of the post office staff, is spending her holi- days at her home in Ville Marie, Que. Mr. T. Hobbs, of Kenora, is again in charge of the Summer School being held at St. Mary's Academy here. Miss Edith John, of Kirkland Lake, was in Haileybury over the week-end for a visit with Miss Georgina Blackwall. Mrs. T. Condie, formerly of Haileybury, is in town this week from Timmins for a visit with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. P. Atkinson, of North Bay, and Mrs. Hunter and son, of Pembroke, were Hailey- bury visitors on Monady. R. F. Richardson and _ Burt. Normandy~ left on Wednesday for a two" months prospecting trip into Northern Quebec. Miss Doris Lettner, of Walk- erville, is in Haileybury for a visit with her brother, Mr. W. E. Lettner, and Mrs. Lettner. Miss Farr, the Public Health Nurse here for the past few years will not return to the pos- ition this fall, it is reported. Mrs. M. J. Foseer left yester- day evening for a _ visit with friends and relatives in Toronto and other Southern Ontario points. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mc- Cracken are visiting in Toronto this week, having motored to the city with Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Thorpe. Mr. 'and Mrs. F. Brocklebank, of Toronto, and formerly of Haileybury, were here for a day or two last week-end renewing acquaintances. Bert Ashley, well known min- ing man and discoverer of the Ashley, in Matachewan, is re- newing acquaintances in Hailey- bury this week. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Chester, of Sudbury, arived in Haileybury yesterday for a visit with Mr. Chesser's mother, Mrs. A. Ches- ser, Blackwall Street. Mrs. A. McLean and daughter, Miss Joyce, and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hull are spending a couple of weeks with Mr. R. H. Unwin at his summer camp on Lake Tem- agami. Mrs. W. E. Lettner and son, Jack, returned home Sunday from Huron County, near Wingham, where Mrs. Lettner attended the funeral of her father Mr. James Boyle. The regular monthly meeting of the Home and Foreign Mis- sion Cirle of the Baptist Church will be held on Thursday, Aug- ust 11th ,at 3 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Speck, North Cobalt. Mrs. A. W. Whitely and daugh- ter, Miss:Greta, of Toronto and formerly of Haileybury, are in town this week for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. George T. Hamil- ton and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hogg, formerly of Haileybury, were in town from Toronto over the week-end for a visit with Mrs. Hogg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Shillington, Georgina Ave. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Thorpe-and two children left on Friday morn- ing on a motor trip to Toronto and other Southern points. Mr. Thorpe is this week attending a convention of funeral directors in Toronto. NEW POLICE SERGEANT HERE TO FILL VACANCY ON HEADQUARTERS STAFF Sergeant T. Cousans, former- ly attached to the district head- quarters of the. provincial police force at Kitchener, has arrived in Haileybury to take over similar duties at the office here. He fills the vacancy caused by the re- signation of the former sergeant, George Delves. Sergeant Cous- ans, in coming to Haileybury, re- news association with Inspector F. B. Creasy, as both were at Kitchener, and he leaves a former Northern Ontario officer at Kitchener in the person of In- spector W. T. Moore, in charge of this district for some years prior to his being transferred to Old Ontario last fall. Oiling of Highway Brings Disaster to Fine Raiment During the past week the highway between the three towns has been oiled to keep down the dust and this, we are informed, has brought disaster to some fine raiment worn by those travelling in motor cars. While the oil is fresh it is picked up freely by the tires of the cars and at times there have been some nice new dresses spattered before | their owners realized the danger. How- ever, it only takes a few days for the roadway to absorb the oil and the elimination of the dust is a great improvement. The scheme was first put into operation last year about this time. TROPICAL OIL FLOWS The British West Indies col- ony, Trinidad, supposed refuge of Robinson Crusoe and southerly island terminal of the Canadian National Steamships route, re- ports an increase in the export of petroleum for the first four WEDDING BELLS } OBITUARY Anderson--Britton A quiet wedding took place at the United Church Manse in Haileybury, Saturday, July 30th, at 3 o'clock, when Miss Mary Barnett Britton, of Birmingham, England, was united in marriage to Mr. James B. Anderson, of Cobalt Rev. Beecroft officiated. The bride wore a gown of green figured crepe with hat, shoes and gloves to match and carried a boquet of pink orchids, carnations and sweet peas. Her only ornament was a diamond cut necklace and earrings, the -gift of the groom. After the ceremony a recept- ion was held at the home of the grooin, at 87 Jamieson St. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Blais received with the bridal couple. Clover Valley News Mrs. Ernest McBride visited at the home of Mrs. Sam Craig on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Plaunt and family motored to Charlton on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nickle and son, Will, and Alex Nickle were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig's on Wednesday last. Mr. Beecroft made a call at the different homes through the Val- ley on Thursday afternoon last. NOTICE! Unless otherwise advised be- fore Aug. 15th, we are going to make Bank Drafts ol all over- due accounts. Do not refuse to Mrs. Lea Chapleau The death took place in Cobalt Friday night, at the home of her son, Rey. Father A. Chapleau, of Ste. Therese's R.C. Parish, of Mrs. Lea Chapleau, at the age of 73 years. Mrs. Chapleau, who made her home with another son, Rev. Dean J. A. Chapleau, of St. Vincent de Paul parish, North Bay, was here on a visit, and al- though she had been ill, her death was unexpected. She was a nat- ive of Ste. Therese, near Mont- real, and had lived there until the death of her husband 29 years ago. Buriel was made at Ste. Therese on Tuesday, funeral ser- Royal Crown Derby q } (MIKADO PATTERN) --at-- q q q NEW LOW PRICES ---- saucer... 1.454 rae 75] PLATE sie at 1 -00 fees Os EEO 165 | rare. 1.85) A. W. SANDERSON | } Jeweler and Stationer All hope has been abandoned for German Navy training ship "Niobe", forty of the young men wére saved the Fehmarn Island in the Baltic, near Kiel, Germany. ned by 100 cadets and junior cadets when she struck bad weather and only months of 1932 and an increase|sign. in drilling operations. 18-2 Hutt's Ladies' Shoppe. & " 3 _! = we "Len, f i : x ; a : Wi * ¢ es 5 \ i es % oe aa TOOK SIXTY CADETS TO DEATH the recovery of sixty cadets on the which foundered during a storm off The ship was man- by the steamer Theresa Russ, whose captain was an eyewitness of the tragedy. allt ih) al i ] Hii ni! \t STRANGER: "Whereabouts is PUBLICITY AGENT: "Dunno, the Lucullus Restaurant?" sir. Never 'eard of it !" BURNING By L. H JAMES, PRICES ARE GOINGUP PO WEST COON ON COAL--- Remember --later on. When Old Man /Winter is doing his worst -- the price of coal will be high- er! Buy your coal NOW. Heating Sat- isfaction at a saving. See RUSSELL CORY a SIDING yum - yum The Family Loaf Crisp, brown crust. . wholesomely baked, it has that delicious- ness you don't forget. Once tried . . always bought Haileybury Bakery Phone 36 Daily Deliveries vices being held in Sunday morning and Bay on Monday. Besides her two sons, Mrs. Chapleau is survived by four daughters, Rev. Sister Ovide Marie, Papineauville, Mrs. Laura Laberge and Mrs. Marie Thivi- erge, in Alberta, and Miss Marie Jeanne Chapleau, in North Bay. Card of Thanks Cobalt on in North Mr. John McDowell and fam- ily wish to extend sincere thanks to all their friends for the great kindness and sympathy shown and the many floral tributes sent during their recent bereavement. Card of Thanks Mrs. Clifton Elliott and son, Alva, wish to extend sincere thanks to all their friends for the great Kindness and sympathy shown during their recent ber- eavement; also for the many beautiful floral tributes sent. CHURCHES The United Church Minister--W. A. Beecroft, B.A., B.D. Organist--Mr. R. H. Unwin Porery erore-@ 10 a.m--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Public Worship. The Baptist Church Rey. T. E. McAllister, Minister 11 a.m.--Public Worship. The public is cordially invited to at- tend. 2.30 p.m.--Bible School. Albert Gospel Hall ALBERT STREET Sunday, 11 a.m--Commemoration of the Lord's Supper. 3 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 7 p.m--Gospel Meeting (Evangelistic) to which all are cordially invited. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Meeting for Prayer and Bible Study. 3 p.m.--Women's Prayer Meeting. Women's Missionary Meeting, first Wednesday of each month; place of meeting arranged monthly, For Rent--Five roomed bunga- low and two lots; corner of Al- bert St. and Meridian Avenue.! Lights and water in. Apply to Mrs. J. W. Splane, View St. 18-tf Wanted--Position as maid, by French speaking young lady; experienced. Apply Box 1, Haileyburian. 18-1pd W. E. Bagshaw, Insurance of all kinds; Automobile, Accident], and Sickness a specialty. Best of Companies. Insure anything insurable. 15-t.f. BRING RESULTS 'S Board and Room Wanted--Some of the new public school teach- ers are enquiring about board- ing places. R. J. McClanahan. 18-lpd For Sale--Red and Black Cur- rants and gooseberries, fine fruit. Apply to Mrs. G. Bailey, 110 Rorke Ave., Phone 154. 17-1-* Upholstering, Furniture Repair- ing, Car Covering and general work done at reasonable prices. Geo. Decarie, 44 Little Street, East, Haileybury. 12-t.f. Furnished Room to Rent--Gent- leman preferred. Also Garage to rent. Apply at Haileyburian For Rent--Stable on Main Street. Apply to Mrs. A. L. Herbert, or phone 149. otf Co war CLASSIG THEATRE | ON ' TARIL@® FRIDAY and SATURDAY August 5 and 6 HELLO TROUBLE' Lina Basquette COMEDIES--The Old Bull Zazu Pitts and Theima Todd. with The Battle of the Barn, a scrappy car- toon. Fox News No. 80, installment No. 2 of the serial The Ghost. Galloping MONDAY and TUESDAY August 8 and 9 Is There a Price Tag | On the Soul of Every | Beautiful Girl ? with Regis Toomey - ZaSu Pitts Directed by Nicholas Grinde | A Columbia Picture COMEDY--Love Pains. Screen Snapshots No. 9, and Para- mount News No. 101. 'WEDNESDAY: and THURSDAY, AUGUST 10th and 11th --When you hear their story, what will your verdict be? Michael ani Mary (Their Secret) HERBERT MASHALL and EDNA BEST in a Gainsborough Picture directed by Victor Saville. Present- ed by Carl Laemmle. Distributed by SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION "Children of the Big House" With Pat O'Brien. whirlwind reporter of the immortal "Front Page." Junior Durkin, sensational boy star and Bette Davis, lovely new Warner Bros. star. COMEDY -- "Strife of the Universal Party."