TEL E HAILEYBURIAN_ Atkinson in police court at Hail- COMMUNITY NEWS. : teeee ee tion had been made, a bank offic- eybury last Friday. No restitu- $jial said, while Constable John After considering the matter from a number of angles, Cobalt public school board, at Tuesday night's special meeting, appoint- ed Joseph Gartside, West Cobalt, school attendance officer for that part of the union section outside the town of Cobalt. The salary is $200 per annum. The four memb- ers present considered, alternat- ively, the extension of the auth- ority of R. B. Holmes, town of- ficer, and adding the duties to the whom made from have the purchases, tk this witness present. bury tomorrow on a charge Constable H. Allsopp the Peter St. Don, 55, North Cobalt|the ditch striking a pole an resident, was bound over for two/turning over. The car was bad! his of assaulting her after a charge|youths on the wagon, of this nature had been preferred| Sutherland, the driver, and Ne him in police court at/and Alfred Clouthier. Accordin Haileybury last Friday afternoon|to the police, Eitel was travelin He was given suspended sentence|on the left side of the road an against Mr. Rosicki had asked for an ad- journment to produce the clerk who formerly worked there, and Luukanen claims to magistrate adding it might be to accused's own advantage to have Jack Eitel, New Liskeard, is to appear in police court at Hailey- reckless driving, with Provincial to a side road, and continuing to years to keep the peace against|}damaged, but Eitel was not ser-| wife when he was convicted | jously hurt, nor were the three! of Clarence | by Magistrate Atkinson, but must|swerved across to avoid the wag- Pretorius, of the provincial force related how accused had told him he had done this before and his father always had paid the mon- ey. But, the officer declared, de- fendant had said his father had stated the last time had been reached, Elliott, it was alleged, had issued the cheque to himself, representing it to have come from his father, R. A. Elliott. Crown Attorney F. L. Smiley, K. £)C., said the practice was "getting to be a rather common one." Ac- 1€ com-}cused, he said, seemed to be of a work of the janitors at West Co- plainant. The case will be a se-|decent family, but apparently balt and Mileage 104--in both quel to a mishap on the main|this was not the first time. caseés with increased pay--but}road at Argentite last Thursday|"There must be some protection finally decided that, in the Cif-|afternoon, in which Eitel is alleg-|for the banks, which ~had been cumstances, a separate appoint-|ed to have run into the rear of aldecent enough to trust him," ment best met conditions. horse-drawn wagon turning on}|concluded Mr Smiley. d! The bail of $2,000 on which he Y|had been released after his ar- rest on charges of abduction and supplying liquor to a minor ©'has been renewed in the case of il] Clarence Pearce, Coleman town- 8|ship resident who has been com- §| mitted for trial on the former d/count. On the other charge, de- cision will be rendered on Satur- day, having been reserved by Magistrate Atkinson at the close pay the costs, amounting to]on, which was headed for the $17.50. The woman claimed her] railway crossing. The horse was husband had caught her by the]off the road altogether, the-officer throat, Chief Ayotte, of Bucke,|said, when Eitel's car caught the swore he had seen marks there] tail end of the wagon he overtook two inches long, but St. Don = himself would admit only thathe had lost his temper and had pul led her hair, explaining any marks by stating his fingers may have slipped. Figures to be included in the |balt on Blueberries, which the owner claimed had cost him $250 were a total loss as the result of an auto- mobile accident on the Ferguson Highway two miles south of Co- Friday afternoon last, age. show of the hearing last Saturday Cobalt. old girl who is Pearce had poured out a glass of wine for her at Kirkland and her father testified as to her W. C Inch, for the defence, offered no evidence, the bench said the Crown had to} accused knew she when a truck belonging to the} minor, Crown Attorney F. in case, the 15-year involved swore In this Lake, sary only to look at her to know that. The magistrate is looking up cases on the point. In the other charge, heard in closed court at Haileybury on Friday, the girl described herself as "a particular friend", of defendant. She told how, with four other men and a second 'girl, she. and Pearce had gone to Swastika by car, remaining overnight there, and with both girls and accused occupying the same bed for a time. Before leaving Cobalt, they had been at three different homes in a round of parties that had lasted from 4 p.m. August 16, to 9 a.m. the following day, and during which there had been immoral relations between them. To Mr. Inch, the girl admitted she had been living what the lawyer termed "a pretty tast life", and also to immoral con- duct with "many other men", but to the Crown Attorney she said she was going "with the man, and not with the car." A new Polish hall in the town of Timmins was opened recently with the Vice-Consul for the Re- public of Poland in Canada offi- eiating at the ceremonies. RELY Pu VEGETABLE No better corrective exists today for BAD COMPLEXION and when al a L.| was and ACID STOMACH Sold everywhere in 25cand 75c red pkgs. w (Sy Z Z tH nae) > 7) g S Q ae) rs) S) iy] --"D ae ie} 2, po es (A) 5 é 7) east Frederick Elliot BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Ontario and British Columbia INVESTMENTS, LOANS, ETC. LEGRIS BLOCK HAILEYBURY W. A. Gordon, K.C. William C. Inch BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS and NOTARIES PUBLIC MYLES BLOCK, MAIN STREET HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO é K. M. Stephen Life, Health, Accident, Fire, Automobile INSURANCE The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada The General Accident Assurance Co. of Canada Several First Class Fire Companies 60 Browning St. HAILEYBURY Phone 322 Dr. Gordon F. Jackson PHYSICIAN and SURGEON 131 Bloor St. West TORONTO Telephones: Office--Kingsdale 5748 Residence--Hillcrest 2333 Edwin W. Kearney BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC GIBSON BLOCK HAILEYBURY Telephone No. 10 Eric E. Smith PIANO TUNING Practical Instruction im Violin Playing given at your home VIOLINS SOLD AT REASONABLE PRICES BOX 556 NEW LISKEARD F. L. Smiley, K.C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC CROWN ATTORNEY Commercial, Ross Business College COBALT, ONTARIO Stenographic Secretarial Courses Day, Evening and Mail Classes Write for Information and Conrt House Main Street Haileybury GBS uer BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Bank of Nova Scotia Building HAILEYBURY, ONT. PHONE 560 Canadian Legion HAILEYBURY BRANCH No. 54 Meets in Club Room on Browning Street First Wed. of Each Month, at 8 p.m. ALL RETURNED MEN WELCOME Dr. W. R. Somerville DENTIST Bank of Nova Scotia Building MAIN & FERGUSON HAILEYBURY JACK RYDER PLUMBING, HEATING and REPAIRING Phone 207, Blackwall Street. Your Complete Satisfaction is My Guarantee Dr. R. H. O'Neill DENTIST Main and Ferguson HAILEYBURY Phone--Office 11, Residence 132 | Liggett Block Saxton Electric Blackwall Street Phone 243 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS CONTRACTS . ESTIMATES R'S IZEPILLS report of Alonzo Fortin, Cobalt's|Devon artage Co., Toronto, | Smiley, K.C., said it was neces-| | Consistent Advertising in The Haileyburian Will Bring Customers. assessor, will give the town a/went into the ditch and _ upset. i population of 3,430, and an asses- The driver said later that, as he| --= SSS F ed yalue for taxation purposes of|drove south, a horse and wagon| -. =" =. - iy - E=. Ee ? $850,625 As compared with the} had approached a government| last return, the number of inhab-| grader working on the road, and SPECIALS IN OUR itants is down 373, while the de-|that when he swung out to pass| [J crease in assessment will be ap-/he got into the shoulder of the/[f 4 proximately $50,000, although the} road, which was soft, causing him R eat e t figures ae subject to decisions of|to lose control. The truck caught] ce ek the court of revision Buildings} fire, but this was quickly exting-| | which have been taken down ac-/uished, and the man on the grad-| Toya aay count largely for the difference,} ey helped the two occupants of | iy business assessment suffering to|the cab to escape. The truck was | A ° eye some extent for this same reason. | brought back to Cobalt, but was| Rib Boiling Beef q rhe total assessment of the town|not seriously damaged, It was| is given as $1,512,725, but exemp-| stated that the truck carried 300 id 5 | ste a k cz : tions granted by law to mining}baskets of blueberries, bought il 4 lbs. 25c property... churches, schools, the] a cost of a dollar-per basket, and| 'town hall and Y.M.C.A. cut this|that only one-sixth of the fruit ° figure almost in half. | could be salvaged, the balance poe Fresh Spare Ribs q ij ary |being scattered over the land- William Luukanen, held by the/scape. On a. previous trip, an} {i} Ui ecaie. 6s ious eae 3 lbs 25c pe police on a sae: of joes in|axle had broken, it was stated. fs GOOD QUALITY--NEW PACs ey jominion" has inentement . © \y possession of goods salds O Nave : ; y 2 yA has opened several new, been stolen from Rosicki's Lang Pleading guilty to a charge of | ED me a & g4 oe 2° © ae ior three in Country Style Street store in Cobalt during ajuttering a forged document, and} |§ | ow dind pe] 4 vind. ina D pepe ton y y recent robbery there, is out on a/telling the court he had nothing | [¥ | cations throughout Eastern Canada Sausa e | $500 bond, provided by Gus Lund,|to say, Stewart M. Elliott former | STRAWBERRY RASPBERRY, BLACK CURRANT IN APERECTATION er toe Con ee g 1 ; ) i i whi a riends to appear in court on Saturday. | packing house saleman picked up | an t hown us during this period, we F ' His counsel, George Mitchel, K.)by police recently at Temagami Eee | SE ES aoe Tes e Be Sea Ben aalad a eer 2% lbs. for 25c d C., told Magistrate Atkinson, his|in connection with a cheque -he | AY ae Ge please the most exacting and thrifty . 7 client had bought goods at the|cashed at New Liskeard, was H j BED hl id store for many years, that the/sentenced to not less than Six| | CHOICE, FRESH a articles found represented bona-|months, and not more than two] E | ° fide purchases and that he should] years, less one day, in the Ontar- AMAZING VALUE: Blade Roast be released on his own bond.Jio Reformatory, when the case] From the bench, it was stated! was disposed of by Magistrate PER POUND 2 ly lbs 25c iT i 2 ON / : -- oo | bs REDUCTT | (a aa | - . 2 j ON ALL OUR OWN 5 Fresh Minced Steak a Sal er nusoan | 7 | 1 EXCEPT THAT aS | | = SAAT T WEEK --"H y @ ki H | d" vi FREE! AN AMUSING RUBBER TO¥ Be eanaabase. BEA ONLY 2 lbs. 25c ow 7our Looking as improve | | WITH EVERY POUND OF-- | | Weston's 'Toyland' s s s s } i | BISCUITS RED PACKAGE 2 eit ti E won't work late at the office-- | | ye AEROBIE eas REG PRICE 39¢ LB. jE not he, He:does not remind his I H ceed eee a ata REG. PRICE. SALE PRICE SPEC bride of mother's cooking any more. x Dollis, etc. Simply Ib. 4 Ib IAL IN OUR What has made the amazing change? i fonae igure % DOMINO Ib. 45c 35¢ lb. Y ne che fead about a little book called Ah AT hes VRine NaN ore RICHMELLO Ib. 63c 53¢ |b. The Good Provider' and a marvel- exclusive purchase 2 ul e ous way of making delicious things Ho en he ita cen GOLDEN TIP Ib. 75c 65e lb. e with St. Charles Evaporated Milk. Now ! FREE offer to "Do- hercakes are a joy tosee--and taste. pinion Sustomers. Her soups andcreamed dishes Fo would change any man's FANCY PINK mind, And here's what Duchess Apples saa SALMON 3 ~29¢ i Borden's iS. GUEST SIZE Sc ad --and so that ' i v Ss p CAKES b | iG ane vor oap 3 New Potatoes proving it too, ie write for your copy o! i i d "The Good rovider I THEY'RE FRESH ROASTED FIVE ROSES 25c peck A as 80 pages illustrated in fu E color andwill prove a treasure- DOMINION F L O U R a house of cooking wisdom. tl A REAL SCHOOI-O| G | Coffees) 8kb.bag $2.99 176-Page Seripbter New Lemons a ee and 2 Pencils A2ec d : DOMINO ae Cae 2 le from "x es 3 MAYFIELD grade, ruled I 1-LB. Paper, s le PKG. 3 Cc for ink or pencil BUTTER poe y | GQ: JUST ARRIVED--A CAR OF is RICHMELLO 24¢ perlb Bouse ste. The MIXED FRUIT--LOWEST o y = le penc! ! vie 1-LB. finished with . TIN 49¢ an eraser end. PRICES q 115 George Street WE DELIVER ALL ORDERS Toronto, Ontario : 3 "3 -- | DOMINION STORES [kere : ' re ) P ' He re MR cls cwienioved is eaiihe aes CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS= ~ BONES , Address... = aie od