The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 1 Sep 1932, p. 8

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i Z a er. and Mrs. V. T. Reed a URL ID, HUAG LE aveBsUsReleamn THURSDAY; SEPT. 11932 Social and Personal | Mrs. D. E. Sutherland is spend- ing this week on a_ visit with friends in North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. -Olson, West Road, spent the week-end on a motor trip to North Bay. Mrs. John O'Hara returned home this week after a visit with friends and relatives at Sudbury. Miss Gertrude Donlin of North Bay, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Whorley this week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Aincott, of Hamilton, are visiting friends and relatives at Moore's Cove this week. Miss Edith Oslund returned home on Saturday after a visit with friends in Rouyn and Kirk- land Lake. Mr. Bert Andrews, 6f the Nor- thern Canada Supply Co. staff at Kirkland Lake, is holidaying at his home here this week. Mrs. Williams and son, of North Bay, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Whorley, Prospect Nurseries. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Thorpe and familggSpent the week-end on a visit to friends and relatives at Timmins and South Porcupine. -- Born--At Haileybury, on Sat- urday, August 2%th, 1932, to Mr. and Mrs. Lauren) E. Hansman (nee Annie E. g@hes) a son. Mrs. D. John, ae resid- ent of Haileybury, i$ in town for a visit with Mr. and/Mrs. George T. Hamilton, Lake Shore Road. and sons, Mr. Mrs. J. RQ Whorley and Robert and) Clifford, motored to North Bay amd spent the week-end with friends there. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ryder Gna Mr. and Mrs. H. Burton Haye gone by motor to Toronto to WIS- it the Canadian National Exhib- ition. € little son, of Elk Lake, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, Marcella Street, this week. Mrs. Russell Cryderman re- turned yesterday to her home in Sudbury after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. A. Best, Blackwall Street. | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Green and| children, of Windsor, renewed acquaintances in Haileybury on their way to visit Mrs. Green's parents at Marter. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lettner and family, of Walkerton, are in Haileybury for a visit with their son, Mr. W. E. Lettner, and Mrs. Lettner, Amwell Street. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kelley, of Toronto, returned to the city this week after a visit with Mr. Kel- ley's sister, Mrs. John Ax Mc- Kinnon, and Mr. McKinnon, Am- well Street. Sisters Isabel and Inis Marie, of Peterboro, were, visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John O'Hara on Monday. Sister Isa- bel is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O'Hara. Mr. and Mrs. Berg and the Misses Martha and Bertha Saari left Sunday by motor for Weston where Miss Martha Saari will remain to enter a hospital as a nurse-in-training. The regular monthly meeting of the Home and Foreign Mission Circle of the Baptist Church will be held on Thursday, September Sth, at 3 p.m., at the home of Mrs. M. Hughes, Marcella street. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Labine and family, old residents of Haileybury, left yesterday for their new home in Port Hope, Ont. Their many friends regret their departure and extend sin- cere good wishes. Rev. J. A. Donnell, of Saska- toon., formerly Pastor of the Haileybury Presbyterian Church, with his daughter, Miss Mar- garet, is visiting friends in Hail- eybury. They are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. OBITUARY ecco Mrs. S. H. Glassford Mr. S. H. Glassford received a message on Wednesday morning to the effect that Mrs. Glassford, who has been an invalid for the past eight years, had passed a- way ina Toronto hospital on Tuesday night. While her death had not been unexpected, the news came asa shock to Mr. Glassford and his son, Harold, who are the sole survivors. They arranged to leave by motor for the city immediately, but the funeral arrangements had not been completed pending their ar- rival there. Mrs .Glassford, who was years of age, was formerly Miss Edith Brown, of Midland, and came to Haileybury after her marriage to Mr. Glassford there in 1912. She was born in Peter- boro, Ont. Up to the commence- ment of her illness she had been a resident here and was well known to a wide circle of friends and there were many expressions of sympathy offered to Mr. Glass- ford and Harold when the news was received. There are two brothers and two sisters of the late Mrs. Glassford also surviving SZ John Desrosiers One of the pioneers of the dis- trict, John Desrosiers, died in Misericordia Hospital, Hailey- bury, on Friday night last after a short illness. He was 86 years old and, with the late Mrs. Des- rosiers, for many years kept a boarding house at Temagami, re- tiring from there in 1930 and taking up residence at North Co- balt, where his wife died in Octo- ber of that year. Recently Mr. Desrosiers has been living with his daughter, Mrs Davies, of that village. The funeral of the late Mr. Desrosiers was held on Sunday, August 2&th,-from the undertak- ing parlors of Thorpe & Bran- chaud, Haileybury, to North Co- balt for the service in the Roman Catholic Church there, which was conducted by Rev. Father Forest, Parish Priest. Interment was made in the Roman Catholic Cemetery, North Cobalt. Town Foreman Suspended For Unsatisfactory Work Holding that his work over a considerable period had been un- satisfactory, the town council at a special meeting Monday night decided to Jos. Police from his position as town foreman, with a month's salary. He has been in the employment of the town for many years, com- ing here from Sturgeon Falls, when the first waterworks sys- tem was being installed. : No permanent appointment of a successor in the job was made, the matter being left in the hands of Councillor Fleming with auth- ority to hire a man at the rate of $100 per month. This is being done with a view to securing --a suitable permanent man after a trial. on suspend Win First Round in Battle Over Aladdin Property; Notices to Vacate Are Ready The tenants have won the first round of the legal battle in the dispute between the Aladdin-Co- balt Mining Co. and its lessees at the north end of Cobalt over ground rentals, but the owners of the property have prepared a fresh attack, and the contro- versy is likely to enter another stage, accofrding to the latest information available in the mat- tet Yesterday morning, at Hailey- bury court house, Judge Hart- man announced his decision ~in the applications brought by the company to obtain writs of pos- session against the buildings of Mrs. Clorida Nixon and Joseph A. Robitaille, Lang street resid- ents, and his Honor has _ ruled that the applications are dismis- sed, with costs against the com- pany. But leases on the Aladdin hold- ings expired at midnight, and W. E. McCready, the company's agent at Cobalt, has prepared no- tices to be served on tenants in arrears with their rents, and un- der the terms of which the les- sees will be ordered to vacate their premises within 30 days af- ter service. These notices will be served personally on the parties affected, it is stated. In giving judgment, his Hon- or holds that proof of service in the action taken by the Aladdin against Mrs. Nixon and Mr. Ro- bitaille is defective, and on that ground the applications fail. At the time of the hearing, two weeks ago, Judge Hartman re- ferred several times to the diffi- culties he experienced 'over the service, which was by registered mail. It was intimated the court felt service on the tenants had not been proven satisfactorily. Provision to overcome this ob- jection had been made on_ the new notices, it is announced. On the back of the papers the time of service will be shown, togeth- er with the name of the person making the service. It is hinted that failure to comply will mean further action before the courts, jbut it is also considered probable |that the committee of leasehold- ers may take further steps to ef- fect a settlement in the dispute. Aladdin leases, which ran from September 1, 1919, to August 31, 1929, and which have been renew- ed since on an annual basis, ran out a few hours ago. Many of the tenants had not renewed their leases prior to the starting of the present controversy, but it was stated during the hearing on August 19, that, if the rent had been offered and accepted at the former rate, the lease provisions were binding. La Rose leases do not expire for two months yet, being dated November 1. Results Are Sure From Haileyburian Want Ads. TITLED WOMEN SEEK ADVENTURE IN DESERT The Marchioness of Milford Haven (left) and Lady Louis Mountbatten (right) are leaving England on an cdventurous trip into the Persian Desert. They will take with them neither companions, servants nor luggage. trip may occupy many weeks and the will include trains, ships, aeroplanes, The means of transportation they will use horses, mules, camels and their own feet. The two travellers intend to depend wholly on their own resources and to enjoy unrelieved "roughing it." "We want to get away from peo- ple, towns and hotels," said the Marchioness, who is 36 years old, and her Hamilton, Lake Shore Road. companion is 31. Ground Rents! 'Leases Expired at Midnight On | TWENTY-FIVE SINGLE MEN MAY GO FROM HERE TO THE HIGHWAY CAMPS Following communications with the Department in charge of the highway camps in the neighbor- hood of North Bay, it has been announced that 25 single men from this municipality can be placed there, under the scheme whereby men receive their board and $5 per month. The munici- pality will be required to furnish transportation to North Bay, where the men are to report to Engineer White, in charge of the highway work in that section. Any single men wishin to take advantage of this scheme and thereby secure their living for the winter months, plus a small sum in the way of money for expenses, should register at the office of the town clerk without delay. The pay is small, but it may in some cases be considered as better than being entirely out of a job. All members of the Ontario Lgislature are expected to be ina party which will make a tour of the North Country commencing on September 19th and occupy- ing about four days. The party will spend one day at Moosonee. Steam Heated Apartments For Rent Living Room, Kitchen, Two Bedrooms and Bath, with Shower. In downtown build- subdivided and decorated. Apply to F.R. Gibson Phone 21 ing, newly alien cain sin i in itn tein ttn A New Shipment of English China Just Received coe We visit our store in order suggest that you that you may realize the beautiful new designs. Special Values in Cups and Saucers 50° 75° $1 A. W. SANDERSON Jeweler and Stationer 2 2 d 3 2 2 2 j 2 d 2 Z 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 Z j 3 2 Til The Family Loaf Crisp, brown crust . . wholesomely baked, it has that delicious- ness you don't forget. Once tried . . always bought Haileybury Bakery Phone 36 Daily Deliveries READ THIS House for Sale or Rent--4 bedrooms, large dining room, kitchen and parlor. Easy terms--small rent; nice lo- cality. Apply Bagshaw In- surance Office. Phone 48. { CHURCHES j; The United Church Minister--W. A. Beecroft, B.A., B.D. Organist--Mr. R. H. Unwin 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Public Worship. The Baptist Church Rev. T. E. McAllister, Minister 11 a.m.--Public Worship. The public is cordially invited to at- tend. 2.30 p.m.--Bible School. Albert Gospel Hall ALBERT STREET -_- Sunday, 11 am--Commemoration of the Lord's. Supper. 3 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class 7 p.m--Gospel Meeting (Evangelistic) to which all are cordially invited. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Meeting for Prayer and Bible Study. 3 p.m.--Women's Prayer Meeting. Women's Missionary Meeting, first Wednesday of each month; place of meeting arranged monthly. Consistent Advertising in The Haileyburian will Bring Business ed house, electric conveniences, basement, furnace, etc. Apply to G. E .McCloskey, Englehart, Wanted--Housekeeper, six-room- |For Rent--Four Roomed House BRING RESULTS oc on Amwell St., hardwood floors water and light. $5 per month, Apply to Mrs. A. L. Herbert, 22 Brewster Street. Apply on premises or to Edwin W. Kear- ney, Gibson Block. 22-t.f. Ont. 22-1-c| -or phone 149. 21-t.f, For Sale or Rent--Furnished or|W. E. Bagshaw, Insurance of all unfurnished, desirable residence] kinds; Automobile, Accident and Sickness a specialty. Best of Companies. Insure anything insurable. 15-t.f. For Sale -- On Brewster Street, comfortable eight-roomed house. Apply at Haileyburian Office. 22-1-c For Sale -- Comfortable Brick dwelling, located in centre of Haileybury. Apply to Gilbert Labine. 20-3-* Furnished Room to Rent--Gent- leman preferred. Also Garage to rent. Apply at Haileyburian For Rent--Five roomed bunga- low and two lots; corner of Al- bert St. and Meridian Avenue. Lights and water in. Apply to Mrs. J. W. Splane, View St. 18-tf For Sale or Rent--Comfortable house, 7 rooms and bath, gar- age. Browning Street. Apply to J. E. Miller. 19-t.. Upholstering, Furniture Repair- ing, Car Covering and general work done at reasonable prices- Geo. Decarie, 44 Little Street, East, Haileybury. 12-t.£- (POV sine CLASSIG THEATRE - ON TARLO FRIDAY and SATURDAY September 2nd and 3rd He Rings the Bell trades socks with bruisers and kisses with blondes in the big- gest action hit of his career! 'WINNER. TAKE ALL' with Marian Nixon, Virginia Bruce, Guy Kibbee. It's another 1932 thrill from Warner Bros. Comedy "East and West" and "Land Not Fox News No. 88; Serial "Galloping Ghosts" No. 6 Known"; MONDAY and TUESDAY September 5th and 6th Make Me A Star --with-- Joan Blondel Stuart Erwin Zasu Pitts --and-- Ben Turpin A Paramount Picture Comedy "Unreliable" with Pitts and Todd; "Barnyard Olympics" with Mickey Mouse Paramount News. Every Tuesday Night is DINNERWARE NIGHT WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, SEPT. 7th and 8th 'Strange Case Of Clara Deane A Paramount Picture --with-- WYNNE GIBSON PAT O'BRIEN, FRANCES DEE Comedy "The Knockout" A Boy with a Wallop-- A Girl with a Heart-- Steady Company A love story of the city___with strug- gling youth battling upward___a ro- mance of "just folks'--like you and you and you_-_-A picture to make your pounding heart keep pace with its throbbing humanity. With Nor- man Foster, June Clyde, Zasu Pitts. A Universal Picture ee a

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