nee L Page 8 ere E pee AGI. BY BUR LAN THURSDAY, SEPT. 15th, 1932 Social and Personal | a we a ee a ta a Mrs. J. Dickson left yesterday for a visit to North Bay and Southern Ontario points. Mrs. Hugh Rose of Sudbury, is a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. IJ. B. Roger, Lake Shore Road. Odd sizes of dresses, regularly selling from $9.50 to $19.50, to clear at $7.95, at Hutt's Ladies' Shoppe. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morrison, Main Street, are spending a week or two at their summer cottage on Lake Temagami. Miss Hutchison, of the Public School staff, spent the past week end with -Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morrison at Temagami. Mr. S. Liscumb returned home last week after spending the past couple of months with his son, R. Liscumb, in Toronto. Master Billie Liscumb, former- ly of Haileybury, has been spend- ing the summer holidays with Toronto friends in Muskoka. Mrs. M. J. Foster returned home on Saturday after a month's visit with friends in Toronto and other Southern Ontario points. John A. MacArthur Jr., was home from Shillington over the week-end for a visit with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mac- Arthur, Marcella Street. Mrs. E. B. Whorley is in To- ronto this week for the big con- vention of florists of Canada and the United States, being held at the Royal York Hotel. Jack McFarlane returned to his home in Haileybury at the week- end after spending the summer in Great Bear Lake district on a prospecting trip. Dr. R: P. Roger and. Mrs. Roger of Coldwater, Ont., are in Haileybury this week for a visit with their son, Mr. I. B. Roger, and Mrs. Roger, Lake Shore Road. Mrs. Fred Simpson and fam- ily, of Burk's Falls, Ont., were in Haileybury at the week-end for a short visit with Mrs. Simp- son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Keddie. Mrs. Keddie, who had been visiting them for a few weeks, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. McFadden, of Cookstown, Ont., and former- ly of Haileybury ,were visitors here for a few hours on Tuesday. 'Mr. McFadden is editor of The Cookstown Advocate and was formerly associated with Ralph Davidson, who published The Haileyburian in 1919. Under the auspices of the W. M.S. of the United Church, a tea and sale of home cooking will be held on Saturday next, Septem- ber 17th, from 3 to 5.30 p.m., at the home of Mrs. H. G. Pickard, Latchford Street. Miss Bradley will be present and will display a collection of curios from Africa. The progtam of sports at Lis- keard Beach, postponed from Labor Day, will be run off on Saturday of this week and will include a league rugby game be- tween Kirkland Lake and New Liskeard High Schools. A two-year-old boy, George William. Holmes, died at Tim- mins last week a. few hours after he had drank some gasoline that had been used for cleaning pur- poses in his home and had been left standing on a table. TRY OUR WANT ADS Steam Heated Apartments For Rent Living Room, Kitchen, Two Bedrooms and Bath, with Shower. In downtown build- newly subdivided and decorated. Apply to F.R. Gibson Phone 21 |. OBI saad | WEDDING BELLS Fernholm--Scholl Roland E. Larocque The wedding of Miss Cora] The death of Roland E. La- Scholl to Mr. Herbert Fernholm!rocque, which took place on Sun- has been announced, the cere-)day evening, September 11th, at mony taking place at North Co-|the home of his parents, Mr. and balt on Saturday last, Septembet|Mrs. Joseph Larocque, on the 1 eer ror ng the summer, is now in operation e e with a capacity of 45,000 feet ; Haileybury in 1925 d J daily A tag day in aid of the Red Cross Hospital will be held on Saturday next by the local Chap- ter of the 1.0.D.E. iP Items from the Files of The Haileyburian of Seven Years Ago Discussion of a site for a tour- formerly|ist camp and appointment of a A. G. Kirkpatrick, meet the town manager of the MHaileybury}committee to 10th. | Lafleur--Caron | Holy Cross Cathedral, Hailey- bury ,was the scene of the wed- ding of Miss Blanche Caron, West Road, daughter of the late T. Caron and Mrs. Caron, to Mr. Q. Lafleur, also of the West Road. The ceremony was _per- formed at 8.30 a.m. on Wednes- day, September 14th, by Rev. Father Pelchat, in the presence of immediate friends and _ rela- tives of the contracting parties, and later the wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's mother. A reception for the newly wedded couple was al- so held there last night and Mr. and Mrs. Lafleur will reside on the West Road. Belanger--Lafleur The marriage of Miss Blanche Lafleur, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Lafleur, pioneer residents of Earlton, to Wilfrid Belanger, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Belanger old time residents of Haileybury, was solemnized in Holy Cross Cathe- dral, at 7 am., on Monday, Sep- tember 12th. The ceremony was performed by Rey. Father Pel- chat in the presence of immediate friends and relatives of the young couple, who are well known and popular among a wide circle of acquaintances. Following the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was served at the home 'of the groom's_par- ents on Amwell Street, and in lyears and West Road just outside of Hail- eybury, brought to an end many months of suffering. He was 21 j two months old and had been ill for the past eighteen months ,during which time there was little hope for his recovery, in spite of all that medical skill could do. ? Born in St. Joachim, Essex County, he spent his early years there, coming to Haileybury with the other members of the family four years ago. During his resi- dence here Mr. Larocque made many friends who all regret very much his early death, and extehd sincere sympathy to the family. Surviving are-his parents, six sisters and six brothers. The sisters are Mrs. J. A. Daigle (Marie Anne), Marguerite, Alida, Hortense, Alice and Germaine; the brothers are Raoul, Armand, Zephir, Arthur, Maurice and Va- lence, all at home. ~ The funeral was held yesterday morning, with the service in Holy Cross Cathedral conducted by Rev. J. M. Pelchat, Chancellor of the Diocese, and interment in the Roman Catholic Cemetery. The large attendance at the funeral services and the many floral tri- butes and spiritual offerings sent testified to the esteem in which the deceased was held and the great sympathy which is felt for the family. The pallbearers were Valmore Chevrette, Nelson Mc- Curdy, Donat Vachon, Romeo Allard, Osias Rochon and George Lemay, all intimate friends of Mr. Larocque. Out of town rela- tives who were present included the evening a reception and dance were held at the home of the bride's parents at Earlton.~ Mr. and Mrs, Belanger have taken up their residence in Haileybury, where they are receiving the con- gratulations of all their friends. HEAD OF ODDFELLOWS TO VISIT LODGES HERE TUESDAY, SEPT. 27TH On Tuesday evening, Septem- ber 27th, Rev. A. C. Cummer of London, Ont., Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, 1.0. O.F., will pay an official visit to the Lodges of the District. A combined meeting will be held in the Haileybury Lodge Room, commencing at 8 o'clock, to which all five Lodges which comprise the district have been invited.. Plans are now being made for the reception of the distinguished visitor and it is ex- pected that each Lodge in the district will have a good repre- sentation present. R. J. Oliver returned hime this week from Moosonee, where he was engaged in surveying a township bordering on the Moose River. Mr. and Mrs. O. Larocque and |the Misses Noella and Clemence |Larocque, of North Bay; Mr.'and Mrs. J. Bellehumeur, Lorrainville |Quebec. 2 Following is a list of floral tri- butes, masses and spiritual offer- ings: Mr. and Mrs. Art. Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Rice and family, Mr. and @Mrs. Ib | Whorley and family, Mr. and Mrs R. |Campbell and family, Mr; an@ Mrs. O. | Larocque and family, Mr. ahd Mrs. }Henry Larocque and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Larocque and family; Mr. fend Mrs. Swan Nelson and family; Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Nelson and family, lKnights of Columbus, Women's Insti- |tute of Clover Valley, Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Daigle, Mr. and Mrs. R, Whorley, Miss Marion Robert, Miss S. Abram, |Miss Anna Olsen, Miss Ouimet, Miss Elva Johnson, Mr. Dick Whorley, Mr. Wm, Francis, Mr. Wm. Rice, Mr. and Mrs. McGillivray, Mrs. McComiskey, Mr. and. Mrs. Joseph Villeneuve. f Cross--Mrs. H. Histrop. Wreath--Mr, and Mrs. James Farlane Jr. and family. -- Masses--Mr. and Mrs. Henry La- rocque, Miss Claribelle Lemieux, The Knights of Columbus, Dr. and Mrs. Joyal, Misses Larocque, Mr. and Mrs. Mc- baby of Princess Ileana of Roumania, father. With King Alfonso is Queen of Hapsburg. A fine close-up of the Hapsbu: An interesting photo, showing former King Alfonso of Spain holding the ROYALTY AT A CHRISTENING Gabrielle} _ branch of the Royal Bank, took charge of the new branch here, formerly the Union Bank, on Monday. four first prizes for four ani- mals exhibited is the record made by W. J. McLean's shorthorn herd at the New Liskeard Fair last week. Dan H. Millar is champion of the local golf club for the season of 1925, winning the' Purchas Memorial Cup from a field of 24 players last week. It is now practically certain that the armories which were destroyed in the fire of 1922 will bewebuilt and that work will commence in the near future. H. C. Dunbar's new sawmill at Moonbeam, built to replace the one destroyed by fire earlier in M. J. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. O. La- rocque, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham and family, Mr. Valmore Chevrette, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bellehumeur. Spiritual Offerings--Sisters of As- sumption and Pupils, Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Dupuis and family, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Deraiche and _ family, Miss (Gracia Larocque, Mr, and Mrs. P. Vachon and family, Misses Cecile and Gilberte Bellehumeur, Miss H. Plante, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Daigle. Telegrams -- Mr. and Mrs. J. D Forbes, Ruscomb Station, Ont., Mr. Arthur Allard Jr., .Pembroke, Ont. Mrs. Evariste Pinsonneault, Windsor, Ont., Miss Bea Pinsonneault, Windsor, 'Ontario, Mr. J. E. Dube, Hearst, Ont., Mr. and Mrs. R. Pinsonneault, Stoney Point, Ont. aie Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Larocque and family wish to extend sincere thanks to their'many friends for the great kindness and sympathy shown 'and the h: spiritua} offerings sent- during' their rgcent bereAvement. i : b any floral andj]. council in regard to the project, were among the items of busi- ness at the regular meeting of the local Board of Trade on Fri- day. Mr. Stanbury of Boy Scout headquarters in Toronto, is in Haileybury making an effort to have the Troop reorganized here. The cash register stolen from the Empire Cafe on August 10th was found yesterday in the lake near the foot of Marcella Street, where it apparently had been thrown after its contents 'had been cleaned out. Lost--Pocket Bill Fold contain- ing motor car license, cheques, etc. Finder please notify The Haileyburian. Reward. ~ 24-1-c For Sale--Comfortable 5-Room house on Amwell Street; all conveniences. Apply at Hail- eyburian Office. 24-2-* For Rent--Furnished house, on Florence Street, two houses from Lake Shore Road. Apply to T. J. Robb, phone 516 23tf. Wanted -- Sewing and Knitting. Reasonable prices charged, Ap- ply phone 281, Haileybury. 23-2pd. For Sale--Electric Stove and An- nex, Westinghouse, also cir- culating heater, cheap. Apply Box 47, or phone 1419, Cobalt. 23-2-c For Sale or Rent--Comfortable house, 7 rooms and bath, gar- age. Browning Street. Apply to J. E. Miller. 19-t.f. House For Sale--on Blackwall BRING RESULTS Wanted -- Used Light Delivery Truck with covered body, in good running condition, cheap. Apply' with full particulars to Box 974, Timmins. 24-2* For Sale--Comfortable 6 roomed house at 109 View Street; all conveniences. Apply to Mrs. A. Speicher, Purbrook, Mus- koka, Ont. 23-4pd. For Sale or Rent--Furnished or unfurnished ; desirable residence 22 Brewster Street. Apply on premises to Mrs. E. W. Kear- ney, Phone 65. 22-t.f. W. E. Bagshaw, Insurance of all kinds; Automobile, Accident and Sickness a specialty. Best of Companies. Insure anything insurable. 15-t.f. For Sale--White Leghorn hens, good laying strain. 75 cents each. Apply to August John- son, West Road. Phone 619 23-2c. Upholstering, Furniture Repair- ing, Car Covering and general Street, near Georgina. All con- veniences. A real snap. Apply to Haileyburian Office. work done at reasonable prices. Geo. Decarie, 44 Little Street, East, Haileybury. 12-t-f. (COBALT CLASSIG THEATRE 2On TARL® ~ FRIDAY and SATURDAY : ept. 16th and 17th 4 { \ { CHURCHES j; The United Church _ Minister--W. A. Beecroft, B.A., B.D. Organist--Mr. R. H. Unwin SUNDAY, SEPT: 18th 11 a.m:--Sermon, "The news." Anthem, "Holy, Holy." : 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Sermon, "Each to His Own Place." Anthem "He Water- eth the Hills." The Baptist Church | Revi 'T.\E/ "McAllister, Minister Good Holy, 11 a.m.--Public Worship. The public is cordially invited to at- tend. © 2.30 p.m.--Bible School. Albert Gospel Hall ALBERT STREET as Sunday, 11 am--Commemoration of the Lord's Supper. 3 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class 7 p.m--Gospel Meeting (Evangelistic) |to which all are cordially invited. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Meeting for Prayer and Bible Study. , 3 p.m.--Women's Prayer Meeting. . Women's Missionary Meeting, first Wednesday of each month; place of meeting arranged monthly. Salvation Army Sunday Morning Service at 11. Sunday Evening Service at 7.30. Sunday School--2.30 p.m. Tvesday, 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Friday, 7.15 p.m.--Junior Meeting. 8.00 p.m.--Y. P. Legion Meeting High in the sky...on moun- tain tops...midstthe beauty of summer...the grimness of staged the life battle of two nations! It's more than a mighty motion picture--{T'S AN EXPERIENCE! With Tale Birell, Luis Treaker. A Marcel Vandal and Chas. Deige Production. Directed ey Sa eadee Presented (or dy "C. Out" Fox News All are cordially invited. No. 92; Serial "Galloping Ghosts" 8. MONDAY and TUESDAY Sept. 19th and 20th i; yh TERRIFIC ; ACTION A New Type of Thrilling Drama ! Comedy "The Door Knocker" "Sin- gapore Sam." Screen Curiosities; "Jack and the Bean Stalk" Every Tuesday Night is DINNERWARE NIGHT Be for which the ex-ruler acted as god- Marie of Roumania, mother of the Princess Ileana. The photo was made on the occasion of the baby's chris- tening at Vienna, Austria. Princess Ileana is the wife of Archduke Anton sb READ THIS House for Sale or Rent--4 bedrooms, large dining room, 'kitchen and parlor. Easy terms--small rent; nice lo- cality. Apply Bagshaw In- surance Office. Phone 48. baby, who was named Stefan von rg, is shown in inset. a ; WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, SEPT. 21st and 22nd coe Try Our Want. Ads. Comedy "Harem Scarem" RALPH LYNN The Comedy King, in