The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 29 Sep 1932, p. 2

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Tage THURSDAY, SEPT. 29th, 1932 Page 2 -- e sosccoes ol where there _are three pupils . COMMUNITY NEWS . each, on the list. ae e see eee | Harold P. Killoran, former res- ~IN TORONTO ») The new steel and concrete bridge over the Blanche River at Englehart, an 800-foot structure whose completion will mean a big improvements to travel on the Ferguson Highway, is stead- ily taking shape, and progress on the work is considered satisfac- tory. Pouring of the concrete floor is being commenced from the town side of the operations, and further progress on the job will depend largely on the state of the weather before snow flies again. Over the signature of Bishop Anderson, of the Anglican Dio- cese of Moosonee, a further ap- peal for funds to complete the repairs to Holy Trinity pro-cath- edral at Cochrane has been made. The church was badly damaged by fire some months ago, and as- sistance to the amount of $3,000 was sought, but the response, the bishop states, has been disap- pointing. Contributions of $633,- 35, apart from insurance, have been received, while expenses to date for the work of renovation that has been done, are over $2,000. Pleading guilty to a charge of being drunk while operating a motor vehicle, Edward McLeod, Toronto man temporarily acting as game warden in this section, was sentenced to spend ten days in jail when he appeared before most of the The benefit of the doubt was extended by Magistrate Atkinson in police court at Haileybury last Friday afternoon, to Mrs. George | Jobson, 26-year-old Indian wo- 'man from Elk lake, charged with 'giving liquor to two minors. The 'latter were boys, 13 and 14 years of age, respectivery, but Mrs. | Jobson, whose evidence was with- 'out corroboration, swore that all 'she had given the lads was home- 'made dandelion wine of no great |strength, and she denied posit- ively giving them beer, as they jalleged. The younger boy said 'he had got "tight" after drinking ithe liquor, which he was certain |was beer, but his companion was not so sure, and defendant said |the first had been drunk when he came in. A bottle of beer@ was handed over_to Constable Her- yerts, the James township officer and by him to Provincial Cons- table V. T. Reed, and on analysis ran 5.23 percent absolute alcohol, it was sworn. Routine. business occupied attention of the Presbytery of Temiskaming, which held its fall sessions in Englehart United Church on Thursday last, with Rev. H. Howey, Swastika, the chairman, presiding. Reports of the sea- son's activities at Camp Lorrain, including summer school and boys' and girl's camps, were read and Rey. J. C. Hutton, Uno Park, Magistrate Atkinson in Hailey- presented the report of the mis- bury police court last Friday.}Sionary and maintenance fund The night before, it is stated,|committee, coupled with which g - , 3 i was an address by Miss Annie McLeod had been involved in a minor accident on the main road south of New Liskeard, and it is alleged he was traveling on the wrong side of the road when he got into a collision. The police were summoned, Sergeant Cous- ans and Constable Allsopp, of the provincial force, responding. At the instance of J. Newman, Harley township farmer, a charge of reckless driving, preferred a- gainst Robert Holmes, wood dealer of Kirkland Lake, was ee The evidence showed thaty rate at night on Saturday, September 3, in a steady rain, a truck driven by Holmes crashed with a tour- ing car operated by Newman on the Ferguson Highway a short distance north of New Liskeard, the latter machine being badly damaged in the impact. Suspen- sion of Holmes' driver's permit for ten days also was ordered by the magistrate. H. E. Tomney has been elected president of Cobalt Y.M.C.A. for the ensuing term, with Frank H. Todd as vice president, W. R. Ramsay as secretary, and Dr. H. H. Abell as treasurer. At a meet- ing of the directors, held last Fri- day night, two vacancies on the board were filled by the appoint- ment of Cecil Larmer and Mr. Ramsay. Discussing plans for the next few months, the sugges- tion that a Ladies' Auxiliary be formed was made, and this is be- ing considered. A financial cam- paign is to be conducted next month, with the possibility that a social evening be held to give ita start. Chairmen of the various committees were appointed as follows: executive, F. H. Todd; finance, Dr. Abell; boys' work, R. P. Graham; physical, Fred Rogers; social, W. R. Ramsay; religious and educational, Dr. E. F. Armstrong; membership, S. O. Austin. Extension of a road already partly constructed to link up the McNeely claims in Tyrell town- ship with Gowganda, 16 miles away, is under consideration, but no definite action has been taken as yet. The Timmins _ interests have an option on the McNeely holdings, and diamond drilling is under way there, and D. J. Miller engineer in charge of Northern Development Branch work in this territory, said that his depart- ment had been asked to suggest a possible route for a wagon road into the scene of eperations. As a relief scheme, some work was done on a road out from Gowganda last winter, with grad- ing done in places, but the Tyrell activities are some distance be- yond the end of the road, as then cut. Use of a water,route at the Gowganda end would be suggest- ed for the present by Mr. Miller, and an old tote road could be ut- ilised for part of the route when snow mantles the ground. 3radley, . former Haileybury school teacher home on furlough from Angola. Officers for the ensuing term were elected in Rey. Mr. Hutton, as chairman, Rev. T. J. Jewitt, Englehart as secretary, and Rev. H. E. Wright Thornloe, as treasurer. Rey. Wil- liam Mair, Charlton, will repres- ent Presbytery at the General Council of the United Church at Hamilton this week. Heads of eleven families in Co- balt whose children are listed as atholics and who live in pro- ident of Haileybury recently ar- rested at Windsor after he had been deported from the United States and brought back north to stand trial in connection with an alleged series of bogus cheques left in the district a year ago, has been committed by Magistrate Atkinson to a higher court on three counts of uttering forged documents. Killoran came up in police court at Haileybury, on duced by Crown Attorney F. L. Smiley, K.C., it is alleged that A. W. Sanderson and S. J. Mason, of Haileybury stores, each cashed a cheque for $25 purporting to have been issued to Killoran by L. K. Fletcher, former manager of the Noranda mines, and now a mining engineer in Toronto, while W. J. Cormier, of a Cobalt garage, honored one for $18. All three told the magistrate Killor- an had informed them, on Octo- ber 3 last year, that the cheques represented money owing to him from Fletcher for stock sales and work done, but the engineer denied ever knowing the young man, although at one time accus- ed's father had a property at Sudbury on which Fletcher had taken an option. The cheques all were drawn on the Bank of Noya Scotia at Toronto, and Fletcher said he never had done any bank- ing with that institution. <A fourth count, involving $25.37, was not pressed meantime. One girl was hurt and had to re- ceive hospital attention, and six other persons escaped with a shaking up when a car, driven by Harold Wright, Latchford, ran into the rear of a stalled truck op the Loon Creek bridge, six miles south of Cobalt on the main high- way, between four and _ five o'clock last Thursday morning. Wright is to be charged with driving without an operator's license, the police say. Accord- ing to Provincial Constable R. O. Stromberg, who investigated, Wright, with three other youths and three girls, was taking some guests back to Cobalt Friday, and in the evidence ad-: HAILEYBURIAN ALWAYS HAS BEEN HIGH CLASS, QUIET, COMFORTABLE, SPOTLESSLY CLEAN AND MODERN IN EVERY DETAIL. HAS ONE OF THE FINEST DINING ROOMS IN CANADA; YOU: WILL ENJOY THE TASTY INEXPENSIVE FOOD. From Depot or Wharf take De Luxe Taxi 25c¢ Single $1.50 to $3.00 Rates Double $3.00 to $5.00 € & POWELL, Prop Hote. WAVERLEY Spadina Avenue and College Street © Writ for folder © PURELY VEGETABLE They stimulate your liver, get rid of poisons and Improve your APPETITE Sold everywhere in 25c and 75c red pkgs. CARTERS EEPILLS |... ristmas in the Old Countrp Give the Old Folks the best possible Christmas present by going to see them this year. Enjoy thet Christmas shopping in London, Glasgow or Paris. Low ocean rates still in force. Ocean Rates il of doing your One Way Return Cabin from $104. 9: Tourist from 89. st57. Third 67. 119. Nearly a century of sea-experience is back of the famous Cunard-Anchor-Donaldson service, dation and fort. Weekly sailings throughout the Fall LAST SAILINGS FROM MONTREAL Nov. 18 Nov. 18 Nov. 26 AURANIA Plymouth, Havre, London ATHENIA B'fast, Liverpool, Glasgow ANTONIA Glasgow, Belfast, L'pool. FIRST SAILINGS FROM HALIFAX 3 ASCANIA Plymouth, Havre, London 1@ #LETITIA B'fast, Liverpool, Glasgow il ¥From Saint John on Dec. 9 i CUNARD na opportunity\at public school board o: d 2 to show cause why they should: not be charged fees for the education of the pupils in- volved, 25 in number, and all in the Central school. At the re- request of the trustees, Principal R. G. Elliott prepared a list of Catholic pupils in the three public schools, and these number 69, it is shown, but in most cases their parents or guardians are paying taxes on a public school basis. Of these, 19 reside in Coleman township, and 50 in town. The trustees have already decreed that fees of five dollars per child per month will be charged, pay- able in advance, but this order will not be enforced until after the next school meeting. The families whose names appear as separate school supporters will be notified by the secretary of the board's instructions, and also that, if they have any representa- tions to make, these will be heard on October 12 next. Of the pupils noted, five are mem- bers of one family, and there are two instances where four child- ren from one home and two more sessed to the -October|P. sit : Chatham, carrying a of machinery for the bridge. The driver of th hicle told the officer he w stranger to the district and 7 traveling not more than miles an hour as he approa the bridge, on which his trick stalled. Before it could be re- started the accident happened. Edna Sopha was the only mem- ber of the party of seven to be hurt, and she was taken to the municipal hospital at Cobalt by a Quebec motorist who turned back at the request of the others, and who, apparently,-was under the impression he would be paid by the police for his services. The Sopha girl was not seriously hurt, and went home from hos- pital the next day, Wright's car was damaged somewhat. The town council of New Lis- keard is two members short, fol- lowing the resignations of C. E. Rea and A. Montgomery, and will hold nominations on October 4th to fill the vacancies. advertised. Remember! That the best goods are always Therefore, if you wish to secure the Best Value for your money Look Carefully Through the Advt's in This Newspaper Thirteen years of enjoyable service to the Canadian housewife has served to strengthen our conviction that "he who serves best--sells best." That heartily endorsed by this principie is Canadian women everywhere in Eastern Can da he aa 4 +i a is by our leadership in the Grocery trade. Tea This. AA Co Save from 13% to 26% on Wecklia soe Reg. Price Sale Price Ib. Ib. Red Package.. 39c 29c Domino ...... 45c 35c¢ Richmello .... 63c 53c Golden Tip .. 75c 65c Glass Tumblers Carton of 6 25c EVER A FAVORITE _ _ FRY'S COCOA +" 2c Za STANDARD QUALITY MOTHER GOOSE CREAMS CHRISTIES fisesits. 2 A leadership that entails con- tinuous responsibility in bringing to "Dominion" cus- tomers the finest in foods at prices' that are fair and equitable both to buyer and seller. 4 "Ibs. Peas': Corm::' Tomatoes *:.;: 3!" 29 All for 2 Pencils; | Scribbler pee Oe Rib Boiling Beef Tc bb. Fresh Legs of Pork, or Pork Loins 15c b. Blade Roast 10c lb. Cottage Rolls (Pea-mealed) . . 1S3¢c bb. DARWIN TULIP BULBS aported from Holland and inspected by oth Dutch and Canadian inspectors, these enuine Darwin Tulip Bulbs are a remark- sble buy In these varieties: Afterglow, Yellow, Darwin, Clara Butt, Rev. H. Ewbank, DOz. 2 ic Pride of Haarlem and CARTON Assorted Colors. BIRTHDAY CAKE A specially prepared cake, just loaded with selected nuts and fruit--deliciously whole- some. Will keep fresh ib. B5e and moist for a con- siderable period. Dominion Stores Half the price you or Penn-Rad 100°' Pure Pennsylvania MOTOR OIL Offer a New Service! 6-QT. SEALED TIN $1.49 pay for quality McIntosh Reds Eaolane Apples 11 qt. basket 89e | (Choice)6 lbs. 29e CANADA'S DOMINION STORE LARGEST RETAIL LIMITED GROCERS=§™ ees --

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