i i Hl | pigtiehs EiPAG ise Pave bill ie liPAs Ni THURSDAY, SEPT. 29th, 1932 Social and Personal Mr. and Mrs. N. J. McAulay were in Toronto over last week- end for a visit with friends there. Mr. and Mrs. P. Grozelle are visiting with friends and relatives in Timmins and Schumacher this week, Mrs. D. A. McKee has returned to her home in Toronto after visiting friends and relatives in Haileybury. Mr. and Mrs. E. Carmichael and baby daughter, Joan, from Sudbury, are visiting frierids and relatives in Haileybury this week. Commence now to study the violin with Eric Smith. Phone 225, New Liskeard for special rates for beginners. 25-2c Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Leslie and members of the family have gone to Kingston and that vicinity for a visit with friends and relaitves. Chas. Gordon, John Milne and George Caldbick are among the Haileybury students who left at the week-end to resume their studies in the Universities. Francis Joy, who has spent the past couple of years at Kapus- kasing in the employ of the Spruce Falls Paper Company, has gone to Queen's University. Miss A. Black, a former teach- er on the staff of the local public school, was in town over the week-end from Kirkland Lake for a visit with friends here. Wilbur Scharf, formerly of Haileybury, renewed acquain- tances in town this week while on a trip north with a truckload of produce from his fruit farm at Woodbridge, Ont. A tea and produce table will be held under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the United Church on Friday, September 30th, from 3 to 6 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Crosscombe, Brewster Street. Ka : 25-2-c asthe oo ime - Pan ee Mrs. H. 1. Daniel and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Daniel, of Kirkland Lake, and Mrs. Russell Wilder of Cochrane, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Andrews, Blackwall Street, at the week- end. 'The Gillespie Fur Co., of To- tonto, will have on display in the Haileybury Hotel on Monday and Tuesday, October 3 and 4, latest models in fur coats, neck pieces, etc. 26-1-c Mrs. J. W. Morrison and littte daughter, Dorothy, spent the week-end with Mrs. Morrison's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Munrow, at Maxville, Ont., and visited friends in Ottawa during the trip. Rotary Club is Planning to Hold Dance at Early Date The Haileybury Rotary Club is making plans now for a aance to be held in Hotel Haiicybury at a date to be set in the near future. At the regular meeting on Mon- day the dance was discussed as a means of raising funds for some of the Club's public welfare work, and it was expected that the dance would be the first of a ser- ies to be given during the autumn months. A definite announcement o f the date will likely be made next week, when plans are nearer completion. In Memoriam In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, Ann Jane Gra- ham, who passed away, October 2nd, 1925. --Ever remembered by HUSBAND AND FAMILY DR. R. F. W. LUKE Medical Arts Building, Toronto, Specialist in Diseases of the Eye, including Testing for Glasses, will be at the Grand Union Hotel, New Liskeard =i Monday, Oct. 10th Try Our Want. Ads. ||Local Veterans Enjoy Movies of European Trip A. Giachino, Cobalt Merchant, Has Fine Record of His Overseas Journies Mr. A. Giachino, well known |Cobalt merchant, gave an inter- esting and entertaining lecture in the armouries hall, Haileybury, on Thursday evening last, in the course of which he showed mov- ing pictures of several European countries which he visited during the past summer, besides some taken right in the silver camp. He came here under the auspices of the local branch of the Cana- dian Legion, members of which with their wives and _ friends, were present. The series of pictures commenced with the Cobalt scenes, which included views of Mr. Giachino's store in the silver camp, crowds of children on the streets during a carnival, famil- iar scenes around the Cobalt sta- tion and a hockey match in the rink. The entertainer then took his audience on a trip to Mon- treal and thence down the St. Lawrence to the sea, showing a number of interesting scenes in Quebec province. Thé European countries which Mr. Giachino visited included shown France and Belgium, Italy, Aus- tria, Spain and Portugal. These were some fine views of Rome, Athens, and other old world cities and scenes from his native town in Italy. In many of the pictures the lecturer appeared and the whole made a very _ interesting entertainment. I. B. Roger, president of the Legion, welcomed those present and extended a vote of thanks to Mr. Giachino, who he said, had refused to accept any remunera- tion for his services. When the portable moving picture machine was being set up, Fire Chief Joe Marcella was on hand to see that there was no danger of fire and the visitors were made comfort- able in the hall. Pedientene Fishutetinen ___ But Bear Got the Bi Sa Sa enthusiastic of local anglers, has an ew alibi this week for the "big one" that he failed to bring home. It was a black bear that deprived him of a 10-pound pike, caught in the waters of Mendels- sohn Lake while on a trip last week-end. Mr. Liddicott,. with Jas. Dey and Herb. Somerville of Elk Lake, had been having pretty good luck and late in the evening the big pike was caught. It was apparently too large to be taken into the camp and was left lying under a tree nearby. During the evening some noise was_ heard, but little attention was paid to it, and in the morning the fish was gone. Bear tracks in the vicin- ity of the camp led to the belief that the prize catch had made a good supper for the prowler and the anglers had to be content with ordinary five or six-pound- ers, among them several nice bass. That's the story, "Believe it or not." { WEDDING BELLS tee @cceces-@ Fernholm--Schol A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Van Zon, North Cobalt, on September 10th at 3 pm, when Miss Cora Schol, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Schol, Amsterdam, Holland, was united in marriage to Mr. Her- bert Fernholm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fernholm, West Road, Haileybury. Rev. S. Scott Milley, of Latchford, performed the ceremony. The bride was _ charmingly gowned in a pale blue taffeta with biege shoes and stockings to match. She carried a bouquet of pink and white gladiolas. The bridesmaid, Miss Noella Aubrey, of Rouyn. wore a guardsman blue gown. Best man was Mr. S. J. Schol, brother of the bride. After the ceremony, a dainty luncheon was served by the hos- tess. A reception was also held on September 11th at the home of the groom. % Hosts of friends extend their sincere good wishes to the young couple. Clover Valley News Mr. William Brydge of Detroit, is visiting at the home of_ his brother, Mr. John Brydge. Mr. John Maclsean, who for the past summer has been work- ing in Toronto, has returned to his home here. On Friday night last a number of the young people of the com- munity gathered at the school house for a real old-time social evening. Games, contests and music formed the evening's en- tertainment. Everyone reports a wonderful time. Mr. Stanley McGowan, . who for the past year has been in the employ of Mr. Harry Plaunt, has returned to his home at Belle- |ville. The next monthly meeting of e Clover Valley Women's In- te will be held at the home [ Uisixe edn day, October 5th. = hos Messrs. Charlie Campbell, Gbr- don Fleming, Milton Forrestler, Roy Johnston and Martin Oslund left last Saturday on a motor trip to Toronto. % Mrs. James MacLean and fam- ily and Mrs. C. R. Plaunt and family, and Miss Florence Plaunt were visitors at Mrs. John H. MacLean's on Sunday. i OBITUARY % Baby O'Neill The sympathy of their friends is extended to Dr. and Mrs. R. H. O'Neill, who have been bereaved by the death of their little daugh- ter. The baby was born on Mon- day, Spetmber 19th, at Misericor- dia Hospital, and died on Friday, September 23rd. PHONE 137 EXPERT RADIO SERVICE BY GRADUATE OF RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA Graham McFarlane or WRITE P. O. BOX 266 EDM $3.50 Phone 419 MRAM AAT TRANSAT SSA SPECIAL PRICES ----ON PERMANENT WAVING----_ $7.00 Also Reduced Prices for MARCEL AND FINGER WAVES --at----_ St. Louis Beauty Parlor ATT TTS TTT TT 4 TETAS TSS $5.00 Ferguson Avenue public EARLY RESIDENT OF HAILEYBURY DIES SUDDENLY (Continued from Page 1) large circle of friends and ac- quaintances.. During his long residence in Haileybury and the North, Mr. Elliott was identified with many enterprises. He was interested ip in the mining industry, followed contracting and farming, owning a choice piece of land in the Uno Park section. It is recalled by old timers that he hauled the lumber from Haileybury for the first frame building ever erected in Cobalt, being associated with the Little Brothers, who operated the first sawmill in Haileybury. With his brother, the late James Elliott, he was the original own- er of the Elliott Kirkland Gold Mines, now the Macassa, at Kirk- land Lake, and was interested in many other mining ventures. In June, 1913, Mr. Elliott was married to Miss Edith Laird Menzies, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Menzies, of Pembroke. Mrs. Elliott died in May, 1914, since which time Mr. Elliott made his home with his niece, the late Mrs. John Dunn, and Mr. Dunn, Marcella Street, Haileybury. Mr. Elliott was a Liberal in politics, a member of the United erccee CHURCHES | The United Church : Minister--W. A. Beecroft, B.A., B.D. Organist--Mr. R. H. Unwin SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2nd .11 a.m.--Reyv. F. S. Milley of Latchford. Anthem, "The Son of God Goes Forth." 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m--Young People's Rally and Reception. Short Organ re- cital, Mr. Unwin; solo, Mrs. Bee- croft; anthem, "The Lord is Thy Strength"; sermon, "Youth and the Church." After the service, reception with refreshments. The Baptist Church . Rey. T. E. McAllister, Minister Miasn==Public Worship. 'The is cordially invited to at- omen ible School. Salvation Army Sunday Morning Service at 11. Sunday Evening Service at 7.30. Sunday School--2.30 p.m. Tvesday, 8.00 p.m.--Prayer )Church and always took an active jinterest in public affairs. He was jone of Haileybury's good citizens who had earned the respect and esteem of all with whom he came in contact, a fact that was clear- ly evidenced by the many expres- |sions of regret that were heard on all sides when news of his death reached town on Friday evening. Among his recreations the Haileybury Curling Club had a prominent place, and many years ago he donated a silver cup to the club, to be played for each season for the benefit of the Children's Shelter, an institution that he always supported heartily along with many other good works. The funeral was held on Sun- day afternoon when, after the service at his late residence on Marcella Street, conducted by Rev. W. A. Beecroft, Pastor of the Haileybury United Church, he was buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. Geo. T. Hamilton, J. E. McCuaig, A. J. Murphy, H. C. Dunbar, S Norfolk and Dr. W. R. Somerville, all old friends and close associates of Mr. Elliott. There was a' large gathering of townspeople, over 40 motor cars following the hearse to the cem- eteny; and a_ great number of floral tributes testified to the genuine sorrow that was felt at the passing of a good citizen and a man who had taken no small part in the affairs of the commu- nity in which he spent so many years of an active life. READ THIS House for Sale or Rent--4 bedrooms, large dining room, kitchen and parlor. Easy terms--small rent; nice lo- Apply Bagshaw In- Phone 48. cality. surance Office. Wanted -- Second-hand Shotgun, in good condition. Enquire at Haileyburian Office. 26-1-c Lost--on Main Street, West Road or near High School, leather tobacco pouch. Finder please return to Haileyburian Office. 26-1-* For Rent--Furnished house, on Florence Street, two houses from Lake Shore Road. Apply to T. J. Robb, phone 516 23tf. For Sale or Rent--Comfortable house, 7 rooms and bath, gar- age. Browning Street. Apply to J. E. Miller. 19-t.f. House For Sale--on Blackwall Street, near Georgina. All con- veniences.'A real snap. Apply to Haileyburian Office. BRING RESULTS u FWANT ADS For Sale--Comfortable 6 roomed house at 109 View Street; all conveniences. Apply to Mrs. A. Speicher, Purbrook, Mus- koka, Ont. 23-4pd. For Sale or Rent--Furnished or unfurnished; desirable residence 22 Brewster Street. Apply on premises to Mrs. E. W. Kear- ney, Phone 65. 22+t.£. W. E. Bagshaw, Insurance of all kinds; Automobile, Accident and Sickness a specialty. Best of Companies. Insure anything insurable. 15-t.£ Upholstering, Furniture Repair- ing, Car Covering and general work done at reasonable prices. Geo. Decarie, 44 Little Street, East, Haileybury. TT ae - ONTARIO. FRIDAY and SATURDAY Sept. 30th and Oct. Ist MONDAY and TUESDAY Oct. 3rd and 4th » Friday, 7.15 p.m.--Junior Meeting. 8.00 p.m.--Y. P. Legion Meeting. All are cordially invited. Albert Gospel Hall ALBERT STREET --_----. --_ Sunday, 11 am--Commemoration of the Lord's Supper. 3 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class 7 p.m--Gospel Meeting (Evangelistic) ®\to which all are cordially invited. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Meeting for Prayer and Bible Study. 3 p.m.--Women's Prayer Meeting. Women's Missionary Meeting, first Wednesday of each month; place of meeting arranged monthly. Steam Heated Apartments For Rent Living Room, Kitchen, Two Bedrooms and Bath, with Shower. In downtown build- ing, newly subdivided and decorated. Apply to iF.R. Gibson Phone 21 English China CUPS AND SAUCERS Royal Doulton in nicely assorted patterns at $ 1.00 Other Good English "Makes at 50° ee A. W. SANDERSON Jeweler and Stationer Comedy "In the Bag" with Clark and McCullough. Krazy Cat Cartoon Episode 10 of "The Galloping Ghost." GENEVIEVE TOBIN PAT O'BRIEN A Columbia Pictar® directed by EDDIE BUZZELL. --Special Added Attraction-- Laugh Till It Hurts BUSTER KEATON Speak Easily Jimmy DURANTE Comedy "Crazy Tom," a Para- mount Cartoon. "Beyond the Blue Horizon" with Vincent Lopez. Paramount News Every Tuesday Night is DINNERWARE NIGHT WEDNESDAY and THURSD AY, October 5th and 6th Drama that Reaches from Hell to the Horizon Line "THE LAST MAN" CHARLES BICKFORD Constance Cummings Comedy "Big Game Hunting" SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION G Garanount Pictur --with-- LESLIE HOWARD George Grossmith Benita Hume an R.K.O. Comedy 12-t.f. ae (i