The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 6 Oct 1932, p. 2

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THE HAILEYBURIAN ie oS = = Ce z -- r< Ps ey) =< Op) A bunch of wild raspberries was found right on Cobalt street, Cobalt, S. O. Austin, public school trus- the first They were of fine qual- last Saturday morning. tee, made October dis- covery ity and quite tasty, and apparent- unscathed through ly had come the frosty nights that ended the previous month This is an item about a dollar bill that was bound to stay in one family Mrs. Charles Legris, while shopping in a ¢ obalt store the other day, dropped it on the floor, and when she could not find} it, notified the staff, who promis- ed further search A few min-| utes after she had left in came her son, Roddy, quite unaware his mother had preceeded him there, and he found the bill. He reported his discovery, was told a woman had already announced her loss, and M hen names were exchanged, it was learned that the dollar was still in the family circle, With only the offi- cers of the court In gftendance at Haileybury on Teds morning, the October sittings of the non- necessary jury District Court of Temiska- ming W quickly opened and idjourned, Sheriff George Cald- hick officiating, as he I author- ity in the absence of the presid- ing judge. Present only at the brief proceedings were the clerk, the crier and the constable. No cases had been set down for hearing at this session of the court, whose next regular sittings will be at the General Sessions of the Peace on the first Tuesday of December. Two automobiles were quite seriously damaged in a collision on the main road just north of Haileybury a few evenings ago, but the three men who occupied the machines escaped with minor injuries. Rounding a curve on his way north, Roy Thompson, of the Northern Development Branch, became involved in an accident with H. Hollands-Hurst, who, with D. A. Mutch, was on route to Clover Valley to attend a ratepayers' meeting. Accord- ing to Provincial Constable H. Allsopp, who inyestigated, Mr. Thompson claimed the other car; had only one light burning, and he mistook this for that of the street car. He was on his left side of the road, it is stated, and he swerved still farther over in an effort to avoid a crash. The other machine went to the same side of the road, also, and the col- lision followed. As a sequel to a motor accident on the Ferguson Highvy eight miles north of New Liskeard on September 12, Rene Delorme, Timmins truck driver, was con- victed of reckless driving and fined $25 and costs when he ap- peared before Magistrate Atkin- son in New Liskeard police court last Friday. Delorme was in charge of a load of fruit going north at the time, and it was al- leged that he had failed to give sufficient of the road to enable S. G, Eplett, coming south in his car, to Measurements made the following day by Pro- vincial Constable Allsopp, the 1oad patrol officer, indicated De- lorme had 12 feet and Eplett only eight feet. The dual tire at the rear of the truck had caught the hub of one of the wheels on Ep- lett's car, which was turned over in the ditch and damaged to an extent, it is said, that cost $700 to repair. pass. A man and his wife both were fined in police court at Cobalt on Saturday, when charges of hav- ing been drunk in a public place, preferred against Mr. and Mrs. William Nicholson, north 'end Notified by Alonzo Fortin, en- gaged by Cobalt town council to get in oustanding taxes, that a diamond drill and some pipes they owned wer seized and would be sold for arrears, due the mun- icipality, the Mitchel Diamond Drill Co., rushed a cheque for $24,87, the amount involved, by air mail from their San Francisco office. Mr. Fortin got the money the other day, and promptly can- celled the notices of sale which he had posted. In the case of the Cobalt Hotel, whose fixtures had been seized to satisfy unpaid taxes amounting to, it is said, $1600, the sale has been postpon- ed until October 15, Meantime, in compliance with a fire marsh- al's order, Thomas Reilly, the owner of the property, has auth- clean up what Fire Chief William Stinson had reported to be a fire trap among the debris in the building. An invitation is extended to members of school boards in this inspectorate to meet M. A. Camp- bell, secretary of the trustees and ratepayers' section of the On- tario Educational Association, and who is to be in New Liskeard tomorrow. Mr. Campbell, who has been visiting in the northern part of the district on official bus- iness, is down on the program tomorrow morning at the South Pemiskaming Instit- ute, when he will deliver a brief address. While in the district arlier in the week, he met R. A. A. McConnell, public school in- spector, and a number of others, discussing informally with them a proposal to hold a_ trustees' meeting for the district, some Teachers' time next year, and probably at the 'same time as the teachers gather in annual session. matter may be considered if a sufficient number of trustees are out tomorrow. The judgment of Judge Hart- man in holding that a contract had been made by a resident of Dymond townshi pwith the sani- orized the hiring of a man to|charge of failing to return to the This;the driver. our, The men of the families have been busily. engaged in er- ecting, with assistance, the homes Armstrong said the other day ithat this phase of the work would 'have been completed this week. The New Toronto families arriv- ed over the week end to join their husbands and fathers, arid the others will be along as soon as accomodation is available for them. The farms allotted to the new settlers are said to be suit- able for easy clearing, having been burnt over and provision is being made to carry them over| their first winter in the north. Mrs. Marian Ferguson, Toron- to woman who was inyolved in a motor collision with Game War- den W. G. Armstrong on August 12 last, did not appear when a scene of an accident when her case was called in Haileybury police court last Friday after noon, but she had forwarded a plea of guilty to Magistrate At- kinson, and her husband, D. C. Ferguson, had enclosed a cheque to cover the $25 fine and costs imposed. According to Mr. Arm- strong and provincial Constable H. Allsopp, Mrs. Ferguson, driv- boro, are being settled in Breth- | considerable extent. In announc- ing his conclusion, the magistrate used some caustic phrases, telling) the quintet that "if any of you leave this court thinking you are their wives and children are tO|men you are greatly mistaken." occupy, and it was expected, Mr.| He referred to "dirty, told accused they had not even the decency to take your medic- ine after dragging these girls all over the country", and said that, while legal evidence, there was consid- erable moral evidence, of guilt. the disgusting case as a situation", V\ phos: there might be a lack of MOTORING TO TORONTO HOTEL WAVERLEY HAS ALWAYS BEEN POPULAR WITH MOTORISTS BECAUSE OF ITS FINE ROOMS--TASTY INEXPENSIVE FOOD AND PARKING FACILITIES. THE GARAGE IS ONLY ONE MINUT¢ WALK. ATTENDANTS TAKE CARS TO GARAGE AND RETURN THEM WHEN RE- QUIRED. PLENTY OF CURB PARKING SPACE. Rates € R POWELL, Prep. Hote. WAVERLEY Spadina Avenue and College Street Single $1.50 to $3.00 Book through your Double $3.00 to $5.00 local Agent--no one can serve you better, or CUNARD LINE, 217 Bay Street (Elgin 3471) Toronto. 4+ Write for Folder Give the Old Folks the best possible Christmas present by going to see them this year. Enjoy the thrill of doing your Christmas shopping in London, Glasgow or Paris.- Low ocean rates still in force. Ocean Rates One Way Return Cabin from -- $104. $192. Tourist m 89. 157. Third ais 67. 119. Nearly a century of sea-experience is back of the famous Cunard-Anchor-Donaldson service, accommodation and comfort. Weekly sailings throughout the Fall LAST SAILINGS FROM MONTREAL Nov. 18 AURANIA Plymouth, Havre, London Nov.18 ATHENIA B'fast, Liverpool, Glasgow Nov. 26 ANTONIA Gl'gow, Belfast, Liverpool Nov. 26 AUSONIA Plymouth, Havre, London FIRST SAILINGS FROM HALIFAX -- Dec. 3 ASCANIA Plymouth, Havre, London Dec. 10 LETITIA B'fast, Liverpool, Glasgow «From Saint John on Dec. 9 "CUNARD ANC HOR-DONALDSON ing a car with the license number BZ-73, and on the wrong' side of the road, collided with the Arm- strong car on the main road be- tween Latchford and Temagami. Afterwards, she ran into the ditch for between 80 and 100 feet, still on the left side, but got out| and kept on going, but leaving| the rear license plate and a brok- en tail light behind, Subsequently ly, the police ascertained the car was registered in the name of al} Galt man, Turnbull, but when Constable Allsopp saw the car in Cobalt eight days after the ac- cident, he learned the identit? of Some delay ensued, but finally the case came before| the magistrate. Mr. Armstrong said it had cost him $43. to fix his car. The trip from Cobalt to Kirk- land Lake in August, in which five men and two girls participat- tarium at Gravenhurst, and that when its terms were not carried out by him in full the municipal- ity could not be held responsible for the maintenance of his daugh- ter while a patient in the institu- tion, is to be challenged by the National Sanitarium Association, The case came before Judge Hartman at Haileybury some months ago, and now the record has been forwarded to Toronto for use in the appeal at Osgoode Hall. The Association sued the township for the balance due, af- ter the 18-year-old girl's father, a T. & N.O. section foreman named Miron, and drawing $125 per month in salary, with house, stop- ped payments. he was alleged to have contracted to make for her treatment. Fourteen families from the New Toronto and Scarboro sec- tions are being located in farms in this district under the back to the land scheme now in operation according to W. G. Armstrong, temporarily on leave from his game wardenship to superintend arrangements for their coming. Nine of the newcomers are from New Toronto, and six of these are being located in Henwood township, while the other three, together with those from Scar- ed, had another sequel in Cobalt police court last Saturday morn- ing, when Clarence Peares;one member of the party, was fined $100 .and costs on a charge of having liquor in his possession illegally. His four male: com- panions, George Cole, A. Fennah, Jr:, Gil Blais and E. Donaldson, were discharged on counts of drinking in'a public place, but that against Pearce was amended by Magistrate Atkinson after hearing the evidence given, which included that of accused's mother Mrs. Mary Pearce. An appeal is, likely, W. C. Inch, for the de- fence, hinted. According to the testimony, Pearce had bought a bottle of cheap grade wine at the Englehart liquor store, and while the girls said this had been par- taken of during the rest of the trip, Donaldson and Blais swore the carton came home __ intact, while Mrs. Pearce said she had found it unopened in the car when it returned after the jour- ney. The youngest girl declared there had been dirnking in the car, but her companion said it had taken place only at Swas-|# tika. Mr. Inch suggested the former's evidence should be dis- credited on the ground that what one witness called a "series of parties" had affected her to a advertised. residents, were sustained by the bench. Magistrate Atkinson im- posed fines of $10 and costs each, although George Mitchel, K. C., for the defence, urged there was no case against the man. They had been found on the street by the police while investigation of -another case was under way. At the same court, M. S. Budarick, accused of selling liquor and of supplying it to a minor, was re Bean! week on $1.000 ail, and J, Vinkle drew jail on conviction for en drunk in charge ofa Chief manded for a property b ten days i havin; le ys Soe te esos Ls Remember! That the best goods are always Therefore, if you -- wish to secure the Best Value for your money Look Carefully Through the Ad in This , oe Oe he NGS THANKSGIVING dinner event. And Dominion than-average prices. ROLLED OATS 7-25: cning J ts LOe CHOICE QUALITY ra PUMPKIN Sho: - DOMESTIC P«G «z.Soap 10 35¢ GENUINE Ivory Soap «= 7¢ KIRE'S 4 Castile Soap 4cax=:23¢ LARGE ICIN PKG, Bue! Oxydol 22¢e MARMALE 4.0E PRUNES SWEET AND MEATY LARGE SIZE me TULIP BULBS D9 RAISINS... WAX BEANS °2; Lge SUGAR ....3 => PURE ORANGE EVERYTHING for THANKSGIVING is more then a mere meal: it's an Stores are prepared, with the finest, mest appetizing assortment of eatables that you've ever feasted your eyes upon, at Dominion's usual lower- 24's Ga TINS « DARWIN © 25¢ 2Ee » 16° 40-07 JAX Fresh Killed SPRING LAMB 10c bb. 14c bb. 18c bb. Fronts Loins Legs Rib Boiling 7c bb. Shoulders 12c lb. Loins Legs PRIME WEST ERN STEER BEEF Blade Roast 10c b. Ontario Pork -- 15¢ b. 15c bb. Prime Rib Roast 13c bh. COCONUT .. »= 2ie COCOA .... x 29 Corn Starch 2° 25¢ LIFEBUOY 3 °=23¢e 25¢ HALLOWI DATES |. .22 2! Penn Rad MITOR OIL 6-QT. SEALED TIN 4S LARGE SIZE Baxter Apple $1.29 hor. CANADA'S 'LARGEST E 1 DAIS yee RETA Sunkist Oranges 35c doz. (DOMINION STORE JUICY f, S$ LIMITED IL GROCERS"

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