seEeB HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1932 Social and Personal | ' Robert Poppleton returned "home this week after a few days visit in Timmins. Mrs. R. J. Oliver went to Elk Lake at the week-end for a visit with friends there. Robert Whorley returned home Friday after a three weeks visit with friends in Barrie. Mrs. Geo. Sutherland, Sr., is visiting friends and relatives in Kirkland Lake this week. B Mrs. F. B. Creasy returned i home on Wednesday after a visit with her daughter in Barrie. BORN--On Wednesday, Octo- ber 5th, 1932, to Mr. and Mrs. G. Larsson, Elliott Street, a son. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bidgood were in Haileybury for a day or two late last week ~ ern Quebec. Po) ., At Trail, B.C., on Sun- * day October 2nd, 1932, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Me Chesser, a son-- John Gregory. a Scattered showers and cooler temperatures have marked the weather this week, after a pretty fair week-end. Mr. and -Mrs. R. Lafferty of Be Schumacher, visited relatives in Haileybury and New Liskeard over the week-end. Messrs. J. R. and Horace Whor- ley spent a few days in Timmins DA last week, on a visit to their i yy Mrs. Francis. 4 vv jun Remember the dance to be held Mecorrow! Friday evyening- in : Hotel Haileybury, under the aus- %) pices of the Rotary Club. 14 'E. E. Smith and Jack Gordon _ arrived in town this week from _ Matachewan district, where they have spent some months pros- pecting. Local sportsmen are preparing this week to make a drive on the ige, the short open season "en Monday' next, nome ctober 10th. Mr. Jos. Meredith has return- ed to town from the West Road extension, where he spent the past month, and is suffering from a severe cold. Rey. W. A. Beecroft, B.A., pas- tor of the Haileybury United Church, preached the anniversary sermon im the Latchford United Church on Sunday last. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, of For- ester's Falls, Ont., are in Hailey- bury for'a visit with their son, Mr. Gordon Ferguson, and Mrs. Ferguson, Browning Street. The autumn sale of Assaf & Company opened this morning at their Haileybury and _ Cobalt stores and will continue for some - days, with big bargains being of- fered. Mr. H. C. Byers, manager of the Dominion Store in Hailey- bury, left on Tuesday evening to spend a two-weeks holiday with friends and relatives in Sarnia and Detroit. The regular monthly meeting - of the Women's Missionary So- \ ciety of the United Church will be held at the home of Mrs. O. J. Thorpe, Main Street, on Thurs- day, October 13th ,at 3 p.m. _ The Haileybury Chapter, I.O. 'D.E. has arranged to hold a series of dances during the fall and winter months, in the Arinories "Hall. afhe opening dance will be held on Monday, October 17th. The regular monthly meeting of the Home and Foreign Mis- sion Circle of the Baptist Church will be held on Thursday, October 13th, at 3 p.m., at the home of DR. R. F. W. LUKE Medical Arts Building, Toronto, Specialist in Diseases of the Eye, ncluding Testing for Glasses, ba will be at the 'Grand Union Hotel, New Liskeard = from North-|~ |Mrs. Smith, North Cobalt, Stop 9. : || Pupils of the public and separ- ate schools are enjoying a two- |day holiday, while their teachers]; are attending the annual conven- tion of the South Temiskaming 'Teachers' Institute at New Lis- ikeard, today and tomorrow. | Fire Chief Joe Marcella and George Lemay, a member of the local brigade, attended the con- vention of the Temiskaming Fire- men's Association at Kirkland Lake on Monday and Tuesday. Rev. W. Hannington Crouch, of Ridgeway, Ont., with Mrs. Crouch and little daughter, Mary Beth, are holidaying in the North with friends in Haileybury and Elk Lake. Mrs. Crouch was formerly Miss Madge Aubert, a member of the public school staff here. } WEDDING BELLS Herron--Austin A lovely its setting and Mrs. autumn wedding had at the home of Mr. Wm. Robb, Moore's Cove, on Wednesday afternoon, September 28th, when Norma Jane, elder daughter of the late Mr. Norman Austin and Mrs. Austin was married to Lloyd Wil- son, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Herron of New Liskeard. A profusion of Fall flowers made the house very attractive for the ceremony at which the Rey. W. A. Beecroft of Hailey- bury officiated. The bride wore a youthful gown of lettuce green pebble crepe with black velvet jacket and turban. The bridal houquet consisted of butterfly roses and lily-of-the-valley. The bridesmaid, Miss Vera Austin, sister of the bride, wore a frock of pale pink flat crepe, and carried a nosesav of roses. The groom was supported by Mr. John England of New Liskeard. Immediately after the ceremony a dainty lunch was served. Re- latives and immediate -- friends were present to express their best wishes and goodwill to the young couple. Mr. and Mrs. Herron left later to make their home in Rouyn, Quebec; MOTHERS ARE INVITED TO BRING THEIR BABIES TO WELFARE CONFERENCE The mothers of infants and children of pre-school.age are invited to attend the Child Wel- fare Conference which is held every Thursday afternoon in the public health office at the Knights of Columbus Hall. The public health nurse in attendance there will advise mothers the care of infants and children. Literautre dealing with numer- ous phases of infant and child life is available, printed in English and. French. will be glad to discuss any prob- lems with mothers. Bring the baby--and watch his weight--is he making a grad- ual gain? Come to the Confer- afternoon at regarding| both} The nurse} $jof the Children's Aid Society | To Hold Series of D During Fall and Winter Months The Haileybury Chapter, I. O. D. E., has made plans for a ser- ies of dances to be held during the fall and winter months in the Armories Hall, the first of which will take place on Monday eyen- ing, October 17th. The ladies, who have done so much splendid work of a public service nature in town during past years, find that their funds are running low and, as they have several prob- lems facing them for the winter, have decided that the best way to replenish the treasury is by the means of entertainments of this nature. It is well known that they always provide good entertainment at their social af- fairs and the success of the com- ing series of dances may be taken as assured. Hold Meeting of Children's Aid Society on Tuesday Next meeting of Temiskaming will be held on Tuesday afternoon next, October The regualr monthly llth, in the Masonic Temple, Haileybury, at 3 o'clock. This is one day later than usual, the de- caused by the Thanksgiving holiday falling on Monday, which is the regular date. It is re- quested that all members of the Society, and any others interested will make a special effort to at- tend as there are several impor- tant items of business to be at- tended to. lay Relief Committee Extends Thanks for Help Received The Haileyburian has been ask- ed this week to publish a few words of thanks from the town relief committee for the response which has been made to the ap- peal for clothing for the families of the unemployed in town. Gen- erous donations of used clothing have been received and several families in reduced circumstances will profit from this. Those in charge are grateful to all citizens who have helped and wish also to extend thanks to the churches and other organizations which have come to the assistance of the ones in distress. There will be further calls made, 'it is fear- ed, and even now there is still need of clothing, which will be gratefully received. In Memoriam In proud and loving memory of No. 409696, Pte. Henry Childs, 13th Batt, R.C.H. Killed in action October 8th, 1916, at the Somme. Not Forgotten. -- Father, Mother and Family. REDUCED PRICES! Commencing October Ist ALL HAIRCUTS 25c¢ SHAVES ] 5c Kennedy's BarberShop ence any Thursday é any time between two and five Ferguson Ave., Haileybury o'clock. BY GRADUATE OF PHONE 137 EXPERT RADIO SERVICE RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA Graham McFarlane or WRITE P. O. BOX 266 sie ale. tlie elie alin alana alte a a a a a a a ee a ee Ye a adie allie alle ie adie tibet pie tlie oie adie le adie afliee adie allie od 10th! Township of Bucke NOMINATIONS q q q q q 4 q q TAKE NOTICE that the Nominations for the Office of 4 q q q q q q q 4 Councillor for the remainder of the year 1932, will be héld in the MUNICIPAL CHAMBERS, NORTH CO- BALT, from One o'clock to Two o'clock in the after- noon of Monday, October 10, 1932 If more than one candidate be nominated, that polling 2 will take place on Monday, October 17, 1932 F. MOUNTFORD, Township Clerk OBITUARY Alfred Olson Mr. and Mrs. August Olson, residents of the district a mile west of Haileybury, received a message yesterday morning to the effect that their son, Alfred, had died that morning in Mont- real, where he has spent the past three years, following his occu- pation of plasterer. They had received a letter written on Sep- tember 22nd last, to the effect that he was suffering from an attack of pleurisy, but as no fur- ther word came they had hoped that he was recovering. No par- ticulars were contained in the telegram received. Mr. Olson was 24 years old and was unmarried. He was well in this neighborhood where he had spent his boyhood and where he was a general favorite. He had completed his apprenticeship in the plastering trade here be- fore going to the city and was a steady, industrious young man. His body will be brought home for burial, but the funeral ar- rangements had not been com- pleted late yesterday. The Olson family has the sincere sympathy of all their friends. Samuel McAnaul A pioneer of the North, in the person of Samuel McAnaul, pass- ed away on Friday last, Septem- known to a large circle of friends]: ber 30th, at his home in North Cobalt, where he had been ill for the past year, suffering from a bronchial affection. He was 77 years of age and had been a resi- dent of Temiskaming for the past 27 years. Mr. McAnaul, who was born in Ardway, Que., came to the dist- rict in 1905, making the trip up Lake Temiskaming from Matta- wa by boat, with his wife and young family. At that time the D. & N. O. Railway had been built through this part of the district but travellers were still using the water route. He settled on a farm in Dymond Township where he continued for some _ years, later moving into New Liskeard when his health failed him. Since leaving the farm, he had follow- ed various occupations, chiefly as a carpenter, and some four years ago moved to North Cobalt. He is survived by his widow and a family of eight. There are two small boys, aged 5 and 10 years, and the others all grown to man- *tholiday hood and womanhood. The funeral was held on Mon- day afternoon, with the service in North Cobalt United Church, conducted by Rev. F. S. Milley, and interment in Silverland Cem- etery. A large number of friends and neighbors gathered to pay their last respects and to extend sympathy to the _ sorrowing widow and family. Next Monday, October 10th, will be Thanksgiving Day and will be generally observed as a throughout Canada. READ THIS House for Sale or Rent--4 bedrooms, large dining room, kitchen and parlor. Easy terms--small rent; nice lo- cality. Apply Bagshaw In- surance Office. Phone 48. For Rent--Six Roomed House on Browning Street. Phone 383. CHURCHES | The United Church ; Minister--W., A. Beecroft, B.A., B.D. Organist--Mr. R. H. Unwin etceee SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9th 11 a.m--Thanksgiving Service. Anthem, "I Will Magnify Thee." 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--'Favorite Hymns Theiz Stories,7 7 7/2 e The Baptist Church Rey. T. E. McAllister, Minister and 1] a.m.--Public Worship. The tend. reheat 2.30 p.m.-- --Bible ScHoolt Salvation Army Sunday Morning Service at 11. Sunday Evening Service at 7.30. Sunday School--2.30 p.m. acces public is cord ety SOS, to at For Rent--Seven Roomed House, all conveniences, 82 Lake Shore Road. Apply to Mrs. L. Nich- ols, 84 Lake Shore Road. 27tf Wanted -- Second-hand Shotgun, in good condition. Enquire at Haileyburian Office. 26-1-c Lost--on Main Street, West Road or near High School, leather tobacco pouch. Finder please return to Haileyburian Office. 26-1-* to Haileyburian Office. 27-2c' House For Sale--on Blackwall! Street, near Georgina. All con-} veniences. A real snap. Apply; BRING RESULTS i Wanted to Purchase--Cookstove, must be in good condition; reasonable. Apply at Kennedy's Barber Shop. 27-1-c For Sale or Rent--Furnished or unfurnished ; desirable residence 22 Brewster Street. Apply on premises to Mrs. E. W. Kear- ney, Phone 65. 22-t.f. W. E. Bagshaw, Insurance of all \ kinds; Automobile, Accident and Sickness a specialty. Best of Companies. Insure anything insurable. 15-t.f. Upholstering, Furniture Repair- ing, Car Covering and general work done at reasonable prices. Geo. Decarie, 44 Little Street, | East, Haileybury. 12-t.f. COBALT CLASSIG THEATRE: -- ONT ABI: FRIDAY and SATURDAY October 7th and 8th MONDAY and TUESDAY October 10th and 11th Tvesday, 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Friday, 7.15 p.m.--Junior Meeting. 8.00 p.m.--Y. P. Legion Meeting. All are cordially invited. Albert Gospel Hall ALBERT SEED Sunday, 11 a.m--Commemoration of the Lord's Supper. 3 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class 7 p.m--Gospel Meeting (Evangelistic) to which all-are cordially' invited. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Meeting for Prayer and Bible Study. 3 p.m.--Womien's Prayer Meeting. Women's Missionary Meeting, first Wednesday of each month; place of meeting arranged monthly. Steam Heated Apartments For Rent Living Room, Kitchen, Two Bedrooms and Bath, with Shower. In downtown build- ing, newly subdivided and decorated. Apply to F.R. Gibson Phone 21 English China CUPS AND SAUCERS Royal Doulton in nicely assorted patterns at *1.00 Other. Good er Makes : 50: --_-_-- es W. SANDERSON weler and Stationer The greatest melodrama ef the stage e+. OM THe SCREEN IM A BLAZE Q"Gtorvi Dolores Del Rio and Joel McCrea John Halliday, Creighton Chaney, Richard "Skeets" RKO-RADIO Picture Comedy--Our Gang in "SPANKIE" MICKEY MOUSE in "The Gro- cery Boy" Fox News No. 98, and "GALLOPING GHOSTS" No. | 11 "I Want to be as You Desire Me"! Thrills you as only beeches can With Melvyn Douglas, Erich von Stroheim, Owen Moore Comedy "Never the Twins," "Danc- ing Fool" and "Ireno" . Paramount News No. 13 Every Tuesday Night is DINNERWARE NIGHT WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, October 12th and 13th JAMES 3 [ DUNN SOCIETY GIRL SPENCER PEGGY SHANNON Fox Picture SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION "The Misleading Lady" With CLAUDETTE COLDERT, EDMUND LOWE, STUART ERWIN Comedy "All Sealed Up" a Para- mount Comedy Pat