HAIL EYEU RAN Page 7 THURS., NOVEMBER 3, 1932 wy, The Hooded Raider B Leslie McFarlane Pica a a ae : 4 elena alia 2itenanihan* q q q q q q q q q q q CHAPTER IX One Small Clue The doctor, bitten with curio- sity as to the method of Lawson's murder, heard the whole story next morning. "The confusing part of it," said Grant, "was that one murder was NOT committed by the Raider. That led me astray, Vl admit. Pettengill counted on using that confusion to his own advantage. Pettengill committed one mur- der; the Raider was guilty of the others--and_ Pettengill played directly into the Raider's hands." "You've told me, of course," said the doctor, "about Petten- gill's high-grading operations. He was double-crossing his own company, using Korman to get of the body of a dead man, of military appearance, whose clothing had evidently been has- tily changed, supported my sus- picions. "Then came the events in the garage. Korman had been try- ing to double-cross Pettengill. He had been entering the garage with the idea of stealing the gold stored in the secret room, but he had been frightened away by the Raider's attack on Pettengill. He came back, but Pettengill was suspicious when he knew I had chased an intruder from the gar- age, and he caught Korman in the act. The Raider, in the mean- time, knowing about the man who escaped from the garage and knowing that someone had murdered Norris, put two and the high-grade out of the mine, and Norris suspected him. Pet- tengill killed Norris?" "Yes. Using the same disguise as the Raider had adopted, he cut down across the slope after Nor- ris and Jensen left him at his home, and waited at the steep grade leading up to Norris' house. He swung himself onto the back of the car when it slowed down at the grade, shot Norris, and then escaped back to his own home. Thé crime, ostensibly, had been committed by the Raider. And this pleased the Raider a great deal, because it diverted suspicion from him very etfect- ively. The Raider, you see, was sitting with Norris in the car at the time." "Jensen!" Grant nodded. "Jensen was the Raider. That is--the man we knew as Jensen. The real Jen- sen, the man sent up here by Mounted Police Headquarters to assist me, was lying dead over on the Goldcrest property. The Raider had waylaid him, killed him, and changed clothes with him. I had never seen Jensen and I accepted him for what he pretended to be, a constable of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, uniform and all. He was then in a strategic position to proceed with his program of destruction." "But how," demanded the doc- tor, exasperated, did he kill Law- son? I'm still in the dark." "It was not until I examined the body of the real Jensen, over on the Goldcrest, that I became suspicious. Then I remembered something. I remembered that when Lawson went to answer the telephone he placed his cigar on the table. I also remembered that my pseudo-constable leaned against the table while Lawson was at the telephone.' ' "Well Ill be hanged! cigar!" "A few grains of the poison pressed against the moist end of the cigar, and the trick was done. Lawson came back to the table, put the cigar in his mouth, pick- ed up his cards and dropped dead. When I went back to the cabin early this morning I picked up the cigar from the floor and found the poison-trace, exactly as I had suspected." Grant swiftly reviewed the events of the night. "The Raider was fairly safe. For instance, when he tried to kill Pettengill outside the garage, he disappeared into the bushes when I fired at him. I gave chase. He wrenched off the hood and again became Jensen, the constable. I met him a few minutes later, os- tensibly coming to my assistance, and it never occurred to me_ to suspect anything wrong." "But when did you really get wise to him?" "When I saw the murdered man at the Goldcrest. It struck me that his appearance was rath- er military. He was in the clothes of a working man, but his hands were well cared for. But the Raider had made one big mistake. The dead man's boots were on the wrong feet! At once that indi- cated a change of clothing. And then I began to wonder about Jensen. It seemed certain that Lawson had been murdered by someone who was in-the cabin within a minute of his death, and I had no reason to suspect Pet- tengill, Korman or Norris. By the process of elimination, I con- sidered Jensen, and the discovery The two together and decided to in- |vestigate on his own account. |He probably listened at the trap door while Pettengill was _pre- paring for flight. Then he killed Pettengill and made his own get- away with the sack of gold." "Tf you suspected him, why didn't you arrest him when you went back to the office?" ; "T wanted to be sure.' I told him I planned to remain in hiding] at Lawson's. His natural -move, I thought, would be to get me out of the way and I was.giving him a splendid chance. Then I placed Lawson's body at the table, in my hat and uniform. The trap was baited. I opened the shutters and hid outside. The |Raider walked right into the |trap. We found the sack of gold, by the way, hidden in my own office this morning." | "He was confident that you | would never return." "T was depending on that con- |fidence" said Grant, grimly. He leaned back in his chair. "A pair of boots and a cigar. They brought about his downfall." Haileybury in 1925 Items from the Files of The Haileyburian of Seven Years Ago | Sleighing in October is a new experience from this part of the North, but Iast week-end about four or five inches of snow fell and sleighs were to be seen on the streets on Monday. The R.A. McInnis baseball trophy, emblematic of the cham- pionship of the Temiskaming Baseball League, has been pre- sented to the Haileybury Club, winners for this season. People of Haileybury learned with regret of the death of Capt. Arthur J. Nevill, of the Salvation Army, who was in charge of the local corps in 1922 and 1923. The latest summary of the el- ection results gives Liberals 101, Conservatives 117, Progressives 23, Labor 2, Independent 1 and in doubt 1. The results in this rid- ing were: Armstrong, Con., 5394, Lang, Lib. 4548, Welch, Labor- Prog., 1965. In Haileybury the vote was: Lang, 524; Armstrong 440; Welch, 59. Two field kitchens, donated by the people of Haileybury to the 37th Battalion in 1915, have been located in a private picnic ground not far from Toronto, according to a letter to the town council from W. M. Gladish, of the Ot- tawa Journal. The Council re- ferred the letter to the G.W.V.A. The usual number of kiddish pranks were played by young- sters of the town on Hallowe'en, YOUR LIVER'S MAKING YOU FEEL OUT OF SORTS Wake up your Liver Bile --No Calomel needed When you feel blue, depressed, sour on the world, that's your liver which isn't pouring its daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels. Digestion and elimination are being slowed up, food is accumulating and decaying inside you and making you feel wretched. Mere bowel-movers like salts, oil, minerat water, laxative candy or chewing gum, or roughage, don't go far enough. You need a liver stimulant. Carter's Little Liver Pills is the best one. Safe. Purely vege- table. Sure. Ask for them by name. Refuse 2 substitutes. 25c. at all druggists. 5: AWISIS, ADIN) 16) Leer. Meets Second and Fourth Mondays of each month in the 1.0.0.F. Temple j at 8.00 p.m. but nothing of a serious nature} has so far been reported. | INFANT WELFARE CLINIC i COLUMBUS HALL EACH THURSDAY Miss Kellett, of the Sailors' Inland Mission, reports donations from Haileybury people of $99.19, the largest amount ever collected here. BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL CARDS R. LeHeup, of Haileybury, has - been appointed to the Permanent 2 Board of the new training school for boys of the province, to be opened shortly at Bowmanville. Frederick Elliot BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Ontario and British Columbia Dr. Gordon F. Jackson PHYSICIAN and SURGEON 131 Bloor St. West TORONTO | At trifling cost N The NS CANADA STARCH CO., Limited, MONTREAL Saline IL 'CROWN BRAND' CORN SYRUP Nourishing and © Delicious Food c3§ Get Rid of That ORE THROAT! Any little soreness in the throat grows rapidly worse if neglected. Crush some tablets of Aspirin in some water, and gargle at once. 'This gives you instant relief, and reduces danger from infection. One good gargle and you can feel safe. If all soreness is not gone promptly, repeat. There's usually a cold with the sore throat, so take two tablets to throw off your cold, headache, stiffness or other cold symptoms. Aspirin relieves neuralgia, neuritis, too. Use it freely; it does not hurt the heart. O ASPIRIN TRADE-MARK REG. IN CANADA INVESTMENTS. LOANS, ETC. JORY BLOCK HAILEYBURY WecA' Gordon; KG; Telephones: Office--Kingsdale 5748 Residence--Hillcrest 2333 BUILT ITS REPUTATION RES ON CLEANLINESS BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Dr. R. H. O'Neill and NOTARY PUBLIC DENTIST ALWAYS HAS BEEN HIGH CLASS, MYLES BLOCK, MAIN STREET Liggett Block Main and Ferguson HAILEYBURY QUIET, COMFORTABLE, SPOTLESSLY HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO CLEAN AND MODERN IN EVERY DETAIL. Phone--Office 11, Residence 132 Dr. W. R. Somerville DENTIST IF, IL, Siamlllayy, IKIC. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC CROWN ATTORNEY HAS ONE OF THE FINEST DINING ROOMS IN CANADA; YOU WILL ENJOY THE TASTY INEXPENSIVE FOOD. From Depot or Wharf Conrt House Main Street Haileybury Bank of Nova Scotia Building take De Luxe Taxi 25c MAIN & FSRGUSON HAILEYBURY R Single $1.50 to $3,00 Grr Tuer Ence ; AL!S Double $3.00 to $5.00 BARRISTER SOLICITOR ric E. Smith NOTARY PUBLIC Bank of Nova Scotia Building HAILEYBURY. ONT PHONP 60 William C. Inch oh cout ae. PIANO TUNING Hote. WAVERLEY Spadina Avenue and College Street Practical Instruction in Violin Playing given at your home VIOLINS SOLD AT REASONABLE PRICES BOX 556 NEW LISKEARD BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, and NOTARY PUBLIC K. M. Stephen 77 Browning Street Life, Health, Accident, Fire, Automobile HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO INSURANCE The Mutual Life Assurance Co of Canada JACK RYDER The General Accident Assurance Co. of Canada PLUMBING, HEATING Several First Class Fire Companies and REPAIRING 60 Browning St. HAILEYBURY Phone 322 Phone 207, Blackwall Street. Your Complete Satisfaction is My Guarantee + Write for folder & Canadian Legion HAILEYBURY BRANCH No. 54 of Tare Cod Liver Extract STOPS COUGHS Saxton Electric Blackwall Streer Phone 243 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS CONTRACTS ESTIMATES Meets in Club Room on Browning Street First Wed. of Each Month, at 8 p.m. ALL RETURNED MEN WELCOME Treasurer's Sale of Lands For Taxes Town of Haileybury TO Wald: By virtue of a Warrant issued under the hand of the Mayor of the Town of Renten bir: ind the Seal of the Corporation of the said Town, bearing date the 10th day of August 1932 'and ee directed commanding me to levy upon the several parcels of land hereinafter described Gy e tl > ae rears of taxes respectively due thereon, together with all costs thereof, I hereby give notice 'ites ae suant to the provisions of the Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1927, Chapter 238, and any amendment these to, I shall on Monday, the 14th day of November, 1932, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the tee M2 se= the Municipal Offices, Ferguson Avenue, proceed to sell the said lands or so much thereof as pon a necessary to discharge such arrears of taxes and all costs thereof unless such arrears and bei ve been sooner paid. ee sts have Gud 7h > FINS Dated at Haileybury this 10th day of August, 1932. H. CLIFFORD, Treasurer. Plan No. Street Arrears of Taxes Lot No. Expenses Fees Total Owner E. pt. 4---M-13J Broadway --- $ 133.01 $ 3.32 SAGO SIGMOS 22 Fred. Elliot Ty SSOMeISKS Main' 2-22 9 * 187.96 270) 260 it9)5) Soy oie a Mrs. P. Martin C. pt. 21 M-13M Ferguson Av. 653.30 16.33 2.60 Core IG sega 3. _--M-13N Main 736.86 18.42 2.60 ee RR Hennes E. pt. 4_--M-13N Main -- 270.05 6.75 2.60 P72 ae Miss E, Candy W. pt. 4--M-13N. Main 180.03 4.50 2.60 evi Cae Mies M.C, Blaee 14, 15, 16.-M-13Q Marcella ---- 379.56 9.49 2.60 SINGH, 5c gee ae ceemieitib: (G2 pt. 1-22 M-46 Marcella ---_- 105.23 2.63 2.60 TIO46 2225 -- Mrs. H. Pop »leton W. pt. 1---M-46 Marcella -.-. 430.42 10.76 2.60 OS, Lin ea Boiatonsnile 13 _-_-M-46 Meridian Av.- 696.54 17.41 2.60 Picts mendes Re Tera nee N. pt. 21 & SE A ie a S. pt. 22--M-46 Meridian Av.. 261.93 6.55 2.60 AZO Stee cua a 3, G unistale 25. __-M-46 Meridian Av.- 87.57 2.19 2.60 Se iis BO Se Wm .Watson S497 _..M-46 Georgina Av.- 129.08 323) 4 2160 GHG 1, SAT SMRET Ie A. McMaster 128 __-M-46 Marcella ----- 429.18 10.73 2.60 442.51 TE ey, Roe 131 _--M-46 © Marcella ---- 791.88 19.79 2.60 alana 0 JG. Giberia me Wine cecil 2 SID ABs 4 Bode esROMe eR eeiialts E. pt. 31--M-46 Meridian Av.- 887.80 22.19 2.60 Si 2 5Ovseae REE asi ogres 139, 141 _-M-46 Marcella ---- 111.09 Dapp RW) 11646 ne eee G. Patterson 151 _-_M-46 Rorke Ave -- 177.63 4.44 2.60 184.67 --_ Mrs. J. McDonough 176 ---M-46 Blackwall --- 1002.50 25.06 2.60 LOZ0 Gee oe et Te elec 199, 200 __.M-46 Russell _---- 186.78 467 2.60 194.05 -_-..-_ R. J. Creighton Bo SEER Blithe ssa. 57.43 1.43 2.60 NC NR te AUERIER 54-57 ___M-73 Broadway ---- 29.46 ff 2.60 32.79 ____ Mrs. H. R. Ledyard ya. BeeNie730 6 Amwell So =-- 3.64 25 2.60 6.49 _ Mrs. A. Hammerstrom 123 ~..M-73 Rausselh ose se-- 195.04 4.87 2.60 ZO GAS A sors Sata Wm. Boyce Bg BeME7 3 a Cecile snes 81.07 2.02 2.60 85.69 __ __ Non-Resident 302, 303--_M-73 Georgina Av.- 606.48 15.16 2.60 C2424 Pees D. Hughes S¥% 41_--M-50 Lake Shore Rd. 8.44 25 2.60 29: Ses ee) Geo. Brooks 73 _-M-105 Champlain --- 3.46 25 2.60 6.31 -___ Mrs. Sweet Estate 85) --M-105 Champlain ---- 31.57 79 2.60 SEH: eee. oe W. Gagnon 3, 4 -_-M-105 Browning --- 153.70 3.84 2.60 0) ae Jas. McLean 55 _-M-128 Fourth Ave.-- 5.20 29 2.60 BOo eos seo ee A. Camley 59 _.M-128 Georgina Av.- 3.46 4) 2.60. 6.31 --. A. Camley 128 __M-128 WhirdtAve. 2--- 5:25 BZD 2.60 yO Wei yu A. Camley 199, 201,205 M-128 Rorke Av. 70.23 1.75 2.60 FACS tan tN A. I. Luscomb Oe PP ReNIEW7. 4 Hirst Sts e2-4- 8.90 e285 2.60 W175i as ae H. A. Leask 45 _--M-58 Lawlor - 132.45 3.31 2.60 138.36 Jacob Noel 6Oy 2=sME58 Bits es) eee 6.76 25 2.60 foto) een Narcisse Labarge 2 __-M-48 Meridian Av.- 91.39 2.28 2.60 96.07 Heabaes Miss C: Moore AS FAAS > Little 2222 31.57 79 2.60 4°06 aieeke, Rev. E. J. McCoy 183, 185, 188 M-48 Albert St. --- 226.68 8.16 2.60 327.44) 2 ee ee D. Callaghan {6N17) 25-304 Elliott) 2s2-=- 50.40 1.26 2.60 Caen 8 W. E. McCagherty Rae 2-30) Albert. 2=---2---- 27.00 67 2.60 30)27 22 Ee Bertrand 110 _-_M-30 L. Shore Rd. - 10.53 26 2.60 13:39" see E. Hargreaves 7115 °-_-M-30 Lawlon St; === 178.99 4.47 2.60 185.97 _.- E. Hargreaves 8 _---M-37 Browning. --- Dorlas, 1.46 2.60 62:07 eh Se A. Gibson 48, 49 _.-M-37 Probyn -.---- 555.26 13.88 2.60 571,74 eee J. D. McDonald Sty. 2M-54 Rorke Ave. -- 279.99 7.00 2.60 209.09 cha bo eee Felix Daigle 83 _-.M-54 Rorke Ave. -- ZiSiZ5 5.33 2.60 Zee Rae _. Non-Resident 84 __.M-54 , Rorke Ave. -- 120.70 3.02 2.60 Waa aoe _. Chas. Osman 85 .__-M-54 Rorke Ave. -- 154.57 3.86 2.60 ios 0) ae, A. P. Dunbar 125 _-_M-54. Latchford. -_- 234.84 5.87 2.60 DARA, sie, es Robt. Howard 168, 169.-M-54 Hardy Ave.-- 130.38 3.26 2.60 136,24 _. _-- Geo. Brooks 167 ---M-54 ' Hardy Ave. -- 69.68 1.74 2.60 74.02:___-_-.-.. J. H. Brown 167 ___M-82 _ Latchford _--- 47.79 1.19 2.60 SANG eee aa Fred. Elliot 126 -_--M-54 Latchford ---- 99.23 2.48 2.60 LO4F Gitte Mrs. E. Brown 5, 6, 15, 16, 25, 26 M-105 Wendigo & Winneway 25.80 65 2.60 A ae oy Sn ge J. H. Brown 35, 36, 45, 46, 56-58 M-105 Wendigo & Winneway 37.28 93 2.60 HONG Te a Se J. H. Brown .|68, 69, 70, 92, 93, 94, M-105 Wendigo & Winneway 45.61 1.14 2.60 QO BD be 55 ste J. H. Brown 104, 1C5, 116, 117, 128, 129 Wendigo & Winneway 32.87 82 2.60 B62) see es J. H. Brown